Read The Many Worlds of Dean: Book 1 - Mars Page 9

  Meriyl explained that she would not be here today if she had not been on a foreign student exchange trip at the time. She had been left with no friends, no family, and nowhere to go for help. Dean figured it was no wonder she had been caught stealing; it was probably the only way she could survive. He had begged her to let him help her more, but she had adamantly refused.

  Once she had finally left his room, Dean had lain awake for many hours trying to sort out his feelings. He knew he was attracted to her, and he couldn’t help but feel terrible for the bad things that had happened to her. He wanted to help her so bad, but she had made it clear she didn’t want his help. She had also made clear that if she were to tutor him at all, their relationship was to be strictly professional.

  After Dean had had time to think things through, he realized that things were crazy enough in his own life right then. Trying to straighten out his own situation, while at the same time trying to handle an alien girlfriend, was just asking for trouble. He had resolved to honor her wishes, and try to be a good friend.

  Shaking himself loose from his contemplations, Dean looked up and realized he was completely alone. And, worse yet, he had no idea where he was. He was standing on a bridge, about five stories up, that ran between two buildings, but he didn’t know where in the city he was. Looking around, he couldn’t see the pyramid shaped building where he currently lived. He could usually see it from anywhere in the city. He assumed the buildings around him must be blocking the view.

  He reached for the communicator, he had purchased just a few days ago, with the intent to call Quillitonoxic. Just as he reached a finger out to activate the device, he felt a strong impact strike him on his back. He had been standing next to the rail of the bridge, and the shove to his back sent him headfirst over the railing.

  Chapter 29

  As Dean began to fall from the five story bridge, he quickly reached out his right hand, and just barely grabbed ahold of the bridge below the guardrail. He managed to hang on as his legs swung through an arc and impacted the underside of the bridge. Swinging back the other way, he was just able to reach his other hand up to grip the bridge before his right hand came loose.

  Resecuring his grip, Dean began to lever himself up. He swung his leg up and caught his foot on the bridge. He continued pulling until he was over the ledge and rolling under the guardrail.

  Lying on his back, breathing heavily, Dean looked around trying to spot whoever had bumped him off the bridge. There were a couple Gorroshtics standing about twenty meters away, staring at him in shock, but there was no one else nearby.

  Quickly catching his breath, he pushed himself up onto unsteady legs. He gripped the top rail and peered over. All he saw, five stories below him, was solid stone and the shattered remains of his communicator.

  Feeling slightly lightheaded, as the adrenaline left his body, he turned and began walking towards one of the buildings. Once inside, he took an elevator platform up to the highest level. He moved outside to another bridgeway. Looking around, he spotted his home building at the center of the city. He found he was several kilometers away; almost at the edge of the city. He couldn’t fathom how he had traveled so far without realizing it. And, where was Quillitonoxic?

  He started walking in the direction of home. As he walked, he played the event over and over in his mind. The whole thing could have been an accident, but Dean didn’t think so. The strike to his back had been hard. It hadn’t felt like an accidental bump. The question he couldn’t answer was why. Who would want to knock him off a five story bridge? The only people he really knew were Quillitonoxic, Quinsil, and Meriyl.

  Quillitonoxic was in the process of becoming very wealthy thanks to Dean, so he didn’t think he would want any harm to come to him. He had only met Quinsil a couple of times, but he couldn’t think of a single reason he would want to hurt him. Meriyl, he had met for the first time yesterday. He only wanted to help her, but maybe she had reason to hurt him. She had, after all, been extremely adamant that she did not want his help. Maybe she was afraid he would go against her wishes. As much as he hated it, he would have to be careful around her in the future.

  Dean continued to walk and ruminate on the situation. The more he thought about it, the more he realized he needed to make a change soon. If it hadn’t been for Meriyl, he would have probably left already. He had plenty of money. He could leave the business to Quillitonoxic and go explore the universe.

  He also realized that the universe was most likely a dangerous place. He needed to be able to protect himself. He would have to look into that as soon as possible. With the beginnings of a plan worked out in his mind, he quickened his pace so he could find Quillitonoxic, and figure out why he had left Dean alone in the outskirts of the city.

  When he finally reached the building housing The Path, he went directly to Quillitonoxic’s office. He found the alien standing behind his work table, speaking on his communicator. Dean overheard enough to tell he was talking to someone about their second factory. As soon as he noticed Dean standing near his doorway, he quickly ended his call.

  “Dean,” he began rapidly, “I was worried about you. Where have you been?”

  “I was in the outskirts where you left me. Why did you leave me there?”

  Quillitonoxic took a moment before replying, “We had just left an available factory space. You seemed preoccupied during the entire tour. We were on a skybridge when you suddenly stopped and stared off into the distance. I asked if you were ready to proceed; however, you did not answer me. I waited for a short time. When you failed to move, or even acknowledge my presence, I informed you I would continue on without you, and I would meet you here when you were ready.”

  Dean was stunned at this revelation. “I’m so sorry Quill,” he said. “I guess I had a lot on my mind.”

  “Are you well my friend? I became concerned when I could not reach you on your communicator.”

  “Well, there was sort of an accident. Someone bumped into me and knocked me over the bridge railing. I managed to catch myself, and pull myself back up, but my communicator fell to the ground and was destroyed.”

  Quillitonoxic looked at Dean in shock. “Oh my; are you hurt?”

  “No, I’m fine. It was a little scary though.”

  Shaking his head from side to side, Quillitonoxic said, “I would think so. Perhaps you should return to your room and rest. There is nothing to be done today I cannot do myself.”

  “I think maybe you’re right,” Dean replied. “I will see you tomorrow.”

  Chapter 30

  Dean had gone back to his room and lain in his bed contemplating the day’s events. The ordeal had left him feeling drained. Without even realizing, he quickly succumbed to sleep.

  The next morning, Dean woke early, feeling amazingly refreshed. He climbed out of bed, eager to get started on his plans. He quickly got himself cleaned up and dressed. He asked the computer to have breakfast sent to his room.

  The first thing he needed to do was to buy himself enough free time to put his plans into motion. He contacted Quillitonoxic and explained that he would be taking some time off. He told his partner that he had complete faith in his ability to run the business without him. Dean was ready to provide additional excuses for why he wanted time off; however, Quillitonoxic immediately accepted his request. He wasn’t sure, but it seemed almost as if his partner was excited at the idea.

  After concluding his conversation with Quillitonoxic, Dean began doing some research. Specifically, he was looking for self-defense classes and weapons training. He knew that the carrying of firearms or other weapons was common on many worlds, including Gorrosh. He fully intended on being able to defend himself in any circumstance.

  He found that the most widely acknowledged martial art was called Gin-Uk. It was apparently easy to learn, and highly effective. Created by a race called the Gosling, he half expected them to look like geese. What he found though, was the race was shaped basically humanoid, with two arms, with six f
ingered hands, and two legs. They were short, just under a meter and a half, but were very well muscled. Their entire bodies were colored a very deep, almost shiny black. They looked like they were made of obsidian. Their faces were definitely that of a predator. Small eyes hiding under a deep brow gave off a very sinister appearance. There was no discernable nose. The most frightening thing was the over-large mouth, framed by a large, square jaw, filled with teeth like those of a shark. This creature positively radiated danger.

  His research showed that the entire population of Gosling began practicing Gin-Uk at a very young age. They had also discovered that their martial art rapidly became popular on any world it was displayed. As such, a large portion of their population had moved to other worlds to teach their deadly art. Dean found that a school had been set up in the very city in which he now resided.

  Using the computer, he found that the school offered weekly classes for beginners, and daily classes for more experienced students. Contacting the school, he was able to offer a large sum of money in return for private, daily classes, to be given by their head instructor. The first of which would occur that very afternoon.

  With that settled, Dean took a break to eat the breakfast that had been delivered while he was talking to the school. After breakfast, Dean began researching weapons training. He found that there was a school located just outside the city that was well known as one of the best. The information he found suggested it was difficult to secure a class; the school being booked many months in advance. He took a chance and contacted them anyway. He spoke with a being that looked similar to the four armed, gorilla-like being he had seen on his first day on Gorrosh. He was unable to convince the being to open a slot for him, but once he revealed how much he was willing to pay, he was given the contact details of a private contractor. He was told that this individual was a former military commando and was the very best with any type of weapon.

  Dean placed a call to this former commando. It was another four armed gorilla, but appeared to be much larger than the others he had seen. The gorilla introduced himself as Rent, and scowled menacingly when Dean broke out in laughter. Apologizing quickly, Dean told Rent what he wanted and what he was willing to pay. Rent didn’t even haggle, he merely told Dean to meet him at an address outside the city tomorrow morning.

  The last thing Dean needed to do was to go shopping. He had found the locations of a few specialty stores within the city that dealt in body armor. He didn’t know if he really needed body armor, but he had vowed to be prepared for anything. Dean left his room and traveled to the first floor of his building. There he entered a shop and purchased a new communicator. He then headed out across the city to find the shop most likely to have the armor he wanted.

  After being disappointed at the available selection he had found at two different shops, Dean, fighting off discouragement, entered a third that held little hope of having what he wanted. The shop was small, and as he entered, he could see filth and clutter everywhere. As he was contemplating leaving, a Gorroshtic approached and asked him, “How may I help you good being?”

  Dean looked around the shop, scowled, and said, “I’m not sure you can. I am looking for some quality body armor, but you appear to have the same low quality gear I’ve seen at every other shop.”

  “Do not be so hasty my friend,” the Gorroshtic replied. “I may have more than what the eye can see. Give me just a moment so my computer can finish confirming your identity.”

  Dean looked on in curiosity as the six legged creature scurried over to a computer display behind a long counter.

  “I see,” the shop owner said as he read the display. “Recently arrived from a new world. Only known ties are to a merchant named Quillitonoxic. Done very well for yourself in business. I see you are part owner in DDQ ice cream. I have tried that, and I must say it is quite addictive. I believe you will have much more success in the future. I now understand why a being of your newly acquired wealth would need to ensure he is protected.”

  Dean was slightly shocked the shop owner had been able to find that much information on him. He knew the planet’s privacy laws prevented much of that from being available to the public. Wondering if he had maybe stumbled into something he shouldn’t be involved in, Dean said, “I think maybe I have the wrong shop. I’ll just look elsewhere.”

  “Nonsense,” the furry being said. “You will not find what you are seeking anywhere else on this planet. Trust me; I have exactly what you need. Follow me.”

  With that, the shop owner turned and walked through a door at the rear of the shop. Reluctantly, Dean followed, despite his growing apprehension. Once through the doorway, Dean saw a small supply room with shelves lining the two side walls. The shelves were filled with the same type of items he had seen in the other stores he had visited. The shop owner walked up to the bare wall at the back of the room. He placed his hand on the wall and a square of light suddenly appeared under it. The light moved under his hand and Dean heard a swishing noise as a door opened next to the Gorroshtic.

  “This is my private stock for preferred customers. I believe you will be a much preferred customer.”

  Shocked, Dean followed him into the new room. Unlike the last room, this one was brightly lit and filled to capacity with all sorts of high tech looking items. At the rear of the room, looking strangely out of place, was a large container with a single door at its front.

  “I see you have a good eye,” the Gorroshtic said. “That box is what I brought you to see. It is a Spern Automated Armor factory. The Spern have the best armor in the known universe. It is virtually impenetrable, and it has many special features. This SAA factory can create armor for almost any being. You should be aware though, the Spern do not allow these factories to leave their world. This may be the only one that exists outside of Spern space. Of course that means the armor will be expensive.”

  Intrigued despite himself, Dean asked, “How much?”

  The Gorroshtic smiled broadly and said, “Three million credits and I will not negotiate that price. I take a great risk simply showing you this device.”

  Dean had more than that in his account, but not by much. He hoped he wasn’t making a huge mistake; however, he was completely taken in by what he had just heard. He turned to the shop owner and asked, “When do we begin?”

  Chapter 31

  The next morning, Dean marveled at himself in the mirror. He was clad head to toe in a matte black armor that made him look just awesome! There was plating that covered his chest and torso, his arms, his legs, and even a plate that wrapped around his man parts. He could touch a button on his wrist that made a segmented helmet appear from his collar that covered his head. A clear screen would then lower in front of his face and light up with a display he was still learning to read. At the touch of another button, his gloves would come apart and retract into his sleeves.

  The armor was light and surprisingly comfortable. He found he would have no problem wearing it under the jumpsuit he normally wore. And, with the helmet and gloves retracted, the only part anyone could see were the boots and they looked close enough to normal footwear nobody would give them a second look.

  He had spent about ten minutes standing inside the SAA factory while its internal computer scanned his body, both externally and internally. Once completed, Dean had waited for almost two hours for the machine to produce his armor. When it had been completed, he had been astonished. It looked so futuristic, and so cool.

  The shop owner had spent another hour going over the various feature of the armor. He had explained that in addition to being impenetrable to most known weapons that could be fired by a single being, the armor contained many hidden surprises. He had shown Dean the heads up display which could be magnified, could present various targeting data, and could link to many types of firearms to increase accuracy. He was shown the flachette launchers mounted in each shoulder, subtly hidden away until needed. Dean had learned that flachettes were tiny darts propelled at incredible velocitie
s. The right arm contained a net launcher that could be used to trap a being. The left arm contained flares that could be used to signal, or could be used as a decoy for heat seeking weapons. And the entire armor set was covered with small rocket nozzles that would halt his descent if the computer mounted to his left forearm detected he was falling. They could even help him make jumps up to thirty meters in height. Even without them, he could jump almost six meters because the armor contained computer controlled microfibers that enhanced his natural strength.

  This was the first time Dean had been able to try on his new armor. As soon as the shop owner had finished his explanations of the armor’s functions, Dean had had to run to make his appointment at the martial arts school. He had arrived winded and had been shown no mercy. As soon as he walked through the door and explained to the short, jet black being sitting behind the counter, he was escorted into a large room covered in mats. There was another small, black being waiting for him in the center of the room. Still trying to catch his breath, Dean dropped the bag containing his new armor and walked toward the ebony dwarf to introduce himself. When he got to within a meter of what he assumed was his new teacher, the little monster launched itself at Dean and proceeded to pummel him in the arms, chest, and stomach.

  Dean had tried to run way, but he found the door to the room securely locked. The nightmarish creature continued to pound on him for nearly an hour while Dean tried in vain to defend himself. Finally the creature simply stopped as if he had been frozen. He looked at Dean and said, “You will return tomorrow to learn how to prevent what just occurred from ever happening again. With that, the little black dude, which Dean was sure had several more arms hidden in his clothing, turned and walked out the door. Completely exhausted and bruised over much of his body, Dean gathered up his bag and stumbled out of the school. Once he had made it back to his room, he had collapsed on his bed and fallen straight to sleep, without even removing his clothing.

  He had felt better once he awoke this morning, but he was still sore all over. Sore or not, he couldn’t resist trying on his new armor. Once he discovered how comfortable it was, he decided he would wear it under his jumpsuit. If it continued to be comfortable after wearing it all day, he vowed he would only take it off when he showered or slept. And, he wasn’t sure about the sleeping part.