Read The Man in Black Page 6



  Meanwhile, a few yards away, in the room of the astrolabe, Madame deVidoche sat, waiting and trembling, afraid to move from the spot wherethe astrologer had placed her, and longing for his return. The minutesseemed endless, the house a grave. The silence and mystery whichwrapped her round, the sombre hangings, the burning candles, thecabalistic figures filled her with awe and apprehension. She was atimid woman; nothing but that last and fiercest hunger of all, thehunger for love, could have driven her to this desperate step orbrought her here. But she was here, it had brought her; and thoughfear blanched her cheek, and her limbs shook under her, and she darednot pray--for what was this she was doing?--she did not repent, orwish the step untaken, or go back on her desire.

  The place was dreadful to her; but not so dreadful as the cold home,the harsh words, the mockery of love, the slowly growing knowledgethat there never had been love, from which she was here to escape. Shewas alone, but not more lonely than she had been for months in her ownhouse. The man who daily met her with gibes and taunts, and seldomspoke without reminding her how pale and colourless she showed besidethe florid witty beauties of the Court--_his friends_--was still herall, and had been her idol. If he failed her, the world was emptyindeed. Only one thing remained therefore; by hook or crook, by all awoman might do or dare, by submission, by courage, to win back hislove. She had tried. God knows she had tried! She had knelt to him,and he had struck her. She had dressed and been gay, and striven tojest as his friends jested: he had scourged her with a cutting sneer.She had prayed, and Heaven had not answered. She had turned fromHeaven--a white-faced, pining woman, little more than a girl--and shewas here.

  Only let the man be quick! Let him be quick and give her what shesought; and then scarcely any price he could ask should strain hergratitude. At last she heard his step, and in a moment he came in.Against the black background, and seen by the gloomy light of thecandles, he looked taller, leaner, paler, more sombre than life. Hiseyes glowed with unnatural lustre. Madame shuddered as he came towardsher; and he saw it, and grinned behind his cadaverous mask.

  "Madame," he said gravely, bowing his head, "it is as I hoped. Venusis in the ascendant for nine days from to-day, and in fortunateconjunction with Mars. I am happy that you come to me at a time sopropitious. A very little effort at this season will suffice. But itis necessary, if you would have the charm work, to preserve the mostabsolute silence and secrecy in regard to it."

  Her lips were dry, her tongue seemed to cleave to her mouth. She feltshame as well as fear in this man's presence. But she made an effort,and muttered, "It will work?"

  "I will answer for it!" he replied bluntly, a world of dubious meaningin his tone and eyes. "It is the powder of attraction, by the use ofwhich Diane de Poitiers won the love of the king, though she surpassedhim by twenty years; and Madame de Valentinois held the hearts of mentill her seventieth winter. Madame de Hautefort uses it. It is made ofliquid gold, etherealised and strengthened with secret drugs. I havemade up two packets, but it will be safer if madame will take both atonce, dissolved in good wine and before the expiration of the ninthday."

  Madame de Vidoche took the packets, trembling. A little red dyed herpale cheeks. "Is that all?" she murmured, faintly.

  "All, madame; except that when you drink it, you must think of yourhusband," he answered. As he said this he averted his face; for, tryas he would, he could not check the evil smile that curled his lip._Dieu!_ Was ever so grim a jest known? Or so forlorn, so helpless, soinfantine a fool? He could almost find it in his heart to pity her. Asfor her husband--ah, how he would bleed him when it was over!

  "How much am I to pay you, sir?" she asked timidly, when she hadhidden away the precious packets in her bosom. She had got what shewanted; she was panting to be gone.

  "Twenty crowns," he answered, coldly. "The charm avails for ninemoons. After that----"

  "I shall need more?" she asked; for he had paused.

  "Well, no, I think not," he answered slowly--hesitating strangely,almost stammering. "I think in your case, madame, the effect will belasting."

  She had no clue to the fantastic impulse, the ghastly humour, whichinspired the words; and she paid him gladly. He would not take themoney in his hands, but bade her lay it on the great open book,"because the gold was alloyed, and not virgin." In one or two otherways he played his part; directing her, for instance, if she wouldincrease the strength of the charm, to gaze at the planet Venus forhalf an hour each evening, but not through glass or with any metal onher person. And then he let her out by the door which opened on thequiet street.

  "Madame has, doubtless, her woman, or some attendant?" he said,looking up and down. "Or I----"

  "Oh, yes, yes!" she answered, gasping in the cold night air. "She ishere. Goodnight, sir."

  He muttered some words in a strange tongue, and, as Madame deVidoche's attendant came out of the shadow to meet her, turned andwent in again.

  The night was dark as well as cold, but madame, in the first fervourof her spirits, did not heed it. She suffered her maid to wrap her upwarmly, and draw the cloak more closely round her throat; but she wasscarcely conscious of the attention, and bore it as a child might--insilence. Her eyes shone in the darkness; her heart beat with a softsubtle joy. She had the charm--the key to happiness! It was in herbosom; and every moment, under cover of the cloak and night, herfingers flew to it and assured her it was safe. The scruples withwhich she had contemplated the interview troubled her no longer. Inher joy and relief that the ordeal was over and the philtre gained,she knew no doubt, no suspicion. She lived only for the moment whenshe might put the talisman to the test, and see love wake again inthose eyes which, whether they smiled or scowled, fate had made thelodestones of her life.

  The streets, by reason of the cold, were quiet enough. No one remarkedthe two women as they flitted along under cover of the wall.Presently, however, the bell of a church close at hand began to ringfor service, and the sound, startling madame, brought her suddenly,chillily, sharply, to earth again. She stopped. "What is that?" shesaid. "It cannot be compline. It wants three hours of midnight."

  "It is St. Thomas's Day," the woman with her answered.

  "So it is," madame replied, moving on again, but more slowly. "Ofcourse; it is four days to Christmas. Don't they call him the Apostleof Faith, Margot?"

  "Yes, madame."

  "To be sure," madame rejoined thoughtfully. "To be sure; yes, weshould have faith--we should have faith." And with that she buoyedherself up again (as people will in certain moods, using the strangestfloats), and went on gaily, her feet tripping to the measure of herheart, and her hand on the precious packet that was to change theworld for her. On the foullest mud gleams sometimes the brightestphosphorescence: otherwise it were not easy to conceive how evenmomentary happiness could come of the house in the Rue Touchet!

  The two women had nearly reached the Church of St. Gervais by theGreve, when the sound of a swift stealthy footstep coming along thestreet behind them caught the maid's ear. It was not a reassuringsound at night and in that place. The dark square of the Greve, sweptby the icy wind from the river, lay before them; and though a brazier,surrounded by a knot of men belonging to the watch, burned in themiddle of the open, the two women were reluctant to show themselveswhere they might meet with rudeness. Margot laid her hand on hermistress's arm, and for a few seconds the two stood listening, withthumping hearts. The step came on--a light, pattering step. Acting ona common impulse the women turned and looked at one another. Thenslipping noiselessly into the shadow cast by the church porch, theypressed themselves against the wall, and stood scarcely daring tobreathe.

  But fortune was against them, or their follower's eye was keen beyondthe ordinary. They had not been there many seconds before he camerunning up--a stooping figure, slight and short. He slackened speedabruptly, and stopped exactly opposite their lurking-place. A momentof suspense, and
then a pale face, rendered visible by a gleam fromthe distant fire, looked in on them, and a thin, panting voicemurmured timidly, "Madame! Madame de Vidoche, if you please!"


  "Saint Siege!" madame's woman gasped, in a voice of astonishment. "Ideclare it is a child!"

  Madame almost laughed in her relief. "Ah!" she said, "how youfrightened us! I thought you were a man dogging us--a thief!"

  "I am not," the boy said simply.

  This time Margot laughed. "Who are you, then?" she asked, brisklystepping out, "and why have you been following us? You seem to have mylady's name pretty pat," she added, sharply.

  "I want to speak to her," the boy answered, his lip trembling. Intruth, he was trembling all over with fear and excitement. But thedarkness hid that.

  "Oh!" Madame de Vidoche said graciously. "Well, you may speak. Buttell me first who you are, and be quick about it. It is cold andlate."

  "I am from the house where you have been," Jehan answered bravely."You saw me at Les Andelys, too, when you were at supper, madame. Iwas the boy at the door. I want to speak to you alone, please."

  "Alone!" madame exclaimed.

  The boy nodded firmly. "If you please," he said.

  "Hoity-toity!" Margot exclaimed; and she was for demurring. "He onlywants to beg," she said.

  "I don't!" the boy cried, with tears in his voice.

  "Then it is a present he wants!" she rejoined, scornfully. "Theyexpect their vales at those places. And we are to freeze while hemakes a tale."

  But madame, out of pity or curiosity, would hear him. She bade thewoman wait a few paces away. And when they were alone: "Now," she saidkindly, "what is it? You must be quick, for it is very cold."

  "_He_ sent me after you--with a message," Jehan answered.

  Madame started, and her hand went to the packet. "Do you mean M.Notredame?" she murmured.

  The boy nodded. "He--he said he had forgotten one thing," hecontinued, halting between his sentences and shivering. "He--he saidyou were to alter one thing, madame."

  "Oh!" Madame answered frigidly, her heart sinking, her pride roused bythis intervention of the boy, who seemed to know all. "What thing, ifyou please?"

  Jehan looked quickly and fearfully over his shoulder. But all wasquiet. "He said he had forgotten that your husband was dark," hestammered.

  "Dark!" madame muttered in astonishment.

  "Yes, dark-complexioned," Jehan continued desperately. "And that beingso, you were not to take the--the charm yourself."

  Madame's eyes flashed with anger. "Oh!" she said, "indeed! And is thatall?"

  "But to give it to him, without telling him," the boy rejoined, withsudden spirit and firmness.

  Madame started and drew a deep breath. "Are you sure you have made nomistake?" she said, trying to read the boy's face. But it was too darkfor that.

  "Quite sure," he answered hardily.

  "Oh," madame said, slowly and thoughtfully; "very well. Is that all?"

  "That is all," he replied, drawing back a step; but reluctantly, as itseemed.

  Margot, who had been all the time moving a little nearer and a littlenearer, came right up at this. "Now, my lady," she said sharply, "Ibeg you will have done. This is no place for us at this time of night,and this little imp of Satan ought to be about his business. I am sureI am perishing with cold, and the sound of those creaking boats on theriver makes me think of nothing but gibbets and corpses, till I havegot the creeps all down my back! And the watch will be herepresently."

  "Very well, Margot," madame answered; "I am coming." But still shelooked at the boy and lingered. "You are sure there is nothing else?"she murmured.

  "Nothing," he answered.

  She thought his manner odd, and wondered why he lingered; why he didnot hurry off, since the night was cold and he was bareheaded. ButMargot pressed her again, and she turned, saying reluctantly, "Verywell, I am coming."

  "Ay, and so is Christmas!" the woman grumbled. And this time shefairly took her by the arm and hurried her away.

  "That is not a good retort, Margot!" madame said presently, when theyhad gone a few paces, and were flitting hand-in-hand across the Greve,with heads bent to the wind, "for it wants only four days toChristmas. You had forgotten that!"

  "I think you are fey, my lady!" the woman replied, in an ill-temper."I have not seen you so gay these twelve months; and what with thecold, and fear of the watch and monsieur, I am ready to sink. You musthave heard fine news down there."

  But madame did not answer. She was thinking of last Christmas. Herhusband had gone to the revels at the Palais Cardinal, which was thenin building. She had offered to go with him, and he had told her, withan oath, that if she did she should remember it. So she had stopped athome alone--her first Christmas in Paris. She had gone to mass, andthen had sat all day in the cold, splendid house, and cried. Half theservants had played truant, and her woman had been cross, and forhours together no one had gone near her.

  This Christmas it was to be different.

  Madame's eyes began to shine again, and her heart to beat a pleasantmeasure. If she had her will, they would go to no pageants ormerry-makings. But then he liked such things, and showed to advantagein them. Yes, they would go, and she would sit quiet as a mouse; andlistening while they praised him, would feed all the time on the sweetknowledge that now he was hers--her own.

  She had not done dreaming when they reached the house. The porter wasdrowsing in his lodge, the gate was ajar. They slipped into the darksilent courtyard, and, flitting across it, entered the house. Twoservants lay stretched asleep in the hall, and in a little room to theleft of the door they could hear others talking; but no one lookedout. Fortune could not have aided them better. With a little laugh ofrelief and thankfulness madame tripped up the grand staircase andunder the great lamp which lit it and the hall.

  Marmot followed, but neither she nor her mistress saw who followedthem: who had followed them across the windy Greve, through street andlane and byway; even, after a moment's hesitation, over the thresholdof the court and into the house. A servant who heard the stairs creakas they went up, and looked out, fancied he saw a small black figureglide out of sight above; but as there were no children in the house,and this was a child, if anything, he thought his eyes deceivedhim--he was half-asleep--and, crossing himself, went back, yawning.

  The boy could never quite explain--though often asked inafter-years--what led him to run this risk. It is true he dared notreturn to the Rue Touchet; and he was only twelve years old, and knewnowhere else to go. But---- However, that is all that can be said. Hedid follow them.

  He paused at the head of the stairs, and stood shivering under thegreat lamp. In front of him hung a pair of heavy curtains. After amoment's hesitation he crept between them and found himself in asplendid apartment, spacious though sparely furnished, lit fromthe roof, and in character half-hall, half-parlour. A high marblechimney-piece in the new Italian mode faced him, and on either handwere two lofty doorways screened by curtains. The floor was ofparquet, the walls were panelled in chestnut wood. On each side of thefire, which smouldered low between the dogs and was nearly out, a longbench, velvet-covered, ran along the wall. A posset-cup stood on atripod on the hearth, and in the middle of the room a marble tablebore a dish of sweetmeats and a tray of flasks and glasses. In thatday, when people dined at eleven and supped at six, it was customaryto take _les epices et le vin du coucher_ before retiring at nine.

  The boy stood cowering and listening--a strange, pale-faced littlefigure, reflected in a narrow mirror which decked one wall. It wasvery cold even here; outside he must die of cold. He heard the twowomen moving and talking in one of the rooms on the left; otherwisethe house was still. He looked about, hesitated, and at last stole ontip-toe across the floor to one of the doors on his right. The curtainwhich hid it trailed a yard on the ground. He sat down between it andthe door, and, winding one corner of the thick heavy stuff round hisfrozen limbs, utte
red a sigh of relief. He had found a refuge of akind.

  He meant to sleep, but he could not, for all his nerves were tensewith excitement. Not a sound in the house escaped him. He heard thesoft ashes sink on the hearth; he heard one of the men who slept inthe hall turn and moan in his sleep. At last, quite close to him, adoor opened.

  Jehan moved a little and peered from his ambush. The noise had comefrom madame's room. He was not surprised when he saw her face thrustout. Presently she put the curtain quite aside and came out, and stooda little way from him, listening intently. She wore a loose robe ofsome soft stuff, and he fancied she was barefoot, for she movedwithout noise.

  She stood listening a full minute, with her hand to her bosom. Thenshe nodded, as if assured that all was well, and, going to the table,looked down at the things it held. Her face wore a subtle smile, hercheeks flamed softly, there was a shy sparkle in her eyes. The lampseemed to lend her new loveliness.

  Apparently she did not find what she wanted on the table, for in amoment she turned and went to the fireplace. She took the posset fromthe trivet, and, lifting the lid of the cup, looked in. What she sawappeared to satisfy her, for with a quick movement she carried the cupto the table and set it down open. She had her back to Jehan now, andhe could not see what she was doing, though he watched her everymotion and partly guessed. When she had finished whatever it was, sheraised the cup to her lips, and the boy's heart stood still. Ay, stoodstill! He half rose, his face white. But he was in error. She onlykissed the wine and covered it, and took it back to the trivet,murmuring something over it as she set it down.


  The boy lay still, like one fascinated, while madame, clasping twolittle silk bags to her bosom, stole back to her door. As she raisedthe curtain with one hand she turned on a sudden impulse and kissedthe other towards the hearth. Slowly the curtain fell and hid hershining eyes.