Read The Man in the Black Suit Page 29

  She lifted her hips in encouragement, and he thrust forward.

  “I need a moment,” he said roughly, tearing his mouth from hers.

  She touched his face. “You feel so good.”

  They moved in concert, and she lifted her hips to meet every stroke. But Nicholas was determined to make their connection last. He would not rush.

  Her hands traced his strong shoulders and the bumps of his spine. She clutched his backside with both hands and squeezed.

  “Look at me,” he demanded when her eyes fluttered closed.

  She saw a slight vulnerability in his eyes—something in that moment he could not hide.

  “It’s good,” she panted. “So good.” Her head lolled back and her eyes closed.

  His pace quickened and pushed more deeply. She met him stroke for stroke.

  He kissed her neck, tonguing the skin wetly and catching it with the edge of his teeth.

  He went deeper inside her, and she felt the pleasure build. Building. Building.

  “Please,” she begged. Her eyes flew open. “Please.”

  “What do you need?” He almost stuttered. He clenched his jaw as he quickened his pace.

  “More.” Her fingers dug into his backside.

  He lengthened his strokes, entering her more deeply and moving faster. Faster.

  He angled his upper body and lifted her breast to his mouth. He tongued her nipple and sucked hard.

  “Yes.” She released with a cry.

  He kept moving, extending her pleasure.

  She wrapped her arms around him and hid her face against his neck.

  He pulsed inside her. Then he grew still.

  She touched his cheek, below his scar. “Are you all right?”

  “I was just thinking about the fireworks that always seem to explode when we’re together.”

  “We’re lucky.”

  “Yes, we are.” He paused and lifted his head. “The way we are together is very different from how it has been for me in the past.”

  “For me as well.”

  He brought her hand to his chest. “You’ve stolen my heart.”

  “An even exchange.” She smiled. “You have mine, as well.”

  Chapter Forty-Five

  THE FOLLOWING MORNING, Acacia awoke to the sound of her front door opening and closing.

  She cursed at the intrusion and pulled the covers over her head. Underneath the sheets, she was wrapped around Nicholas’s naked body, her head resting on his chest. They’d made love many times the night before, their romantic activities extending well into the morning. She was far too tired and too comfortable to be disturbed.

  “I’m sorry, boss, but there’s a BRB agent who wants to speak with mademoiselle.” Kurt’s voice cut through her sleepy haze.

  “Damn.” Nicholas’s hand flexed against her backside, below the sheet. He squeezed her affectionately and kissed her hair. “I’m sorry, amour.”

  She groaned and carefully extricated herself, taking care to keep her body covered with a sheet.

  Nicholas sat up. He looked as if he was going to answer the door.

  “I’ll handle it.” She reached down to kiss him.

  As she approached the entrance to her apartment, Kurt opened the door.

  “Caci.” Luc’s eyes met hers. He wore jeans and a black leather jacket. His face was unshaven, and he looked tired.

  His mouth curled in disapproval as he took in her mussed hair, sleepy face, and bare shoulders. He eyed the sheet in disgust.

  Her irritation flared, and she pulled the sheet more tightly around her. “I texted you. I said we’d talk later today.”

  “You’ve been saying that for days. Who’s here?” Luc looked over her shoulder, into her apartment.

  She followed his gaze as he found Nicholas sitting on the edge of the bed, his upper body bare.

  Luc’s face reddened, and he gave her an accusing look. “What’s he doing here?”

  “I’m not dressed.” Her voice was firm. “I’ll explain everything later.”

  He grabbed her arm. “Caci, come into the hall.”

  “No touching.” Kurt intervened, placing his hand on Luc’s arm.

  “I’m BRB,” Luc said angrily. “Get your hand off me, or I’ll have a dozen agents here in five minutes.”

  Acacia stood between the two men. “It’s all right, Kurt.”

  She pulled her arm free of Luc, and Kurt released him.

  “Now isn’t a good time,” she said. “I’ll call you later.”

  “Time to go.” Kurt moved back, taking Acacia with him.

  “Wait.” Luc moved to block the closing door, but Kurt stood in front of him. Luc’s blue eyes blazed. “Caci, come into the hall. He can’t stop you.”

  “The owner of the apartment has asked you repeatedly to leave, and you’ve refused.” Nicholas walked to the door, a blanket wrapped around his hips.

  “I know all about you, Breckman.” Luc’s eyes narrowed. “I’d recognize that Frankenstein face anywhere.”

  “Connard,” Acacia swore at Luc, pushing him back before anyone else could move.

  “Caci.” Luc looked wounded.

  “Don’t speak that way to him.” Her voice shook.

  “Are you joking?” Luc’s nostrils flared. “This guy is an arms dealer. You asked me to protect you from him, and now you’re fucking him?” He shook his head. “How do I know he isn’t holding you against your will?”

  “Because I’m telling you he isn’t,” Acacia snapped. “Speak to Kate. She came over to see us yesterday. Speak to Madame Ouellete, downstairs.”

  “I came here to speak to you.”

  “Yes, and as you can see, I’m fine. I’ll explain everything later. But don’t insult the man who has my heart.”

  Luc passed a hand over his mouth. “I can’t believe this. You know what? We don’t need to talk. Not now.” He muttered a curse. “Call me when you get your head together.”

  He turned and walked swiftly toward the staircase.

  Kurt entered the hall and closed the door behind him. Nicholas locked and bolted the door from the inside.

  Acacia sank into his arms. “I’m so sorry. What he said was terrible.”

  “He lost you. That’s enough to make a man forget his manners.”

  She looked up at him. “How can you be so calm? I wanted to punch him.”

  “It’s a good thing you didn’t.” Nicholas lifted her hand and formed it into a fist. He kissed it, a wicked gleam in his eye. “My legal team might have difficulty making that charge go away.”

  She cursed in Portuguese.

  Nicholas gave her a half-smile. He examined her knuckles. “Did you mean what you said?”

  “Did I mean what?”

  “That I have your heart?”

  “Of course.”

  Nicholas puffed out his chest. “See? I’m calm because I won. And my woman can swear in at least six languages.”

  “I’m working on Japanese.” She lifted up on tiptoes. “I’m going to make coffee and pão de queijo.”

  “What’s that?”

  “Fantastic Brazilian cheese bread.”

  “To the winner goes the spoils.” He bent her backward to kiss her.

  “He showed up at your apartment when your new, hot man was there? Holy shit.” Kate turned to face Acacia as they walked under the great glass pyramid at the Louvre. Kurt followed.

  “Then what happened?”

  “Luc insisted I speak to him. I wasn’t even dressed; I was wrapped in a sheet. Then he insulted Nicholas.”

  “Saying what?”

  Acacia shook her head. Kate had been introduced to Nicholas when his scar was covered. She couldn’t mention it. “It doesn’t matter. I told Luc I was with Nicholas. Then Luc told me to call him w
hen I got my head together.”

  “Wow. That was awkward.”


  Acacia and Kate had had lunch at a quiet café in the Latin Quarter before traveling on foot to the Louvre. As ever, Acacia didn’t go anywhere without Kurt.

  “He isn’t going to tell Nicholas everything, is he?” Kate whispered in English as they waited under the pyramid.

  “No,” Acacia replied. “But because of what happened at the Victoire and…other things, Nicholas has insisted I have a bodyguard.”

  “Cool.” Kate bobbed her head. “I should have brought you and your bodyguard to my meeting with my thesis advisor. He’s a jerk.”

  “I’m sorry.”

  “I’m sorry I spent our entire lunch complaining about him. Thanks for agreeing to come here. I thought this would be a quiet place to talk.”

  There are several adjectives one might apply to the Louvre, Acacia thought, but quiet is not one of them.

  She looked at her friend in concern. “Will things be all right with your thesis?”

  Kate frowned. “I don’t know. But I’m not giving up.”

  They stood admiring the pyramid that rose above them, as well as the pyramid that hung from the ceiling, bathing the underground entrance in bright Parisian sunlight. Tourists crowded the area taking photographs and selfies.

  “Luc showing up and being a jerk was a dumb move on his part,” Kate observed. “Do you think you’ll be able to talk to him after he cools off?”

  Acacia glanced over her shoulder at Kurt, who wore a blank expression. “I think I owe Luc an explanation. I’m the one who involved him in my life again. But I don’t want a repeat of what happened this morning.”

  A man in a very handsome dark green suit rounded the corner and walked toward them, flanked by a smartly dressed woman on one side and a uniformed security guard on the other.

  Acacia swore under her breath.

  Kurt stood in front of Kate and Acacia as the entourage approached. Kate leaned sideways so she could see around Kurt’s massive body.

  “Mademoiselle Santos?” The green-suited man stuck out his hand and smiled. “Louis Richard.”

  Acacia shook hands, trying to recover her manners. The man in front of her was the director of the Louvre.

  “This is Danielle DuBois, the director of guest relations, and Étienne Gauvin, the head of security,” he said.

  Acacia shook hands and quietly introduced Kate and Kurt.

  “Nicholas called,” the director explained, smiling broadly. “I didn’t realize he was in Paris.”

  “He just arrived.” Acacia forced a smile, still feeling tense.

  “I’ll need your bodyguard to sign in with security. Then you’ll be free to enjoy the museum. Would you care for a personal tour? Madame DuBois would be happy to be your guide.”

  “That’s very kind.” Acacia gave Danielle an appreciative look. “But we’re here simply to explore a few rooms.”

  “Of course.” The director rubbed his hands together. “We’ll just step into Madame DuBois’s office to complete the paperwork.”

  Acacia looked at Kurt, who nodded encouragingly. “It’s all right. Rick texted me about the protocol.”

  Acacia’s smile slipped.

  They followed the Louvre staff to Madame DuBois’s office and completed the paperwork. Kurt was required to show several pieces of identification along with his permits.

  The director shook Acacia’s hand once again. “Please give Nicholas my best greetings. I hope I can prevail upon you both to come to the opening of our new antiquities exhibit in September.”

  Acacia’s heart leaped. “I’d like that very much.”

  “Excellent. I’ll be sure to send Nicholas’s assistant the particulars. Enjoy your visit.”

  With another smile, Acacia, Kate, and Kurt departed the office with the head of security, who escorted them through the checkpoint and into the museum.

  Acacia noticed they’d skipped the metal detectors. She’d forgotten that Kurt, like Rick, always carried a sidearm. Yet the director hadn’t insisted he surrender it. She found the fact curious.

  “You didn’t tell me you had connections like that.” Kate took Acacia’s arm after they passed through the entrance. She spoke in English because of Kurt, although Acacia was fairly certain he knew English, too.

  “I didn’t know,” Acacia said. She eyed Kurt, who seemed unperturbed by the entire situation.

  “Getting back to Luc.” Kate released her friend’s arm. “It’s obvious he’s hung up on you. He kept coming by the apartment while you were gone and seemed genuinely concerned. I’m sure he was shocked that you returned from your ‘vacation’ with someone new.”

  Acacia nodded.

  “I’m sorry it was awkward. But I want to hear about Nicholas, the new guy.”

  For reasons known only to Kate, they decided to venture toward the Mona Lisa, braving the crowds headed toward the Denon Wing.

  The friends quickly moved past the Decorative Arts exhibit and entered the cavernous room that displayed the Mona Lisa, along with works by Botticelli. Acacia kept close to Kate, and Kurt kept close to both of them.

  Acacia spoke in Kate’s ear so she wouldn’t have to shout above the din. “Nicholas was a guest at the Victoire. His security team intervened when someone attacked me. He was worried the assailants would come to my apartment, which is why I left.”

  “Why does he have a security team? And how is he so cozy with the director of the Louvre?”

  Acacia hesitated. “He’s a businessman. I think he’s a patron of the museum.”

  Kate gave her a suspicious look.

  They approached the Mona Lisa from the side in an attempt to inch their way forward for a better look. The crowds were almost impenetrable.

  “Did Nicholas go with you when you left Paris?” Kate raised her voice so they could be heard over the chattering of the crowd.

  “Yes. He was traveling on business anyway.”

  “Sounds awfully coincidental.”

  “Yes.” Acacia couldn’t dispute the fact.

  “Come on, there’s an opening.” Kate pulled Acacia forward through a gap between two separate clusters of people. They were now a few feet in front of the famous painting.

  “It always appears smaller than I remember,” Kate mused.

  “And darker.” Acacia regarded the masterpiece with a critical eye. “But the perspective is amazing.”

  “I wish I could paint.” Kate sighed.

  “You can. Just buy some art supplies in the Latin Quarter and set up an easel by the Seine. Everyone else does.”

  Kate frowned. “I’m not talented.”

  “Have you seen some of those paintings? Lack of talent doesn’t stop others from trying. You don’t know if you’re talented until you try.”

  “Acacia, you’re someone who can do anything.”

  “I can’t do everything. I can’t make a soufflé, and I can’t do a cartwheel. But I never know what I can and can’t do until I try.”

  “That should be on a T-shirt.” Kate moved forward a few steps and pulled out her phone. She snapped a few photos. “Do you want to take a picture?”

  Acacia shook her head. “Not today.”

  “We can explore the other rooms. Thanks for humoring me. I like to visit her when I’m stressed.”

  Acacia grinned. “I understand. Mona Lisa is nonjudgmental, and she always has a smile.”

  They weaved their way back through the massive crowd and into the hall.

  Acacia breathed a sigh of relief. She didn’t like crowds, even with a security guard blanketing her like a coat.

  Kate guided her to the French art exhibit nearby. “So you went away with your wealthy businessman. Where did you go?”

  “Switzerland first. That’s where h
e’s from. Then Santorini.”

  “Santorini? That doesn’t sound like business.”

  “It was, but he took me to the beach and…”

  Kate moved closer. “And?”

  Acacia lifted her hands. “And we happened.”

  “Huh. Well, Santorini is the place for something to happen. But I bet he was smitten with you when you met him.”

  “He didn’t like me at first.” Acacia made a face. “He was used to dealing with a different concierge.”

  “Sexual tension.” Kate winked. “It’s a powerful motivator. I’m glad you have a new man. You’ve been alone since I met you. Nicholas is hot.”

  “But?” Acacia looked at her friend curiously.

  Kate gave Kurt a look designed to intimidate him, but to no avail.

  “Nicholas seems sad to me,” she whispered. “He doesn’t fit the profile of the tortured artist, but take him out of the black suit, and that’s what I see.”

  “He lost his sister. It…marked him.”

  “I’m sorry.” Kate stopped, facing her friend. “That explains it. Just be careful. If he’s an unhappy person, eventually he’ll make you unhappy too.”

  Acacia stopped, stunned.

  Her eyes found Kurt’s. He gave her nothing by way of a reaction.

  Acacia turned around and fell back into step with Kate, her words of warning ringing in her ears.

  Chapter Forty-Six

  THAT EVENING, ACACIA AND NICHOLAS opted to have dinner in his suite at the Ritz. In the privacy of his rooms, he forewent the prosthetic and left his scar uncovered.

  Acacia was noticeably quiet. Kate’s words had chastened her and made her wonder about her rapidly developed feelings for Nicholas.

  He’d noticed her change in disposition but hadn’t commented on it.

  Later, they made love on the floor by the fireplace. Without words, they’d communicated through their bodies, their pleasure deep and intense.

  Afterward, they lay in a naked tangle of limbs on the floor. They hadn’t even bothered with a sheet. A light sheen of sweat covered their skin.

  Acacia’s leg was thrown over his, her arm across his abdomen. She rested her head near his heart, while his arms wrapped her shoulders.