Read The Lost Continent Page 13


  Our Lord the Sun was riding towards the end of His day, and the smokefrom a burning mountain fanned black and forbidding before His face.Phorenice wrung the water from her clothes and shivered. "Work hard withthose paddles, Deucalion, and take me in through the water-gate and letme be restored to my comforts again. That merchant would rue if he sawhow his pretty garments were spoiled, and I rue, too, being a woman,and remembering that he at least has no others I can take in place ofthese." She looked at me sidelong, tossing back the short red hair fromher eyes. "What think you of my wisdom in coming where we have comewithout an escort?"

  "The Empress can do no wrong," I quoted the old formula with a smile.

  "At least I have shown you that I can fight. I caught you looking yourapproval of me quite pleasantly once or twice. You were a difficult manto thaw, Deucalion, but you warm perceptibly as you keep on being nearme. La, sir, we shall be a pair of rustic sweethearts yet, if thisgoes on. I am glad I thought of the device of going near those smellyfishers."

  So she had taken me out in the litter unattended for the plain purposeof inviting a fight, and showing me her skill at arms, and perhaps, too,of seeing in person how I also carried myself in a moment of stress.Well, if we were to live on together as husband and wife, it was goodthat each should know to a nicety the other's powers; and also, I am toomuch of an old battler and too much enamoured with the glorious handlingof arms to quarrel very deeply with any one who offers me a toughupstanding fight. Still for the life of me, I could not help comparingPhorenice with another woman. With a similar chance open before us, Naishad robbed me of the struggle through a sheer pity for those squalidrebels who did not even call her chieftain; whilst here was this Empressfrittering away two score of the hardiest of her subjects merely togratify a whim.

  Yet, loyal to my vow as a priest, and to the commands set upon me by thehigh council on the Sacred Mountain, I tried to put away these waywardthoughts and comparisons. As I rowed over the swingings of the wavestowards the forts which guard the harbour's mouth, I sent prayers to theHigh Gods to give my tongue dexterity, and They through Their love forthe country of Atlantis, and the harassed people, whom it was my deepwish to serve, granted me that power of speech which Phorenice loved.Her eyes glowed upon me as I talked.

  This beach of the fishers where we had had our passage at arms is safefrom ship attack from without, by reason of a chain of jagged rockswhich spring up from the deep, and run from the harbour side to the endof the city wall. The fishers know the passes, and can oftentimes getthrough to the open water beyond without touching a stone; or if theydo see a danger of hitting on the reef, leap out and carry their lightboats in their hands till the water floats them again. But here I hadneither the knowledge nor the dexterity, and, thought I, now the HighGods will show finally if They wish this woman who has defiled them toreign on in Atlantis, and if also They wish me to serve as her husband.

  I cried these things in my heart, and waited to receive the omen. Therewas no half-answer. A great wave rose in the lagoon behind us, a wavesuch as could have only been caused by an earth tremor, and on its sleekback we were hurled forward and thrown clear of the reefs with theirseaweeds licking round us, without so much as seeing a stone of thebarrier. I bowed my head as I rowed on towards the harbour forts. It wasplain that not yet would the High Gods take vengeance for the insultswhich this lovely woman had offered Them.

  The sentries in the two forts beat drums at one another in theiraccustomed rotation, and in the growing dusk were going to pay littleenough attention to the fishingboat which lay against the great chainclamouring to have it lowered. But luckily a pair of officers weretaking the air of the evening in a stone-dropping turret of the roofof the nearer fort, and these recognised the tone of our shouts. Theysilenced the drums, torches were lowered to make sure of our faces, andthen with a splash the great chain was dropped into the water to give uspassage.

  A galley lay inside, nuzzling the harbour wall, and presently the ladderof ropes was let down from the top of the nearest fort, and a crew camedown to man the oars. There were the customary changes of raiment too,given as presents by the officers of the fort, and these we put on inthe cabin of the galley in place of the sodden clothes we wore. Thereare fevers to be gained by carrying wet clothes after sunset, and thoughfrom personal experience I have learned that these may be warded offwith drugs, I noticed with some grim amusement that the Empress hadsufficiently little of the Goddess about her to fear very much theailments which are due to frail humanity.

  The galley rowed swiftly across the calm waters of the harbour, and madefast to the rings of gold on the royal quay, and whilst we were waitingfor litters to be brought, I watched a lantern lit in the boatwhich stood guard over Phorenice's mammoth. The huge red beast stoodshoulder-deep in the harbour water, with trunk up-turned. It was tamednow, and the light of the boat's lantern fell on the little ripples sentout by its tremblings. But I did not choose to intercede or askmercy for it. If the mammoth sank deeper in the harbour mud, and wasswallowed, I could have borne the loss with equanimity.

  To tell the truth, that ride on the great beast's back had impressed meunfavourably. In fact, it put into me a sense of helplessness thatwas wellnigh intolerable. Perhaps circumstances have made me undulyself-reliant: on that others must judge. But I will own to having apreference for walking on my own proper feet, as the Gods in fashioningour shapes most certainly intended. On my own feet I am able to guard myown head and neck, and have done on four continents, throughout a longand active life, and on many a thousand occasions. But on the back ofthat detestable mammoth, pah! I grew as nervous as a child or a dastard.

  However, I had little enough leisure for personal megrims just then.Whilst we waited, Phorenice asked the port-captain (who must needs comeup officiously to make his salutations) after the disposal of Nais,and was told that she had been clapped into a dungeon beneath the royalpyramid, and the officer of the guard there had given his bond for hersafe-keeping.

  "It is to be hoped he understands his work," said the Empress. "Thatpretty Nais knows the pyramid better than most, and it may be he willbe sent to the tormentors for putting her in a cell which had a secretoutlet. You would feel pleasure if the girl escaped, Deucalion?"

  "Assuredly," said I, knowing how useless it would be to make a secret ofthe matter. "I have no enmity against Nais."

  "But I have," said she viciously, "and I am still minded to lock yourfaith to me by that wedding gift you know of."

  "The thing shall be done," I said. "Before all, the Empress ofAtlantis."

  "Poof! Deucalion, you are too stiff and formal. You ought to be mightilyhonoured that I condescend to be jealous of your favours. Your hand,sir, please, to help me into the litter. And now come in beside me,and keep me warm against the night air. Ho! you guards there with thetorches! Keep farther back against the street walls. The perfume you areburning stifles me."

  Again there was a feast that night in the royal banqueting-hall; again Isat beside Phorenice on the raised dais which stands beneath the symbolsof the snake and the out-stretched hand. What had been taken for grantedbefore about our forthcoming relationship was this time proclaimedopenly; the Empress herself acknowledged me as her husband that was tobe; and all that curled and jewelled throng of courtiers hailed me asgreater than themselves, by reason of this woman's choice. There wasmethod, too, in their salutation. Some rumour must have got about of mypreference for the older and simpler habits, and there was no drinkingwine to my health after the new and (as I considered) impertinentmanner. Decorously, each lord and lady there came forward, and each inturn spilt a goblet at my feet; and when I called any up, whether manor woman, to receive tit-bits from my platter, it was eaten simply andthankfully, and not kissed or pocketed with any extravagant gesture.

  The flaring jets of earth-breath showed me, too, so I thought, a plainerhabit of dress, and a more sober mien amongst this thoughtless mobof banqueters. And, indeed, it must ha
ve been plain to notice, forPhorenice, leaning over till the ruddy curls on her shoulder brushedmy face, chided me in a playful whisper as having usurped her highauthority already.

  "Oh, sir," she pleaded mockingly, "do not make your rule over us tooascetic. I have given no orders for this change, but to-night there areno perfumes in the air; the food is so plain and I have half a mind toburn the cook; and as for the clothes and gauds of these diners, by myface! they might have come straight from the old King's reign before Istepped in here to show how tasteful could be colours on a robe, or howpretty the glint of a jewel. It's done by no orders of mine, Deucalion.They have swung round to this change by sheer courtier instinct. Why,look at the beards of the men! There is not half the curl about many ofthem to-day that they showed with such exquisiteness yesterday. By myface! I believe they'd reap their chins to-morrow as smooth as yours,if you go on setting the fashions at this prodigious rate and I do notinterfere."

  "Why hinder them if they feel more cleanly shaven?"

  "No, sir. There shall be only one clean chin where a beard can grow inall Atlantis, and that shall be carried by the man who is husband to theEmpress. Why, my Deucalion, would you have no sumptuary laws? Would youhave these good folk here and the common people outside imitate us inevery cut of the hair and every fold of a garment which it pleases us todiscover? Come, sir, if you and I chose to say that our sovereignty wasmarked only by our superior strength of arm and wit, they would hate usat once for our arrogance; whereas, if we keep apart to ourselves afew mere personal decorations, these become just objects to admire andpleasantly envy."

  "You show me that there is more in the office of a ruler than meets theeye."

  "And yet they tell me, and indeed show me, that you have ruled with somesuccess."

  "I employed the older method. It requires a Phorenice to invent thesenicer flights."

  "Flatterer!" said she, and smote me playfully with the back of herlittle fingers on my arm. "You are becoming as great a courtier as anyof them. You make me blush with your fine pleasantries, Deucalion, andthere is no fan-girl here to-night to cool my cheek. I must choose meanother fan-girl. But it shall not be Ylga. Ylga seems to have more of akindness for you than I like, and if she is wise she will go live in herpalace at the other side of the city, and there occupy herself with theordering of her slaves, and the makings of embroideries. I shall notbe hard on Ylga unless she forces me, but I will have no woman in thiskingdom treat you with undue civility."

  "And how am I to act," said I, falling in with her mood, "when I see andhear all the men of Atlantis making their protestations before you? Byyour own confession they all love you as ardently as they seem to haveloved you hopelessly."

  "Ah, now," she said, "you must not ask me to do impossibilities. I ampowerful if you will. But I have no force which will govern the heartsof these poor fellows on matters such as that. But if you choose, youmake proclamation that I am given now body and inwards to you, and ifthey continue to offend your pride in this matter, you may take yourculprits, and give them over to the tormentors. Indeed, Deucalion, Ithink it would be a pretty attention to me if you did arrange some suchceremony. It seems to me a present," she added with a frown, "that thejealousy is too much on one side."

  "You must not expect that a man who has been divorced from love for allof a busy life can learn all its niceties in an instant. Myself, I wasfeeling proud of my progress. With any other schoolmistress than you,Phorenice, I should not be near so forward. In fact (if one may judge bymy past record), I should not have begun to learn at all."

  "I suppose you think I should be satisfied with that? Well, I am not. Ican be finely greedy over some matters."

  The banquet this night did not extend to inordinate length. Phorenicehad gone through much since last she slept, and though she had declaredherself Goddess in the meantime, it seemed that her body remained mortalas heretofore. The black rings of weariness had grown under her wondrouseyes, and she lay back amongst the cushions of the divan with her limbsslackened and listless. When the dancers came and postured before us,she threw them a jewel and bade them begone before they had given a halfof their performance, and the poet, a silly swelling fellow who came tosing the deeds of the day, she would not hear at all.

  "To-morrow," she said wearily, "but for now grant me peace. My LordDeucalion has given me much food for thought this day, and presentlyI go to my chamber to muse over the future policies of this Statethroughout the night. To-morrow come to me again, and if your poetry isgood and short, I will pay you surprisingly. But see to it that youare not long-winded. If there are superfluous words, I will pay you forthose with the stick."

  She rose to her feet then, and when the banqueters had made theirsalutation to us, I led her away from the banqueting-hall and down thepassages with their secret doors which led to her private chambers.She clung on my arm, and once when we halted whilst a great stoneblock swung slowly ajar to let us pass, she drooped her head against myshoulder. Her breath came warm against my cheek, and the loveliness ofher face so close at hand surpasses the description of words. I think itwas in her mind that I should kiss the red lips which were held so nearto mine, but willing though I was to play the part appointed, I couldnot bring myself to that. So when the stone block had swung, she drewaway with a sigh, and we went on without further speech.

  "May the High Gods treat you tenderly," I said, when we came to the doorof her bed-chamber.

  "I am my own God," said she, "in all things but one. By my face! you area tardy wooer, Deucalion. Where do you go now?"

  "To my own chamber."

  "Oh, go then, go."

  "Is there anything more I could do?"

  "Nothing that your wit or your will would prompt you to. Yes, indeed,you are finely decorous, Deucalion, in your old-fashioned way, but youare a mighty poor wooer. Don't you know, my man, that a woman esteemssome things the more highly if they are taken from her by rude force?"

  "It seems I know little enough about women."

  "You never said a truer word. Bah! And I believe your coldness bringsyou more benefit in a certain matter than any show of passion couldearn. There, get you gone, if the atmosphere of a maiden's bed-chamberhurts your rustic modesty, and your Gods keep you, Deucalion, if that'sthe phrase, and if you think They can do it. Get you gone, man, andleave me solitary."

  I had taken the plan of the pyramid out of the archives before thebanquet and learned it thoroughly, and so was able to thread my waythrough its angular mazes without pause or blunder. I, too, was heavilywearied with what I had gone through since my last snatch of sleep, butI dare set apart no time for rest just then. Nais must be sacrificed inpart for the needs of Atlantis; but a plan had come to me by which itseemed that she need not be sacrificed wholly; and to carry this throughthere was need for quick thought and action.

  Help came to me also from a quarter I did not expect. As I passed alongthe tortuous way between the ponderous stones of the pyramid, which ledto the apartments that had been given me by Phorenice, a woman glidedup out of the shadows of one of the side passages, and when I lifted myhand lamp, there was Ylga.

  She regarded me half-sullenly. "I have lost my place," she said, "and itseems I need never have spoken. She intended to have you all along, andit was not a thing like that which could put her off. And you--you justthink me officious, if, indeed, you have ever given me another thoughttill now."

  "I never forget a kindness."

  "Oh, you will learn that trick soon now. And you are going to marry her,you! The city is ringing with it. I thought at least you were honest,but when there is a high place to be got by merely taking a woman withit, you are like the rest. I thought, too, that you would be one ofthose men who have a distrust for ruddy hair. And, besides she islittle."

  "Ylga," I said, "you have taught me that these walls are full ofcrannies and ears. I will listen to no word against Phorenice. But Iwould have further converse with you soon. If you still have a kindnessfor me, go to the chamber that is mine and wait
for me there. I willjoin you shortly."

  She drooped her eyes. "What do you want of me, Deucalion?"

  "I want to say something to you. You will learn who it concerns later."

  "But is it--is it fitting for a maiden to come to a man's room at thishour?"

  "I know little of your conventions here in this new Atlantis. I amDeucalion, girl, and if you still have qualms, remembering that, do notcome."

  She looked up at me with a sneer. "I was foolish," she said. "My lord'scoldness has grown into a proverb, and I should have remembered it. Yes;I will come."

  "Go now, then," said I, and waited till she had passed on ahead and wasout of sight and hearing. With Ylga to help me, my tasks were somewhatlightened, and their sequence changed. In the first instance, now, Ihad got to make my way with as little delay and show as possible into acertain sanctuary which lay within the temple of our Lady the Moon. Andhere my knowledge as one of the Seven stood me in high favour.

  All the temples of the city of Atlantis are in immediate and secretconnection with the royal pyramid, but the passages are little used,seeing that they are known only to the Seven and to the Three abovethem, supposing that there are three men living at one time sufficientlylearned in the highest of the highest mysteries to be installed in thatsublime degree of the Three. And, even by these, the secret ways mayonly be used on occasions of the greatest stress, so that a generationwell may pass without their being trodden by a human foot.

  It was with some trouble, and after no little experiment that I gropedmy way into this secret alley; but once there, the rest was easy. I hadnever trodden it before certainly, but the plan of it had been taughtme at my initiation as one of the Seven, and the course of the windingscame back to me now with easy accuracy. I walked quickly, not onlybecause the air in those deep crannies is always full of lurking evils,but also because the hours were fleeting, and much must be done beforeour Lord the Sun again rose to make another day.

  I came to the spy-place which commands the temple, and found the holyplace empty, and, alas! dust-covered, and showing little trace thatworshippers ever frequented it these latter years. A vast stone ofthe wall swung outwards and gave me entrance, and presently (after thesolemn prayer which is needful before attempting these matters), I tookthe metal stair from the place where it is kept, and climbed to thelap of the Goddess, and then, pulling the stair after me, climbed againupwards till my length lay against her calm mysterious face.

  A shivering seized me as I thought of what was intended, for even awarrior hardened to horrid sights and deeds may well have qualms whenhe is called upon to juggle with life and death, and years and history,with the welfare of his country in one hand, and the future of a womanwho is as life to him in the other. But again I told myself thatthe hours flew, and laid hold of the jewel which is studded into theforehead of the image with one hand, and then stretching out, thrust ata corner of the eyebrow with the other. With a faint creak the massiveeyeball below, a stone that I could barely have covered with my back,swung inwards. I stepped off the stair, and climbed into the gap. Insidewas the chamber which is hollowed from the head of the Goddess.

  It was the first time I had seen this most secret place, but the aspectof it was familiar to me from my teaching, and I knew where to find thething which would fill my need. Yet, occupied though I might be with thestress of what was to befall, I could not help having a wonder and anadmiration for the cleverness with which it was hidden.

  High as I was in the learning and mysteries of the Priestly Clan, thestructure of what I had come to fetch was hidden from me. Beforetime Ihad known only of their power and effect; and now that I came to handlethem, I saw only some roughly rounded balls, like nut kernels, grassgreen in colour, and in hardness like the wax of bees. There were threeof these balls in the hidden place, and I took the one that was needful,concealing the others as I had found them. It may have been a drug, itmay have been something more; what exactly it was I did not know; onlyof its power and effect I was sure, as that was set forth plainly inthe teaching I had learned; and so I put it in a pouch of my garment,returning by the way I had come, and replacing all things in due orderbehind me.

  One look I took at the image of the Goddess before I left the temple.The jet of earth-breath which burns eternally from the central altarlit her from head to toe, and threw sparkles from the great jewel inher forehead. Vast she was, and calm and peaceful beyond all humanimaginings, a perfect symbolism of that rest and quietness which manysigh for so vainly on this rude earth, but which they will never attainunless by their piety they earn a place in the hereafter, where our Ladythe Moon and the rest of the High Ones reign in Their eternal gloriousmajesty.

  It was with tired dragging limbs that I made my way back again to theroyal pyramid, and at last came to my own private chamber. Ylga awaitedme there, though at first I did not see her. The suspicions of thesemodern days had taken a deep hold of the girl, and she must needs crouchin hiding till she made sure it was I who came to the chamber, and,moreover, that I came alone.

  "Oh, frown at me if you choose," said she sullenly, "I am past caringnow for your good opinion. I had heard so much of Deucalion, and Ithought I read honesty in you when first you came ashore; but now I knowthat you are no better than the rest. Phorenice offers you a high place,and you marry her blithely to get it. And why, indeed, should you notmarry her? People say she is pretty, and I know she can be warm. I haveseen her warm and languishing to scores of men. She is clever, too, withher eyes, is our great Empress; I grant her that. And as for you, ittickles you to be courted."

  "I think you are a very silly woman," I said.

  "If you flatter yourself it matters a rap to me whom you marry, you areletting conceit run away with you."

  "Listen," I said. "I did not ask you here to make foolish speecheswhich seem largely beyond my comprehension. I asked you to help me do aservice to one of your own blood-kin."

  She stared at me wonderingly. "I do not understand."

  "It rests largely with you as to whether Nais dies to-morrow, or whethershe is thrown into a sleep from which she may waken on some later andmore happy day."

  "Nais!" she gasped. "My twin, Nais? She is not here. She is out inthe camp with those nasty rebels who bite against the city walls, if,indeed, still she lives."

  "Nais, your sister is near us in the royal pyramid this minute, andunder guard, though where I do not know." And with that I told her allthat had passed since the girl was brought up a prisoner in the galleyof that foolish, fawning captain of the port. "The Empress has decreedthat Nais shall be buried alive under a throne of granite which I am tobuild for her to-morrow, and buried she will assuredly be. Yet I have akindness for Nais, which you may guess at if you choose, and I am mindedto send her into a sleep such as only we higher priests know of, fromwhich at some future day she may possibly awaken."

  "So it is Nais; and not Phorenice, and not--not any other?"

  "Yes; it is Nais. I marry the Empress because Zaemon, who is mouthpieceto the High Council of the Priests, has ordered it, for the good ofAtlantis. But my inwards remain still cold towards her."

  "Almost I hate poor Nais already."

  "Your vengeance would be easy. Do not tell me where she is gaoled, and Ishall not dare to ask. Even to give Nais a further span of life I cannotrisk making inquiries for her cell, when there is a chance that thosewho tell me might carry news to the Empress, and so cause more troublefor this poor Atlantis."

  "And why should I not carry the news, and so bring myself into favouragain? I tell you that being fan-girl to Phorenice and second woman inthe kingdom is a thing that not many would cast lightly aside."

  I looked her between eyes and smiled. "I have no fear there. You willnot betray me, Ylga. Neither will you sell Nais."

  "I seem to remember very small love for this same Nais just now," shesaid bitterly. "But you are right about that other matter. I shall notbuy myself back at your expense. Oh, I am a fool, I know, and you cangive me no thanks that I car
e about, but there is no other way I canact."

  "Then let us fritter no more time. Go you out now and find where Naisis gaoled, and bring me news how I can say ten words to her, and press acertain matter into her clasp."

  She bowed her head and left the chamber, and for long enough I wasalone. I sat down on the couch, and rested wearily against the wall.My bones ached, my eyes ached, and most of all, my inwards ached. I hadthought to myself that a man who makes his life sufficiently busywill find no leisure for these pains which assault frailer folk; but aphilosophy like this, which carried one well in Yucatan, showed poorlyenough when one tried it here at home. But that there was duty ahead,and the order of the High Council to be carried into effect, thebleakness of the prospect would have daunted me, and I would have prayedthe Gods then to spare me further life, and take me unto Themselves.

  Ylga came back at last, and I got up and went quickly after her asshe led down a maze of passages and alleyways. "There has been no carespared over her guarding," she whispered, as we halted once to move astone. "The officer of the guard is an old lover of mine, and I raisedhis hopes to the burning point again by a dozen words. But when I wantedto see his prisoner, there he was as firm as brass. I told him she wasmy sister, but that did not move him. I offered him--oh, Deucalion, itmakes me blush to think of the things I did offer to that man, but therewas no stirring him. He has watched the tormentors so many times, thatthere is no tempting him into touch of their instruments."

  "If you have failed, why bring me out here?"

  "Oh, I am not inveigling you into a lover's walk with myself, sir. Youtickle yourself when you think your society is so pleasant as that."

  "Come, girl, tell me then what it is. If my temper is short, credit itagainst my weariness."

  "I have carried out my lord's commands in part. I know the cell whereNais lives, and I have had speech with her, though not through the door.And moreover, I have not seen her or touched her hand."

  "Your riddles are beyond me, Ylga, but if there is a chance, let us geton and have this business done."

  "We are at the place now," said she, with a hard little laugh, "and ifyou kneel on the floor, you will find an airshaft, and Nais will answeryou from the lower end. For myself, I will leave you. I have a delicacyin hearing what you want to say to my sister, Deucalion."

  "I thank you," I said. "I will not forget what you have done for me thisnight."

  "You may keep your thanks," she said bitterly, and walked away into theshadows.

  I knelt on the floor of the gallery, and found the air passage with myhand, and then, putting my lips to it, whispered for Nais.

  The answer came on the instant, muffled and quiet. "I knew my lord wouldcome for a farewell."

  "What the Empress said, has to be. You understand, my dear? It is forAtlantis."

  "Have I reproached my lord, by word or glance?"

  "I myself am bidden to place you in the hollow between the stones, and Imust do it."

  "Then my last sleep will be a sweet one. I could not ask to be touchedby pleasanter hands."

  "But it mayhap that a day will come when she whom you know of will besuffered by the High Gods to live on this land of Atlantis no longer."

  "If my lord will cherish my poor memory when he is free again, I shallbe grateful. He might, if he chose, write them on the stones: Here wasburied a maid who died gladly for the good of Atlantis, even though sheknew that the man she so dearly loved was husband to her murderess."

  "You must not die," I whispered. "My breast is near broken at the verythought of it. And for respite, we must trust to the ancient knowledge,which in its day has been sent out from the Ark of the Mysteries."--Itook the green waxy ball in my fingers, and stretched them down thecrooked air-shaft to the full of my span.--"I have somewhat for youhere. Reach up and try to catch it from me."

  I heard the faint rustle of her arm as it swept against the masonry, andthen the ball was taken over into her grasp. Gods! what a thrill wentthrough me when the fingers of Nais touched mine! I could not see her,because of the crookedness of the shaft, but that faint touch of her wasexquisite.

  "I have it," she whispered. "And what now, dear?"

  "You will hide the thing in your garment, and when to-morrow the upperstone closes down upon you and the light is gone, then you will take itbetween your lips and let it dissolve as it will. Sleep will take you,my darling, then, and the High Gods will watch over you, even thoughcenturies pass before you are roused."

  "If Deucalion does not wake me, I shall pray never again to open an eye.And now go, my lord and my dear. They watch me here constantly, and Iwould not have you harmed by being brought to notice."

  "Yes, I must go, my sweetheart. It will not do to have our schemespoiled by a foolish loitering. May the most High Gods attend your rest,and if the sacrifice we make finds favour, may They grant us meetinghere again on earth before we meet--as we must--when our time is done,and They take us up to Their own place."

  "Amen," she whispered back, and then: "Kiss your fingers, dear, andthrust them down to me."

  I did that, and for an instant felt her fondle them down the crook ofthe airshaft out of sight, and then heard her withdraw her little handand kiss it fondly. Then again she kissed her own fingers and stretchedthem up, and I took up the virtue of that parting kiss on my finger-tipsand pressed it sacredly to my lips.

  "Living, sleeping, or dead, always my darling," she whispered. And then,before I could answer, she whispered again: "Go, they are coming forme." And so I went, knowing that I could do no more to help her then,and knowing that all our schemes would be spilt if any eye spied upon meas I lay there beside the air shaft. But my chest was like to have splitwith the dull, helpless anguish that was in it, as I made my way back tomy chamber through the mazy alleys of the pyramid.

  "Do not look upon mine eyes, dear, when the time comes," had been herlast command, "or they will tell a tale which Phorenice, being a woman,would read. Remember, we make these small denials, not for our ownlikings, but for Atlantis, which is mother to us all."