Read The Mark of Cain Page 9


  The funeral ceremonies of Rowland Trowbridge were of the dignity andgrandeur that are deemed necessary for a man of his station in life.Great men of the financial world, scholars and statesmen had all come topay their last respects to the one so suddenly taken from his busy andforceful career.

  And now, the obsequies over, a group of people were gathered in thelibrary of the Trowbridge home to hear the reading of the will.

  There was a hush of expectancy as Judge Hoyt produced and read aloud thedocument.

  As has already been disclosed there was a bequest of fifty thousanddollars to Kane Landon. The house and furniture were given unreservedlyto Mrs. Eleanor Black, with fifty thousand dollars in addition. Therewere bequests of one thousand dollars each to Miss Wilkinson and toTerence McGuire, both favorites with their employer. Also a similar sumto Stryker, the butler, and various smaller sums to other servants and toa few charities.

  And then came the disposition of the residuary fortune, which, it wasrumored, ran well up into the millions.

  In the words of the will it was set forth that all moneys and properties,not otherwise designated, were bequeathed to Avice Trowbridge, on theconditions that "she shall keep my collection of Natural HistorySpecimens intact, and, within a year duly present it to some worthymuseum; and herself become the wife of Leslie Hoyt. Also, she must add tosaid collection not less than twenty-five specimens of certain valueevery year. If these conditions are not fulfilled, my niece, Avice,inherits but fifty thousand dollars of my fortune, and the residue mustform a trust fund, under the supervision of Leslie Hoyt, to be used tofound and endow a museum of Natural History."

  With the exception of Hoyt and Avice, every one present looked astoundedat the terms of the will. And yet it was not surprising that Mr.Trowbridge desired the union of his niece and his friend. Besides beingthe lawyer of the dead man, Hoyt had been his intimate friend andcompanion for years, and Hoyt's regard for Avice was no secret. Moreover,the girl had always looked on the lawyer with friendly eyes, and it hadbeen assumed by many that they were destined for each other. To be sure,Avice was only twenty, and Leslie Hoyt was forty-five. But he was a manwho seemed ten years younger than he was, and Avice was mature for heryears. So, while it was a surprise that their union had been made acondition of the bequest, it was not thought by any one that this factwould be objectionable to either of the two concerned.

  But Avice looked grave, and an obstinate expression came into her eyes.Hoyt saw this, and smiled a little as he remembered her aversion to being_made_ to do a thing, even though she fully intended to do it. It was thegirl's nature to chafe at authority, and Hoyt well knew he would have togive her free rein in many matters. Of course, having drawn up the will,he had known of this condition, but this was the first time he had hadopportunity to note how it affected Avice. And it was quite plain thatshe was displeased.

  "Then," she burst out, "does my inheritance depend on my marriage toJudge Hoyt?"

  "Yes," answered Hoyt, himself, smiling at her.

  "Then I refuse it! I will not be told whom I shall marry!"

  "Let us not discuss that now," said Hoyt, gently; "there is time enoughfor you to decide that later."

  Avice realized that this was not the time or place for such a discussion,and said no more.

  Mrs. Black was dissatisfied. Although she had a handsome inheritance, shewell knew that this will had been made before her betrothal to RowlandTrowbridge, and had he lived to marry her, she would have had much more.Indeed, the only person who seemed satisfied was Kane Landon. He lookedserenely pleased, and began to make inquiries as to how soon he couldhave his share in cash.

  Judge Hoyt looked at him, as if incredulous that any one could be somercenary, and rising, went over to sit beside him and discuss thematter. On his way, Hoyt passed by the boy, Fibsy, and patting hisshoulder, remarked genially, "I'm glad you were remembered, sonny. Whenyou want to invest your money, let me advise you."

  Fibsy glanced up at the lawyer, and with an inquiring look on his face,he exclaimed "Vapo-Cottolene!"

  What this cryptic utterance meant, no one could guess; and no one gave ita second thought, except Landon, who smiled at the red-headed boy andsaid, "Yes!"

  As soon as she could do so, Avice escaped to her own room. So this washer inheritance! A fortune, only if she took also a husband of heruncle's choice! It had come upon her so suddenly, that she had toreiterate to herself that it was true.

  "If I'd only known," she thought. "I'm sure I could have persuaded UncleRowly not to do that! I don't blame him so much, for I know he thought Iwanted to marry Leslie, but I never told him I did. I suppose he had aright to think so,--but--that was all before Kane came back." And thenher thoughts wandered far away from her inheritance, both real andpersonal, and concerned themselves with the strange man who had come outof the West. For he was strange. Landon had abrupt ways and peculiarattitudes that Avice could not altogether understand. He was so blunt andbreezy. That, of course, was owing to his recent surroundings; then,again, he was so masterful and dominating, but that he had always been.Still more, he was incomprehensible. She couldn't understand his curt,almost rude manner at the time of the inquest proceedings. To be sure, itwas enough to make a man furious to have insinuating questions put to himabout the murder of his uncle,--as if Kane could have known anything ofit!--but, well, he _was_ mysterious in some ways.

  And his attitude toward Eleanor Black. They must have met before or theynever would have talked as absorbedly as they had been doing when Avicecame upon them unexpectedly. And Eleanor was another mysterious one! Shehad her inheritance now, and Avice hoped they might separate, never tomeet again. Well, of course, they would, for neither had a desire tocontinue living with the other. As for Avice herself, she would go out ofthat house at once. But where? That must soon be decided. Then, like aflooding wave, came back the memory of her uncle's will! She must marryJudge Hoyt or lose her fortune. She would have some money, to be sure,but the interest of that, as an income would make life a very differentmatter from what it had been!

  And Eleanor would have this house,--to live in, or to sell. Idly shespeculated on this, feeling an undercurrent of satisfaction that thewidow's bequest had not been even larger.

  Then her thoughts reverted to the episode of Mrs. Black's telephoning solate that night, after the death of her uncle. She remembered she hadsecured the telephone number.

  "I've a notion to call up and see who it is," she mused. "I am going todevote myself to searching out the murderer, and while I don't, ofcourse, dream that Eleanor had anything to do with it, yet--she isItalian,--and suppose she is mixed up with some secretsociety--oh--well--I'll have to call that number or never rest. I mightas well do it now."

  Unwilling to take a chance of being overheard in the house, Avice dressedfor the street and went out. She said to a maid in the hall, "If any oneasks, say I've gone out for a little breath of air."

  Glad of a walk in the sunshine, she went to the nearest public telephonebooth and called the number. She had a queer feeling of doing wrong, butshe persuaded herself that her motive was a right one.

  "Hello," she heard a man's hearty voice say.

  "Hello," she returned, thoroughly frightened now, but not willing to backout. "Who is this, please?"

  "Lindsay, Jim Lindsay; who wants me?"

  "But,--but,----" Avice was at her wits' end what to say, "are you--do youknow--that is, are you a friend of Mrs. Black? Eleanor Black?"

  "Don't know the lady. Is this Mrs. Black?"

  "No; but you must know her. She--she talked to you last Tuesday night,late--very late."

  "Tuesday night? Oh, I wasn't here Tuesday night. A chum of mine had myrooms; Landon--Kane Landon,--"


  "Landon. Say, what's the matter? Won't you tell me who you are? What's itall about? Oh, I beg your pardon, I'm inexcusably butting in! Forgive me,do. Yes, Kane Landon had these
rooms to himself for a night or two whileI was away. I believe he's at a relative's on Fifth Avenue now. Want tosee him?"

  "No--thank you. Good-by."

  Avice hung up the receiver, her brain in a whirl. Had Eleanor, then, beentelephoning to Kane the very night of the murder? What had she said? Forhim not to try to see her that night! For him to meet her next day at thesame time and place! Oh, they _were_ old friends, then. More, they werekeeping that fact quiet, and pretending to meet as strangers! Was there,could there be any connection between all this and the murder?

  Scarce knowing what she was doing, Avice left the booth and went for along walk. But she could get no meaning or explanation of the facts shehad learned. The more she mulled them over the more confused she becameas to their import. Her mind turned to Hoyt. After all, Leslie was theone to bank on. He would help her and advise her as he had always done.But, that will! She could ask no favors or advice of Judge Hoyt now,unless she acknowledged herself his betrothed. And was she prepared to dothat? Well, one thing was certain, if Kane was all mixed up with EleanorBlack, she surely wanted no more to do with him! And he had told her heloved her. Perhaps because he thought she was her uncle's heiress! Ofcourse, he did not know then of the clause about her marrying the judge.Probably now, Kane would have no further interest in her. Well, he couldmarry Eleanor, for all she cared!

  She went home, and paused first for a few moments in a small receptionroom, to calm her demeanor a little. But, on the contrary, the sight ofthe familiar walls and the realization that she was to leave them, strucka sudden sadness to her already surcharged heart, and she gave way tosilent weeping. And here Hoyt, looking for her, found her.

  "What is it, dearest?" he said, sitting beside her. "I have now a rightto comfort you."

  "Why?" said Avice, throwing back her head and meeting his eyes.

  Hoyt smiled tenderly at her. "Because our betrothal, long tacitly agreedupon, is now ratified by your uncle's wish and decree."

  "Not at all. Because my uncle wished me to marry you, is no reason that Iam obliged to do so."

  "Not obliged, my darling. That is a harsh word. But you want to, don'tyou, my Avice? My beautiful girl!"

  "I don't know whether I do or not. But I'm sure of one thing, I won'tmarry you simply because Uncle Rowly wanted it! Much as I loved him, andmuch as I revere his memory, I shall not marry a man I don't love for hissake!"

  "But you do love me, little Avice. You are so worried and perturbed now,you can't think clearly. But you will find yourself soon, and realizethat you love me as I love you."

  Hoyt spoke very tenderly and the girl's quivering nerves were soothed byhis strong, gentle voice, and his restrained manner. He didn't offerendearments which she might resent. He knew enough to bide his time,confident that she would turn to him of her own accord when ready.

  "I don't want to think about marrying now," she said, wearily; "I have somuch to think about."

  And then Leslie Hoyt made his mistake.

  "No, dear, don't think about it now," he said; "but remember, if youdon't marry me, you lose a very big fortune."

  The words were meant to be half playful, half remindful, but they rousedthe deepest indignation in the heart of Avice Trowbridge.

  She turned on him with flaming eyes. "How dare you? How can you put forthsuch an argument? Do you think that will help your cause? Do you supposeI would marry any one for a fortune? And any way, as a lawyer you canfind some way to set aside that proviso. It can't be possible a whim likethat can stand in law!"

  Hoyt looked at her intently. "It will stand," he said, coldly; "I do notuse it as a bribe, but I tell you truly, if you do not marry me the bulkof your uncle's fortune will go to a museum."

  "Can't a will like that be broken?"

  "In no possible way. Your uncle was in full possession of all hisfaculties, the will is duly witnessed and recorded, there isn't a flawthat could be found on which to base a contest. But don't let us talk inthis strain, dear. If you don't want to marry me, you shan't, but youmust realize the situation."

  "I begin to realize it at last. But I cannot decide now. Give me time,Leslie," and the sweet brown eyes looked appealingly into his.

  "Of course, I will, you darling girl, all the time you want. And please,Avice, if you want any information or advice, come to me and let me helpyou, without feeling that you are committing yourself to anything. Youunderstand?"

  "Oh, thank you! That is what I wanted. Yes, I do understand, and I blessyou for it. I am very much perplexed, Leslie, but I want to think outthings a little for myself, before I tell you what I'm bothered about."

  "So be it, then. And whenever you're ready, I'm waiting."

  Judge Hoyt went away, and Avice, wandering listlessly through the house,came upon Eleanor Black. That volatile spirit had already assumedcomplete ownership and command of the home that was now all her own. Shewas giving orders to the servants in quite a different manner from theone she had shown as a mere housekeeper, and was already arranging for adifferent mode of life.

  "I shall close the house for the summer and go away," she was saying toStryker, "and then in the fall there must be complete renovation. Avice,what are your plans?"

  "Oh, Eleanor, I haven't made any yet. How can you be so hasty? Do have alittle respect for uncle's memory, if you have no sorrow in your heart."

  "Don't trouble yourself to talk to me like that, Avice," and the blackeyes snapped. "There's no need of pretense between us."

  "Then let's lay pretense aside," and the girl's attitude suddenly becameas haughty as the older woman's. "Who is Jim Lindsay?"

  "Mercy! I don't know, I never heard of him. Why?"

  It was impossible to doubt the sincerity of Eleanor's speech andexpression, and Avice was at once sure that it was the truth.

  "Nothing, then. I don't know him either. And Eleanor, I'll talk with yousome time, soon, about our future plans and all that, but I can't justyet. You don't mind my staying in the house a short time, do you?"

  "Of course, not. Don't be a goose. Stay till you marry Judge Hoyt, if youwill. But I'm going away for the summer."


  "As soon as I can settle up some matters and get off. But you stay hereif you choose. Keep the servants, and get some one to chaperone you. Mydear Avice, look on the place as your home just as long as it suits youto do so, won't you?"

  The invitation was given in a whole-souled, honest manner, and Avicereally appreciated the kindness that prompted it.

  "Thank you, Eleanor," she said; "I shall be glad to stay for a time, Ican't say yet how long. And it's good of you to be so hospitable."

  "I've asked Mr. Landon to stay a while," Mrs. Black added, "until I goaway, at any rate."

  Avice wanted to ask her then, how long she had known Kane Landon, butsomething seemed to restrain the question. So with a few murmured wordsof acquiescence, she went her way.