Read The Man in the Black Suit Page 27

  Acacia wondered why.

  “I’m gratified you’re still wearing my gift.” He touched one of the beads of her necklace.

  “It means something to me.” She reached up to draw Nicholas’s mouth to hers.

  She kissed him slowly and let the affection she felt for him in her heart lead her.

  “Thank you for protecting my mother,” she whispered.

  He deepened the kiss.

  When they parted, he looked down at her, his eyes on fire. “You’re mine this evening. I’m taking you to dinner, and then I’m taking you to bed.”

  “Is that a promise?” She tugged on his tie.

  “It’s a vow.”

  She smiled and snuggled closer into his side.

  Nicholas and Acacia were whisked through customs in Paris before being transferred to a large Range Rover. Nicholas gave Acacia’s address to the driver.

  A short time later, they pulled up in front of her building.

  As Kurt helped her step onto the curb, she looked up at the stone structure. It seemed so long since she’d been home. Indeed, she felt like a different person.

  She was conscious of the fact that although Nicholas knew her secrets, she was still obliged to keep them from others. The duality felt curious.

  Kurt guided her into the building quickly. Like most bodyguards, he didn’t like his client being out in the open. Rick followed with Nicholas.

  There was a brief exchange with Madame Ouellete, the superintendent of the building, who provided Acacia with new keys. The locks had been changed on the front door to the building as well as her apartment.

  As they ascended the staircase, Acacia craned her neck to see her doorway. It was freshly painted and stood apart from the other ivory-colored doors and walls.

  “Wen is waiting for us,” Nicholas murmured as he took Acacia’s elbow. “He’s already scanned the apartment, and he’ll scan us as well.”

  Acacia sighed. Wen’s presence was a constant reminder of possible threats.

  She used her new keys to unlock the two new locks on her door. Slowly, she opened it.

  The studio apartment had been repaired, but it had been no ordinary renovation. The space had been entirely transformed into a peaceful haven. Madame Cassirer’s design plan had been implemented to the letter, and it was far more beautiful and functional than Acacia had imagined.

  “Hi.” Wen greeted her from the kitchen.

  “Hi.” She smiled and crossed the threshold.

  Wen completed his surveillance, and when he didn’t find anything, waved his goodbye.

  Now she could truly admire the renovation.

  The kitchen had been completely redone with white, glass-doored cabinets and stainless steel hardware. New stainless steel appliances and a marble countertop gleamed under task lighting. The parquet flooring had been refinished and shone a warm honey color.

  The sleeping area now featured an expanded closet with built-in shelves and cubbyholes. Her old twin bed had been replaced by a white, wrought iron day bed, dressed in azure and blue.

  Nicholas frowned darkly at the bed. “It’s far too small.”

  Acacia laughed. “It pulls out into a queen. It was part of the design plan I worked on with your mother.” She tugged at Nicholas’s hand so he could take a closer look.

  He breathed a sigh of relief. “I knew my mother adored you.” He kissed the top of Acacia’s head.

  “Does she know about us?”

  “I called her this morning and told her we were returning to Paris. She wormed the information out of me.”

  Acacia felt the edges of panic begin to close around her.

  Nicholas touched her face. “What’s that look for?”

  Acacia’s gaze flickered to the bodyguards, who acted as if they weren’t eavesdropping.

  Nicholas stroked her cheek with his thumb. “Look at me.”

  When she made eye contact, he continued. “She doesn’t know about your past. That’s your story to tell, when and if you choose. But you should know she and my father are very happy for us. You have no reason to fear their approval; you have it. Not that it matters.”

  “Family is important.”

  He touched her chin. “Yes. But by way of contrast, I don’t have the approval of your mother. And I’m afraid I don’t care.”

  Acacia smiled. “Right now I don’t have the approval of my mother. I’m not sure I’ll ever have it again after Dubai.”

  “Which illustrates my point. Family can be a blessing, but they can also be a curse. We shouldn’t allow our happiness to be tainted by their disapproval.”

  She nodded.

  “Now, let’s admire your collaboration with Maman. She said you and she worked together very well.” Nicholas placed his arm around Acacia’s shoulder, and they surveyed the apartment together.

  Acacia’s attention was drawn to the lamps and new light fixtures, the cozy area rug in front of the day bed, and the floor-to-ceiling bookshelf that stood on a side wall.

  She noticed that her copy of Monet’s Twilight, Venice had been repaired and framed. And to her surprise, next to it hung a large, framed copy of Monet’s Gare Saint-Lazare, which was one of her favorite paintings.

  “Maman mentioned she had a gift for you,” Nicholas explained. “You and she share an admiration of the way Monet painted light.”

  “I have to thank her. It’s such a beautiful copy. The original hangs in the National Gallery in London, but I’ve never seen it.” Acacia stepped closer and reached a hesitant hand to the painting.

  “We’ll call her later. The contractors did excellent work, but you and Maman have an eye for design. I see you picked Santorini blue and white as your colors.” Nicholas caressed Acacia’s shoulder.

  She wrapped her arm around his waist and hugged him. “It’s wonderful. Thank you.”

  His chin came to rest on top of her head. “You’re welcome, amour.”

  “Hello, Acacia? Are you home?” Kate’s voice carried from the hall.

  Acacia turned to see her friend at the door, her view partially obscured by the bodyguards.

  “Whoa.” Kate lifted a finger to point at Nicholas. “Who’s that?”

  Acacia laughed. She took Nicholas’s hand and led him past the bodyguards, who crowded the doorway and blocked Kate’s entrance.

  “Kate, this is Nicholas. Nicholas, this is my neighbor, Kate.”

  Kate pulled Acacia away from Nicholas and hugged her. She switched to English. “I’m so glad to see you. I was worried.”

  Acacia squeezed her back. “I’m fine. How are you?”

  “Jealous. You flee the city and end up coming back with someone even hotter than Inspector What-A-Shame. I need to take Brazilian lessons.”

  Acacia laughed again. “He speaks English, Kate.”

  “Excellent,” she murmured.

  “Pleased to meet you.” Nicholas extended his hand and shook Kate’s with a smile. He turned to Acacia. “Inspector What-A-Shame?” he mouthed.

  Acacia shook her head.

  “I wasn’t sure I’d be home when you got back, so I gave the keys to Madame Ouellette. I guess she handed them over?”


  “Good. You didn’t have to wait.” Kate tugged on Acacia’s arm. “Claude is in my apartment. And I have your mail.”

  Kurt insisted on preceding Acacia and Nicholas to Kate’s apartment. He carried the cat carrier and bag of accoutrements as they escorted Claude back to Acacia’s.

  “So this is your cat.” Nicholas peered down at the ball of fur in Acacia’s arms.

  The cat looked up at Nicholas and hissed.

  “Claude,” Acacia scolded him. He wriggled free, leaped to the floor, and ran under her new bed.

  Nicholas frowned. “That went well.”

  “Claude doe
sn’t like people.”

  “Just like his namesake. He seems to like you and Kate well enough,” Nicholas observed.

  Kate put Acacia’s mail on the kitchen counter.

  “Thank you.” Acacia hugged her friend again. “Thank you for looking after Claude and picking up the mail.”

  “No problem.”

  “I’ll take you to lunch.”

  “That sounds great. I have a meeting with my thesis advisor tomorrow morning. We could have lunch after?”

  “Sure. Meet you at Café Mirabel?”

  “Perfect.” Kate peered around the apartment. “It looks so much better than before. Do you like it?”

  “I love it.” Acacia took Nicholas’s hand.

  “Bernard is having a party tonight. I don’t suppose you two want to come?” Kate looked at Nicholas dubiously.

  “I’m afraid we have plans.” He kissed Acacia’s knuckles and smiled down at her.

  “Right. Poor Bernard.” Kate stared at Nicholas, who gazed longingly at Acacia, and jerked her thumb at the door. “I’m just going to go now. See you.”

  Nicholas’s eyes moved to hers. “Nice to meet you.”

  “You too.” Before Kate entered the hall, she made eye contact with Acacia. “Call me.” Then she closed the door.

  Nicholas looked in the direction of the bed. “I don’t suppose the cat will be coming out anytime soon.”

  “Not with so many people around.” Acacia looked at Rick and Kurt balefully.

  From their body language, they had no intention of leaving.

  “Welcome home,” Nicholas said. “We have a reservation at Le Jules Verne, but it’s not until sunset. You have plenty of time to settle in.”

  “Le Jules Verne?” Acacia gasped. “I thought we’d be staying in. Wouldn’t that be safer?”

  He turned to the bodyguards. “Wait in the hall, please.”

  They exited the apartment and left the door ajar.

  Nicholas gathered Acacia in his arms. “You’ve spent a lot of years hiding. With me, you don’t need to hide.”

  “I’ve always had to look over my shoulder. I don’t think I’m capable of living any other way.”

  His expression was grave. “I know what that’s like. There was always the possibility my sister’s killers would try to end me as well.”

  Acacia’s arms around him tightened.

  “But Acacia, those who wreak terror and trade in fear want us to cower. They want us to hide. It’s time for you to reclaim control.

  “Now you have the resources to protect yourself and your mother. You have the resources to fight back.”

  “I don’t want to fight. I just want to live in peace.”

  Nicholas’s expression hardened. “Sometimes the war comes to you.”

  She frowned. “If I rely on you for my protection, I’ll be living Yasmin’s life.”

  Nicholas released her, his face angry. “What are you talking about?”

  “Nicholas, please don’t be cross with me.” She reached for his hand, but he evaded her. “I met you, and you’re wonderful. You’re generous and noble and thoughtful. But wouldn’t you have me with you because I want to be and not because I have to be?”

  “I’m sorry, I thought that’s what was happening.” He folded his arms over his chest, his eyes thunderous.

  “Right now, it’s both.” She touched his arm. This time he didn’t withdraw. “We need to find a way for me to be safe without relying on your protection. Then you’ll know I’m with you solely because I want to be.”

  “What’s wrong with protecting those you care about?” He made a sweeping gesture to the room. “What’s wrong with offering resources as well as your heart? If you were part of my family, it wouldn’t even be a question.”

  “But I’m not, Nicholas.”

  Nicholas opened his mouth. He shut it abruptly.

  “Fuck.” He took her hand. “Our connection makes you family. I protect those I care about, Acacia. I’m not going to compromise your safety.”

  “This is how you want to bind me to you?”

  Nicholas looked stricken. “No,” he admitted. “I’d rather have you with me only because you want to be.”

  Acacia wrapped his hand in both of hers. “Then we’re agreed.”

  “I hadn’t thought of it that way,” he said almost sorrowfully. “I didn’t think you’d see our situation as resembling Yasmin’s.”

  “We have to find a way forward that allows me to continue living my life.”

  “Am I part of that?” Nicholas’s eyes were earnest. But something lurked in their depths. Something that appeared to Acacia like anxiety.

  “I’d like you to be.”

  His shoulders relaxed. “Good. It will take some time to find our way. I’m hoping you can give me that time.”

  “I can.”

  “Thank you. Now, are you coming to dinner with me this evening or not?”

  She cocked her head to one side. “Is that an invitation or a command?”

  He smiled repentantly. “I would be honored if you’d accompany me to dinner, mademoiselle.”

  “Thank you. I accept.”

  “I’ll leave Rick with you. Kurt will come with me to the hotel, and we’ll come back in about two hours to pick you up.”

  “Not Rick.”

  Nicholas lifted his eyebrows. “Why not?”

  “He doesn’t like me.”

  “Rick doesn’t like anyone. Then again, neither does your cat.”

  Nicholas’s attempt at humor was entirely lost on Acacia. She pondered whether or not to mention the exchange she’d had with Rick in Dubai and decided against it. “I’d prefer Kurt.”

  “Very well.” Nicholas gave her an assessing look. “Can I invite myself to stay tonight?”

  “Here?” Acacia looked over at the bed. “But you booked rooms at the Ritz.”

  “Were you planning on returning to my hotel with me?”

  “I just got home.”

  “Precisely.” He placed his arms around her and drew her into his chest.

  “We won’t have privacy if the bodyguards are here. It’s a studio.” She leaned her cheek against his heart.

  “They can stand in the hall.” Nicholas tipped up her chin and brushed his lips across hers. “I’ll see you in two hours.”

  “Hurry back.”

  Nicholas rewarded her with a blinding smile, and then he was gone.

  Chapter Forty-Three

  LE JULES VERNE WAS A FAMOUS RESTAURANT located on the second floor of the Eiffel Tower, which afforded an incredible view of Paris as night began to fall. Nicholas had ensured his reservation coincided with the setting sun.

  They sat at an intimate table next to the windows. Parts of the tower’s elaborate metalwork framed their sightline. The chef himself came from the kitchen to shake hands, clapping Nicholas on the shoulder and addressing him as an old friend.

  Acacia was grateful for her training in hospitality, which gave her a quiet poise she could adopt whenever she was nervous. Of course, her clothes helped, too. She was grateful for the limited wardrobe she’d bought when she’d become Nicholas’s assistant, as it was tailored for special occasions such as this one.

  She wore a cocktail dress of black lace embroidered with brightly colored flowers. Her hair, as always, hung in dark curls to her chin. Her black high heels saved Nicholas from having to bend his neck too far in order to kiss her. Her hamsa pendant hung from her wrist, and she wore Nicholas’s necklace at her throat.

  After the chef returned to the kitchen, Nicholas gazed at her appreciatively. “You are very beautiful.”

  “Thank you.” Her eyes sparkled as she turned to the skyline. The lights of Paris had begun to shine; both skyscrapers and historical buildings were illuminated. The beautiful Seine, her lucky r
iver, flowed in the distance. Acacia had a difficult time tearing her eyes away.

  “I’ve made many reservations at this restaurant, all for other people,” she mused. “I never expected to dine here.”

  “I wanted to lay Paris at your feet.” Nicholas reached across the table to take her hand.

  “It’s breathtaking.”

  “Good. And how is Claude?”

  Acacia smiled. “He’s happy I’m home. I hope the two of you will get to know one another.”

  “I’m not really a cat person. For your sake, I’ll try.” Nicholas sipped his champagne. “Have you spoken to Luc?”

  Acacia stared into her champagne glass. “I texted him, telling him I was home.”

  Nicholas frowned. “And?”

  “He wanted to come over. I put him off until tomorrow.”

  Nicholas’s expression soured.

  Acacia glanced around. The restaurant was full. Although the other patrons were speaking at reasonable levels, she was conscious of the fact that she and Nicholas could be overheard.

  She lowered her voice. “I’m not looking forward to seeing him, but he’s been worried about me. When I was at the Victoire and wondering what to do about the painting I saw in your suite, I called him. He came right over.”

  At that moment, a waiter appeared to top up their champagne glasses. Another waiter served the amuse bouche of marinated white fish with radish.

  Nicholas lifted his fork and stabbed the fish. “He’s BRB. He was doing his job.”

  “I can handle Luc.” Acacia tasted the fish. It was incredible—buttery and flavorful.

  “You shouldn’t have to handle him. He needs to remember his manners.”

  Acacia dabbed at her lips with her napkin. Her annoyance flared. “You know everything about me and Luc. Tell me about Silke.”

  Nicholas’s eyes burned into hers. “Why?”

  “I’m curious.”

  “It isn’t a pleasant tale,” he warned.

  “You know my secrets.”

  “That’s true.” He peered out the window, looking very upset.

  A waiter removed their empty plates while another served the next course: blue lobster with a vinaigrette.