Read The Man in the Black Suit Page 36

  “I want justice.”

  “Justice means the man who ordered the robbery must be punished. It doesn’t mean he has to be killed. If the artwork is returned to your parents and they discover who killed your sister, it will give them closure.”

  “It won’t be enough.”

  Acacia stilled. “Did your parents ask you to kill him?”


  “Nicholas, not even killing the man who did this to your sister will be enough. You could kill him a thousand times and it still won’t bring your sister back.”

  “I owe it to her to avenge her.”

  Acacia cleared her throat. “I say this with love and respect. Nothing I have learned about your sister or your parents suggests to me that they want you to do this.”

  “I have to see this through.” Nicholas stood and began to pace across the room.

  “I thought I was going to die.” Acacia’s voice broke on the last word. She cleared her throat and tried to regain her composure. “My father threatened to kill me, and I believed he was going to carry out that threat.”

  Nicholas stopped pacing. “Do you blame me for killing him? I was the one who turned over the information you gave me to Mossad, who in turn, told the Syrians.”

  “No, I don’t blame you. The Syrians made their choice; his blood is on their heads. But Nicholas, you have a choice now. You can choose freedom.”

  “I will never be free so long as the men who killed my sister are still alive.”

  “And if you kill them, you will never be free.”

  Nicholas let out a shaky breath. His body seemed to deflate. “How can I face my parents and tell them I let the man who killed my sister go?”

  Acacia went to him and wrapped her arms around his waist. “You won’t be letting him go. We have to find a way to have law enforcement punish him, and that means involving them somehow. And you won’t be standing in front of your parents by yourself. I’ll be with you.”

  “I don’t see how we can persuade the Russians to prosecute someone who has been bribing them for years.”

  “There has to be a way. You don’t want to appear before the Minister of the Interior of France and hand him the Matisse after killing the man who stole it. You don’t want the celebration of the recovery to be clouded by that. And the same is true of recovering the paintings owned by your parents.

  “We have this second chance. We are both alive. We can both be free, together. You told me once that you took pride in being able to look at yourself in the mirror. I’m asking you to continue being the same noble man I fell in love with.”

  He placed his hands on her shoulders. “I’m sorry, Acacia. There’s no way out.”

  She reached up and touched his face. “I couldn’t find a way out of the prison my father put me in. But there was a way out. You sent people to show me the way. Just because you can’t see the way out, doesn’t mean it isn’t there.”

  He regarded her for a moment. “You’ll stay?”

  She lifted on the tips of her toes to bring their foreheads together. “I love you, and I’m not leaving. But I’m asking you to work with me to find another way.”

  Nicholas closed his eyes.

  When he opened them, he wore an expression of defeat. “I can try. But if it looks like he’s going to escape, I’m going to do everything in my power to prevent that from happening. Everything, Acacia.”

  She searched his eyes. She recognized that he was conceding a great deal to her, even though it wasn’t exactly what she wanted.

  “All right.” She wrapped her arms around his neck.

  Chapter Sixty

  “BOSS, THERE’S SOMETHING you need to see.”

  A man Acacia didn’t recognize interrupted their tender moment. He was young, bearded, and had carefully oiled and combed hair. He reminded her of some of the Sorbonne students who hung out in cafés on the Left Bank of Paris.

  “I have to go.” Nicholas kissed her firmly and released her. He followed the young man into the hall.

  She returned to the couch and gazed out the window, admiring the sunny day and the beautiful fir trees that encircled the house.

  “How are you feeling?” Rick called from the doorway.

  She looked over at him and smiled. “Much better, thanks.”

  He entered the room. “So you and the boss?”

  “We’re working things out.”

  Rick nodded. “Good.”

  “Thank you for bringing me,” Acacia said quietly.

  Rick smiled, which was, in Acacia’s experience, a rare occurrence. “You’re welcome.”

  At that moment, Acacia’s cell phone rang. She gave Rick an apologetic look and looked at the screen. It was Kate.

  “I need to take this.” She picked up the phone as Rick left the room to give her privacy. “Hello?”

  “Hello. Claude and I are at this very posh house in Switzerland, about to have to tea with Nicholas’s mother. Where are you?”

  “Oh, Kate.” Acacia sank back down on the sofa. “I’m so sorry. I’m with Nicholas.”

  “Yeah, his mother told us that when we arrived yesterday. She’s been spoiling us, you know—fancy meals, sightseeing in Geneva, and shopping. She bought Claude a new collar. He adores her.”

  Acacia laughed. “It’s so good to hear your voice.”

  “You, too. Listen, what’s going on? Mrs. Cassirer said you were kidnapped. And I know one of Nicholas’s bodyguards was killed. The Paris police were all over the apartment building for days.”

  “I’m all right.” Acacia’s voice was shaky. “It’s a long story, and I promise you, I will tell it all one day. But the short version is that my father and my mother were estranged, and my father kidnapped me. It was a very bad situation, and I’m lucky Nicholas was able to rescue me.”

  Kate was silent for a moment. “The strangest, most dangerous shit happens to you. Are you sure you aren’t Brazilian Secret Service or something?”

  Acacia laughed. “No, I’m not. It was rude of me to leave Geneva before you arrived, without explanation. I’m so sorry. But Nicholas and I had a falling out, and I went after him.”

  “Well, good for you.” Kate paused. “Did you get him?”

  “Yes,” Acacia said softly. “I got him.”

  “Good. Claude and I have decided to live it up in Cologny for a few more days. The Cassirers are really nice, and I needed a vacation. When are you coming home?”

  Loud, quick footsteps echoed in the hall, and Nicholas reappeared, his expression tense.

  “I’m coming home soon. I just don’t know when. Do you mind taking care of Claude for me?” Acacia looked at Nicholas, who nodded at her.

  “No problem. I’m kind of fond of the little guy. I’m thinking about getting a cat myself.” Kate sighed. “I’ll let you go, but please, take care of yourself and your hot guy. No more dangerous shit.”

  “No more dangerous shit.”

  “See you soon.”

  “Bye, Kate.” Acacia ended the call.

  Nicholas moved toward her. “I need to go to Moscow.”

  Acacia stood. “What’s happening?”

  “Kuznetsov returned to his house. My team is going in after nightfall. I want to be nearby.”

  “Then I’m coming with you.”

  “What about what you just promised Kate? This will be dangerous. Once we enter the country, we’ll be at risk.”

  Acacia squared her shoulders. “I don’t care. I’m not being left behind.”

  Nicholas exchanged a look with Rick, who shrugged.

  Nicholas rubbed his forehead. “I’m not making the same mistake. But I’d like you to see the nurse first. She may have to travel with us.”

  Acacia nodded and went in search of the nurse.

  The flight from Helsinki to Moscow was less than two h
ours. Acacia and Nicholas checked into the opulent five-star Red Square Hotel around five o’clock in the evening. Nicholas and his team had chosen the hotel for its security, as well its location.

  Acacia stood in the bedroom of their suite, next to the floor-to-ceiling windows that looked out over the Kremlin. While she’d had contact with the concierge staff when she worked at the Victoire, she’d never visited Russia before. It was an entirely new experience.

  She could see the elegant domes of Saint Basil’s Cathedral and the red brick Kremlin walls. If their visit had been personal in nature, she would have liked to walk around Red Square.

  Nicholas materialized at her side. They’d entered the country with fictitious Swiss diplomatic passports, but he’d been determined to display his scar. He wanted to face the Russian and his Bosnian team and show them what they had done.

  Nicholas placed his arm around her shoulder. “I love you,” he whispered.

  Acacia lifted her eyes to his. He hadn’t said the words since she’d returned. In her heart, she’d feared he might not say them again.

  “I love you, too, mon coeur.” She reached up and kissed him.

  He held her in his arms and kissed her deeply.

  “I have something you left behind.” He gave her a searching look.

  “What is it?”

  He crossed to his briefcase and retrieved a black box. Acacia recognized it.

  Nicholas stood in front of her. “I don’t want to assume anything.”

  “Of course I want it back,” she whispered. “I never should have left it behind.”

  Nicholas opened the box and retrieved the lapis lazuli necklace. He placed it around her neck and fastened the clasp.

  “That is where it should always be,” he said, stroking the column of her throat.

  A knock sounded, and they turned toward the open door.

  Rick wore a very unhappy expression. “Someone wants to talk to you.” He held out a cell phone to Nicholas.

  Nicholas crossed toward him and placed the phone at his ear. “Go.”

  He strode into the living room, and Acacia followed. Several more security agents were there, along with the nurse.

  “Repeat that,” Nicholas barked into the phone, in English.

  Acacia couldn’t hear what the voice on the other end of the line was saying, but clearly something was wrong.

  “Fuck!” he exploded. “I’m putting you on speaker so my head of security can hear you.” Nicholas pressed a button on the cell phone. “Go, blue leader.”

  “Target has entered an armored car and is in a three-vehicle convoy driving from the house to the gates.” A male voice with an American accent filled the room. “Either we ambush them outside the gates, or we let him go. Awaiting instruction.”

  Nicholas looked at Rick.

  Rick shook his head. “Too noisy and too open. It isn’t dark yet, so there wouldn’t be much cover. It’s possible Kuznetsov knows our guys are out there, and he’s attempting to draw fire.”

  “Damn it.” Nicholas made a fist. “Blue leader, an ambush will draw too much attention. Hold your positions and wait for further orders.”

  “Copy that,” the voice replied.

  Nicholas ended the call, his face thunderous.

  Acacia touched his arm. “What’s going on?”

  “Kuznetsov is leaving the compound. We lost our window.”

  Acacia couldn’t help but feel relieved. “What are you going to do?”

  Nicholas looked at Rick. “We need to have Kuznetsov detained. Call Wen and try to have him put eyes on the convoy.

  “Activate the secondary incursion team and have them meet me here. I want to be with them when they close in on Kuznetsov. Have Wen reach out to our contact in Russian Interpol and patch him through to my cell phone.”

  Rick’s gaze moved to Acacia and back to his employer. “You can’t wear a suit with the incursion team.”

  Nicholas shrugged. “I’ll change. Tell them to bring an extra set of gear.”

  With a last look at Acacia, Rick pulled out his cell phone and made the call.

  Acacia took hold of Nicholas’s hand. “What about the artwork? Why not send your team in after dark to recover it?”

  “If I do that, I’ll have lost Kuznetsov. And probably started a war.” Nicholas led Acacia into the bedroom and closed the door. He took off his suit jacket and placed it on the bed. He sat down and removed his shoes and socks.

  Acacia came to stand in front of him. “I don’t want you to go.”

  “I can’t let him get away.”

  “Then I’m going with you.” Acacia kicked off her shoes and reached under her dress for her stockings. She began to roll them down her legs.

  Nicholas stared. “What are you doing?”

  “I told you.” She threw the stockings aside and unzipped her dress. “I’m going with you.”

  Nicholas moved to his feet. “You can’t go with me. It’s dangerous. You still have a head injury, for God’s sake.”

  “Where you go, I go. If it’s too dangerous for me, then it’s too dangerous for you. Unless you intend to have your men restrain me or knock me out—the way my father’s men did when they kidnapped me—I’m coming with you.”

  Nicholas’s expression shifted from determined to surprised to anxious. He took her hand. “I’ve hurt you enough.”

  She lifted his palm to her heart. “Can you feel that?”

  He nodded.

  “My heart is still beating. I’m alive, and so are you. If you kill Kuznetsov, I’ll still love you, Nicholas. But you’ll kill part of my heart.”

  Nicholas screwed his eyes shut.

  “Talk to Interpol. Send your team to retrieve the artwork. Follow Kuznetsov. But don’t go with the incursion team, unless you’re prepared to kill him in front of me. Because I’m not letting you go.” She covered his hand with hers. “Not now. Not ever.”

  Nicholas swallowed hard. He opened his eyes. “All right.”

  With a deep, shuddering sigh, he sat back on the bed and replaced his socks and shoes. “Put your clothes back on. I’m going to speak to Rick, and I’ll head over to the surveillance center.”

  Acacia nodded.

  Nicholas stood. “Stay with Steve and Ray. I’ll be next door.”

  “I’ll come over shortly.”

  Nicholas touched her cheek. “You haven’t had dinner.”

  “Neither have you.”

  “Order room service for both of us. It’s going to be a long night.” He kissed her and exited the bedroom.

  Acacia hugged herself and sat on the bed. She knew she’d done the right thing, but she also knew that in acceding to her request, Nicholas had foregone part of the closure he thought he needed.

  She took her time getting dressed, trying to process what had just occurred.

  A short time after she finished dressing, Acacia unpacked her suitcase. She was hanging the clothes Madame Cassirer had given her when someone knocked on the bedroom door.

  She opened it.

  Rick stood in the doorway, speaking hurriedly into his cell phone. “He isn’t there? He left ten minutes ago with Jeff and Kevin.

  “No, he told me to redirect the incursion team to Kuznetsov’s coordinates. I thought they were patched in to your guys.” Rick looked at Acacia. His normally calm demeanor had vanished. “Check the feed to see if he went down to the parking garage. Maybe he changed his mind.”

  Rick disconnected the call.

  “What’s going on?” Acacia asked.

  Rick was already running toward the suite’s entrance. She followed, with Steve and Ray. The long corridor outside the suite was empty.

  “Damn it!” Rick ran toward the service elevator, his eyes on the carpet. He crouched down and touched a few spots. “Blood.”

sing, he stalked past Acacia and the other two bodyguards to the room next to the suite. He swiped his security card and led the small group into the surveillance room.

  Acacia stepped to the side. The large conference room was filled with tables and chairs and an abundance of laptops and machines. Ten men and three women hunched over separate workstations. Many of the agents wore headsets.

  The curtains to the room were drawn and the lights dimmed. A large screen had been suspended from the ceiling; a series of video feeds were projected on it. Acacia surmised the feeds came from the Russian’s compound. She recognized the interior of his vault.

  Rick went to Wen, who was standing and typing on a laptop. “Talk to me.”

  Wen’s fingers flew across the keyboard. “We’re pulling up video from the exits on this floor, including the service elevator.”

  Acacia stood next to Rick. “You don’t think Nicholas decided to go with the incursion team?”

  Rick frowned. “No. That wouldn’t explain the blood in the hall.”

  Wen turned to a woman sitting behind him. “Olga, put the video feed for this floor on the main screen. Play back the past fifteen minutes.”

  “I didn’t see anything,” Olga protested. “The boss didn’t even enter the hall.”

  “Did you see Rick and Ms. Santos?” Wen asked, focusing on the main screen as the images changed.


  Wen turned to Rick. “We’ve been using the hotel’s security system to monitor access to this floor. Olga should have seen you and Acacia enter the hall. She should have seen the boss too, but she didn’t.”

  “What does that mean?” Acacia gazed at the main screen, which showed an empty hotel corridor.

  “There!” the bearded young man Acacia had met in Helsinki shouted from the front of the room. “There’s a loop. Someone hacked the system and looped an image of an empty hall.”

  “Fuck,” Wen swore. “Olga, bypass the loop and get the actual feed.

  “Everyone except Jim, focus on the feeds for all entrances and exits to the hotel. Jim, try to reach Jeff and Kevin.”

  Rick straightened and addressed the room. “The hotel has been compromised. We’re dark as of this moment, so no information-sharing with hotel security. Wen, the secondary incursion team should be on its way, but let them know they’ll be stationed here. We’ll need them for additional security.”