Read The Lost Legend Page 3

not to the council for aid seeing only a conspiracy to deprive him of the Serpent Throne by the craven kings of the north. And none came forth to challenge the orcs or hinder their march as they spread across the land like a dark plague of locust intent on devouring the citadel.

  Thus it was late in the day that a messenger of the temple came to Corlbus to warm him of the orcs approach and the refusal of Kesth to make ready for the defence of the citadel. Corlbus called the weary knights to arms once more and bade them ride with all haste to the defence of the Serpent Throne. Riding at their head he never faltered nor stopped for rest riding ever eastwards, blowing the great horn of Carth (Whose mighty deeds are not told here) calling all good men and true to the defence of their realm.

  Yet while they were still a full day’s ride away from the citadel they saw the sky glowing a deep and fiery red and a great pall of smoke rising in the east. Spurring his horse on ever faster Corlbus was first to reach the smoking ruin where once the mighty Citadel of Kings had stood, and amid the fires he found the body of Kesth impaled on the broken Serpent Throne, his chest cut open, heart ripped out, the Helm of Kings lying in mockery at his feet. Howling in rage Corlbus drew forth the Serpent Sword and holding it aloft swore an oath of death and vengeance on those who had violated Kesth.

  And turning to his Knights and the men of the west who had heeded his call to arms, he called on them, who looked upon the fall of the great citadel with fear and wonder, to follow him into one last battle and smite those who had defiled it.

  “Knights of Vallen, and all good men and true, follow me, follow me now, too long have we rested and grown soft in our contentment, while Hadar plots our downfall. We will destroy the orcs as we destroyed the horde that sacked Bessencast. We will show now that we, the heirs of Venhorn, are strong and will forever prevail over Hadar the destroyer of all things” And with a might cheer they set off in pursuit of the orcs, calling all true men of the north in the settlements through which they came to take up arms.

  Barroc the dark orc and greatest of all Hadar generals who had lead the sack of the citadel now lead the army back to the north with a booty of stolen treasure to aid his Dark Lord in rebuilding the great fortress. And long before he saw Corlbus he heard the great horn of Carth stirring the hearts of men, striking fear into the fell beasts that he commanded. Thus sensing the pursuit Barroc called his lieutenants to him and told them his plan. In the highlands of the north at the pass of Byhaven Barrows where the borders of the Northern provinces gave way to the barren wastes of the blasted plains, they would lay an ambush in the ancient burial grounds of long forgotten men.

  Corlbus’s fury knew no bounds and without care or fear he led his men into the very heart of the barrows of Byhaven where they found themselves surrounded. Barroc confident of delivering the last of Venhorn’s line to his master stood atop the highest barrow to gloat at his master’s victory over men.

  “Where are the mighty Knights of Vallen now? Who now can save the heir of Venhorn from his fate? Your bones will hang from my master fortress in Venhorn’s stead as a lesson to all who challenge the might and wisdom of Hadar, the dark lord who will yet have mastery of men and earth. Send forth the last heir of Venhorn to meet me, Barroc the champion of Hadar, and I may spare you yet, for in his defeat you will see the unending power of my lord and master Hadar and those of you who renounce the path of tree will be permitted to live in service to him.”

  Then Corlbus came forth and also stood atop the barrow.

  “What you call service is nought but slavery, foul mouthpiece of the dark destroyer, corrupter of all good things. No man lives forever that is the both the curse and blessing of Vallen and however brief my life may be I choose to live it as a free man not as a slave.”

  Then Barroc held aloft the Sword of Darkness in his right hand, a blade so black and evil no light ever escaped from it.

  “Behold the blade of darkness forged from the shards of my master’s throne with it I will banish you from this earth and end your line forever.” Then he opened his left hand in which he held a small shard of ebony darkness. ”And behold also the dagger of corruption which I plucked from the beating heart of Kesth, placed there so that he might amuse my master while he permitted him to live.”

  Then without a word Corlbus placed the Helm of Kings upon his head, slung the great horn of Carth across his back, and advanced towards Barroc the Serpent Sword glinting in the late afternoon sun and battle was joined.

  Across the long forgotten souls beneath their feet the battle raged from one end of the barrow to the other, neither able to land a telling blow, as both their armies waited to see which champion would prevail. Then as the sun began to set Barroc’s dark blade crashed against Corlbus’s and sent him spinning to the ground, a mighty roar went up from the orcs scenting the blood of men was at hand, as dazed Corlbus knelt before the mighty orc with dark blade raised in readiness to strike.Yet Corlbus looked not to his sword for salvation but the great horn of Carth, pressing it to his lips and letting forth a mighty blast before Barroc could strike.

  The ground trembled, groaned and was ripped asunder as out of the barrows poured a ghostly army of long forgotten warriors to answer the call of Carth the Avenger. All around them was consumed in fear and terror as thousands of skeletons clad in ancient armour devoured the army of orcs. Corlbus’s seized his chance and swinging his sword cut the legs from beneath Barroc. Howling in pain and anger Barroc fell. Yet even as Corlbus plunged the Serpent Sword into the Orc’s heart, sending him back to the darkness from whence he came, Barroc let fly the dagger of corruption striking Corlbus a mortal blow. When the barrows closed again and all was silent once more, not a single orc remained. Only the pale body of Corlbus who breathed a while yet could be found on the great barrow of Carth.

  Corlbus called the knights of Vallen to him. “My friends my life is spent, as are the forces of evil for a while yet. But the line is broken, the empire has fallen, you must take now the helm and sword to the temple of Shaula and look for the coming of a new heir who bears the mark of Vallen to reclaim the kingdom of men and rid the world of evil. These tokens of authority, the Helm of Kings and the Serpent Sword will be held in the safe keeping of the ancient sage, protector of the temple, voice of Shaula, who until the appointed time will oversee the Council of the Wise. I go now to join my fathers.”

  Then the knights raised up his body up on a mighty bier and carried him back to the temple of Shaula to lay him to rest in the tomb of champions beside his fathers who surrounded the great tomb of Cyndon, while the body of Kesth was taken to his final resting place in the eternal hall of kings beneath the smouldering ruins of the citadel.

  Yet the dwarfs heeded not the call of the sage to the new Council of the Wise at the temple recalling the words Derfi had spoken to Corlbus at the sack of Bessencast. While the men of the north were proudly claiming they alone held the line against the evil still lurking in the north and should lead. In mockery the men of the west pointed to the army of orcs that had marched unopposed through the northern lands and murdered Kesth and claimed that they alone had answered the call to arms. Then the men of the east spoke of the western provinces betrayal of the dwarfs of Bessencast. While the men of the south claimed stewardship of the empire on the grounds they protected the temple.

  Finally the elves declared the failure of Venhorn’s line had betrayed the weaknesses of men and in that the failure the old alliances also fell. That each must look to their own defence from the evil that would rise again in the north and count not on the hope and folly of men to come to their aid.

  Then the sage spoke.

  “Long have I listened to the foolish pride of the so called wise men who sit before me, each seeking only the glory of his own at the expense of others. But long have I sat in the council of Shaula and seen many things, past present and future. Know this, the citadel is lost and the empire with it, it’s time is past and we must now look to a new age. Hadar’s armies are spent, but he is not and the K
nights of Vallen cannot hold back forever the tide of evil that will come once more from the north. Alone you will fail and fall under his power one-by-one and in time he will have mastery of you all. But the line that is broken can be renewed and to you all Shaula offers a promise, the gift of a new heir as yet unborn who will bear the mark of Vallen and forge a new alliance from the ruins of the old to face once more the evil of Hadar. When that time comes I will recall the Council of the Wise to sit in judgement on those who claim the birthright of Venhorn and assess their claim to your undying loyalty.”

  Thus ended the second age of men.


  My arm is weary and my heart aches for rest, yet the restless spirits that possess this place drive me on. I lift up my lamp and survey the long shelves of ancient texts that stretch out before me into the darkness. Where next do I search for inspiration? What great deeds will I uncover? What stories wait to be told?

  I am Scholasticies, the last of the scholars and I have made it my life’s work to recover the Lost Legends...

  About the Author

  Born in 1961 Richard has had a well travelled and varied career as well as a lifelong interest in science