Read The Man in the Black Suit Page 34

  “You aren’t a prisoner, Acacia. But you’ve just had a traumatic experience. I understand you want to go home, but I’d like you to speak with one of my colleagues first.”

  “A psychiatrist?”

  “Yes. Doctor Aswan has worked with newcomers to Switzerland, some of whom experienced trauma in their homelands.”

  “I’m not crazy.”

  “I didn’t say you were.” The doctor’s expression grew reproving. “That’s a very unkind way to refer to another person.”

  “I don’t mean to be unkind.” Acacia felt guilty. “But I’m not ready to speak to someone about what happened.”

  “Healing is a process. Doctor Aswan won’t make you speak about anything you don’t want to, but she will be able to help you make sense of your feelings.”

  Acacia elected to adopt a conciliatory expression. She lowered her voice. “Doctor Büchi, I know you have my best interests in mind. I realize I need to speak to someone. But right now, the only person I want to talk to is Nicholas, my partner. He’s away on business, and I can’t wait until he comes back.”

  The doctor studied her. “If you want to leave, you’re free to do so. You’ll need to sign some paperwork, however, since you’ll be signing yourself out of the hospital against medical advice.”

  “I’ll sign,” Acacia volunteered quickly.

  The doctor studied her for a moment. Whatever she saw on Acacia’s face seemed to decide matters.

  The doctor stood. “I’m going to send you with some prescriptions. I’m going to give you Doctor Aswan’s information, too. I’d like you to make an appointment with her.”

  “I will.”

  “I’ll be back shortly. Please wait for me.”

  Acacia reclined back on the bed to rest. She closed her eyes as a wave of dizziness passed over her.

  Her thoughts turned to Nicholas. She hoped she wouldn’t be too late.

  Chapter Fifty-Four

  “MADAME CASSIRER WANTS TO SEE YOU.” Rick sat next to Acacia in the back of the limousine. Another bodyguard named Frank sat in the front seat next to the driver.

  “Please give her my regrets. I’m going to Nicholas.” Acacia gazed out the window and marveled at how green and full the trees were. It was such a contrast to Morocco and its sparse palms.

  “You can see Madame Cassirer while you wait for Kate. And your cat.”

  She turned her head. “Take me to the airport, or let me out of the car. I’m not going to ask you again.”

  “Fuck.” Rick rubbed his chin. “You only have the clothes on your back. You don’t even have a passport.”

  Acacia looked down at the clothes Madame Cassirer had sent over for her. A pair of dressy black pants, an ivory blouse, and Chanel shoes that matched the ones she’d admired during their walk.

  “I don’t care about clothes. And I know damn well you and your team prepare for every contingency. How did you get me into Switzerland without a passport?”

  Rick had the decency to look sheepish.

  “I thought so.” She held out her hand.

  Rick withdrew a Swiss diplomatic passport from his pocket.

  She checked the photograph and the name. It was her picture, and the name read Andarta Silva. She clutched it to her chest.

  “I’m not taking you to Nicholas without a doctor.” Rick’s tone was final.

  “You aren’t taking me anywhere except to the airport. I’ll fly back to Paris and ask my friend Luc to help me.”

  “That fucking guy?” Rick growled. “You do that, the boss will lose his mind.”

  “He can’t refuse to see me and then get jealous because I ask an old boyfriend for help.”

  “Just go back to the house. I’ll call him again when things have settled down. He’ll talk to you.”

  She rounded on him. “If you want to help, get me to Nicholas as quickly as possible. Otherwise, shut the hell up and let me out of the car.”

  Rick gave her a look that would have caused a grown man to shake.

  Instead, she moved closer. “My own father kidnapped and threatened to kill me. You think I’m afraid of you? I have nothing to be afraid of. Not anymore.”

  Rick smacked his hand on the car seat in between them, causing Acacia to jump. “You can’t save the whole world.”

  “He who saves one soul, it is as if he has saved the whole world.”

  Rick gave her a hard look. “Even if I take you to him, he doesn’t want to see you. What then?”

  “He’ll see me.” Acacia was defiant.

  “You can’t assume that. You need a plan.”

  “I’m open to suggestions.” She adjusted the bandage around her head. “You’re the security specialist.”

  “Ex-Navy SEAL,” he clarified, a look of pride in his eyes.

  “I don’t really know what that means, since I’m not American.”

  Rick drew a deep breath, as if he were trying to control his temper. “I have to tell him we’re coming. Then he’s going to fire me.”

  “So I’ll hire you to take me to him.”

  “With what?”

  “A Chanel handbag.”

  Rick snorted. “You’re going to hire me with a purse?”

  “It’s worth several thousand Euros. It’s sitting in my apartment in Paris. You can have it.”

  “I’m fucked. I am absolutely fucked.” Rick shook his head. “Frank, make the call. We’re going to Helsinki.”

  “Helsinki?” Acacia blinked. “Why is Nicholas in Finland?”

  Rick wore a sour expression. “You can ask him when we get there.”

  “Thank you.” Acacia put her head back and closed her eyes. The pain medication had begun to wear off, and a headache threatened at her temples.

  “Madame Cassirer packed you an overnight bag, just in case,” Rick whispered. “It’s in the trunk. And before I forget…” He placed a cell phone in her hand. “We weren’t able to recover your purse, but we found your phone just inside your apartment building. The kidnappers must have dumped it.”

  She opened her eyes.

  “Thank you for helping me.” Tentatively, Acacia slid her hand across the car seat. She touched his little finger.

  He squeezed her hand before pulling away.

  Chapter Fifty-Five

  THE BLACK RANGE ROVER pulled through the iron gates and entered the estate just outside Helsinki.

  The grounds were heavily forested, which meant the main buildings couldn’t be seen from the gates. The car slowly climbed the hill and turned onto a circular drive in front of a large, three-story country house. The house itself was made of stone and featured a red tiled roof.

  “This is it,” Rick announced as the driver halted the car.

  Acacia turned to inspect the building. It was early evening and still light outside. Yet every lamp in the house appeared to be on.

  “He knows we’re here. The guard at the gate called him,” Rick warned her.

  Acacia’s heart changed rhythm—five quick beats—before returning to its usual pace. The result was panic. She touched her chest and closed her eyes.

  “Are you okay?” Rick spoke next to her ear.

  “Yes.” She opened her eyes. “Let’s go.”

  He came around to help her out of the car and escorted her up the stairs to the front door.

  The house was furnished sparsely with modern furniture. Hardwood floors gleamed in the front hall and led to a large living room on one side and a closed door on the other. Acacia could hear voices coming from behind the door.

  Nervously, she adjusted her bandage. Despite her clothes, she knew she looked a fright. Her face was bruised, her head bandaged, and she was very much in need of a bath. Her curls, which were unruly at the best of times, were a riot barely contained by the white gauze that wrapped around her head like a band.

  “Hi, Acacia.” Wen entered the hall from the living room. He smiled at her shyly. “It’s good to see you.”

  “You, too.” She returned his smile, eying the equipment he was carrying.

  “You know the drill. I’m just going to scan you for bugs.” He lifted the wand and paused.

  She nodded and stood very still as he scanned her.

  “All clear.” Wen smiled again before approaching Rick, Frank, and the driver, who had assembled behind Acacia in the front hall.

  The door opened and Nicholas strode out wearing jeans and a white button-down shirt. He looked as if he hadn’t slept much.

  Acacia noticed he wasn’t wearing his prosthetic.

  He stopped short when he saw her. His face crumpled into an expression of shock mixed with pain.

  Acacia made eye contact before the room began to spin. She fell to the floor.

  Chapter Fifty-Six

  ONE MINUTE ACACIA was looking at Nicholas’s face and the next she was on her hands and knees. Dazed, she didn’t move, but distributed her weight to all four limbs. Something buzzed loudly in her ears.

  She recognized Rick’s combat boots as he crouched in front of her. He put his hand on her shoulder, but she couldn’t make out his words over the noise.

  Nicholas stood over her and pushed Rick aside. The two men had an angry exchange before Nicholas scooped her into his arms.

  It was no easy feat. Acacia was tall, and she knew she wasn’t slight. Still, he lifted her and quickly climbed the central staircase to the second floor.

  She closed her eyes and leaned against his chest. There was no point in being brave.

  She inhaled his scent. The buzzing in her ears subsided, but she didn’t open her eyes until he placed her on a large bed.

  “I’m getting a doctor.” Nicholas’s hand lingered beneath her shoulders.

  As he withdrew, she caught his hand. “Don’t leave me.”

  “You just fainted. You need a doctor.”

  “Please.” She tugged on his hand.

  “What do you want?” His voice was a tortured whisper.

  “I’m all right. I just felt light-headed. Lie down next to me for a minute.”

  Nicholas screwed his eyes shut.

  When he opened them, he withdrew his phone and spoke in hushed tones to someone.

  After he disconnected, he climbed onto the bed and lay on his side. He wrapped himself around her.

  She exhaled in his arms.

  “You should be in the hospital,” he whispered.

  “I wanted to see you. You wouldn’t even talk to me on the phone.”

  His arms tightened around her. “Rick’s fired.”

  “Don’t blame Rick. I signed myself out.”

  “That’s why he’s fired. And since when are you Rick’s ally? I thought you disliked him.”

  “I need all the friends I can get. Doctor Büchi is more worried about my mental state than my concussion.”

  Nicholas stilled. “What did she say?”

  “She wants me to see a psychiatrist who works with trauma victims.”

  “Wouldn’t it help to talk to someone?”

  “That’s why I’m here.”

  Nicholas made a pained noise. “I’m sorry. If I’d known you were going to sign yourself out, I’d have spoken to you on the phone.”

  “So tired,” she murmured. In Nicholas’s arms, her body and mind relaxed. The reaction had been almost instantaneous.

  She felt herself drift. “Don’t leave.”

  “When you left, I felt as if my heart had walked out the door. I couldn’t leave you, Acacia, even if I wanted to.” Nicholas kissed her forehead and held her close to his chest.

  Chapter Fifty-Seven

  A FEW HOURS LATER, Acacia sat up in bed and picked at her dinner.

  She’d been seen by a doctor, who examined her and told her she should be in a hospital. Acacia dismissed him and his nurse.

  Nicholas had only left her side while she was in the bathroom.

  “Now will you talk to me?” Acacia pushed her dinner tray aside.

  “I’m worried our conversation will place additional stress on you.” Nicholas removed the tray and placed it in the hall. He closed the bedroom door and stood next to the bed. His expression was wary.

  “I guess we can postpone our talk until after I have a bath.”

  “That’s easily done. I’ll fetch the nurse.”

  “You can help.”

  Nicholas hesitated. “Are you sure?”

  Acacia sighed. “Send in the nurse, if you must. But I’d rather have you.”

  “I would do anything to help you.” His tone was insistent. “But we’ve gone our separate ways, remember? You left me.”

  “I did.” She gave him a tremulous look. “But I’m here now. I’m not feeling well, and I need a bath. Are you going to make me beg?”

  “Of course not.” Nicholas ducked his head guiltily. “I’m sorry.”

  He helped her climb off the bed, but she insisted on walking to the ensuite bathroom unassisted.

  She sat on the closed toilet while Nicholas fussed. He filled the large Jacuzzi tub with hot water and bath salts. He shook out a pair of large, white bath sheets and a face cloth and arranged them next to the tub.

  When she unbuttoned her blouse, he turned away, an act that made her heart clench.

  Acacia thought for a moment that perhaps she did need to see a doctor. Perhaps her hope that she and Nicholas could reconcile was entirely delusional.

  She climbed carefully into the tub. When she was safe beneath the bubbling water, he perched himself on the closed toilet.

  “I thought you’d gone to Russia,” she said softly.

  He folded a towel and placed it behind her head, so she could lean back.

  “No. I’m confident I’m being watched, so I’ve avoided any incursions.” Nicholas rested his elbows on his knees and wrapped his hands around the back of his neck. He stared at the floor.

  “My father thought you were Mossad.”

  “Rick told me. I’m not, but I passed information to them from time to time.” He rubbed his neck.

  Acacia’s eyes widened. “If you passed information to them, then you’re Mossad.”

  Nicholas leaned forward. “I need you to hear this, because it’s very important. As I’ve repatriated stolen art over the years, I’ve come into contact with crime bosses and arms dealers. On some occasions, I acquired information that would be valuable to law enforcement and other agencies. From time to time, I’ve passed that information on. I’ve worked with Mossad, Interpol, the CIA, and others. So no, I’m not Mossad, just as I am not Interpol or CIA.”

  “What you’re doing is dangerous.”

  “Yes, which was why I was cautious about what information I shared and with whom. But the contacts I made and the favors I curried have more than paid off. Mossad shared intelligence that enabled me to pinpoint your location. We made an agreement that my team would extract you and Mossad would give your father’s location to the Syrians.”

  “Why would Mossad do that?”

  “There are surprising and uneasy alliances all over the world. No one does anything for free, however. The Syrians wanted your father for the Damascus bombings, and Mossad wanted something from Syria. I wasn’t told what that was.”

  “I was worried if they thought you were Mossad, then someone would…” She trailed off. Her emotions bubbled to the surface.

  “I have more allies than enemies. But I’m beginning to realize how much I want out of that world.

  “I’m the one who failed you, Acacia. You were under my protection when your father’s men kidnapped you.”

  “I never should have gone to Dubai. That’s how my father found me.”

  Nicholas sighed. “You could have r
un into him in Paris or Geneva or a thousand other places he did business.

  “He traced us to Paris and bided his time until you were alone. I believe the taxi driver who drove you and Kurt to your apartment was in on it.”

  “Kurt,” she whispered.

  Nicholas grimaced. “I attended his funeral.”

  “Did he have a family?”

  “Just his parents.”

  Her eyes began to water. “Could I write a letter to them? He died trying to protect me.”

  “I’ll have my assistant get you the address.”

  “I guess she hasn’t had her baby yet.”

  Nicholas gave her a half-smile. “You remembered. No, she hasn’t.”

  “When your men came to get me, the soldier who was carrying me was hit. We went down, and one of my father’s men grabbed me. I killed him.” She covered her mouth with her hand.

  Nicholas’s dark eyes blazed. “I know.”

  Acacia began to sob. As soon as the tears began, she knew this was a deluge that could not be controlled. She didn’t have the energy to visualize a wave or anything else. Her reserve of inner strength was gone. All she could see was the man she’d killed, lying on the mosaic tile, blood pouring from his neck.

  Nicholas wrested his jacket and threw it aside. He kicked off his shoes, peeled off his socks, and climbed into the tub with her.

  Acacia looked at him in shock. “What are you doing?”

  He shifted so he was behind her, and wrapped his arms and legs around her body. “I’m not going to sit there and watch you cry.”

  “You’re fully dressed.” She hiccupped. “You’ll ruin your clothes.”

  “I don’t give a fuck.” Nicholas placed his chin on her shoulder. He hugged her as she sobbed in his arms.

  When her tears were spent, she rested her head against his chest.

  “The nurse will have to change your bandage.” Nicholas kissed the top of her head.

  “I sent her away, remember?”

  “She’s downstairs. I told her she was staying the night.”

  “Thank you.”