Read The Lord of the Clans Page 16

  It seemed her mention of a harlot put ideas into his mind. The veiled lust glowing in his eyes triggered her desire as she watched the full lips that had kissed and fondled her wet folds. The tantalising sight of his mouth made her wonder. If men licked pussies, did women also suck cocks?

  The tent belonging to the leader of the resistance was the wrong place to inquire about such private matters. They were alone, for the time being, and she’d never been one to wait for the right thing to say at precisely the right moment. Fretful with the need to know, she tilted her head.

  “I’d like to ask you something before he comes back.”

  “Go ahead.”

  “I was wondering if women also...huh, well, you know...if they also licked men’s private parts.”

  His face appeared to freeze. His sudden stiff posture made him look like an ice statue and spurred in her mind the vision of his long, rigid cock. How long did they stay silent? When he didn’t seem about to give her an answer, but just sat there like a frozen war god, she began to worry.

  “What? What did I say?”

  He finally expelled a long breath. Then he squared his shoulders and cleared his throat before dropping a hand over his lap.

  “You said too much, given that we can’t act on it. You’re betrothed, yet you mate with me. Then you won’t touch me, but you keep turning me on with your questions. What do you want, Ariana?”

  He sounded cold and hot at the same time, ready to slap her and on the brink of crushing her against him.

  “I don’t want anything. I’m just asking.”

  “Well, stop, because next time I might not be so patient with you.”

  The leader of the resistance barged into the tent. He came back to the bench without giving any sign that they both looked awkward, and spread a parchment over the desk.

  “Forgive me. I hope we won’t be interrupted anymore because I’d like you to take a look at this chart.”

  The map of the Four Kingdoms. Back to reality, she leant forward when he indicated a spot situated in the top half of the crude design.

  “We’re here. According to my wizard, the Darkening will happen over there. Fortunately, it’s an unpopulated area.”

  He moved his finger toward the top edge of the map, over a vast expanse that she had no name for. Cameron brought the chart closer to him.

  “The North? Are you sure?”

  “Yes. I also thought it strange when my wizard told me because there’s nothing there, except freezing weather.”

  “That’s the right place.”

  Once more, both men swivelled their heads toward her when she spoke, their intrigued gazes studying her.

  “I felt a terrible coldness in my dream. That’s where I have to go.”

  An ominous silence lengthened between the three of them until the leader of the resistance finally nodded.

  “Lady Ariana, whatever you need is yours. I shall accompany you on this dangerous path with as many of my men as you deem necessary.”

  His genuine and vibrant offer moved her. Although a simple healer, she now possessed the power to dictate the fate of a whole band of warriors, including their leader. Still, she sensed he could do nothing for her, even though the visions of annihilation settled at the far back of her mind.

  The Darkening was waiting for her. She alone had the means to fight it, providing she had them at all.

  “Thank you, but that won’t be necessary.”

  “As you wish. If you change your mind, the offer still stands.”

  “I’ll remember that.”

  She cast a glance at the Lord of the Clans. As his cold face didn’t betray any of his thoughts, she wondered if he’d take her north after the weird scene that had just passed between them.

  She couldn’t succeed in her quest without him, yet she wouldn’t beg. His eyes set on his war ally, he stood up as if an urgent call required his attention.

  “We’d better leave before sundown.”

  His sudden move startled her but didn’t seem to surprise the leader of the resistance, who also got to his feet.

  “I’m glad we had the opportunity to meet today, Lord Cameron. If we survive this Darkening and you ever need the resistance, my men and I will be in Palance for the next moons.”

  “I won’t forget.”

  He circled the bench before tilting his face with the expression of a man who had just recalled an important detail.

  “Have you heard of a village called Frahern?”

  “We went through that place yesterday. It lays just a few leagues west. You can’t miss it. I’d say less than two hours ride.”

  The leader led the short distance to the entrance of the tent. Before letting them out, he inclined his head slightly.

  “Farewell, Lady Ariana. I wish you the best of luck on your journey, and may the Mighty Gods keep you safe.”

  “Thank you. It’s been a real pleasure to meet you.”

  She wrenched her gaze away from the mesmerising green eyes and got out of the tent before her tendency to drool got the better of her. Their means of transportation waited just outside, tied to a post. While she went to unfasten the bridle of her horse, she cast a glance back toward the tent.

  The Lord of the Clans and the leader of the resistance clasped forearms. So strong, so reliable, they roused in her the image of two titans intent on saving the world. Then Cameron called him the something of Palance, but she didn’t catch the name with the hubbub from the camp.

  Fingers tangled in her horse’s mane, she took one long, last look at the gorgeous man who had just placed his trust in her. If it wasn’t already the case, he’d make a special woman very happy someday.

  Cameron joined her as soon as she mounted and headed for the heart of the meadow, away from the camp.

  “Come on, Ariana. We can be in Frahern by nightfall.”

  He set a trotting pace and they rode abreast without exchanging a single word, given that he didn’t appear in a talkative mood. Was he still sulking over her so-called inappropriate question? She couldn’t dwell on that now, but needed to reflect on everything she had learned. The Darkening was real, and the time to face her nightmare knocked on her door. Would he stay with her?

  The thought of going north alone dried her mouth and drained her of courage. She wasn’t brave. She'd agreed to throw her life away because they believed her to be the great power and, also, to impress them. Now that show time was over, dread seeped in her bones to leave her weak and scared.

  She wanted to ask him before they reached Frahern, even though she sensed he wasn’t in the mood for any more of her questions. The words wouldn’t come out, in spite of her resolve.

  “Cameron, do you have any idea why the leader of the resistance kept calling me Lady Ariana?”

  Her inquiry brought a subtle air of relaxation to his face. Reins in one hand, he cast her a brief glance.

  “Because he assumes we’re married.”


  The unexpected explanation sped up her pulse. Married to the Lord of the Clans. To the man who had given her the orgasm. She tightened her thighs to squash the exciting pictures filling her mind, but the abrupt movement confused her horse. Taking her cue, he careered down the meadow.

  Hair flying, she felt propelled backward. A cry passed through her lips. Hanging on to the reins, she clenched her muscles to straighten up and find her balance again. She heard Cameron gallop after her. When he caught up with her wild horse, he seized the bridle, and brought them to a halt.

  “I’d never have imagined that the notion of being married to me could cause such a strong reaction.”

  Damn him and his sense of humour. Yet as much as he annoyed her, she was overjoyed to see the familiar merry twinkle back in his eyes. She breathed hard and raised a hand to her pulsating throat.

  “I twisted my foot in the stirrup, nothing more.”

  “I understand. These unfortunate incidents have a way of happening when you least expect them, don’t they???

  He eyed her hair in disarray, then the irregular rise of her chest. Sticking her chin out, she took hold of the leather straps again.

  “Let’s get to Frahern.”

  When he clucked his tongue, she wondered if he was voicing a command to his horse or inwardly laughing at her. The beautiful meadow soon gave way to flat grounds, and still she hadn’t asked the question.

  While he fixed a point ahead, she realised stalling would only distress her even more. Perhaps even taint her days and nights. In spite of the pain, she’d rather endure a clean, deep cut than a suppurating wound.

  “I’ll be going north as soon as I've ascertained that my aunt is well. I’d have been lost without you, and I appreciate everything you did for me. Obviously, I wish you to be my guide to wherever I’m supposed to go, but I understand you have other responsibilities and not much time to spare.”

  “True enough.”

  Not the answer she badly needed to hear. Palms damp around the reins, she tried to sound anything but desperate.

  “Does it mean you aren’t coming with me?”

  “And miss out on all the fun? I don’t think so. Like it or not, Ariana, you’re stuck with me until the end.”

  The end of their quest, or the end of their world? She didn’t care right now because he’d escort and protect her. More to the point, she wouldn’t be alone. He’d stand by her, however frightening the quest turned out to be. Spirits higher, she trotted alongside him.

  They reached the outskirts of a village a while later. With the last of daylight, the place seemed already quiet.

  As they advanced toward a pretty fountain, she spotted a middle-aged man shuffling along the street with the aid of a very long walking stick. She slowly pushed her horse toward him.

  “Excuse me, is this Frahern?”

  “Aye, it is.”

  “Could you tell me where I might find Moyna the healer?”

  From up close, the man looked older than she had first thought. He bobbed his head while gesturing past the fountain.

  “Follow this pathway right down to the back. Hers is the last house before the edge of the forest.”

  “Thank you.”

  They found the house without any difficulties. Deciding to leave the horses up front for the time being, she dismounted and knocked while Cameron came to stand next to her. The prospect of seeing her aunt after so many years filled her with joy now that she was finally here.

  Yet when the door opened, she couldn’t help but gasp at the person standing in the candlelight.


  Chapter Twenty-Four

  “Ariana! I’m so glad to see you, my child.”

  “So am I.”

  Wrapped in a big hug, dazed by this turn of event, she stood still until released from the thin arms.

  “But I don't understand. How come you’re here?”

  The Lord of the Clans moved forward, his huge stature blocking the light from any outside viewer. She realised introductions had become compulsory when she felt his hand on her shoulder.

  “Cameron, this is my shaman.”

  Although he muttered a few words that sounded like “what were the odds?”, he spoke too low for her mentor to hear his wry repartee. At least she hoped so. She put a smile on her face and stepped inside.

  “Shaman, this is our Lord.”

  The gaunt man’s eyes widened as he raised his head to look at his ruler. If astonishment had a face, it would have been his in this particular moment. Then he recovered and bowed.

  “I’m honoured to meet you, my lord.”

  Cameron probably didn’t feel as honoured because he all but ushered the three of them into the house before closing the door.

  “We need to talk, shaman.”

  “I am at your service, my lord.”

  This wasn’t going the way she had planned. Unwilling to let the men launch into an endless discussion, she took her shaman’s hand.

  “Where’s my aunt? How is she?”

  “She’s gone out with her husband, but they’ll be back shortly. I can assure you she’s fine. I treated her as soon as I got here.”

  “Thank the Mighty Gods.”

  “Ariana, I left home a few hours after you. I meant to catch up with you on the road, but I never found you. I’ve been here for four days now, and I must say I was getting really worried. Where have you been?”

  First, she wasted three days riding due north instead of west, until she stumbled upon Cameron’s warrior clan and got locked up in chains. Then they had been delayed at both temples.

  “I’m afraid I got a little lost.”

  “I feared something like this would happen. That’s why I changed my mind and rode after you.”

  “Well, I’m all right, thanks to our Lord. But I’m so happy to see you, shaman, and I have so many things to tell you.”

  Cameron nudged her back so lightly that she wondered if she had really felt a poke. Yet as his finger lingered against her body, she recalled his previous warnings and went quiet. Who knew his trust issues might prove well-grounded after all. In any case, she’d already picked her side.

  “Shaman, how about you make some tea while we wait for my aunt? Is there a place we can refresh?”

  “Dear Creators, I’m not the perfect host, am I?”

  “You're doing fine.”

  He backed away to give them some space, looked at their dusty clothes, and gestured toward the back of the house.

  “You’ll find everything you need through that door. Meanwhile, I’ll go make some tea. You must be dead tired after your long journey.”

  “I am, for one.”

  As he left them to head toward the kitchen corner, she turned round and whispered to Cameron.

  “You believe we can’t trust him, don’t you?”

  “For now, yes. Listen, I’ll take the horses and set up camp at the edge of the forest while you get cleaned up. Don’t speak to him or to anyone else, and don’t get out of that room until I’m back. Is that clear?”

  “As clear as water.”

  “Good. Now, go!”

  “Would you mind bringing me my saddlebags?”

  He went outside while she followed her shaman’s instructions and opened the door. To her delight, the small room contained everything she needed to feel clean again. When Cameron came back, he dropped her bags on the floor.

  “There. I’ll be right back.”

  She grinned at him, feeling like they were two conspirators against the whole world. Then he left her alone and she set to work. She used cold water on a white cloth to wipe sweat off her naked body.

  Once she felt crispy clean, she put on a fresh shirt and a fluid skirt before she smoothed her long hair. The sometimes painful brushing took her a great while as the wind had pretty much tangled her hair into a turbulent mass. She managed it just in time to hear a knock on the door.

  “Come on in.”

  Cameron’s gaze travelled down to her skirt as she stood ready for a pleasant evening in her aunt’s company. He'd always seen her wearing the so comfortable men’s pants she favoured for riding, but tonight she wanted to look good for Moyna. To have her recall the little girl she used to be.

  He must have found a stream or a river in the forest because he’d changed and shaved. Deprived of the light, fair stubble, the straight line of his jaw drew her attention and she had to squeeze the hairbrush to avoid caressing his scar. His eyes glinted while he detailed the curve of her hips. His scrutiny making her nervous, she picked up her saddlebags to stuff the brush inside.

  “Is my aunt back?”

  “Not yet. Come, let’s have a talk with your mentor.”

  “All right.”

  A nice fire blazed in the hearth. They sat down around the kitchen table while her shaman poured tea.

  “Here, my child. This will do you good.”


  As they all sipped the hot beverage, she wondered how long it would take for the hostilities to begin.
The Lord of the Clans swallowed as if he’d choke on the drink, and her shaman watched him with a guarded look. When the heavy silence started to make her skin itch, her mentor put his mug down.

  “I’m sure Moyna will lodge you tonight.”

  “There’s no need. I set up a tent in the forest.”

  Glad that neither man had a weapon at hand, she nevertheless tensed. The battle had begun, and she might lose more than she anticipated. She glared at them over the rim of the mug. Whatever issue they intended to fight over, she wouldn’t be a part of it.

  “With all due respect, my lord, Ariana is as yet unmarried. Her sleeping in your tent would be deemed inappropriate.”

  “By whom?”

  Her shaman looked taken aback by the simple question. Well, he was about to meet the Lord of the Clans. Good luck to him.

  “Moyna, for a start, and, I guess, the villagers.”

  “Unless her aunt is a dimwit, she’ll figure out exactly where, and with whom, Ariana has spent the last few nights. As for the villagers, I don’t think they’ll raise an eyebrow given that Ariana lives all the way across Borgom.”

  “What about her promised? I’m certain he wouldn’t look favourably on this compromising situation.”

  “He’ll still do as I say.”

  Kelton’s face pervaded her mind at the mention of his name. His soft, brown eyes gazing at her, the lilted smile he had every time he came to see her, the happy sound of his voice when they’d made their pledge. He held only respect for her and he didn’t deserve to be made a fool. In spite of her desires, she placed a hand on Cameron’s forearm to catch his attention.

  “If it’s all right with you, I don’t mind staying here tonight.”

  The intense look he shot her physically hurt. Pain jabbed at her heart and stomach like the sharpest knife and spasms wrenched her guts. As she abruptly realised the enormity of her slip-up, she read in his eyes the emotion she dreaded to ever see there. Betrayal.

  He’d believed, protected and supported her from the very first moment, yet she had just chosen Kelton over him. What’s more, had done so right in front of her shaman. With his stinging stare fixed on her, he removed his arm from under her hand.