Read The Martins Of Cro' Martin, Vol. I (of II) Page 22


  "Am I behind time, Mr. Massingbred?" said Kate Henderson, as she enteredthe library, about a week after the events we have last recorded,--"amI behind time?" said she, approaching a table where the young man satsurrounded with a mass of letters and papers.

  "Not very much," said he, rising, and placing a chair for her; "and Itake it for granted you came as soon as you could."

  "Yes; I have finished my morning's reading for her Ladyship, noted herletters, answered the official portion of her correspondence, talkedthe newspaper for Mr. Martin, hummed a singing lesson for Miss Mary,listened to a grand jury story of Mr. Repton; and now, that they are alloff to their several destinations, here I am, very much at the serviceof Mr. Massingbred."

  "Who never needed counsel more than at this moment!" said Jack, runninghis hands distractedly through his hair. "That 's from my father!" addedhe, handing her a letter with a portentous-looking seal attached to it.

  "What a fine bold hand, and how easy to read!" said she, perusing it.Jack watched her narrowly while she read; but on her calm impassive facenot a line nor a lineament betrayed emotion.

  "It is, then, an English borough he recommends," said she, laying itdown; "and I suppose, looking to an official career, he is quite right.The 'No Irish need apply' might be inscribed over Downing Street; but isthat altogether your view?"

  "I scarcely know what I project as yet," said he. "I have no career!"

  "Well, let us plan one," replied she, crossing her arms on the table,and speaking with increased earnestness. "The Martins have offered youOughterard--" He nodded, and she went on: "And, as I understand it, verymuch on _your_ own conditions?"

  "That is to say, I'm not to damage the Tories more than I can help, norto help the Radicals more than I must."

  "Is there any designation for the party you will thus belong to?" askedshe.

  "I 'm not exactly sure that there is; perhaps they 'd call me a ModerateWhig."

  "That sounds very nice and commonplace, but I don't like it. These arenot times for moderation; nor would the part suit _you!_"

  "You think so?"

  "I'm certain of it. You have n't got habits of discipline to serve witha regular corps; to do anything, or be anything, you must command apartisan legion--"

  "You're right there; I know that," broke he in.

  "I don't mean it as flattery, but rather something a little bordering onthe reverse," said she, fixing her eyes steadfastly on him; "for, afterall, there is no great success--I mean, no towering success--to beachieved by such a line; but as I feel that you 'll not work--"

  "No; of that be assured!"

  "Then there are only secondary rewards to be won."

  "You certainly do not overestimate me!" said Jack, trying to seemperfectly indifferent.

  "I have no desire to underrate your abilities," said she, calmly; "theyare very good ones. You have great fluency,--great 'variety,' as Grattanwould call it,--an excellent memory, and a most amiableself-possession."

  "By Jove!" said he, reddening slightly, "you enumerate my little giftswith all the accuracy of an appraiser!"

  "Then," resumed she, not heeding his interruption, "you have abundanceof what is vulgarly styled 'pluck,' and which is to courage what_esprit_ is to actual wit; and, lastly, you are a proficient in thatreadiness which the world always accepts for frankness."

  "You were right to say that you intended no flattery!" said he, with aneffort to laugh.

  "I want to be truthful," rejoined she, calmly. "No praiseof mine--however high it soared, or however lavishly it wassquandered--could possibly raise you in your own esteem. The governessmay perform the part of the slave in the triumphal chariot, but couldnot aspire to put the crown on the conqueror!"

  "But I have not conquered!" said Jack.

  "You may, whenever you enter the lists; you must, indeed, if you onlycare to do so. Go in for an Irish borough," said she, with renewedanimation. "Arm yourself with all the popular grievances; there is justfaction enough left to last _your_ time. Discuss them in your own way,and my word for it, but you 'll succeed. It will be such a boon to theHouse to hear a gentlemanlike tone on questions which have always beentreated in coarser guise. For a while you 'll have no imitators, and cansneer at the gentry and extol the 'people' without a competitor. Nowand then, too, you can assail the Treasury benches, where your fatheris sitting; and nothing will so redound to your character forindependence."

  "Why, where, in Heaven's name," cried Jack, "have you got up all this?What and how do you know anything of party and politics?"

  "Have I not been studying 'Hansard' and the files of the 'Times' forthe last week by your directions? Have I not read lives of all theillustrious prosers you gave me to look through? And is it verywonderful if I have learned some of the secrets of this success, orthat I should 'get up' my 'politics' as rapidly as you can your'principles'?"

  "I wish I was even sure that I had done so," said Jack, laughing; "forthis same address is puzzling me sadly! Now here, for instance," andhe read aloud: "'While steadfastly upholding the rights of property,determined to maintain in all their integrity the more sacred rights ofconscience--'Now just tell me, what do you understand by that?"

  "That rents must be paid,--occasionally, at least; but that you hope topull down the Established Church!"

  "Well, come," said he, "the thing will perhaps do!"

  "I don't much like all this about 'the Palladium of the BritishConstitution, and the unbroken bulwark of our dearest liberties.' We arein Ireland, remember, where we care no more for your Palladium--if weever knew what it meant--than we do for the 'Grand Lama.' A slightdash of what is called 'nationality' would be better; very vague, veryshadowy, of course. Bear in mind what Lady Dorothea told us last nightabout the charm of the king's bow. Everybody thought it specially meantfor himself; it strikes me that something of this sort should pervade anelection address."

  "I wish to Heaven you 'd write it, then," said Jack, placing a pen inher fingers.

  "Something in this fashion," said she, while her hands traced the linesrapidly on the paper:--

  "'Finding that a new era is about to dawn in the political state ofIreland, when the consequences of late legislation will engender newconditions and relations, I present myself before you to solicitthe honor of your suffrages, a perfect stranger to your town, but nostranger to the wants and necessities of that nationality which now, forthe first time for centuries, is about to receive its due development.'

  "Or this, if you prefer it," said she, writing away rapidly as before:--

  "'The presumption of aspiring to your representation will, perhaps,be compensated when I come before you deeply impressed with the wrongswhich centuries of legislation have enacted, and which, stranger as Iam in Ireland, have arrested my attention and engaged my sympathies,impelling me to enter upon a public career; and, if favored by yourapproval, to devote whatever energy and capacity I may possess to yourgreat and good cause.'"

  "I like the first best," said Jack. "The new era and the results ofthe Relief Bill will be such appetizing suggestions. There must be anallusion to the Martins and their support."

  "Rather, however, as though _you_ had brought over Martin to _your_views, than that _he_ had selected you to represent his. In this wise:"and again she wrote,--

  "'It is with a just pride that I announce to you that in theseprofessions I am strengthened by the cordial approval and support of onewho, in his rank and station, and natural influence, is second to nonein this great county; and who, whatever misconceptions have hithertoprevailed as to his views, is, heart and soul, a true patriot and anIrishman!'

  "It will puzzle him sorely to guess what line he should adopt to realizeall this, and he'll have to come to _you_ for his politics!"

  "You have caught up the cant of this peculiar literature perfectly,"said Massingbred, as he pored over the papers she had just penned.

  "Dear me!" cried she, in a weary tone, "my great difficulty will b
eto discard its evil influence, and even write a common note like areasonable being again."

  "But come, confess frankly: you think that a political career is theonly one worth embracing, and that any other life offers no rewardworthy the name?"

  "I think you mistake me," said she. "It is the social positionconsequent upon success in a political life that I value,--the eminenceit confers in the very highest and greatest circles. If I regarded thematter otherwise, I'd not be indifferent as to the line to follow--I 'dhave great convictions, and hold them,--I mean, if I were _you_."

  "Then of course you consider me as one who has none such?"

  "To be sure I do. Men of your measures of ability can no more burdenthemselves with principles than a thoroughbred hackney can carry extraweight,--they 've quite enough to do to make their running without."

  "Well, I shall certainly not be spoiled by flattery, at least from you,"said Jack, laughing.

  "They who know you less will make up for it all, depend upon it," saidshe, quietly. "Don't fancy, Mr. Massingbred," added she, with moreearnestness of manner,--"don't fancy that I 'm insensible to theimpertinences I have dared to address to you, or that I venture uponthem without pain; but when I perceived that you would admit me to theliberty of criticising your conduct, character, and manners, I thoughtthat I might render you good service by saying what better taste andbetter breeding would shrink from, and the only cost be the dislike ofmyself."

  "You took a very bad way to accomplish the latter," said Jack,fervently.

  "I did n't give it much consideration," said she, haughtily. "It wasvery little matter what opinion you entertained of 'the governess.'"

  "I should like to convince you that you were wrong," said he, lookingfixedly at her.

  "You'd find your task harder than you suspect, sir," said she, coldly."There is a sense of pride about the humbleness of a station such asmine, as all the elevation of one in yours could never fathom. And,"added she, in a still more determined tone, "there is but one conditionon which this intercourse of ours can continue, which is, that thistopic be never resumed between us. The gulf that separates your positionin life from mine is the security for mutual frankness; to attempt tospan it over by deception would be to build a bridge that must breakdown the first moment of its trial. Enough of this! I'll take these,"said she, gathering up the papers, "and copy them out clearly. Theyought to be with the printer to-morrow; and, indeed, you should notdefer your canvass."

  Massingbred made no answer, but sat with his head buried between hishands.

  "I'd have you to visit the 'dear constituency' at once, Mr.Massingbred," said she, with a slight touch of scorn in her voice. "Theyare not well bred enough to bear a slight!" And with this she left theroom.

  "I should like excessively to know the secret of this interest in mybehalf," said Jack, as he arose and slowly walked the room. "It is not,unquestionably, from any high estimate of my capacity; as little is itanything bordering on regard; and yet," added he, after a pause, "thereare moments when I half fancy she could care for me,--at least I knowwell that I could for _her_, Confound it!" cried he, passionately,"what a terrible barrier social station throws up! If she were even somecountry squire's daughter,--portionless as she is,--the notion wouldnot be so absurd; but 'the governess!' and 'the steward!' what frightfulfigures to conjure up. No, no; that's impossible. One might do such afolly by retiring from the world forever, but that would be exactly todefeat the whole object of such a match. She is essentially intended for'the world;' every gift and grace she possesses are such as only havetheir fitting exercise where the game of life is played by the highest,and for the heaviest stakes! But it is not to be thought of!"

  "Have I found you at last?" cried Repton, entering the room. "They saythe writ will be here on Monday, so that we 've not an hour to lose.Let us drive over to Oughterard at once, see the editor of the'Intelligence,' call on Priest Rafferty, and that other fellow--thefather of our young friend here."

  "Mr. Nelligan," said Jack. "But I can't well visit _him_--there havebeen some rather unpleasant passages between us."

  "Ah! you told me something about it. He wanted you to fill a bail-bond,or do something or other, rather than shoot _me_. An unreasonable oldrascal! Never mind; we shall come before him now in another character,and you 'll see that he'll be more tractable."

  "The matter is graver than this," said Jack, musingly; "and ourdifference is serious enough to make intercourse impossible."

  "You shall tell me all about it as we drive along,--that is, if it bebrief and easy to follow, for my head is so full of election mattersI don't desire a new element of complication. Step in now, and letus away." And with this he hurried Massingbred to the door, where apony-phaeton was in waiting for them.

  Once on the road, Repton changed the conversation from the domain ofpolitics, and talked entirely of the host and his family. There was asort of constitutional frankness and familiarity about the old lawyerwhich all the astute habits and instincts of his profession hadnever mastered. Like a great many acute men, his passion for shrewdobservation and keen remark overbore the prudent reserve that belongs toless animated talkers, and so he now scrupled not to dis-cuss Martin andhis affairs to one who but a few days back had been a complete strangeramongst them.

  At first Jack heard him without much interest, but, as he continued, thesubject attracted all his attention, full as it was of views of life andthe world perfectly new and strange to him.

  To Massingbred's great astonishment, he learned that vast as theestates, and large as was the fortune of the Martins, that they weredeeply encumbered with bond-debts and mortgages. The wasteful habits ofthe gentry generally, combined with great facilities for obtaining moneyat any emergency, had led to this universal indebtedness; and, in fact,as the lawyer expressed it, an old estate was supposed to be the victimof debt, as an elderly gentleman was liable to gout; nobody presuming tothink that the tenure, in either case, was a whit the more precarious onaccount of the casualty.

  "Now," said Repton, as they reached a point of the road from which aview of the country could be obtained for miles on every side--"now, asfar as you can see belongs to Martin. Beyond that mountain yonder, too,there is a large tract--not very productive, it is true--extending tothe sea. The fine waving surface to your left is all tillage land; andthe islands in the bay are his. It is really a princely estate, witheven greater hidden resources than those palpable and open to view. But,were I to show it to you on a map, and point out at the same time everyspot on which some moneylender has a claim--how much has been advancedupon this--what sums have been lent upon that--you 'd be more amazed atthe careless ease of the proprietor than you now are at the extent ofhis fortune."

  "But he is spending immensely in improving and developing the property,"said Jack.

  "Of course he is, sir. That new-fangled notion of 'gentleman-farming'--which has come to us from countries where there are nogentlemen--won't suit Ireland, at least in the present generation. What_we_ want here is, not to make more money, but to learn how to spendless; and although the first very often teaches the last, it is a hardway for an Irishman to acquire his knowledge. There's your borough,sir,--that little spot in the valley yonder is Oughterard. Do you feel,as you behold it, as though it were to be the mainspring of a greatcareer? Is there an instinctive throb within that says, 'The honorablemember for Oughterard will be a great name in the "Collective Wisdom"'?"

  "I can scarcely say yes to that appeal," said Jack, smiling; "though, ifwhat you have just told me of the mediocrity of public men be true--"

  "Can you doubt it? You have them all before you,--their lives, theirsayings, and their doings. Show me one in the whole mass who hasoriginated a new idea in politics, or developed a new resource in thenation. Do they exhibit the common inventiveness displayed in almostevery other walk of life, or do they even dress up their commonplatitudes in any other garb than the cast-off clothes of theirpredecessors? Mediocrity is a flattery when applied to them. But what'sthis comi
ng along behind us, with such clattering of hoofs?"

  "A tandem, I think," said Jack, looking backward, "and very wellhandled, too."

  "Oh, that illustrious attorney, Mr. Scanlan, I 've no doubt. Let us drawup till he passes." And so saying, Repton moved to one side of the road,giving a wide space for the other to proceed on his way. Mr. Scanlan,however, had subdued his nags, by a low, soft whistle, to a half-trot,when, giving the reins to his servant, he descended and advanced to thecarriage. "I've been in pursuit of you, gentlemen," said he, touchinghis hat courteously, "for the last four miles, and I assure you you 'vegiven me a breathing heat of it. Mr. Martin requested me to hand youthis note, sir," added he, addressing Repton, "which demands immediateattention."

  The note was marked "Instantaneous," and "Strictly private," on thecover, and Repton opened it at once. Its contents were as follows,--

  "Dear Rep.,--The post has just arrived, with intelligence that Harry is coming home,--may be here within a week or so,--so that we must not go on with our present plans for the borough, as H., of course, will stand. Come back, therefore, at once, and let as talk over the matter together.

  "Yours, in haste,

  "G. M."

  "You know what this contains, perhaps?" said Repton, in a whisper toScanlan. He nodded an assent, and the old lawyer re-read the note. "Idon't see my way here quite clearly," added he, in the same subduedvoice, to Scanlan.

  "I'll stroll on and stretch my legs a bit," said Jack, springing out ofthe pony phaeton, and seeing that the others had some private matter ofdiscussion; and Scanlan now drew nigh, while Repton informed him whatthe note contained.

  "It's a little too late for this now," said Scanlan, gravely.

  "How do you mean too late?" asked Repton.

  "Why, that Massingbred stands well with the people in the borough. Theythink that he 'll be more their man than Martin's, and, indeed, they 'reso confident of it, I half suspect he has told them so."

  "But there has been no canvass as yet,--his address isn't even printed."

  "There has been a correspondence, however," said Scanlan, with a knowingwink. "Take my word for it, Mr. Repton, he 's a deep fellow."

  "Are you quite sure of this?--can you pledge yourself to its truth?"

  "I only know that Father Rafferty said the night before last he wassatisfied with him, and the one difficulty was about old Nelligan, whosomehow is greatly incensed against Massingbred."

  "He 'd have no chance in the borough without us," said Repton,confidently.

  "If old Dan would consent to spend the money, he'd be the member inspite of us," rejoined Scanlan.

  "I'll not dispute local knowledge with you, sir," said Repton,peevishly. "Let us turn back at once. Where's Mr. Massingbred? I saw himstanding on the hill yonder a few minutes ago; maybe, he 's strollingalong the road in front." Repton moved forward to a rising spot ofground, from whence a wide view extended for a distance on every side,but no trace of Massingbred could be discovered. "What can have becomeof him?--has he turned towards Cro' Martin?" asked Repton.

  "There he is," cried Scanlan, suddenly; "there he is, walkingwith Magennis. They're taking the short cut over the hills toOughterard--that's unfortunate, too!"

  "How so?"

  "Why, before they're in the town they'll be as thick as twopickpockets--see how they 're talking! I think, if I was to drive on,I'd catch them before they entered the town."

  "Do so, then, Scanlan. Say that a sudden message from Mr. Martinrecalled me, but that you'll drive him back with you to Cro' Martin."

  "Am I to allude to the contents of the note, sir?"

  "I think not; I opine it's best not to speak of it. Say, however, thatsomething of importance has occurred at Cro' Martin, and suggest to himthat the sooner he returns thither the better."

  There was an amount of vacillation and uncertainty about Repton'smanner as he uttered these few words that showed not only how gravely heregarded the crisis, but how totally unprepared he found himself forthe emergency. Not so Scanlan, who took his seat once more on his lofty"buggy," and was soon spinning along the road at a pace of full twelvemiles the hour.

  As Repton drove back to Cro' Martin, he thought once, and not withouthumiliation, of his late lessons in statecraft to young Massingbred. "Tofancy that I was instilling all these precepts at the very momentthat he was countermining us. The young villain is a worthy son of hisfather! And how he will laugh at me, and make others laugh too! It willnever do to drive him into opposition to us. Martin must consent to makethe best of it, now, and accept him as his member,--for the present,at least. With time and good opportunity we can manage to trip up hisheels, but, for the moment, there's no help for it." And with thesenot very consoling reflections he entered once more the grounds of Cro'Martin Castle.

  Let us now turn to Massingbred, as, accompanied by Magennis, he walkedat a rapid pace towards Oughterard. It needed but a glance at thefigures, and the rate at which they moved, to see that these two menwere bent upon an object.

  "Don't you see the town now before you?" said Magennis. "It's not muchabove two miles, and by the road it is every step of six, or six and ahalf; and if we walk as we're doing now, we'll be there at least twentyminutes before them."

  "But what will Repton think of my leaving him in this fashion?"

  "That it was a bit of your usual eccentricity,--no more," said theother, laughing.

  "You are quite certain of what you've just told me?" asked Jack, after apause.

  "I tell you that you shall have it from Hosey's own lips. He showed thepost-mark on the back of the letter to Father Rafferty, and it was 'CapeTown, August 24.' Now, as Hosey knows young Martin's writing as well asany man, what doubt can there be about it?"

  "By that calculation," said Jack, thoughtfully, "he might be here withinthe present month!"

  "Exactly what Father Neal said."

  "A shrewd fellow that same Hosey must be to put things together in thisfashion," said Jack. "Such a head as he has on his shoulders might n'tbe a bad counsellor at this moment."

  "Just come and talk to him a bit," rejoined Magennis; "say you wantto be trimmed about the whiskers, and he'll be a proud man to have youunder his hand."

  "And the committee are satisfied with my letter?" asked Jack.

  "They are, and they are not; but, on the whole, they think it's a stepin the right direction to get anything out of the Martins, and, asFather Neal remarks, 'where we can pass with our head, we can put ourwhole body through.'"

  "But what 's to be done about Nelligan? The breach with him is, Isuspect, irreparable."

  "Why, it was Nelligan himself moved the first resolution in thecommittee, that your address be accepted as embodying the views--he saidthe present views--of the liberal electors."

  "You amaze me!" cried Massingbred; "and Joe, where was he?"

  "Joe is off to Dublin; there 's some examination or other he mustattend. But old Dan is your friend, rely upon that."

  "This is inexplicable," muttered Jack to himself.

  "We 'll go there, straight, the moment we get into the town. He 'll takeit as a great compliment; and you can talk to him frankly and openly,for old Dan is a man to be trusted."

  "I wish I could guess at how this reconciliation has been effected,"muttered Jack.

  "It was your letter did it, I think."

  "But I never wrote one."

  "Well, somebody else did, perhaps; at all events, Dan had an open letterin his hand when he addressed the committee, and said, 'After readingthis, gentlemen,' said he, 'I can only say that I 'll not oppose Mr.Massingbred; and if the free and independent men of Oughterard askme who is the man to represent them, I'll answer, he 's your man!And what's more, there 's my name down for two hundred pounds for theelection, if it ever comes to be a contest!'"

  "This is all very good, but very strange news," cried Jack.

  "Well, I can explain nothing of the mystery, if there be one. I onlyknow what I heard and saw myself."
r />   "Let us go to his house, at all events," said Massingbred, who nowsuffered his companion to rattle on about the state of parties andpolitics in Oughterard, little heeding his remarks, and only bent onfollowing out his own thoughts. "Give whom the slip?" asked he, suddenlycatching at the last words of some observation of Magennis.

  "The Martins, of course," resumed the other; "for, as Father Neal says,'if we can secure the borough for you, you can well afford to stand by_us_; but if you were only Martin's member, he 'd drop you whenever itsuited him.'"

  "As to-morrow, for instance, if his son should make his appearance!"

  "Just so; and that's the very reason for not losing a minute aboutgetting the Martins in for the cost. What can they say, after choosingyou and putting you forward?"

  "They might make a personal appeal to me,--a distinct request to giveplace to the son."

  "And would n't you pay great attention to it?" said Magennis, inmockery.

  "I 'm not so very sure I 'd refuse," said Massingbred, slowly.

  "Faith, then, you 'd better be candid enough to tell the electors so 'atonce.' Look now, Mr. Massingbred," said he, coming to a dead halt, andstanding directly in front of him; "we don't go the same road, not onestep, till I hear from you, distinctly and plainly, what you mean todo."

  "This is somewhat of a peremptory proceeding," replied Jack. "I think itwould not be very unreasonable to allow a man in my situation a littletime for reflection."

  "Reflect upon what?" cried Magennis. "Is it what politics you 'd be? Ifthat's what you mean, I think you 'd better say nothing about it."

  "Come, come, Mac, you are not quite fair in this business; there _are_difficulties,--there are embarrassments very often in the way of doingthings which we have made up our minds to do. Now, if I were perfectlycertain that the liberal interest here could succeed in spite ofMartin--"

  "So it will."

  "You're sure of that?"

  "I 'll show it to you on paper. We 'd rather have Martin with us and nocontest, because it's cheaper; but if it must come to money, we 'll doit."

  "Satisfy me on that point, and I'm with you; there's my hand on't!"

  And Magennis grasped him in his own strong fingers to ratify thecontract.

  While "Mac" went on to give some insight into the views and wishes ofhis party, they reached the town and entered the main street, and heldtheir way towards old Nelligan's shop.

  "That's Father Neal's pony at the door," said Mac, as they approachedthe shop; "so we'll find them both together."

  "I scarcely think I can enter here," said Massingbred, "after whatpassed last between us. We surely did not part as friends."

  "How little you know about us at all!" said Mac. "Old Dan bears you nomalice, I 'd lay fifty pounds on it! But, if you like, I 'll just stepin and take soundings."

  "Do so, then," said Massingbred, not sorry to have even a few moments tohimself for quiet thought and consideration. He was still standing, anddeeply engrossed by his reflections, when he was aroused by hearing hisname called aloud, and, on looking up, perceived Magennis beckoning tohim from a window overhead. In obedience to the signal, Jack turned andentered the shop, where his friend quickly joined him. "Old Dan is inhis bed, with a heavy cold and a rheumatism, but he 'll see you; andFather Neal's with him, and Hayes, besides." And with this informationhe hurried Jack up the stairs, and led him into a darkened room, wherethe figures of the priest and old Hayes were dimly discernible. BeforeMassingbred had well crossed the door-sill, Nelligan called out, "Yourservant, Mr. Massingbred. I 'm more than pleased with your explanation.Let me shake your hand once more."

  "I'm not quite sure that I understand you," said Jack, in a low voice;but before he could continue, the priest advanced to greet him, followedby old Peter.

  "Wasn't I in luck to catch him on the road this morning?" said Magennis;"he was coming in with the old Counsellor, and just got out to walk up ahill--"

  "Remember," said Jack, "that I have few minutes to spare, for I must bein waiting about the market-place when he drives in."

  "We must have a conference, though," said Father Neal; "there 's much tobe settled. First of all, are we to coalesce for the representation?"

  "No, no, no!" cried Nelligan. "We 'll have it our own way. If Mr.Massingbred will be our Member, we want no help from the Martins."

  "There 's five pounds, and I 'll make it guineas if you like," said oldHayes, putting a note upon the table; "but the devil a Whig or Torywill ever get more out of Peter Hayes!"

  A very good-natured laugh from the others showed how little umbrage thefrank avowal excited.

  "We 'll not want for money, Peter, make your mind easy about that," saidDan. "When can you meet the committee, Mr. Massingbred? Could you sayto-night?"

  "Better to-morrow morning. I must return to Cro' Martin this evening."

  "Certainly,--of course," said Father Neal, blandly. "You 'll have tocome to an understanding with Mr. Martin about the borough, declare whatyour principles are, and how, upon very mature consideration, you findyou can't agree with the opinions of himself and his party."

  Magennis winked significantly at Jack, as though to say, "Listento _him; he 's_ the man to instruct and direct you;" and the priestresumed:--

  "Go on to explain that your only utility in the House could arise fromyour being the exponent of what you feel to be the truth about Ireland,the crying evils of the Established Church, and the present tenure ofland! When you throw these two shells in, sir, the town will be on fire.He 'll reply that under these circumstances there 's no more questionabout your standing for the borough; you'll say nothing,--not a word,not a syllable; you only smile. If Repton 's by--and he 's likely tobe--he 'll get hot, and ask you what you mean by that--"

  "There 's Scanlan just driving round the corner," said Magennis, in awhisper; and Massingbred arose at once and drew nigh to the bedside.

  "Could I say one word to you alone, Mr. Nelligan?" said he, in a lowvoice.

  "Of course," said he. And whispering the priest to take the others intoan adjoining room, old Nelligan motioned Jack to sit down beside him.

  "You said, as I came in," said Jack, "that you were satisfied with myexplanation--"

  "To be sure I was," broke in Dan. "All I wanted to know was, that youacted under a misconception. That being once explained, there was nooffence on either side. Now, Catty Henderson's letter to my wife put thething straight at once; she showed that _your_ conduct at Cro' Martinarose out of a notion that Joe had slighted you."


  "Have you got this letter?" asked Jack, eagerly.

  "Indeed, then, I have not; his mother forwarded it to Joe by the samepost; but, as I tell you I 'm satisfied, there 's an end of it."

  "Scanlan 's asking for you below stairs," said Magennis, putting in hishead; "and I hear them saying that they didn't see you in town."

  "All right," said Jack; "so I'll just slip out by the garden gate andmeet him in the market-square." And with a hurried leave-taking Jackwithdrew, his mind very far from that state of tranquil composure inwhich it was his pride to affect that he invariably revelled.

  "There they go!" cried Father Neal, shortly after, as Scanlan droverapidly by, with Massingbred beside him. "Maybe Master Maurice won'tabuse us all round before he turns in at the gate of Cro' Martin!"

  "Massingbred is too cute to mind him," said Magennis.

  "Ah, Tom, there 's one appeal men of his stamp are never deaf to. Youmay say fifty things that won't shock them in religion or morals or goodtaste; but only utter the one word 'vulgar,' and their indignation risesat once. That's what Scanlan will do, take my word for it He 'll call usa low set of fellows, that have no position in society,--no acceptanceanywhere."

  "But Massingbred is a gentleman born, and he won't be led astray by sucha consideration."

  "It is exactly for that very reason that he will," said the priest,stoutly. "It's a strange fact, but there 's no manner of man ratessocial advantages so high as he that has them by right, and
without anystruggle for them."

  "Well," said old Hayes, slowly, "if I once thought that of him, thedevil a vote of mine he 'd get, no matter what his principles were."

  "And there you 're wrong, Peter," said Nelligan. "Matters of goodmanners and breeding need never be discussed between us. Mr. Massingbredwill have _his_ station; we'll have _ours_. There 's a long and wearyroad before us ere we come to think of our social condition. There's many a cruel statute to be abolished, many a hard grievance to beredressed."

  "And besides that," said Father Neal, with a shrewd twinkle in his eye,"while we 're doing the one we 'll be helping on the other. Politicalinfluence always did, and always will, include rank and station in theworld. When English Ministers find their best ally in the Irish Priest,there will be no more sneers at his brogue nor his boots. Men of familyand fortune won't shrink from their contact, and maybe you 'll seethe day yet when coaches and chariots will drive up to the chapel, andladies in satin and velvet step out to hear Mass."

  A prophetic view of the Millennium itself could not have astonishedold Peter Hayes more completely than did this marvellous suggestion ofFather Neal; and he moved away muttering a "Heaven grant it!" betweenhis teeth.

  "Where's the next meeting of the committee to be?" asked Nelligan.

  "In the Chapel House, to-morrow, at eleven. And that reminds me I 'venot sent out the summonses." And so saying, Father Neal hastily tookleave of his friends and left the room.

  Let us take a glance at Mr. Maurice Scanlan, as, with an extra box-coatingeniously wrapped around his lower man, he discoursed pleasantly tohis companion while he "tooled" along towards Cro' Martin. Not a wordof politics, not a syllable on the subject of party, escaped him ashe talked. His conversation was entirely of sporting matters: the oddsagainst Leander, the last bettings on "Firebrand," whether Spicy Billwas really in bad training, as the knowing ones said, and if the coursewouldn't "puzzle the young ones" if the wet weather were to continue.

  Massingbred was sufficiently well versed in these classic themes to bean amusing and even instructive companion, and communicated many a slypiece of intelligence that would have been deemed priceless in "Bell'sLife;" and Scanlan quickly conceived a high estimate for one who hadgraduated at Newmarket, and taken honors at Goodwood.

  "After the kind of life you 've led in England, I wonder how you endurethis country at all," said Maurice, with real sincerity of voice andmanner.

  "I like it," said Jack; "the whole thing is new to me, and vastlyamusing. I don't mean to say I 'd willingly pass a lifetime in thisfashion, but for a few weeks--"

  "Just so; to give you a better relish for the real thing when you goback again," said Maurice.

  "What a neat stepper that leader is!" said Jack, to change the topicfrom himself and his own affairs. "She's a well-bred one; that's clear."

  "Nearly full-bred; the least bit of cocktail in the world. She's out ofCrescent, that ran a very good third for the Oaks."

  "A strong horse, and a very honest one," said Jack.

  "Well, I bought that little mare from young Mr. Martin--theCaptain--when he was ordered out to India; I put her in training, andran her at the Curragh in three weeks, and won, too, the St. LawrenceHandicap."

  "Is Captain Martin a sporting character?" asked Jack, carelessly.

  "He is and he is not," said Scanlan, half querulously. "He likes a safething,--do you understand?" and he gave a most significant wink as hespoke.

  "Oh, then he's close about money matters?" said Massingbred.

  "Not exactly that. He 's wasteful and spendthrift, but he'd go to theworld's end to do a knowing thing; you 've seen men of that kind?"

  "Scores of them," replied Jack; "and they were always the easiestfellows to be duped!"

  "Exactly my own experience," said Scanlan, delighted to find hisopinions confirmed in such a quarter. "Now, young Martin would give fivehundred pounds for a horse to win a fifty pound cup. Don't you know whatI mean?"

  "Perfectly," said Massingbred, with an approving smile.

  "Nobody knows the sums he has drawn since he went away," exclaimedScanlan, who was momentarily growing more and more confidential.

  "There 's a deal of high play in India; perhaps he gambles," said Jack,carelessly.

  A significant wink and nod gave the answer.

  "Well, well," added he, after a pause, "he 'll not mend matters bycoming back again."

  "And is he about to visit England?" asked Massingbred, in the same easytone.

  "So they say," replied Scanlan, with an effort at the easy indifferenceof the other.

  "On leave, perhaps?" said Jack, indolently.

  "That 's more than I know," replied he, and relapsed into a thoughtfulsilence, during which Massingbred continued to scan his features with asly, downcast glance peculiar to himself.

  "You've never been in Leicestershire, Mr. Scanlan?" said he, when hehad fully satisfied himself with his examination. "Well, then, come overthere in the spring--say about March next--and pay me a visit. I 've gota sort of hunting-box there, with a neat stable, and by that time I hopeto raise funds for a couple of nags."

  "Trust _me_ for the horseflesh, sir. I know where to mount you this veryminute. You 're not much above eleven stone?"

  "Eleven-eight,--at least, so I used to be. Is it a bargain? Will youcome?"

  "There's my hand on't," said the attorney, overjoyed at the prospect.

  "Mackworth, and Lord Harry Coverdale, and Sir Went-worth Danby, anda few more, are all my neighbors. Capital fellows, whom you 'll bedelighted with. Just the sort of men to suit you,--up to everything thatmeans sport."

  "Exactly what I like!" cried Maurice, in ecstasy.

  "We'll arrange it all this evening, then," said Jack. "Just drop into myroom after they 're all gone to bed, and we'll have a talk over it. Youdon't know my father, do you?"

  "I haven't that honor," said Scanlan, with an accent of real deferencein his voice.

  "Another kind of person from these I've mentioned," said Jack, slowly.

  "So I should suppose, sir," said Scanlan, a tone of respectinvoluntarily attaching itself to him as he addressed the son of aSecretary of State.

  "Not that he doesn't like field sports, and all the enjoyments of acountry life. But, you know, he's an old official--a Downing Streetveteran--who really relishes public business, just as you and I would acoursing-match, or a heavy pool at Crocky's."

  Scanlan nodded as if in perfect assent.

  "While I say this, it's only fair to add that he has most excellentqualities, and is a stanch friend when he takes any one up. I suspectyou 'd like him. I know he 'd like your--"

  "I 'm greatly flattered. I don't deserve--"

  "You see," said Jack, not heeding the interruption, and assuming thelow accents of a confidential communication--"You see, he and I have notbeen on the very best of terms for some time back; I 've done some sillythings--spent a little more money than he liked--and, what was stillworse in his eyes, refused a first-rate Government appointment--a reallygood thing, and such as one does n't meet with every day--and now, theonly road back to his favor will be for me to come out strongly in someshape, either as a college prizeman or in public life. I despise theformer. It's all very well for fellows like Nelligan--it's their natural'beat,'--but for a man like _me_, one who has seen the world,--the realworld,--these are nothing more than schoolboy distinctions,--the silvermedal he brings home of a Saturday, and makes him the wonder of hissisters for twenty-four hours. I'll have to strike out a line of myown!"

  "No fear of you, sir,--devil a bit!" said Maurice, with a sententiousshake of the head. "Here we are now at Cro' Martin, and then there's thefirst dinner-bell ringing."

  "We shall be late, perhaps," said Jack.

  "You'll be in good time. As for me, I haven't been asked to dinner, sothat when I drop you I 'll go down to the village."

  "Well, then, I 'll walk over and see you in the evening," saidMassingbred. "It seems to me--I don't know whether you are of the sameopinion,
though--but it seems strongly to me that you and I ought to beallies."

  "If I thought I was worthy--"

  "Come, come, Scanlan, no modesty, old boy. You know you 're a devilishclever fellow, and you no more intend to pass your life cruising afterpetty-session practice in Galway, than I do to settle down here asunder-gardener."

  "They 're all looking at us, sir, from the drawing-room window," saidScanlan, in a cautious voice; "don't let us appear too confidential."And at the same instant he extended his whip as though to pointattention to some distant object, and seem as if he were describing thescenery.

  "Shrewd dog it is," muttered Massingbred in soliloquy, but taking goodcare to be overheard. "I 'll beat up your quarters, Scanlan, in acouple of hours or so," said Massingbred, as he descended from the lofty"drag."

  Somewhat, but not very much, later than the time appointed, JackMassingbred appeared in the small chamber of the "Crueskeen,"--thehumble hostel on the roadside adjoining the demesne of Cro' Martin.Maurice Scanlan had made every preparation which the fluid resources ofthe house admitted to receive his guest, but they were not destined tobe put in requisition.

  "I have only come lest you should accuse me of forgetting you, Scanlan,"said Massingbred, as he stood in the doorway without removing his hat."I 'm off to Oughter-ard, having made my adieux at Cro' Martin."

  "Left Cro' Martin, and for good!" exclaimed Scanlan.

  "If that means forever, I suspect you 're right," replied Jack; "butyou 'll have the whole story in the morning when you go up there, anddoubtless more impartially than I should tell it. And now, good-bye fora brief space. We shall meet soon." And, without waiting for an answer,he nodded familiarly, stepped briskly to the door, where a post-chaiseawaited him, and was gone, before Scanlan had even half recovered fromhis astonishment and surprise.