Read The Lunas Page 19

  Chapter 19

  After weeks of rotating around the various chores, from working in the taro fields to mowing the lawns around the campus, Peter found himself back at the pig pens one early November morning. He was looking forward to it since he knew he would get to work with Kaila again.

  The myna birds chirped high in the trees. The grass was still wet from a light rain overnight. The air felt crisp as he walked down the path towards the pen. A thick layer of clouds hung over the crest of Lanai off in the distance. A feeling of Hawaiian autumn was in the midst. The tradewinds had shifted and the air, although still tropical and warm, had cooled just a bit. Peter took in a long, deep breath and sighed heavily. As he rounded the corner in the barn he heard the sounds of little pigs rustling and snorting around. He also saw Kailas familiar ponytail tossing about as she scattered food for them. He smiled widely and happily as he watched her.

  Finally noticing him, she called out to him saying, “Hey there! You’re late.”

  He slipped on his boots and said, “Yeah, I know. I’m slackin’ today.” He slogged his way into the pen with her. Immediately a swarm of piglets surrounded his feet, squealing happily and hungrily. He leaned over the pigs and gave her a quick hug. “Good morning. Have a good night?”

  “Good morning. Yeah, sure did,” she said warmly.

  “Good to see these little guys again,” Peter quipped. “Where’s our baby?”

  “Ha ha,” she laughed. “Look over there behind the big one. He’s being shy today.”

  Peter peered around a much larger pig and there was ‘their’ pig relaxing in the mud in the corner. He leaned over and called to the young piglet. “Hey buddy! Aren’t you hungry today?” The little pig immediately jumped to his feet and ran towards Peter. “Wow, look at how much he’s grown!” The pig snorted around Peter’s feet as he patted him.

  “Awww,” Kaila sighed. “Still cute as a button.”

  “Gettin’ too big to pick up now, geez,” Peter remarked. “Little guys grow fast. Don’t get in too big a hurry, boys and girls. Delay that date with the imu as long as you can! They seem nervous today. Maybe we’re having bacon for breakfast.”

  “Oh, don’t say that!” she scolded him and laughed at the same time. “Hey, did you hear? The Lunas got a bye for the first round of the playoffs. That means they only have to win in the second round and they are in the state finals! Isn’t that cool?”

  “Yeah, that’s awesome,” Peter said as he tossed feed around. “When’s that game gonna be?”

  Kaila exited the pen to go and retrieve the watering hose. “I think their next game is on the seventeenth. Hope they win. Hey, do you know what you are doing for Thanksgiving break? Are you going back home? Because if they win, the state championship is the Friday after Thanksgiving. You don’t wanta miss that.”

  “Oh it’s that week, huh?” Peter asked. He had no clue. “Yeah, I guess a lot of football games are that day it being a holiday week. They play the championship in Oahu right?”

  “Yeah, in Aloha Stadium.”

  “Well,” Peter continued, “I had talked to my dad about that week. He says it’s too expensive to fly back and forth for just that week. Plus I’m going there for Christmas since we get a longer break. That’s why I was late actually, I was talking to Vince about it just now. He said he could put me up at his parent’s house during that week. Over in Kihei, I think.”

  Kaila liked that answer. She was glad he would be staying that week. “Great! Should be a lot of fun. I know a lot of people will get together to watch the game if they actually advance. The boarders, I mean. None of us can afford to go over to Oahu just for a football game.”

  “Yeah, no kidding,” Peter said matter-of-factly. “Sounds good. I hope they win too! Plus we can do some more stuff together that week. That’ll be sweet.”

  “I know, I can’t wait!” Kaila gushed. “We can venture out past West Maui during the break. I can show you around a lot more.”

  Peter gave her a thumbs-up. “I’m ready when you are, baby!”

  They cleaned off and hurried back to the dorms as they were late for breakfast. Peter joked along the way as they walked fast up the hill, “Mmmm, I can smell that bacon already.”

  “Oh hush,” Kaila snickered as they hurried. She slapped him on the shoulder playfully. “Now I want some bacon too. See what you did?” Peter laughed heartily at her.

  It was the night of the second round of the playoffs. The week before, Nanakuli had won the big showdown over the heavily favored Konawaena Wildcats, 25-23. Now they had to face an even tougher foe in Lahainaluna for a chance at the state title.

  Kaila and Peter were back in their familiar lounge spot by the dart board by themselves. However there were many more people gathered in the lounge on account of them wanting to watch the game on TV as well. One neat thing about the state playoffs is that all the games are televised on a statewide cable channel. It was always a treat to watch your high school team play live on TV. Several of the boarders were in the lounge from the girls’ dorm. Even Vince, the Kapule brothers, Fin and several boarders from the boys’ dorm were there. It was a festive atmosphere with snacks on the table that the dorm staff had provided. Many of them wore their school color red shirts to the party.

  “Gotta lot more company tonight,” Peter said as he tossed the darts at the board. “Lot more than usual.”

  “Yeah, it’s exciting,” Kaila agreed.

  Oki came and plopped down on a couch nearby to watch them. “Someone’s actually playing darts?”

  “Yeah,” Peter countered. “What of it?”

  Oki watched lazily from his chair. “So how do you play? Is it hard?”

  Kaila rolled her eyes. “How do you play? You just throw the dart at the board. Duh.”

  “Well, duh,” Oki said mockingly.

  Taney came in and sat down beside Oki. Her weight lifted the cushion just slightly and Oki rolled towards her. “Hey you guys, what are you playin?’” She startled when Oki accidentally rolled towards her. “Oh, hey honey. Lookin’ for some sugar? Not now, hon’. Meet me later when things quiet down.” Kaila and Peter laughed out loud at her.

  “Oh you wish,” Oki said, embarrassed as he straightened himself on the couch.

  “Don’t they look cute together playin’ their little dart game?” Taney said charmingly.

  Oki rolled his yes. “Oh yes, divine.”

  Peter looked back at Taney as he threw his darts. “Hey, you wanta play with us? We’ll show you how. It’s easy. We can do a three-way.”

  “Oh don’t tease,” Taney quipped. Kaila nearly fell to floor laughing.

  Peter’s face turned red with embarrassment. “I guess I walked into that one. I mean, the three of us can play a game.”

  “Um, hello,” Oki spoke up. “Another person sitting here. We can play teams. Hello!”

  Taney chuckled and patted his knee. “Ooo a couple’s soirée. This keeps getting better by the second.”

  That was all Kaila could handle. She dropped to floor laughing uncontrollably. Taney laughed hard at herself too. Peter just shook his head and smiled, his face still red as a beet. He threw a couple more darts to try and ignore them laughing.

  Oki just sat there oblivious. “What the heck are ya’ll laughing at? We gonna play darts or what?”

  Taney kept chuckling and said, “No that’s OK. I pulled my quad muscle the other day. I’ll just watch ‘til the game starts. You’re gonna come sit next to me by the TV aren’t you sug?’”

  Oki just rolled his eyes and jumped off the couch and went over to the TV. The game was about to start on the other side of the lounge and people were finding a place to sit and watch. They gathered folding chairs around the armchairs and two couches. Taney found her way over and got the last spot on the couch while Kaila and Peter sat next to each other on folding chairs.

  The game started and before long the Lunas had scored the first touchdown.
The room erupted as they took an early 7-0 lead. People did high-fives around the room and some even hugged each other. The Lunas stout defense held tough throughout the first half and by halftime had built a 14-0 advantage. Spirits were high all around the room. Even the staff members were enjoying the game and just as excited, as most of them were former alumni and boarders themselves.

  Peter was loving the atmosphere. He and Kaila got up and stretched their legs during the intermission. They helped themselves to some snacks and soda that were laid out on a table.

  “Man, this is great,” he said. “I’ve never been a part of something like this before. I think they might actually win and get to the title game!”

  Kaila nodded in agreement while she stuffed some chips in her mouth. “Oh I know! Isn’t it great? Seeing them on TV too! They did good like this the last two years, but they didn’t make it to the title game in Oahu. They lost both times in the second round. That’s why everyone is so excited this year. Everyone thinks this is their best team ever!”

  “That’s pretty cool,” Peter asserted. “They are pretty tough, that’s for sure. I bet Nanakuli doesn’t even score.” They walked back over to the dart board. “Wanta play some until the game comes back on?”

  Kaila beamed at him. He didn’t even have to ask. She loved their pastime of playing darts together. All the other people in the lounge just sat or stood around visiting with one another during halftime. They had the dart board area to themselves. He stood at the line and she sidled up next to him with her shoulder touching his. She loved being close to him this way. He loved it too and smiled as he took in her lovely natural scent. He sighed heavily and paused throwing the first dart, adoring every second of her being so close to him.

  “I’m glad you’re staying next week,” she whispered to him.

  “Me too,” he whispered back. He was dying to kiss her right then and there. She could sense his yearning as she wanted to kiss him just as much. But they resisted.

  They played a few more rounds of darts together then went and took their seats again over by the TV. Whoops and hollers rang out inside the lounge as the Lunas took the field. As they watched the game, Peter reached over and held Kaila’s hand in her lap. When the team scored, everyone leaped for joy in the room. Kaila and Peter didn’t miss the chance to give each other a long-lasting hug with each score. As the clock ran down in the final quarter, everyone in the room counted along with it all the way down to zero. When the horn sounded on the TV, the entire room erupted in cheers once again as the Lunas had triumphed over Nanakuli 28-0. Kaila hugged Peter tightly and even snuck in a quick kiss during the wild celebration. The Lunas had finally done it. They had advanced to the state championship game in Oahu.


  Peter sat behind Kaila on her scooter as they rode down Honoapiilani Highway slowly. Up and down the boulevard car horns blew in celebration as the whole west side of Maui had learned of the Lunas big win.

  “This is awesome!” Peter yelled out, laughing at the same time.

  Kaila pumped her fist in the air as cars passed by. “Woohoo! Go Lunas!” she yelled. She beeped the little horn on her scooter as well as they rode on.

  She pulled down a side street that led to Front Street in Lahaina and found a parallel parking space along the seawall. “Let’s walk down here for a while, check out the crowds.”

  “Sounds good,” Peter agreed.

  They walked along the seawall of Lahaina on Front Street. The shops that lined the street were all open and buzzing with shoppers in and out. An occasional horn blew, still celebrating the Lunas victory as the cars rolled down the busy street. The sun was setting over the water and the islands in the distance. And Kaila and Peter slowly walked hand in hand down the sidewalk.

  “This is a cool little town,” Peter said. “Kinda reminds me of Kona. But this place is a lot more festive. I like it.”

  “Yeah, I love it down here,” Kaila answered. “I never get tired of it. I’ve never seen Kona. You’ll have to show me someday. I heard about the tsunami though last year. Ruined a lot of shops in Kona, right?”

  Peter nodded and said, “Yeah, that was bad. One of the resorts that my dad does landscaping for part-time was damaged a lot. It had these cottages that were lifted right off the ground and moved by the waves.”

  “Geez, that is scary. Those alarms are so loud. They scare me to death.”

  “Yeah, we heard them that day,” Peter continued. “But where I live we are way up high. It came in during the night too. One shop had surveillance video inside their store in Kona showing the waves coming in and fish flopping around inside. It was bizarre.”

  “It’s just awful,” Kaila said, grimacing. “But those poor people in Japan, oh my gosh. We were lucky here compared to that.”

  “Yeah, no doubt. That was intensely bad. I hope it never happens again.” They stopped on a corner next to an ice cream shop. “Hey, let’s celebrate the big win. My treat.”

  “Mmmm,” Kaila answered. “You took the words right outta my mouth.”

  He treated her to a scoop and they sat on the wall in front of the historic Baldwin home to eat their ice cream. They sat and watched the tourists and cars pass by.

  “Mmm, this is good chocolate macadamia nut,” Peter sighed as he ate his ice cream.

  Kaila had gotten a cone for hers. “I’m trying Kona Coffee flavor in your mom’s honor.”

  Peter laughed at her. “Haha, she would approve of that. Well how is it?”

  “It’s delicious!” She took another lick and offered it to him. “Not bad, huh?”

  “Yeah, pretty good,” Peter concurred. “Here, try this one.”

  He fed her a bite of his ice cream as she smiled sweetly at him. “Mmmm, creamy. I love it. Two good choices.”

  Peter laughed and nudged her with his shoulder. “Yeah!”

  “Can you imagine this place a few weeks ago for the Halloween street festival?” Kaila asked, licking her lips.

  “Pretty crazy, huh? I heard about it.”

  Kaila pursed her upper lip and responded, “Yeah, they said like over twenty thousand people were down here. Too bad we couldn’t come. Kari wanted to do the keiki parade with her costume but my aunt didn’t want to fool with the crowds.”

  “Yeah, I don’t blame her,” Peter said, nodding. “Probably some crazies down here too.”

  They took their ice cream and walked some more along the small grassy lawn behind the town library. They reached the corner of the wall overlooking the water. Peter stared down at a flat, slanted rock that rose just out of the water near the edge.

  Kaila noticed what he was staring at. “That’s called a birthing stone. Royals from the monarchy way back when would use it when a pregnant woman was in labor. Brought good luck or something. I think women wanting to get pregnant would come sit on it for good luck too, or thinking it made them fertile.”

  “Pretty cool,” Peter said. “Don’t jump down there just yet though.” He chuckled at his own wit.

  “Oh get outta here!” Kaila smirked, and slapped him on the shoulder. “You get to run behind me just for that. Up the mountain!” Peter could not stop laughing as they walked back towards the busy street.