Read The Martyr of the Catacombs Page 12



  "Out of the mouths of babes and sucklings thou hast ordained praise."

  It was a large room in a building not far from the imperial palace. Thepavement was of polished marble, and columns of porphyry supported apaneled dome. An altar with a statue of a heathen deity was at one endof the apartment. Magistrates in their robes occupied raised seats onthe opposite end. In front of them were some soldiers guarding a prisoner.

  The prisoner was the boy Pollio. His face was pale, but his bearing waserect and firm. The remarkable intelligence which had alwayscharacterized him did not fail him now. His quick eye took ineverything. He knew the inevitable doom that impended over him. Yetthere was no trace of fear or indecision about him.

  He knew that the only tie that bound him to earth had been severed.Early that morning the news of his mother's death had reached him. Ithad been carried to him by a man who thought that the knowledge of thiswould fortify his resolution. That man was Marcellus. The kindness ofLucullus had gained him an interview. His judgment had been correct.While his mother lived, the thought of her would have weakened hisresolution; now that she was dead, he was eager to depart also. In hissimple faith he believed that death would unite him at once to the dearmother whom he loved so fondly.

  With these feelings he awaited the examination.

  "Who are you?"

  "Marcus Servilius Pollio."

  "What is your age?"

  "Thirteen years."

  At the mention of his name a murmur of compassion went round theassemblage, for that name was well known in Rome.

  "You are charged with the crime of being a Christian. What have you tosay?"

  "I am guilty of no crime," said the boy. "I am a Christian, and I amglad to be able to confess it before men."

  "It is the same with them all," said one of the judges. "They all havethe same formula."

  "Do you know the nature of your crime?"

  "I am guilty of no crime," said Pollio. "My religion teaches me to fearGod and honor the emperor. I have obeyed every just law, and am not atraitor."

  "To be a Christian is to be a traitor."

  "I am a Christian, but I am not a traitor."

  "The law of the state forbids you to be a Christian under pain of death.If you are a Christian you must die."

  "I am a Christian," repeated Pollio firmly.

  "Then you must die."

  "Be it so."

  "Boy, do you know what it is to suffer death?"

  "I have seen much of death during the last few months. I have alwaysexpected to lay down my life for my religion when my turn should come."

  "Boy, you are young. We pity your tender age and inexperience. You havebeen trained so peculiarly that you are scarcely responsible for yourpresent folly. For all this we are willing to make allowance. Thisreligion which infatuates you is foolishness. You believe that a poorJew, who was executed a few hundred years ago, is a God. Can anything bemore absurd than this! Our religion is the religion of the state. It hasenough in itself to satisfy the minds of young and old, ignorant andlearned. Leave your foolish superstition and turn to our wiser and olderreligion."

  "I cannot."

  "You are the last of a noble family. The state recognizes the worth andthe nobility of the Servilii. Your ancestors lived in pomp and wealthand power. You are a poor miserable boy and a prisoner. Be wise, Pollio.Think of the glory of your forefathers and throw aside the miserableobstacle that keeps you away from all their illustrious fame."

  "I cannot."

  "You have lived a miserable outcast. The poorest beggar in Rome faresbetter than you. His food is obtained with less labor and lesshumiliation. His shelter is in the light of day. Above all he is safe.His life is his own. He need not live in hourly fear of justice. But youhave had to drag out a wretched existence in want and danger anddarkness. What has your boasted religion given you? What has thisdeified Jew done for you? Nothing, worse than nothing. Turn, then, fromthis deceiver. Wealth and comfort and friends and the honors of thestate and the favor of the emperor will all be yours."

  "I cannot."

  "Your father was a loyal subject and a brave soldier. He died in battlefor his country. He left you an infant, the heir of all his honors, andthe last prop of his house. Little did he think of the treacherousinfluences that surrounded you to lead you astray. Your mother's mind,weakened by sorrow, surrendered to the insidious wiles of falseteachers, and she again ignorantly wrought your ruin. Had your noblefather lived you would now have been the hope of his ancient line; yourmother, too, would have followed the faith of her illustrious ancestors.Do you value your father's memory? Has he no claims on your filial duty?Do you think it no sin to heap dishonor on the proud name that you bearand throw so foul a blot upon the unsullied fame handed down to you fromyour fathers? Away with this delusion that blinds you. By your father'smemory, by the honor of your family, turn from your present course."

  "I can do them no dishonor. My religion is pure and holy. I can die, butI cannot be false to my Saviour."

  "You see that we are merciful to you. Your name and your inexperienceexcites our pity. Were you but a common prisoner we would offer you inshort words the choice between retraction or death. But we are willingto reason with you, for we do not wish to see a noble family becomeextinct through the ignorance or obstinacy of a degenerate heir."

  "I thank you for your consideration," said Pollio; "but your argumentshave no weight with me beside the higher claims of my religion."

  "Rash and thoughtless boy! There is another argument which you will findmore powerful. The wrath of the emperor is terrible."

  "Yet still more terrible is the wrath of the Lamb."

  "You speak an unintelligible language. What is the wrath of the Lamb?You do not think on what is before you."

  "My companions and friends have already endured all that you caninflict. I trust that I may have like fortitude."

  "Can you endure the terrors of the arena?"

  "I hope to have more than mortal strength."

  "Can you face the savage lions and tigers that will then rush upon you?"

  "He in whom I trust will not desert me in my time of need."

  "You are confident."

  "I confide in Him who loved me and gave himself for me."

  "Have you thought of the death by fire? Are you ready to meet the flamesat the stake?"

  "Alas! If I must bear it I will not shrink. At the worst it will soon beover, and then I shall be forever with the Lord."

  "Fanaticism and superstition have taken complete possession of you. Youknow not what awaits you. It is easy to face threats, it is easy toutter words and make professions of courage. But how will it be with youwhen the dread reality comes upon you?"

  "I will look to Him who never deserts his own in their hour of need."

  "He has done nothing for you thus far!"

  "He has done all for me. He gave his own life that I might live. Throughhim I receive a nobler life than this which you take from me."

  "This is but a dream of yours. How is it possible that a miserable Jewcan do this."

  "He was the fullness of the Godhead; God manifest in the flesh. Hesuffered death of the body that we might receive life for the soul."

  "Can nothing open your eyes? Is it not enough that thus far your madbelief has brought you nothing but misery and woe? Must you still holdon to it? When you see that death is inevitable will you not turn awayfrom your errors?"

  "He gives me strength to overcome death; I fear it not. I look upondeath itself as but a change from this life of sorrow to an immortalityof bliss. Whether I die by the wild beasts or by the flames it will beall the same. If I continue faithful he will support me and lead my soulat once to immortal life in heaven. The death which you threaten me withhas no terrors; but the life to which you invite me is more terrible tome than a thousand deaths."

  "For the last time we give you an opportunity. Rash youth, pause for onemoment in yo
ur mad career of folly. Forget for an instant the insanecounsels of your fanatical teachers. Think of all that has been said toyou. Life is before you; life full of joy and pleasure; a life rich inevery blessing. Honor, friends, wealth, power, all is yours. A noblename, and the possessions of your family, await you. They are all yours.To gain them you have but to take this goblet and pour the libation onyonder altar. Take it. It is but a simple act. Perform it quickly. Saveyourself from a death of agony."

  Every eye was fixed upon Pollio as this last offer was held out to him.Amazement had filled the minds of the spectators to find him thus far sounmoved. They could not account for it.

  But even this last appeal had no effect. Pale but resolute, Polliomotioned away the proffered goblet.

  "I will never be false to my Saviour."

  At these words there was a moment's pause. Then the chief magistrate spoke:

  "You have uttered your own doom. Away with him," he continued,addressing the soldiery.