Read The Lord of the Clans Page 24

  “That way.”

  “Very good. You’re improving.”

  Perhaps he was making fun of her sense of direction, but the compliment touched her anyway.

  “Anything to please my lord.”

  The slant of his lips brushed aside all thoughts of hollowness. He prompted his horse toward the place she’d indicated, and she went after him.

  They didn’t go through the wooded area for very long. She soon saw wider gaps in the trees, heard the loud gurgles of the river, and felt proud of her ever-in-progress tracking skills.

  True, the wooden bridge was nowhere in sight when they reached the bank, but she wouldn’t be deterred from such an insignificant detail. Brow furrowed, she waved her hands to signal an empty spot.

  “There should be a bridge.”


  “Right here. Maybe it was destroyed during the night.”


  He uttered a deep sigh, but his eyes gleamed with fun. Veering toward the high hills, he pressed her to follow the bank while he brought up the rear. They trotted for a while before coming across a different bridge, larger, a shade darker, and with more solid planks.

  Then they were back on the vast plain and galloping toward the last place in the Four Kingdoms she wanted to go to.

  They rode through the day. A drizzle began to fall in the middle of the afternoon, wetting their coats and dampening her spirits, especially at the thought of spending the night under the rain.

  They reached the foot of the high hills by early evening. From up close, the peaks towered over them, and she couldn’t deny the fact that she was looking at a range of mountains. The Shrouded Mountains.

  Shivering from cold despite the heavy coat she wore, blinking to disperse droplets of rain, she heaved a relieved breath as she discerned the outskirts of a town. She silently thanked the Mighty Gods for this stroke of luck when he headed straight for the settlement.

  They rode into the town and passed the main gates just as night spread its obscure veil over the countryside. He halted the horses in the middle of what resembled the main street to ask directions.

  The two men sitting on a bench and smoking pipes gestured toward the top of the cobbled pathway.

  “You’ll find the best inn up there on the other side of the church. It goes by the name of The Roasted Boar. You can’t miss it.”

  “Thank you. And what is this town called?”


  Very fitting for such a dreary place. They found the tavern at once and left the horses in the stables across the street. Her belly rumbled as the owner gave them the key to their room. Situated on the first floor, the place looked clean and would be warm as soon as flames blazed in the fireplace.

  Cameron took care of the fire while she lit some candles. The room looked cosy when they went back downstairs for something to eat. Although they picked a table in the corner of the main room, patrons noticed them. They all seemed to give their attention to the two travellers entering the dining room, and their challenging stares disturbed her.

  She knew they were seeing a giant of a man when they looked at her, but she wasn’t used to this kind of silent provocation and she didn’t like it one bit. She resented it even more when she saw unguarded lust shining in their eyes as they gawked at Cameron.

  Completely unruffled by their attitude, he attacked his meal with gusto. She followed suit at a slower pace, all the while trying to ignore the stares focused on them. The salty fish stung her tongue and made her eyes water, yet she ate as if this dinner would be her last.

  Tomorrow remained in the shadows.

  The pie tasted too sweet, but she didn’t mind that either. Better have a full stomach to cross unknown territories and face darkness.

  It didn’t occur to her that they didn’t exchange a single word until the end of the meal. When he pushed his plate back with a satisfied expression, she took a moment to observe him.

  His eyes gleamed with a light she couldn’t fathom, and his relaxed features didn’t reflect weariness in spite of their long ride. Curious as to what put him in such a good mood, she leaned across the table.

  “Is everything all right?”

  “Fine, although that fish made me thirsty. Come on, let’s go upstairs. Tomorrow might be eventful and we need to rest.”

  He grabbed the pitcher of water before heading toward the stairs. Still intrigued by the funny twinkles in his eyes, she followed him to their room. A warm fire welcomed them as they stepped inside. He put the pitcher down on the table while she closed the door.

  Then he sat on the large pallet to kick off his shoes. They banged against the floorboards, but the thumping noise didn’t seem to bother him. With a smile on his face, he tapped the covers.

  “Come over here, Ariana.”

  “Why? I don’t feel sleepy yet.”

  “Neither do I.”

  Chapter Thirty-Six

  Apprehension squeezed her throat. Although she stared at her former face, she recognised the signs instantly. Surely she was mistaken, and he didn’t mean what she feared he did. She frowned, hands behind her back.

  “I don’t understand.”

  “I think you do.”

  With an excited look, he crooked his finger at her and air left her lungs. This couldn’t be happening. They had an evil darkness to destroy, but instead of making plans for the final battle, he wanted to frolic in the pallet. She took a step back. His eyes glinted with anticipation as he stood up.

  “I want to do it.”

  Yes, yes, yes, she got that. No, no, no, she wouldn’t let him. She’d have jumped at the proposition before the body swap, but not now. How could she touch and caress the body she was born with? How could she drive the thing attached to her hairy groin right into his... Oh, Dear Creators!

  “You must be joking.”

  His grin curved a dimple in his cheek. Although he didn’t move, she felt his need to come closer, to lay his fingers on her.

  “I’ve never been more serious.”

  “Yes, I can see that. But you must realise our bodies have been exchanged. We can’t possibly mate under these conditions.”

  “Why not? Aren’t you the tiniest bit curious about how it would feel?”

  “Not particularly.”


  He had a point. She hadn’t wondered about mating until he pronounced the words out loud, but the idea tugged at her mind now. What would it feel like? Her skin tingled and her pulse quickened, yet the notion seemed too strange to consider. She backed away when he finally moved toward her.

  “Let me convince you.”


  He halted his steps. She couldn’t believe it, but he actually backed away to the bed. Why? Had he changed his mind just because she said no? Well, that would be a first. She studied his blank features cautiously in spite of his apparent obedience. Although she didn’t glean any information there, her breath appeared to get caught in her throat.

  Why did she feel so edgy when he did nothing but look at her with a pensive expression? Probably because she knew he always got what he wanted, whatever the circumstances. As she reflected on his stubbornness, he passed his shirt over his head and pulled down his pants.

  Had she really envisioned for a split instant that she might win this battle? If so, she must be a complete fool. The body she once owned gleamed in the warmth of the candlelight. She stood frozen, unable to take her eyes off him. He bent over to get rid of his pants, and she winced from the harsh rhythm of her heart. Once naked, his grin reappeared as he stretched out his hand.

  “Come closer, Ariana.”

  Her feet were rooted to the floor. Regardless of the body he inhabited, the propensity to discard his clothes was still strong in him. She didn’t reach for his hand, so he jumped onto the pallet and sprawled on the covers. Flat on his back, legs apart, he regarded her with an expectant look.

  Her gaze travelled down from his firm, full breasts to the curly
bush between the top of his thighs. She blinked. Warmth coursed through her as he took hold of his pink nipples and began a gentle rubbing. Something felt worse than the hot sensation running over her. Far worse.

  Her penis shifted. Although constrained in her tight pants, the flesh seemed to swell without her permission. To swell and call for the displayed pussy. Dear Gods, she couldn’t have that. She blew out a constricted breath when she saw him glance down at her crotch and grin.

  “You want me. I knew it.”

  Happy as a well-fed squirrel, he shot her a winning look while he carried on twirling his nipples between thumb and forefinger. The sight of his hands caressing the breasts that rightfully belonged to her ticked her off.

  “I’ve already told you I forbid you to touch me. For the love of the Creators, why won’t you listen?”

  “You’re going to play it angry now? I guess it would be funny if we didn’t have better things to do.”

  “We don’t. Please take your hands off me.”

  “Come and make me.”

  She fought off the urge to run to him. To spread his legs apart and shove her dick into his deep, welcoming folds. She gasped as the sudden, compelling need forced her to take a step toward the pallet. Her penis throbbed, the stiffening shaft pressing against the fabric of her pants. He looked at her as though he knew exactly what she was feeling before he beckoned her to him.

  “Forget about what we should or shouldn’t do, Ariana. I know what’s in your head, but these are extraordinary circumstances, and we have the fantastic opportunity to make the most of them. Our coming together is neither deed nor sin, but a man and a woman taking comfort in each other.”

  His sensible speech almost toppled her over the edge. Those were the exact words she needed to hear to let go of her anxiety. Wouldn’t the Creators strike her down if she committed a sin? Nonetheless, he was right. Their bodies might have been exchanged, but they hadn’t asked for it. They were only victims trapped in a grand scheme devised by the Ancients and they couldn’t be blamed.

  Yet, she hesitated. What if she deluded herself into thinking she’d been chosen by higher powers to fulfil a prophecy? What if their present condition had nothing to do with the will of the Ancients but simply with her shaman meddling with magic forces he didn’t understand, and had no right to wield?

  Cameron slid one of his hands over his belly, and her heart skipped a beat. She flinched as her member pushed against the buttons of her pants. Slumped on the bed, palm hovering over his thatch of hair, he acknowledged the hardening lump with a nod before peering into her eyes.

  “By the Mighty Gods, look at you. Don’t you think you’ve wavered long enough? You’re as horny as a young stallion, and I don’t want you damaging my body. Please, let my cock out.”

  Could she really hurt that sensitive part of him if she kept on denying the cravings burning her loins? She guessed the answer didn’t matter because she was already unbuttoning her pants. As if her rational mind had been put to sleep, she got rid of her boots and clothes. He watched her slow movements, anticipation lighting his eyes, and propped himself up in a sitting position.

  “Damn! Aren’t I a big stud in rut?”

  She clearly recalled what he looked like naked, and she couldn’t agree more. As she glanced down to admire her broad chest and flat stomach, the sight of her long erection made her blood boil. It wanted to touch the woman lying on the bed, to rub her insides and die within her sheath.

  All of a sudden, she understood what it meant to be a man. She grasped why they always appeared randy, even when the situation didn’t call for mating. Because the penis ruled. Because resisting this overpowering urge for penetration was impossible. Too hard. Too violent.

  She didn’t feel like the guardian of her body, but its prisoner. The hard-on pulling at her crotch infused her limbs with raw lust, dominated her brain and strove toward a single goal: the pussy.

  Well beyond desire, the irresistible sensation turned her into a raunchy creature. She had no control over the carnal excitement annihilating her reasoning and drawing her toward him.

  By the time she realised the full extent of the passion driving her, she was already hopping onto the pallet. He opened his thighs at once, and she settled between his spread legs. Her heart pounded in her chest like strikes of lightning in a stormy night. Her dick ached from blunt desire.

  She briefly toyed with the idea that he might not be ready to receive such a huge member, but the thought fled as soon as he touched her hips to prompt her closer. She quivered when his soft voice caressed her ears.

  “Take hold of your cock and aim.”

  She’d never be able to do that. Letting her cravings run free was one thing, acting on them was another. But even as she battled against the power of his words, her body responded to him.

  She rolled her fingers around the base of her dick. Heat engulfed her in a torrid flame when she touched herself, and she moaned to let the pressure out. Hands flattened on the covers, he shifted his butt until the tip of her erection brushed against his opening. She released a small cry.

  The wild cock didn’t belong to her anymore. Rigid and throbbing, the powerful shaft thickened in her hand while an urgent, violent need lacerated her guts. She felt like shouting and weeping at the same time, completely overwhelmed by the avid yearning to stab at the hole she hadn’t yet uncovered.

  Although she realised this untamed lust was overtaking her, she wasn’t able to steer it. His flesh tickled her crown, and the soft sensation drove her insane. Helpless against the hankering rocking her whole body, she let go of her hard-on. He instantly leaned forward and sighed.

  “Okay. I’ll do it myself then.”

  When he grabbed her vibrating member, her insides seemed to dissolve into a pool of fierce pleasure. Something unbelievable was happening to her. She wanted to tell him to stop because the fire setting her ablaze would consume her, but her throat was locked tight and her mind extinguished.

  He stroked his pussy with the head of her erection. She cried out as a tempestuous bolt of pleasure gripped her stomach, flashed down to her groin, and shot through her dick. Tears came to her eyes. Her vision blurred, but not enough to conceal the vision of his fingers around her swollen shaft, of his open slit glistening in the candlelight.

  Breathing became the most difficult task ever. The muscles of her buttocks trembled from excitement, and she couldn’t tell if her balls felt heavy, strained with anticipation, or were about to burst. He placed her tip against his folds, and the pressure of the moist flesh turned her upside down.

  A barrier broke inside her. Like a raging gust of wind across a wide plain, a tongue of fire barrelled along her cock and lashed out. Her limbs shook from the unrestrained force gushing toward a release she had no means to stall. She threw her head forward and uttered a rough cry as hot liquid spurted out of her in short, powerful, erratic jets.

  Although he still held her shaft, the intensity of her climax caused him to slacken his grip. Her cum splattered his pubic hair as she let out coarse grunts before collapsing on top of him.

  Her heart thumped against her ribs. The hammering sound frightened her a little until she began to regain her senses. Muscles locked in tight knots, throat itching from her ragged panting, exerted as if she had run for a thousand leagues, she could now say for sure why the penis ruled.

  She felt his palm on her head. He caressed her hair while she waited for her mind to settle back where it belonged. His other hand was still caught between their bare bodies, but he didn’t seem in any hurry to move it. On the contrary, he gave her all the time she needed to recuperate.

  When her body finally ceased quivering, she glanced up to discover an amused expression playing on his features.

  “It looks like someone had her fun.”

  “Sorry. I don’t know what came over me.”

  “I do. But don’t worry. You’ll do better next time.”

  Next time? Did he intend to make her go through a
ll that again just so he could enjoy watching her fumble around like a young man overwhelmed by his first pangs of lust and pleasure? Not that she didn’t enjoy the awesome sensations she had just experienced, but she’d rather feel them as a woman. He took his hand off her hair to tilt her chin up with his thumb.

  “Now if you’ll excuse me, I ought to get cleaned up.”


  She had to make an effort to move her weary limbs. Delightful as the experience had been, the orgasm certainly took a toll on a man. She sprawled onto the pallet while he got up to walk toward the corner of the room displaying a cracked basin. He poured cold water into the container before dipping a fresh cloth. With slow, precise movements he began wiping his belly and pussy.

  She observed the sweeps of his hands with satisfaction. If they never got their bodies back, at least he’d take good care of hers. She looked at the one she now owned while he freshened up.

  Her hairy legs reminded her of the big logs she had seen woodsmen carry out of the forest. Her broad chest showed rippling muscles as soon as she moved a fraction of an inch, and her soft penis lay against a stone solid thigh. So much blunt strength at her disposal. So much fear to keep inside.

  “Cameron, do you think we’ll stay this way?”

  He wet the cloth into clean water and wrenched out the last droplets. Without glancing at her, he shrugged.

  “Who can tell.”

  Who could indeed? Her shaman, perhaps, but he must be leagues away from them. While she wondered once more why he had imposed this hoax on them, Cameron came up to her. He held the damp linen in his hand, and his mischievous expression warned her he had a trick up his sleeve.

  “It’s your turn.”

  “My turn to what?”

  “Please me.”

  He wiggled the cloth before placing it on her stomach. With a determined air, he sat down next to her. She gasped as he didn’t even try to wash her belly, but instead reached between her thighs.

  His soft pressure on her groin altered her perceptions. The glow from the candles seemed to dim while her mind converged toward a single place, and latched onto a single purpose.