Read The Magical Girl Massacre Page 1

The Magical Girl Massacre

  By David Eveleigh

  Copyright 2016 David Eveleigh


  All characters portrayed in sexual situations or in the nude are aged 18 or older. Absolutely no minors are sexualized in this story. Additionally, no women or animals were harmed in the making of this ebook. With internet censorship becoming a hot button topic, not only is splatterpunk relevant again, but exploitation for exploitation's sake is totally justified.

  Chapter 1

  What you are looking at is all that remains of Melody Charms. From the beginning of her short life to her rather tragic demise, she liked to think that she was special. As a child, she had dreamed of becoming a famous singer one day. As a teenager, she had kept a fantastic secret.

  Now, you can certainly tell by her cyan hair, her matching cosplay uniform and the ornate flute which her ice cold hand is clutching in a death grip that she was not your typical teenage girl. However, these only tell a part of the story.

  Six years ago, Queen Selene, Goddess of the Moon, had a premonition that the world would descend into an age of violence. To combat this terror, she empowered Melody and her friends with a divine energy. With that energy, the five of them could transform into a fighting force the likes of which the planet had never seen. For a time, it seemed like world peace was within their grasp.

  Yet, now poor Melody lies still. Blood leaks from a hole in her pretty head. A hole where a power drill was forced through her skull.

  Mere hours earlier, she shivered as she hid deep in the labyrinthine halls of Lewis Manor. The others were dead. They had to be. Nobody could have survived the sheer animal fury from which she'd fled. If only she had stayed behind, if only she had not run, maybe her friends would still be alive. No, that was a fool's hope. If she'd stayed, she would have died too. Melody knew her limitations. That inhuman savagery had completely outmatched both her and her teammates. It was violence incarnate. Now, only she remained.

  Melody clutched the wound in her side as she peeked out from her hiding place. Perhaps the closet was not the safest of spaces, but it had done its job. More than anything else, she had to escape.

  She had to live so that the deaths of her friends would not have been in vain.

  Satisfied that the hallway was clear, she pushed open the closet door and hobbled forward as swiftly as she could. The window was in plain sight. It had no locks. No bars. Escape would be easy.

  If she could only reach it.

  As Melody limped, she realized that she was leaving a red trail. She cursed under her breath and gritted her teeth.

  “Almost there,” she told herself, “almost there...”

  “Melody!” Came a cry behind her. The cyan-haired girl glanced over her shoulder to see...

  Aiko. Somehow, the Japanese exchange student had managed to survive. Melody could have kissed her. However, her joy soon turned to terror as she realized too late that her teammate's cry had alerted their pursuer as well.

  From out of the shadows, Melody saw a witch-like hand snatch Aiko's hair. Then, the flash of the hunting knife as it buried itself in the exchange student's young throat. Melody shut her eyes, but still heard the crunching of the blade as it sawed through flesh and bone. Aiko's lifeless body fell to the carpeted floor with a sickening thud. But her head remained clutched in the killer's hand.

  Melody gagged and limped towards the window. She heard a predator's footfalls behind her and knew that her time was short. She raised her flute to her lips and played a warrior's tune. A beam of blue light fired out the end and shattered the window into a twisted kaleidoscope. Without even thinking she leaped through. Her side stabbed as she hit the ground. But she was outside. More important, she was alive! She looked behind and saw a woman's silhouette in the broken frame of the window. Without a second to spare, Melody picked herself off of the ground and ran as fast as she could into the night.

  Chapter 2

  In the shadow of Lewis Manor lay the suburban neighbourhood of Cutter's Grove. The children used to whisper tales of the old mansion on the hill and the reclusive family who lived there. Some claimed that the Lewis clan were not living at all, but were vampires who preyed on the unsuspecting townsfolk while they slept. Others told that they were cannibals who relished the taste of human flesh.

  Neither Lysette nor her little sister Elyon were strangers to these tales. In fact, Elyon had cooked up about half of them herself. Lysette, on the other hand, hated spreading rumours, especially about a family as tragic as the Lewises. She could only imagine the pain that old Mrs Lewis must be going through. Her husband dead. Her son crippled.

  Lysette took a deep breath and returned her attention to the movie. Normally, whenever Elyon threw a slumber party, the TV room was totally co-opted by her and her friends. Tonight, however, they were far too preoccupied looking up funny yet inappropriate videos online, meaning that Lysette had the rare luxury of having the big screen all to herself. As fun and exciting as Psycho Cop 2 was, she envied her little sister. Still so young. Still in high school. Still with her whole life ahead of her. Lysette was twenty now and was already two years into college. She hoped to become a doctor someday. High school was just a memory. All of its cliques had disappeared the moment that she'd entered adult life. The future was no longer bright, but rigid. She had chosen a future for herself and now, for better or for worse, she had to stick with that choice. A tear came to her eye as she forgot all about the movie.

  The sound of the doorbell jolted Lysette out of her melancholy. It was probably the pizza that Elyon had ordered. Of course, the little brat was too lazy to get up and pay for it herself. So, naturally, the duty fell on Lysette.

  Like it always did.

  She fished out the money that her parents had left her when they'd went away for the holiday and opened the front door. Standing there was a girl dressed from head to toe in cyan, save for the dark red stain on her waist. Her skin was pale from blood loss.

  “Help me...” she stammered and collapsed into Lysette's arms.

  “They're coming,” she whispered, “they'll kill us all.”

  Lysette choked down a gasp and carried the mystery girl to the couch. The sound of voices reached her ears.

  “What's going on?” She heard her younger sister ask.

  “Call the police, Elyon.” Lysette replied without even looking.


  She turned and gave her sister a serious look. Framing Elyon were her two friends, Alchemy and Noriko. The three high-schoolers shrank under Lysette's gaze.


  Elyon nodded and headed straight for the phone.

  “Look,” Alchemy said, “if there's some kind of trouble, maybe I should head home.”

  “Wait!” Noriko called. But it was too late. Alchemy had already opened the door. Two seconds of stillness followed as the girls processed what they saw. The silence was broken by the sound of Alchemy screaming.

  Lying on the doorstep was the head of a Japanese girl.

  Chapter 3

  Sheriff Leigh knew all about justice. He knew exactly where the line between right and wrong was drawn. He also knew which side of it he stood on. As he walked up the steps to Lewis Manor, he couldn't help but think that the line lay right there at the threshold.

  He rang the bell and waited. Before long, the voice of an old crone came from the other side of the door.

  “Who is it?”

  “Caroline?” The sheriff replied, “it's me. I've got troubles, you hear?”

  “Troubles?” Old Lady Lewis asked.

  “As in a station full of young girls who found a severed head on their doorstep!” He barked, “one of 'em says that your boy Jesse carved her friends up

  “Jesse is bedridden.” Mrs Lewis stated coldly.

  “That ain't what I'm hearing,” Leigh said, “I know your husband got away with some pretty shady things, but no way am I turning a blind eye to this. Either you hand over the boy, or I take both of you away in handcuffs. Your choice, Caroline.”

  There was silence on the other side of the door. Then came the sharp clang of the bolt being slid to one side. The door creaked open and there she stood on the other side of the line. Caroline Lewis was a very proper woman in a black dress, her hair tied back in a silver bun. In her eye was defeat.

  “Come with me,” she said. The sheriff followed her through the maze-like halls of the manor.

  “I'm sorry about this, Caroline,” he said, “the law's the law.”

  “And where was the law for my husband?” She snapped, “where is justice for my little boy?”

  “That was an accident,” Leigh replied, “they were just kids.”

  “So was he,” she said bitterly. She stopped in front of a door with a large iron lock and tapped on it.

  “Jesse, dear,” she said, “the sheriff would like a word with you. Do you feel up to seeing him?”

  “Yes, mother,” wheezed a raspy voice on the other side. Mrs Lewis produced a large key and fitted it into the lock. She opened the door and gestured for the sheriff to step inside. All he saw was a bandaged paw reach out and grab him by the face. The arm attached to it was so powerful that it flung him around like a rag doll. Mrs Lewis closed the door to shut out the sound of screams and snapping bones. She turned her back on all that violence and went out to make her own justice.

  Chapter 4

  Noriko had never pictured herself as a hero. However, as she watched the doctor tend to poor Melody, she couldn't help but feel a little proud. After all, if it hadn't been for her and the others, that mystery girl might not have survived.

  The sheriff's station was a tiny building which actually managed to seem smaller on the inside than it did from the outside. The entire police force in Cutter's Grove consisted of the sheriff, his deputy and the dispatcher. Such was the fate of such a small town.

  Despite the cramped quarters, Noriko did not feel the slightest bit uncomfortable. In fact, for the first time in her life, she was as big as a house. It was liberating. Normally, Elyon made her feel like she was two feet tall. Noriko wasn't sure why she continued to hang out with her. Maybe she had simply gotten so used to her friend's behaviour that she had come to accept it. But this new found feeling of self worth sent a fissure through her worldview. It was scary.

  “Okay, Miss,” the doctor said to Melody, “That's all I can do for now. We'd better get you to the hospital.”

  “Wait,” the cyan-haired maiden replied, “there's something that I have to do first.”

  She approached the girls meekly and addressed them as best as she could.

  “Thank you for saving me,” she said, “I'm Melody Charms and I am the last of Earth's guardians. My teammates were all... killed.”

  She sighed.

  “But the fight against evil continues. I now have to choose new teammates to take their places and I think I've found them.”

  Melody raised her flute to her lips and played a soft lullaby. The doctor and the deputy stood aghast as a mystical blue energy surrounded her. It stretched out from her and encompassed the girls. Suddenly, there was a bright flash and the energy was gone. However, Noriko and the other girls were now wearing matching bracelets.

  “What's this?” Alchemy asked.

  “Your transformation beads,” Melody explained, “with them, you can change into your magical forms.”

  “M-magical form?” Noriko stammered.

  “Yes,” Melody said, “everybody has a magical form, but only the truly special ever succeed in transforming into it. With these bracelets, you now have the power to fight the darkness, just like I do.”

  She lifted her flute once more and played. In front of her materialized a beautiful apparition in a white dress. Magic emanated off of her like a halo.

  “Hello,” the stunning phantom said, “I am known by many names. In ancient times, your people worshipped me as Selene, the moon queen. Not long ago, I blessed Melody with incredible powers so that she could combat the rising Age of Violence. You must now join her fight, otherwise the world will be ruled by darkness.”

  “B-but,” Noriko said, “we're nobody special. How can we hope to fight?”

  Selene smiled.

  “All you have to do is believe in yourself.” She said. Hearing those words, looking at that smile, Noriko really felt like a hero.

  But then came the shot.

  A lead slug smashed through the window. Noriko watched as the moon queen's face splattered into a chunky red mist. The glow surrounding Selene faded and her body turned withered and grey.

  A second shot followed, ripping through Noriko's chest. She felt her breasts and ribs mashed by the force. Her spine shattered out her back along with the contents of her bosom. Oddly, she felt no pain, only numbness from the neck down. She fell backwards and hit the ground hard. Elyon's face hovered over her with tears in her eyes. All she did was repeat Noriko's name over and over again. Maybe she wasn't such a bad friend after all. Noriko smiled as the world turned black.

  Chapter 5

  Elyon knelt over Noriko's corpse. She totally expected a third shot to end her life too. However, death did not come again. She looked over to the shattered window from where the lethal blasts had come.

  “Are they gone?” She asked.

  “They're probably using a double-barrelled shotgun,” the deputy answered, “they have to reload now.”

  He drew his revolver and ducked beneath the window. Quickly, so as to have the advantage, he stood up and aimed his gun outside.

  “Gone,” he said, returning his gun to its holster. Elyon sighed with relief.

  “They've probably headed back to Lewis Manor,” Melody explained.

  “Then that's where I'm heading,” the deputy said. Elyon's eyes fell back on Noriko. Her friend merely stared vacantly at the ceiling with a gaping hole through her upper torso.

  “No,” Elyon said, “That's where we're going.”

  She closed her eyes and remembered what Selene had said.

  Believe in yourself.

  A fantastic light surrounded her. When it faded, she had transformed into her magical self. An adorable purple dress hung elegantly from her body and a pair of cat ears now decorated her head.

  “For Noriko,” she said. Alchemy and Lysette both nodded and transformed as well. Alchemy's uniform was a fiery red and Lysette's a lovely emerald.

  “For Selene too,” Melody said. She raised her flute to her lips and played a short trill. As she did, a blue portal opened up in front of her. The girls all took deep breaths and stepped through.

  Chapter 6

  Alchemy hid in the bushes of Lewis Manor while the girls waited to spring their trap. They all knew the plan. The killer likely would not expect them to reach the mansion so quickly. All they had to do was stay hidden until he returned, then they could ambush him with their magical powers.

  Alchemy was still thrilled by her new sense of empowerment. She had been practising with her magic while she waited. Her element was fire. Elyon was water and Lysette was earth. She suspected that Noriko would have had the powers of the wind, but now none of them would ever know.

  Alchemy felt a touch of guilt. Noriko had been Elyon's friend, not hers. How many times had Alchemy wished for her to be out of the way? How often had she prayed to have Elyon all to herself?

  Dear sweet Elyon. It pained Alchemy to see her so upset. She clenched her fist and felt the flames surge within her. Noriko would be avenged, that was certain.

  A pair of wide headlights appeared in the distance. Alchemy cooled herself and stayed hidden. The lights drew closer like glowing eyes in the dark. A red pickup truck followed them out of the night and stopped at the foot of the manor. She remained
patient, although she could not see the driver. The door opened and out stepped a very prim old woman. Alchemy could not believe her eyes. She had expected a hulking, masked figure, like something out of a slasher film. But this willowy creature looked like she couldn't harm a fly, not even if she wanted to. But then, she pulled the shotgun out of the truck. Alchemy's blood boiled. That was the weapon which had killed Noriko. Plans be damned, this woman was going to pay.

  Believe in yourself.

  Selene's final words echoed in Alchemy's brain as she conjured her fire.

  “Hold it right there!” She shouted. The old woman froze. She turned and shock filled her withered face at the sight of Alchemy surrounded by magical flames. She looked like she was about to run, but Lysette blocked her path. Melody and Elyon emerged from their hiding places and surrounded their target. But Alchemy's fire only increased. She hated that murderous old hag. That old witch. What did they used to do to witches again? Of course, they burned them.

  “Alchemy,” Melody said, “calm down...”

  “I'm going to kill her,” Alchemy said.

  “Don't do it,” Melody said.

  “Why shouldn't I?”

  “Her blood isn't worth staining your hands with.”

  Alchemy took a deep breath to calm herself. Her fire died down.

  Without warning, a bandaged hand grabbed Melody by her cyan hair. She screamed in fear and pain as a nightmarish figure emerged from the darkness behind her. Its face and hands were covered with gauze. It wore an orange and black Halloween sweater. When it spoke, it was in raspy sibilants that sent chills up Alchemy's spine.

  “Get away from my mother!” It hissed. The creature raised its free hand, revealing that it held a power drill in its deadly grip.

  “No,” Melody pleaded. But the monster paid her no heed. He squeezed the trigger, sending the bit into a deadly spin.

  “No,” she repeated. The monster pressed the drill against her temple. Melody's blood and brains sprayed everywhere. Piss poured down her thighs as the bit broke through the opposite side of her skull. The monster thrust the drill in and out of her wound, as though he were fucking her with it. With each push, more of her head's contents leaked out. Finally, the demon dropped her twitching corpse and set its hateful gaze on Alchemy. It charged at her with the force of a blitzkrieg.