Read The Martyr of the Catacombs Page 7



  "Yea, and all that will live godly in Christ Jesus shall suffer persecution."

  Four days had elapsed since the young soldier had left his chamber.Eventful days they had been to him; days full of infinite importance.Endless weal or woe had hung upon their issue. But the search of thisearnest soul after the truth had not been in vain.

  His resolution had been taken. On the one side lay fame, honor, andwealth; on the other, poverty, want, and woe; yet he had made hischoice, and turned to the latter without a moment's hesitation. He choserather to suffer affliction with the people of God than to enjoy thepleasures of sin for a season.

  Upon his return he visited the general and reported himself. He informedhim that he had been among the Christians, that he could not execute hiscommission, and was willing to take the consequences. The generalsternly ordered him to his quarters.

  Here in the midst of deep meditation, while, conjecturing what might bethe issue of all this, he was interrupted by the entrance of Lucullus.His friend greeted him most affectionately, but was evidently full ofanxiety.

  "I have just seen the general," said he, "who sent for me to give me amessage for you. But first tell me what is this that you have done?"

  Marcellus then related everything from the time he had left until hisreturn, concealing nothing whatever. His deep earnestness showed howstrong and true the impression was that had been made upon him. He thenrelated his interview with his general.

  "I entered the room feeling the importance of the step I was taking. Iwas about to commit an act of virtual treason, a crime which can only bepunished with death. Yet I could do nothing else.

  "He received me graciously, for he thought that I had met with someimportant success in my search. I told him that since I left I had beenamong the Christians, and from what I had seen of them I had been forcedto change my feelings toward them. I had thought that they were enemiesof the state and worthy of death, but I found that they were loyalsubjects of the emperor and virtuous men. I could never use my swordagainst such as these, and rather than do so I would give it up.

  "'A soldier's feelings,' said he, 'have no right to interfere with hisduties.'

  "'But my duties to the God who made me are stronger than any which I oweto man.'

  "'Has your sympathy with the Christians made you mad?' said he. 'Do younot know that this is treason?'

  "I bowed, and said that I would take the consequences.

  "'Rash youth,' he cried sternly, 'go to your quarters, and I willcommunicate to you my decision.'

  "And so I came here at once, and have been here ever since then,anxiously awaiting my sentence."

  Lucullus had listened to the whole of Marcellus's recital without a wordor even a gesture. An expression of sad surprise upon his face told whathis feelings were. He spoke in a mournful tone as Marcellus ended.

  "And what that sentence must be you certainly know as well as I. Romandiscipline, even in ordinary times, can never be trifled with, but nowthe feelings of the government are excited to an unusual degree againstthese Christians. If you persist in your present course you must fall."

  "I have told you all my reasons."

  "I know, Marcellus, your pure and sincere nature. You have always beenof a devout mind. You have loved the noble teachings of philosophy. Canyou not satisfy yourself with these as before? Why should you beattracted by the wretched doctrine of a crucified Jew?"

  "I have never been satisfied with the philosophy of which you speak. Youyourself know that there is nothing certain in it on which the soul maytrust. But the Christian religion is the truth of God, brought down byhimself, and sanctified by his own death."

  "You have thoroughly explained the whole Christian creed to me. Your ownenthusiasm has made it appear attractive, I will confess; and if all itsfollowers were really like yourself my dear Marcellus, it might beadapted to bless the world. But I come not here to argue upon religion.I come to speak about yourself. You are in danger, my dear friend; yourstation, your honor, your office, your very life is at stake. Considerwhat you have done. An important commission was intrusted to you, uponthe execution of which you set out. It was expected that you wouldreturn bringing important information. But instead of this you come backand inform the general that you have gone over to the enemy, that youare one of them in heart, and that you refuse to bear arms against them.If the soldier is free to choose whom he will fight what becomes ofdiscipline? He must obey orders. Am I right?"

  "You are, Lucullus."

  "The question for you to decide is not whether you will choosephilosophy or Christianity, but whether you will be a Christian or asoldier. For as the times are now you see that it is impossible for youto be a soldier and a Christian at the same time. One of the two must begiven up. And not only so, but if you decide upon being a Christian youmust at once share their fate, for no distinction can be made in favorof you. On the other hand, if you continue a soldier you must fightagainst the Christians."

  "That is no doubt the question."

  "You have warm friends who are willing to forget your great offense,Marcellus. I know your enthusiastic nature, and I have pleaded with thegeneral for you. He too respects you for your soldierly qualities. He iswilling to forgive you under certain circumstances."

  "What are they?"

  "The most merciful of all conditions. Let the past four days beforgotten. Banish them from your memory. Resume your commission. Takeyour soldiers and go at once about your duty in arresting theseChristians."

  "Lucullus," said Marcellus, rising from his seat with folded arms, "Ilove you as a friend, I am grateful for your faithful affection. Nevercan I forget it. But I have that within me to which you are a stranger,which is stronger than all honors of state. It is the love of God. Forthis I am ready, to give up all, honor, rank, and life itself. Mydecision is irrevocable. I am a Christian."

  For a moment Lucullus sat in astonishment and grief looking at hisfriend. He was well acquainted with his resolute soul, and saw with painhow completely his persuasions had failed. At length he spoke again. Heused every argument that he could think of. He brought forward everymotive that might influence him. He told him of the terrible fate thatawaited him, and the peculiar vengeance that would be directed againsthim. But all his words were completely useless. At length he rose indeep sadness.

  "Marcellus," he said, "you tempt fate. You are rushing madly upon aterrible destiny. Everything that fortune can bestow is before you, butyou turn away from all to cast your lot among wretched outcasts. I havedone the duty of a friend in trying to turn you from your folly, but allthat I can do is of no avail.

  "I have brought you the sentence of the general. You are degraded fromoffice. You are put under arrest as a Christian. To-morrow you will beseized and handed over to punishment. But many hours are yet before you,and I may still have the mournful satisfaction of assisting you toescape. Fly then at once. Hasten, for there is no time to lose. There isonly one place in the world where you can be secure from the vengeanceof Caesar."

  Marcellus heard in silence. Slowly he took off his splendid arms andlaid them down, sadly he unfastened his gorgeous armor which he had wornso proudly. He stood in his simple tunic before his friend.

  "Lucullus, again I say that I can never forget your faithful friendship.Would we were flying together, that your prayers might ascend with mineto Him whom I serve. But enough, I will go. Farewell."

  "Farewell, Marcellus. We may never meet in life again. If you are everin want or peril you know on whom you can rely."

  The two young men embraced, and Marcellus hastily took his departure.

  He walked out of the camp and onward until he reached the Forum. Allaround him were stately marble temples and columns and monuments. Therethe arch of Titus spanned the Via Sacra; there the imperial palacereared its gigantic form on high, rich in stately architecture, inglorious adornments of precious marbles, and glowing in goldendecorations. On one side the
lofty walls of the Coliseum arose; beyond,the stupendous dome of the Temple of Peace; and on the other theCapitoline Hill upraised its historic summit, crowned with a cluster ofstately temples that stood out in sharp relief against the sky.

  To this he directed his steps, and ascended the steep declivity up tothe top of the hill. From the summit he looked around upon the scene.The place itself was a spacious square paved with marble, and surroundedwith lordly temples. On one side was the Campus Martius bounded afaronward to the Mediterranean. On every other side the city spread itsunequaled extent, crowding to the narrow walls, and over-leaping them tothrow out its radiating streets far away on every side into the country.Temples and columns and monuments reared their lofty heads. Innumerablestatues filled the streets with a population of sculptured forms,fountains dashed into the air, chariots rolled through the streets, thelegions of Rome marched to and fro in military array, and on every sidesurged the restless tide of life in the Imperial city.

  Far away the plain extended, dotted with countless villages and housesand palaces, rich in luxuriant verdure, the dwelling-place of peace andplenty. On one side arose the blue outline of the Apennines, crownedwith snow; on the other the dark waves of the Mediterranean washed thefar distant shore.

  Suddenly Marcellus was startled by a shout. He turned. An old man inscant clothing, with emaciated face and frenzied gesticulation, wasshouting out a strain of fearful denunciation. His wild glance andfierce manner showed that he was partly insane.

  "'Babylon the great is fallen, is fallen, And is become the habitation of devils, And the hold of every foul spirit, And a cage of every unclean and hateful bird; For God hath remembered her iniquities. Reward her even as she rewarded you, And double unto her double according to her works. How much hath she glorified herself and lived deliciously, Therefore shall her plagues come in one day, Death, and mourning, and famine; And she shall be utterly burned with fire; For strong is the Lord God who judgeth her. The kings of the earth Shall bewail and lament, Seeing the smoke of her burning, Standing afar off for fear of her torment, Crying, Alas, alas, that great city Babylon, That mighty city Babylon, For in one hour is thy judgment come. The merchants of the earth, Standing afar off for fear of her torment, Shall weep and wail. Crying, Alas, alas, that great city Babylon, That was clothed in fine linen, and purple, and scarlet. And decked with gold, and precious stones, and pearls. For in one hour so great riches is come to naught! And every shipmaster, and the company in ships, And sailors and traders by sea, Shall cry when they see the smoke of her burning, Standing afar off for fear of her torment. 'What city is like unto that great city!' And casting dust on their head they shall cry, Weeping and wailing, Alas, alas, that great city, Wherein were made rich all that had ships at sea, For in one hour is she brought to naught. Rejoice over her thou heaven! And ye holy apostles and prophets, For God hath avenged you on her!"

  A vast crowd collected around him in amazement, but scarcely had heceased when some soldiers appeared and led him away.

  "Doubtless it is some poor Christian whose brain has been turned bysuffering," thought Marcellus. As the man was led away he still shoutedout his terrific denunciations, and a great crowd followed, yelling andderiding. Soon the noise died away in the distance.

  "There is no time to lose. I must go," said Marcellus; and he turned away.