Read The Lost Middy: Being the Secret of the Smugglers' Gap Page 15


  "Hole in her bottom?" said the friendly fisherman who had presented thebrill, in answer to Aleck's application, "and want her brought ashore?Sewerly, my lad, sewerly."

  His application to the big fisherman who had taken his part over thefight met with a precisely similar reply, when the lad found the mencollected with a number of their fellows outside one of thepublic-houses, where something mysterious in the way of a discussion wasgoing on, and Aleck noted that their conversation ceased as soon as heappeared, several of the men nudging each other and indulging in sundrynods and winks.

  But the lad was too full of his boat trouble to dwell upon the businessthat seemed to have attracted the men together, and he led the way downto the harbour with his two fishermen acquaintances, finding that allthe rest of the party followed them.

  Had he wanted fifty helpers instead of three he could have had willingaid at once. As it was, his friends selected four more to help put offtheir boats, and the rest trudged slowly down the pier to form anaudience and look on, while under Tom Bodger's direction the damagedboat was lashed by its thwarts to the fresh corners, and then set freeand thrust off the step.

  The rest was easy. In a very short time she was rowed ashore, castloose again, and half a dozen men waded in knee-deep to run her up a fewfeet at a time, the water escaping through the broken-out hole, till atlast she was high and--not dry, but free from water.

  Then the mast was unstepped and with the other fittings laid aside,while Tom Bodger had procured a basket of tools and the wood necessaryfor the repairs, and the little crowd of fishermen formed themselvesinto a smoking party, sitting upon upturned boats, fish boxes andbuckets, to discuss the damage and compare it with that sustained byother boats as far back as they could remember. For Tom required nofurther help then, save such as was given by Aleck, preferring to workhis own way, the idea being to make a temporary patchwork sufficient forsafety in getting the boat home.

  To this end he measured and cut off, almost as skilfully as a ship'scarpenter--consequent upon old experience at home with boats and at seawith the mechanic of a man-o'-war--a piece of board to form a freshthwart, which was soon nailed tightly on the remains of the old.

  Then the hole in the bottom was covered with this boarding, laidcrosswise, the necessary fitting taking a great deal of time, so thatthe afternoon was spent before help was needed, and plenty of willinghands assisted in turning the boat right over, keel uppermost, ready forthe laying on of plenty of well-tarred oakum to cover the fresh insidelining, Tom having a kettle of pitch over a wood fire, and paying hiswork and the caulking liberally as he went on, whistling and chattingaway to Aleck the while, only pausing now and then to have a big sniffand to inhale much of the smoke cloud his friends were making.

  "I should like to stop and have a pipe mysen, Master Aleck," said Tom,once.

  "Well, have one; only don't be long, Tom."

  "Nay, sir; I'll have it as we sails over, bime by. I won't stop now.It's a long job, and it'll be quite dark afore I've done."

  He fetched the pitch kettle from the little fire a fisherman had beenfeeding with chips of wreck-wood and adze cuttings from a lugger on thestacks.

  "Now then," he said, after carefully stuffing the damaged hole withoakum, "this ought to keep the inside dry, on'y the worst on it is thatthe pitch won't stick well to where the wood's wet."

  "But you're not going to pour all that in?"

  "I just am," said Tom, with a chuckle. "I arn't going to spyle a shipfor the sake of a ha'porth o' tar. There we are," he continued,spreading the melted pitch all over the patch with a thin piece of woodtill, as it cooled, it formed a fairly level surface ready for thepieces of planking intended to form the outside skin.

  Tom was a very slow worker, but very sure, and a couple more hoursglided by and the sun had long set with the boat still not finished. Soslow had the repairing been that at last Aleck expressed hisdissatisfaction; but Tom only grinned.

  "I know what water is, sir, and how it'll get through holes. I don'twant for us to go to the bottom, no more'n I want us both to be allusbaling. Didn't I say as it would take me till dark?"

  "You did, Tom, but you needn't drive in quite so many nails. This isonly temporary work."

  "Tempry or not tempry, I want it to last till we gets home."

  "Of course," said Aleck, and to calm his impatience he turned to look atthe group of fishermen, who sat and stood about, smoking away, and forthe first time the lad noticed that the men had ceased to watch TomBodger but had their eyes fixed intently upon the sloop-of-war and thecutter, which lay at anchor a couple of miles from the harbour, and werenow showing their riding lights.

  "'Bout done, arn't yer, Tommy?" said the man who was mending the fire.

  "Nay, keep the pitch hot, messmet," said Tom. "I'll just pay her overinside as soon as we've got her turned right again."

  "Then that's going to be now, arn't it, matey?" said the big fisherman.

  "Yes," said Tom, to Aleck's great satisfaction. "Lend a hand, some onyer."

  The words seemed to galvanise the group into action, twice as many menoffering to help as were needed, and in another few minutes, to theowner's delight, the boat was turned over, with the iron-plated keelsettling down in the fine shingle and the rough inner workmanshipshowing in the dim twilight.

  "Now," cried Tom, "just that drop o' pitch. Power it in, messmet.That's your sort. It'll soon cool. Now, then, I'll just stick a bit ortwo of board acrorst there, Master Aleck, to protect that pitch; andthen we'll say done."

  "And time it was done, Tom," said Aleck, impatiently. "Look, you'vetired everybody out!"

  Tom looked round, and laughed softly.

  "Yes," he said, as he noted how to a man the fisher folk had begun tosaunter away. "I see. They've been all on the fidget to go for thelast half-hour."

  "And no wonder; but they might have waited a bit longer, to launch her."

  "She arn't ready to launch yet, my lad, and she'll be all the better forwaiting till that pitch is well cooled. Besides, in less than an hourthe tide'll be up all round her, and we can shove her off oursens."

  "Oh, yes, of course; and as we have to go in the dark I suppose itdoesn't matter to an hour."

  "That's what I've been a-thinking of, Master Aleck. But, I say, do youknow why they wanted to be off?"

  "Hungry, I suppose."

  "Nay! Not them. They're suspicious."

  "What of?"

  "Why, didn't you see how they kep' one eye on the man-o'-war outyonder?"

  "Yes, of course."

  "Well, what does that mean? They've made up their minds as boats'llcome in from the sloop arter dark just to see in a friendly way if theycan't pick up a few likely lads to sarve the King."

  "From the smugglers who are hanging about?" said Aleck, eagerly, as herecalled what had passed between him and Eben Megg that afternoon.

  "Smugglers, or fishermen, or anyone else. All's fish that comes into apress-gang's net--'cept us, Master Aleck. They wouldn't take a younggent like you, and I should be no good to 'em now, sir," continued thepoor fellow, with a ring of sadness in his voice, which gave place to achuckle as he added, "unless they kep' me aboard the man-o'-war to pokemy pins down the scupper holes to keep 'em from being choked. Thesehere two bits o' thin board I'll nail in close together, and then we'lllet the water come up all round and harden the pitch. Just you rakethem ashes together, Master Aleck, so as not to let the fire go quiteout. I shan't be above half an hour now, and then I shall want a lightfor my pipe, and by the time I've done that you'll be back again."

  "Back again? I'm not going away."

  "Oh, yes, you are, Master Aleck; you're going up to the little shopyonder to get a noo crusty loaf and a quarter of a pound o' cheese."

  "Oh, I can't eat now, Tom," said the lad, impatiently.

  "Can't yer, sir?" said Tom, with a grin. "Well, I can--like fun--and ifyou'll buy what I says I'll teach you how."

"Oh, of course, Tom. How thoughtless of me! I've been so anxious; but,of course, you must be very hungry! I'll go and get some bread andcheese. And you'd like a mug of beer, wouldn't you?"

  "Well, Master Aleck, I wouldn't say no to a drop if it was here."

  "I'll go at once, Tom, without you want me to hold the boards while younail them."

  "All right, sir. Nay, nay, don't make a blaze. Just rake the ashestogether; any little ember will do to light my pipe. I say, MasterAleck, we haven't had a single boy nigh us."

  "No, not one. How strange!"

  "Not it, sir. Just shows as they all know about the boat, and whosegame it was."

  Aleck hurried off and obtained the simple provisions needed, andreturned to find the last nails being driven triumphantly into the boat.

  "There you are, Master Aleck," cried Tom, "and I warrant she won't leaka spoonful. There's the tide just beginning to lap up round the stern,so we'll get the rudder on again, step the mast, and put all ship-shapeready for a start, and if it's all the same to you I'll just light up mypipe at once, and smoke it as we get the tackle back in its place."

  "Go on, then," said Aleck, and, after filling the bowl of his pipe, thesailor went to the glowing embers of the fire, one of which he picked upwith his hardened thumb and finger, lit the tobacco, and began smokingaway.

  His first act was to scoop up a little water in the boat's baler andextinguish the fire.

  "Too hot as it is, Master Aleck. We can feel the way to our mouths, andI'm allus mortal feared of sparks blowing about among boats and sheds."

  The shipping of the rudder, the stepping of the mast, and fastening ofthe boat's grapnel to the ring-bolt followed. Then oars, boat-hook, andropes were laid in, and the pair seated themselves in the darkness, tobegin discussing their much-needed meal, listening the while to thewhispering and lapping of the water, Aleck thinking anxiously of howuneasy his uncle would be.

  "How soon shall we be able to start, Tom?" he said.

  There was a strange sound which made Aleck start.

  "What?" he cried. "What's the matter?"

  "Beg pardon, Master Aleck; couldn't say it no better. Mouth was full o'hard crust."

  "How long before we start?"

  "Good hour, sir. There's a lot o' shallow yonder."

  "Oh!" cried Aleck, impatiently. "Let's get some of the fishermen tocome and launch us."

  "I don't think you'd find anyone as would come, sir. They're all lyinglow somewhere for fear o' the press-gang."

  "Nonsense! Here they come, a lot of them, to get us off."

  "Why, so they be," grumbled Tom, in a disappointed way. "Can't see nofaces, but--Master Aleck," he whispered, sharply, "it's them!"

  "Well, I said so," began Aleck, impatiently; but he got no farther, thewords being checked by a feeling of astonishment. For a voice suddenlyexclaimed:

  "Quick, lads; surround!" and a hand was laid sharply upon the lad'scollar, while two men grappled Tom.

  "Now, then," he growled, "what is it?"

  "Hold your noise, or you'll have a fist in your mouth," said a sharpvoice. "Who are you?"

  "Name Bodger. AB, King's Navee. Pensioner for wounds. See?"

  It was dark, but the shooting out of Tom's wooden legs at right anglesto his body from where he sat was plain enough to all of the group ofwell-armed sailors who surrounded the boat.

  "What are you doing here?"

  "Eating my supper; been mending our boat."

  "Then who is this?" said the same sharp voice.

  "My young master. We got a hole in the boat's bottom and had to put infor repairs."

  "That's right enough, sir; here's the oakum and tools. Been a fire.Here's the little pitch kettle."

  "O' course it's right, messmets. What's yer game--press-gang?"

  "Hush!" whispered the commanding voice. "You're an old sailor?"

  "Nay, not old, your honour," said Tom. "Thirty-two, all but the legs Ilost. They warn't so old by some years."

  "A joker, eh? Well, look here, my lad. We're on duty, and it's yoursas an ex-Navy man to help. Where are the fishermen? There seem to benone hanging about the cliff."

  "I d'know, your honour; up at the publics, p'raps, in the town."

  "There's a party of smugglers here to-night?"

  "Is there, sir? Running a cargo?"

  "You know they are."

  "That I don't, your honour. I haven't seen one."

  Just at that moment there was the sound of yelling, and a couple ofshots were fired. Then more shouts arose, and a shrill whistle washeard.

  "Answer that, bo'sun," cried the officer in command of the party, and ashrill chirping sound seemed to cut the night air. "Now, my lads,forward!"

  "One minute," cried Aleck. "We want to get afloat. Tell your men togive my boat a shove off."

  "Hang your boat!" cried the officer, angrily. "Keep together, my lads.Yes, all right; we're coming."

  The party went off after their leader at a run, for another sharpwhistle rang out at a distance.

  "Well, he might have been civil," said Aleck.

  "Haw! haw! haw! Fancy your asking a luff-tenant on duty that, MasterAleck!" said Tom, laughing, and talking with his mouth full, for he hadrecommenced his unfinished meal.

  "It wouldn't have hurt him," said Aleck. "Here, leave off eating, Tom,and let's get away from here. I don't want to be mixed up with thishorrid business."

  "'Tis horrid, sir, to you, but I got used to it," said the man, rollingoff the side to begin swaying the boat, Aleck leaping out on the otherside.

  "No good, sir. She's fast for another half-hour. Tide rises veryslowly round here."

  "Then we shall have to stop here and listen. Hark, that's glassbreaking. People struggling too. I say, Tom, try again; push hard."

  "Hard as you tells me, sir; but it's no good--her deep keel's right downin this here fine shingle. We must wait till the tide lifts her."

  The sailor stopped short to listen, for the noise which came to them onthe still night air increased. Hoarse voices ringing out defiance,savage yells and curses, mingled with the shrieks and appeals of angrywomen, smote upon the listeners' ears, and Aleck stamped one foot withimpatient rage.

  "Oh, Tom," he cried, "I can't bear it. I never heard anything of thiskind before."

  "And don't want to hear it again, sir, o' course. Well, it arn't nice.I didn't like it till I got used to it, and then I didn't seem to mind."

  "How brutal!" said Aleck, angrily. "Hark at that!"

  "I hear, sir. That's some o' the fishermen's wives letting go."

  "Yes; and you speak in that cool way. Aren't you sorry for them?"

  "Nay, sir; not me. I'm sorry for the poor sailor boys."

  "What!" cried Aleck, angrily. "Tom, I didn't think you could be sobrutal."

  "You don't understand, sir. That's the women shouting and screaming asthey give it to the press-gang. It's the sailors gets hits andscratches and called all sorts o' names, and they're 'bliged to take itall. But, my word, there's getting to be a shindy to-night and nomistake. Let's try again to get the boat off!"

  They tried; but she was immovable, save that they could rock her fromside to side.

  "We'll do it in another ten minutes, Master Aleck, and then we'd betterrow till we're outside the harbour. Hark at 'em now! That's not thewomen now; that's the men. I say, I b'lieve there's a good dozen o' thesmuggling lot about the town, Master Aleck, but I hadn't seen one. Didyou catch sight o' any on 'em?"

  "I saw Eben Megg," said the lad.

  "And he's about the worst on 'em, Master Aleck. Well, it strikes me hisgames are up for a bit. He's a wunner to fight, and he'll stick to hismates; but they won't beat the press-gang off, for when they want menand it comes to a fight it's the sailors who win. Well, it'd do youngMegg good. He's too much of a bully and rough 'un for me. Fine-lookingchap, but thinks too much of hisself. Make a noo man of him to beaboard a man-o'-war for a few years."

"Pst, Tom! Listen! They're fighting up at the back there."

  "And no mistake, my lad."

  For fresh shouts, orders, and another whistle rang out, followed by whatwas evidently a fierce struggle, accompanied by blows, the sounds asthey came out of the darkness being singularly weird and strange.

  "Let's get away, Tom," said Aleck, huskily; "it's horrible to listen toit."

  "Yes, sir. Heave away, both together. Now, then, she moves. No, she'sas fast as ever."

  "Oh!" groaned Aleck, striking both hands down with a loud smack upon theboat's gunwale and then stopping short as if paralysed, for there werequick steps, then a rush, evidently up the nearest narrow way among thesheds.

  Then all was silence, and a sharp voice cried:

  "Halt there! Surrender, or I fire."

  A rush followed the command, and then a pistol shot rang out, Aleckseeing the flash; but the shot did not stop the man who received thecommand. As far as Aleck in his excitement could make out he rushed atand closed with him who tried to stop him, when a desperate struggleensued as of two men wrestling upon the cobble stones, their hoarsepanting coming strangely to the listeners' ears.

  All thought of launching the boat was swept away by the excitement oflistening to the struggle, which grew more painful as the voice that haduttered the command rose again in half-stifled tones:

  "This way, lads; help!"

  A dull thud followed, as of a heavy blow being delivered, followed by afall and the rush of footsteps again, but this time over the looseshingle, and the next minute a dimly-seen figure approached, runningstraight for the water.

  But instead of the man running into the harbour, he turned sharp to hisleft on catching sight of the boat and staggered up to it.

  "Who's that?" he said, hoarsely. "You, Tom Bodger--Master Aleck? Here,quick, sir; for the love of heaven save a poor fellow! It's thepress-gang. Got five on us. Help, sir! Shove off with me. I'm toodead beat to swim."

  "I can't help you, Eben. I dare not," cried Aleck. "What could I do?"

  "Oh! but, Master Aleck--hark! there's more coming!"

  "I tell you I can't. I dare not. They're the King's men, and--"

  "Where are you, your honour?" came out of the darkness, to be answeredby a groan and a feeble attempt at a whistle.

  "This way, lads," rang out, and there was the rush of feet and a deepergroan.

  "Eben, you've killed the officer," whispered Aleck, in his horror.

  "I was on'y fighting for my liberty, master," whispered the man,hoarsely. "Master Aleck, you don't like me, I know. I'm a bad 'un, Is'pose; but there's my young wife and the little weans yonder waitingfor me, and when they know--"

  The great rough fellow could say no more, but choked.

  "Run for it, then," said Aleck; "wrong or right, we'll try and coveryou."

  "It's no good, sir," whispered the man; "there's no end of 'emsurrounding us, and I'm as weak now as a rat."

  He caught Aleck's hand, as the lad thought, to cling to it imploringly,but the next moment he held it to his forehead, and it was snatched awayin horror, for the man had evidently been cut down and was bleedingprofusely.

  "He's wounded badly, Tom," whispered Aleck, excitedly. "We must helphim now."

  "Ay, ay, sir," said Tom, gruffly.

  "Ah, the boat! The boat!" panted the smuggler.

  "In with you then," said Aleck.

  "Nay, nay," whispered Tom. "She arn't afloat, Eben Megg. Here, lay yerweight on to her if yer can't shove."

  "Hi! hallo there!" cried a voice from the direction where the strugglehad taken place.

  In response there was the sound of the boat's keel grating on thewater-covered shingle, and the smuggler pressed close up to Aleck'sside.

  "Do you hear there?" came from the same quarter. "In the King's name,stand!"

  "Lay yer backs into it," grunted Tom. "Shove, my lads, shove!"

  "Come on, my lads! We must have them, whoever they are," came fromapparently close at hand.

  "Ah, look sharp! There's a boat."

  "Now for it," whispered Tom, and as he grunted hard the boat began toglide from shingle and water into water alone, while as Aleck thrustwith all his might, knee-deep now, he felt the boat give way, and thenit seemed to him that the smuggler sank down beside him, making a feebleclutch at his clothes and uttering a low groan.

  Aleck's left hand acted as it were upon its own responsibility, closingin the darkness upon Eben's shirt and holding fast, while the lad'sright hand held up the boat's gunwale.

  The next moment he felt himself drawn off his feet and being draggedthrough the water, in which the boat was jerking and dancing as if toshake itself free.

  It was too dark to see, but this is what was taking place. As the partyof three were trying their best to get the little yawl afloat theshingle clung fast to its keel and very little progress was made,although Tom Bodger thrust and jerked at it with all his might, morelike a dwarf than ever, for his wooden legs went down in the wet shingleat every movement, right to the socket stumps; but at last, when theirefforts began to appear to be in vain, a little soft swell rolled in,just as a rush was being made by the press-gang, the boat lifted astern,and as the water passed under it, literally leaped up forward, shakingitself free of the clinging sand and stones, and, yielding to the threelaunchers, glided right away.

  It was none too soon. Aleck was holding on upon one side nearlyamidships, while Tom on the other side let the gunwale glide through hishands till they were close to the bow, and then holding on fast withboth hands he made one of his jumps or hops, to add impetus to theboat's way and get his breast over the bow and scramble in.

  His bound--if it could be so-called--was very successful, for the nextmoment he was balanced upon his chest across the gunwale, gripping atthe edge of the fore-locker, with his legs sticking out behind, andexulting over the sensation of the boat dancing under him, when he felthimself seized by one of the press-gang party, who had dashed in afterthe boat and made a grab at the first thing that offered in the dark.

  The sailor was unlucky in his hold, but no wonder, for the darkness gavehim no opportunity of making any choice, and as it happened he grippedone of Tom's pegs with his right and followed it up by clapping his lefthand alongside, trying hard to drag his prisoner out or to stop theboat.

  As aforesaid he was unlucky, for he was to suffer an entirely newexperience. Had he grasped an ordinary human leg in the black darknesshe would only have had a jerking kick or two, and most probably he wouldhave held on, but here it was something very different.

  "Got 'em!" he cried, loudly. "Come on!" and then he was smitten with astrange surprise, and also with something else.

  For Tom Bodger, as he lay balanced upon the lower part of his chest,half in and half out of the boat, had got his fingers well under theside of the locker and was holding on with all the strength of his hornyfingers.

  "Ah, would yer!" he roared, as he felt himself seized, and, unable tokick for want of yielding joints, he began to work his stumps, to hisholder's horror, like a pair of gigantic shears gone mad. The one thatwas free struck the sailor a sounding rap on the ear and made himrelease his hold of the prisoned piece of timber for the moment, andwhen he splashed after the boat, after recovering from his surprise, andmade another grab, the second free peg caught him on the arm like a blowfrom a constable's truncheon. The sailor uttered a yell for help, butit was cut short by a blow on each side of his neck as Tom's legssnapped together, and then he fell forward with a splash and was helpedout by a couple of his mates, who stood, waist-deep, gazing into thedarkness after the boat.

  "Where are yer, my lads?" panted Tom, as he progressed over the sidelike a huge toad.

  "Help! Help!" came from his right, and with the boat rocking from sideto side he felt about along the gunwale till his hand came in contactwith Aleck's fingers, clinging desperately to the edge of the boat.

  "Got yer," said Tom, gripping the lad's wrist and hanging over the sideto s
peak. "Can't yer hold on while I get an oar out and move her a bitfurder away?"

  "No. Help me in," said Aleck, huskily.

  "Right, sir. Here, let me get my hands under yer arms, and I'll heaveyer in. I say, wheer's Eben Megg?"

  "Out here. I've got hold of him."

  Tom Bodger whistled softly in his astonishment.

  "Hold tight on him, my lad," he growled; and then putting forth hisgreat strength of arm and back, he raised Aleck right over the boat'sside, and as Eben was drawn close in, loosened the former and got tighthold of the latter.

  "Can yer shift for yourself now, Master Aleck?" he whispered.

  "Yes; but have you got Eben?"

  "Ay, ay! Got him fast. Out o' my way."

  The next minute the smuggler lay perfectly inert at the bottom of theboat and Aleck was passing an oar over the stern and beginning to scull.

  "Get another oar out, Tom," he whispered, "or they'll have us yet."

  "Ay, ay!" was growled, softly.

  But it was too loud, for a voice close at hand shouted:

  "Now, then, you in the boat, it's of no use. Surrender, in the King'sname!"

  The splashing made by the oars ceased, and Tom put his lips close toAleck's ear.

  "You arn't going to surrender, are yer, Master Aleck?"

  "No; use your oar as a pole, and get us farther away."

  "Do you hear there?" cried another voice. "Heave-to, or I'll fire."

  "All gammon, Master Aleck; I know. Don't believe they've got anypistols."

  "There was a shot fired," said Aleck.

  "Orficer's, p'raps, sir. Here, I can't do no good a-poling; it'sgetting deeper here."

  "Scull then," said Aleck; "and be careful. They've got boatssomewhere."

  Just then there was a flapping noise, which gave them a turn.

  "What's that?" said Aleck, sharply.

  "Wind got the sail loose," said Tom. "There's a nice breeze coming on.Shall I shake out a reef or two of the sail, sir?"

  "Yes, if you think we can see to steer?"

  "Dunno about that, sir. We must go gently, and feel."

  The next few minutes were devoted to preparations for spreading aportion of the canvas to the light breeze, as they listened to hailafter hail from the shore; and then, as they began to glide softlyalong, one of the hails from the shore bidding them heave-to wasanswered from round to their right.

  "Ay, ay, sir!"

  "Keep a sharp look out for a boat somewhere off here. Three prisonersin her escaping."

  "My hye!" muttered Tom Bodger. "That's nice. Resisting the law too.Strikes me as we're going to be in a mess."