Read The MMG Page 14

  Chapter 13


  Watching it all come together, Aiah was feeling good. The balance of the 7 had made him the leader. Bettle was dead, and Aiah’s team was close to recovering the detail of the Run that could crush the MMG, putting the world in turmoil and opening up the opportunity for him to take over. The Run could expose the majority of the remaining 10 and the 60, who had been around long enough to know of the black ops related issues, ruining them. Having foreknowledge of when the Run that would ruin the MMG leadership was starting will allow him to establish that he was not aware, and that he was exposing them all. He would be shown to be an unaware man of peace. A leader in a tough time, ready to take over. He would have many followers, since the 600 members of the C6 would still be in place. The 600 industry leaders would be looking for direction and a team to belong to, and he would fill the void.

  The world would see many high ranking leaders removed from leadership roles, since they would be part of the 10, the 60, or be shown to be associated with them. The Run would confirm their rise to power using corruption and inside trading, ruining them. The world would find out it was not in charge, that the world was not what it seemed. The death or ruin of 50 to 60 people cannot change the world, but the perception that those 50 to 60 people controlled the world and are now exposed, could send the world into shock and chaos. He, as the peaceful, strong leader, would come to the rescue!

  He would lead a global mandate to unite us all against the power of the MMG corruption, to make sure that type of power would never be allowed to flourish again! And, he would use the MMG power to execute his plan. Genius!

  Shem Jaial Aiah (pronounced Hey ya, with a silent H), was born February 7th, 1960 in the Middle East, although the exact location is not known to him. His father had been part of the oil industry and had been involved with the establishment of OPEC, the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Companies. As a man known to all 4 Persian Gulf states and Venezuela, who made up the original OPEC, his father served in a mediator role between the 5 countries. They moved quite often and were welcome in all 5 countries. His mother used to travel with his father on all his trips. Shortly after Aiah was born both his parents were killed in a tragic fire. How he survived has always been a little sketchy, but all family records were lost in the fire.

  He was taken in by an oil tycoon, a friend of his fathers. He was adopted and raised like a prince. With the growth of OPEC, due to the worlds growing need for oil, the money flowed into the region, and his adopted father’s pockets, so quickly that they could not have spent it even if they had tried. His adopted father was based in Caracas Venezuela starting in 1958, shortly after Venezuela’s military dictator Perez Jimenez was toppled in revolution. The democratic government of Ramulo Betancourt was established and Aiah’s adopted father was brought in by Perez Alfonzo, newly appointed Minister of Mines, to assist with exploration. He was an independent business man and was very successful, since exploration at that time was like shooting fish in a barrel, everywhere he looked he struck oil.

  In the fall of 1974, at the age of 14, Aiah was sent to Darrow’s School, a boarding school in America on the New York/Massachusetts border. Testing proved him to be a in the upper 1% of students in the world. His command of languages, business, math, science, and leadership skills made him a top student and a campus leader. Darrow’s was also the place where Aiah became his main name. A one name person, like Cher, or Ali; he thought that was cool.

  After Darrow’s, Aiah went to Harvard for 2 years but dropped out to work with his adopted father. He soon tired of the oil business and started dabbling in business acquisition. His ability to find companies that were still sound but in financial trouble was uncanny. His adopted father helped him determine companies that may be a good fit, and then helped lead him in a direction that always seemed to put him in the right place at the right time. His adopted father also helped him find new employees that turned out to be the best. By the age of 28 Aiah was one of the most powerful businessmen in the world.

  Shortly after his adopted father passed away, Aiah was approached about coming to a meeting of a group called the MMG. He decided to go, and found out at the meeting that his adopted father was a high level member prior to his death. A friend of his adopted father’s became his mentor. Aiah was now a member of the MMG C6.

  At the age of 6 Aiah found one of his adopted father’s guns. He soon learned he enjoyed killing anything he could get away with. He enjoyed holding whatever it was, feeling the life fade from the body. No one ever knew of his dark side, at least not after his adopted mother went crazy after finding a dead bird in his room. He had a fascination about death, with pain, and eventually torture. His dark side was hidden from himself during his youth, grew during his prep days, and became ugly when he was in college.

  At Harvard Aiah excelled in class, but his fascination with death grew. He would go out late at night and experiment on the homeless drunks. He was taking chemicals from the school labs and mixing them, looking for drugs that would immobilize, incapacitate, and kill without a trace. An evil was growing in his heart, and soon it would consume him.

  After leaving college, he plotted to ruin anyone that got in his way. He had a way of exposing people, real or not, and having people look to him to fill the void after the other was removed. As a last resort, he would kill anyone that was in his way. He felt no remorse, carried no guilt, and slowly started befriending and controlling others that enjoyed death and power as much as he did. He had multiple assassins on retainer and wasn’t afraid to use them.

  Aiah’s first MMG convention was in 2008 at the Trianon Palace in Versailles, France and proved to be an eye opener. Sure, the people at the convention were successful, but most just seemed to be lucky. How could so many people be successful and so unaware how they succeeded at the same time? The guy that invented one of the main parts necessary for cameras to move into the digital media age in the 1970s did not seem to fully understand what he had invented or how it could be used. As Aiah questioned him it seemed obvious that this guy could not have invented what he said he did. The names and inventions/discoveries changed, but the story seemed similar – they had been given a great gift.

  As he thought about how lucky the others were he realized that he too had been given gifts. His adopted father had helped him pick acquisitions, and now, with a little knowledge, he wondered if maybe even the success he had with those companies had been preordained and helped along. How could his adopted-father have known? Was any of this truly his own doing? If not, he had to tap into the group that knew what was going to happen. He dedicated his future to finding out how the MMG worked.

  During one of the MMG meeting days he sized up someone he could get information out of, made contact, and they met after the days meetings for drinks. By asking questions Aiah found out there were 600 people like him, each with their own specialties. All were given information at times to help them become a world leader in their respective areas. They were also, from time to time, given free investment advice. Buy this, sell this short; buy a put or a call on this stock for this amount of time. And then sell when this happens. He was also warned not to deviate from what he was told.

  “People that deviate seem to have accidents, or scandal, shortly afterwards,” his informant said.

  “The group is awesome,” he continued,” My professor in college persuaded me to do my masters on satellite technology. When I graduated in the late-60’s I was brought into a defense contractor to put my theories to work.”

  After taking a drink he continued, “As I left college, my professor recruited me into the MMG, one of the C6. I was sent to a conference to discuss satellite technology and I came out of the conference with enough information to create 3 major innovations in the industry, plus, I was given network connections at 4 firms that bought products from us which made me more connected and valuable. I rose in my organization to be head engineer inside of a year.”

  “Did you r
eceive investment advice?” asked Aiah, buying another round.

  “Yeah, funny you should ask,” he said, “my professor called out of the blue one day in late 1969 and told me to sell anything I had in the tech market and to sell a couple companies short, he even sent me the funds needed to do it. Later he told me when to close my short position and the buy the shares back to hold. He thought this process would take about 6 - 8 months to happen. I thought he was crazy, the newspapers were saying the returns of 30% a year could go on for another decade.”

  After another drink he continued with a renewed enthusiasm, “Electronic Data Services, Ross Perot’s company, you know, the guy running for President, his company was one of those I sold short and then bought again later. Control Data, Mohawk Data, NCR – they were all growing so fast, the news was so good. When they crashed some of them lost 80% in value. I sold at 100 and I bought back around 25. I made a killing. Then he told me to buy “the nifty-fifty” with the money I had left, after paying him back the money he borrowed me, ya know.” After another sip, “then he called in late 1972 and told me to get out of “the nifty-fifty” and hold my money out of the market for a few years. I missed the big crash, heard some other people did real well with that one. It was years before he called to let me know I should buy back in and what to buy.”

  So! Aiah thought, they made this guy who he is and made him rich. “Did they ever have you do something for them without asking any questions?” he asked.

  “Well”, said the informant, “I am not supposed to tell, but you’re one of us.” He looked around and continued, “They put stuff in my satellites without anyone else knowing.” He said with a look that only someone that is drunk can give. “The guys I met at the conference supplied some high tech parts for our satellite and I noticed they had something in ‘em that I had not requested. When I called ‘em on it my professor called to let me know it was ok to allow the items to go into space. When I started to say I was not sure about that, he stopped ‘n reminded me about what he’d done for me. I fig’rd, hell, what difference does it make to me as long as it gets into space without me getting in trouble.”

  “Were there any other times?” Aiah asked.

  “Well, one time he gave me a packet and told me if I got a call about som’pen that I should open the packet and do what it said. Gads, what was it? Oh, I remember! If I got a call about an apple orchard I had to open the packet. Never did get a call. The packet called out to destroy it after a certain date. I just tossed it out.”

  The night ended with a few more stories, but Aiah had enough confirmation to see that the C6 were getting assistance, and being asked to do things. More to learn, he thought.

  One of the first companies that Aiah purchased with his adopted fathers recommendation was a pharmaceutical company. He found a few less than holy people working at the company and they helped further his passion for medical control over other people. Some of the drugs they already had would mentally incapacitate a person for 3 - 4 hours, with the person waking up without knowledge of what happened. The drug was valuable in surgeries, since the person having surgery could help get things ready for surgery and then not remember anything, but it is best known as a date rape drug. They also had developed drugs that would stop a heart yet leave no signature of the drug after a couple hours. The drug worked so fast that the heart stopped almost instantly once the drug was introduced into the blood stream. A second drug could induce a similar heart attack, but after 3 hours; giving the person that administered it enough time to vacate the area. A third drug would weaken a heart inside of 3 weeks, causing death by heart failure. A longer term drug would cause massive cancer growth and the recipient would be dead inside 6-months. The cancer would start in different areas but the result was the same. One of his favorite drugs was designed to put a whole house to sleep by introducing the drug, via a large syringe, through a key hole or under the door. The whole house would be asleep in a few minutes.

  As his thirst for power grew, so did his reliance on his drugs, assassins, thieves, and technology. He had many leaders taking money, or he held something on them. Blackmail was one of his favorites. He would send his people to parties, have the leader drugged, and then have them wake up in compromising circumstances. He was never personally involved, but he pulled all the strings. His team could get just about anything done in the Middle East, Europe, or Asia without anyone knowing he was pulling the strings.

  Aiah woke up on the second day of the conference with a burning desire to learn more about the MMG. How can they give stock advice 6 months before something happens? Are they really that good to be able to see things coming? Can they see the bubble, or are they manufacturing it somehow! Media, financial companies, engineers, software and hardware – all are represented by the C6. Are there puppet masters pulling strings to create, execute, and report events? All of the sudden Aiah saw an organization that had world-wide power. Power he had already been a part of without even knowing it. He needed to find out who pulled the strings.

  He needed a second contact, one of the 60. He had spent the day at the conference searching, when opportunity found him. He met a man that he would soon create an alliance with. They would become partners in learning about and taking control of the MMG. The man introduced himself, let Aiah know that he had a close relationship with Aiah’s adopted father, let him know he was sorry about how his father died.

  “You mean my adopted father, well, thank you. But he did live a good long life” Aiah said.

  “Well”, said the man, “I actually meant your father and mother.”

  “Come again?” Aiah asked.

  “I am sorry; I thought your adopted father had told you.”

  “Told me WHAT!” Aiah said, his voice and pulse rising.

  “Please, keep your voice down,” said the man, “I have been told your father was charter member of OPEC. He worked with the OPEC countries to create OPEC and, in doing so, reduced access and involvement of MMG companies and personnel in Middle East oil. A lot of money was advanced by MMG people and big oil companies to get oil pumping in the OPEC counties. Each country was shown innovations to make producing oil easier and faster, delivery systems were established, and markets were enlarged, all supplied or set up by MMG related companies. By creating OPEC, the countries involved took control of all aspects of their oil,” he said, he leaned in and continued, “took it from the MMG companies. When your father helped set up OPEC he became an enemy of the MMG.”

  “Are you saying they killed him?” yelled Aiah in a whisper.

  “That is my understanding, yes.”

  “And my adopted-father?” Aiah asked.

  “He was not involved. He loved your father and mother. He and his wife were watching you when the fire happened, he adopted you shortly after. Your adopted-father eventually did become a member of the MMG, but that was years later after the group changed.” The man replied. “By the way, I love your chemistry work.”

  “And what do YOU know of MY chemistry work?” Aiah asked.

  “Your adopted-father treated me with samples of some of your finest items! They are to die for!”

  “What chemicals are you talking about?” Aiah said hoping the answer would not be what he suspected.

  “Heart attack, heart disease, cancer, sleeping gas, and a date rape drug,” said the man.

  Aiah didn’t frighten easily, but this was unsettling. Did his company invent these, or were they created for the MMG? He tried to quickly think back to when he bought the pharmaceutical company. His adopted father had brought in people to help him and they had discovered the drugs, but he was sure it was at his request.

  “I am not sure I know what you are talking about,” Aiah said.

  “Very well, it is our secret anyway,” said the man.

  Aiah realized that this man needed to die. He would connect up with one of his contacts to arrange it. His step father had connected him up with a man that could do almost anything. He had been part of the te
am that Aiah had used to kill people that were in his way. This man would be next!

  “If you are planning to contact your man Zero, I just want you to know, my phone will ring.”

  Aiah almost passed out, “you’re Zero!”

  “I am. I have been by your side for years and I am loyal to you. Your adopted father was my mentor, saved my life many times in my youth, and I swear the loyalty I had for him to you,” said Zero.

  That connection brought the two together. They talked for hours and realized they had parallel goals. Aiah wanted to rule the world and Zero wanted to manipulate or kill everyone in Aiah’s way.

  As Aiah lay down to sleep late that night he was glad for the alliance he had started with Zero. The fact that the MMG had killed his father and mother, however, was starting to boil in his mind. This hatred would grow quickly over the next few months. He needed to know who was with the MMG then, he wanted revenge, and he wanted them dead! Disgrace, then cancer, he thought, that would be the most painful.

  Aiah and Zero took turns creating situations to make them both appear to be golden boys of the MMG. In addition, they discredited or killed off everyone in their way. Within a year Zero had moved to one level below the top of the organization in his specialty. Aiah still had a few more people to get rid of to complete his rise.

  During the cancer causing research conducted by Aiah’s pharmaceutical company, the company also found a way to pinpoint and attack certain cancer cells. The break through research passed a variety of test situations and was proven and approved in 2010. The news of the find was met with great world acclaim. While most people saw a potential great financial gain, Aiah decided to build on his projected world view as a great humanitarian and philanthropist by giving the drug away for free. An award was given and there was even talk of a Noble prize.

  Approaching the stage to collect his humanitarian award for giving the world a gift of free cancer drugs Aiah was in his glory. His company had stumbled upon a cure for numerous cancers that fall under the non-Hodgkin’s Lymphoma title. The company had found a way to isolate the cells affected and reverse negative mutations. The media coverage was intense; the whole world was in love with this new philanthropist!

  “My friends, it is great to be here!” said Aiah, waving as the crowd went wild. Zero stood off to the side and marveled, he could not remember another world event where the press clapped along with everyone else. “What an honor it is to be given an award for something that is a personal passion. Many years ago we started to work towards medical research looking for new and innovative ways to attack a cancer cell. I have taken it upon myself to work diligently to remove the threat of cancer from the world.”

  Again the crowd exploded with excitement. “Now that we have found a cure, we cannot hold the cure back from anyone! All that need it; will get it!” Again, there was a rousing round of applause from everyone in the room. The wait staff, the guests, and the reporters in attendance covering the event were all smiling and clapping.

  “Even the mention of the Noble Prize for Medicine has humbled me. We were lucky to find the breakthrough, and giving the cure to the world seems like the right thing to do. We certainly did not do our research looking for monetary gain, but instead to serve this wonderful world!”

  “Noble, Noble, Noble,” came the chant from the crowd.

  Aiah swelled with pride, feeding on the applause. Oh, how he loved applause!