Read The Masqueraders Page 14

  But Sir Raymond Orton leaned casually against the door. ‘Now and then being when there’s a fight brewing, eh, Rensley my buck?’

  ‘Really, Orton! Is it a jest belike?’

  ‘The most famous one, Rensley, and spreading all over the town.’

  Sir Anthony spoke to Galliano. ‘We’d a mind to have the foils out, Gally, but I suppose you have Mr Merriot coming to you?’

  ‘I do not know any Mistaire Merriot,’ said Galliano positively. ‘I am at Saire Anthony’s disposal. Why should I have an appointment wiz a Mistaire I don’ know?’

  ‘Oh, I thought ’twas a new fashion to take a lesson before a meeting!’ said Sir Anthony idly twirling his eye-glass. ‘Now I see it is only Mr Rensley’s fashion. But what a disappointment for him to have this new pass withheld! Can’t you teach him your Baiser, Gally?’

  The Italian looked quickly from one face to the other. Some mischief he could smell in the air, and all his sharp little brain was on the alert. ‘I do not try to teach him Baiser. You – yes, I will show. But I do not show Mr Rensley, nor you, milor, nor Saire Raymond eizer.’

  ‘You’ve no heart, Gally; positively you’ve none,’ Sir Anthony told him. ‘Have a little pity on poor Rensley!’

  Mr Rensley stood still beside Sir Raymond. He had shut his mouth hard, but his eyes smouldered. Mr Molyneux was looking curiously at Fanshawe, but my lord, by the window, watched Rensley and chuckled. It was a jest he could appreciate.

  ‘You don’t apprehend the matter,’ Sir Anthony went on persuasively, still twirling his glass. ‘Here’s Rensley feels he must let some blood – not his own, of course – and hits on the very man. That’s to say, it seemed so – one of your youthful sprigs from the country. Ideal, you perceive. But the devil was in it that the sprig was held to have some cunning tricks of fence – possibly your Baiser, Gally; who knows? Naturally poor Rensley’s monstrous put out over it, and what else should he do but fly to our friend Galliano? And you fail him, Gally! It’s unkind in you, upon my word it is. Poor Rensley will be forced to withdraw from the engagement, I fear me.’

  The chuckle died on my Lord Kestrel’s lips; Sir Raymond looked round quickly. Mr Rensley took two steps towards Sir Anthony, and spoke in a voice barely controlled. ‘Will you be good enough to explain these remarks, Sir Anthony?’ he demanded.

  Sir Anthony turned slowly to face him. Mr Rensley was by no means a small man, but the lazy eyes looked down at him. Sir Anthony stopped twirling his glass, and though he smiled still it was not his usual genial expression, but on the contrary a smile rather disdainful, and with the hint of sternness behind it. ‘Certainly, Mr Rensley. But I should have thought my meaning was plain enough. No doubt you have your reasons for not wishing to comprehend it.’

  Rensley reddened. ‘This is not the first time you’ve sneered at me, Sir Anthony!’

  ‘Nor the last, Rensley, unless the colour of your coat should change.’

  ‘You make your meaning quite plain, I thank you, sir! You choose to think me a coward because I chance to take an hour’s practice here to-day.’

  ‘You have it quite wrong, my good Rensley,’ said Sir Anthony imperturbably. ‘I choose to think you a coward because you forced a quarrel on a man well nigh young enough to be your son.’

  Under his breath Sir Raymond gave the dueller’s ‘Sa-sa!’ The jest had of a sudden taken an ugly turn, and what in the fiend’s name ailed Fanshawe to be picking a quarrel in this fashion?

  Rensley spoke between shut teeth. ‘May I ask what concern it is of yours, sir?’

  Sir Anthony’s eyes were hard and scornful. ‘Make no doubt, sir, I can readily understand your anxiety for me not to make it my concern.’

  Troubridge laid his hand on Sir Anthony’s arm. ‘Tony –’ he began, expostulating.

  His hand was removed. ‘In a moment, Troubridge.’

  Mr Rensley’s fingers sought the hilt of his sword. ‘I know how to take that, Sir Anthony. You shall have all the taste of my mettle you require, and maybe some more beside. Be pleased to name your seconds.’

  Sir Anthony looked round the room. ‘Why, here are enough for us both,’ he said. ‘I will take Mr Molyneux and Mr Troubridge for mine. I make no doubt my Lord Kestrel, and Orton there will be charmed to serve you.’

  Mr Molyneux jumped. ‘Good Gad, Fanshawe, what’s this?’

  ‘I’ll choose my own friends, I thank you, sir! You shall hear from them.’ Mr Rensley strode to the door but was checked by Sir Anthony’s voice.

  ‘Not so fast, not so fast! It is for me to name the time and the place. What place could be better than this, and what time half so suitable as the present?’

  Kestrel’s eyes danced. Fanshawe had undoubtedly taken leave of his senses, but this promised to be a rare morning’s work. ‘You can count on me, Rensley,’ he struck in.

  ‘Nothing, be sure, would please me more, Sir Anthony,’ Rensley answered, ‘but I have a meeting with your protégé to-morrow and your quarrel must wait on his.’

  ‘Really, Tony, you must –’

  ‘Give me leave, Molyneux.’ A hand was raised to enjoin silence. ‘I don’t wait on young Merriot’s pleasure, Rensley.’

  ‘In this instance, sir, you will find you must.’

  Sir Anthony smiled. ‘You must think me a much bigger fool than I am, Mr Rensley.’

  ‘I doubt it, sir!’ There was a bite to the words.

  ‘Oh, but you do, my good Rensley, if you suppose that I do not perfectly understand the meaning of this refusal of yours to meet me now.’

  ‘And what is the meaning, sir?’

  Sir Anthony pointed his long cane at Rensley, and answered in a voice of indulgent scorn. ‘Oh, you will prove your mettle on young Merriot to the satisfaction of the world, and I shall hear next that you sustained some slight hurt in that encounter for which the surgeon prescribes a foreign clime.’ He shrugged his broad shoulders. ‘No, no, Rensley, it won’t serve!’

  Mr Rensley’s hand shook on his sword hilt, but it was not from fright. ‘To hell with your insinuations!’ he cried. ‘You’d say I fear to meet you, eh?’

  ‘I say, Mr Rensley, that you dare not meet me now or at any time,’ Sir Anthony replied, to the astonishment of his friends. His hand came up, and he struck Mr Rensley lightly across the mouth with the glove he held.

  There was a choked oath, and the rasp of steel scraping against the scabbard. Mr Rensley’s sword was out.

  Galliano leaped in with his foil raised. ‘Ah, ah! Put up ze sword! Put up, I say! You go to make a scandal of me, ze pair of you!’ he cried.

  ‘I will fight you here and now, Sir Anthony!’ thundered Mr Rensley, and flung his hat and cane aside.

  There came a gleam into the grey eyes. ‘Give us house-room, Gally,’ said Sir Anthony. ‘What a pity neither of us had time to acquire the Kiss!’

  ‘Anthony, you’re surely mad!’ Mr Molyneux’s voice was urgent in his ear.

  ‘I was never more sane, believe me,’ Sir Anthony assured him, coming out of his coat. ‘Lock the door, Gally.’ He tucked up his ruffles. ‘There’s a letter in my desk, Molyneux, in case –. You’ll find it.’

  ‘Fanshawe, I do beseech you –’

  ‘Pray don’t, my dear fellow; it’s quite useless. Gally, my friend, help me to pull off these boots, of your compassion.’

  The Italian pulled them off for him, but he looked up with a worried face. ‘What comes to me over zis, hein? You make me a scandal, Saire Anthony!’

  ‘Have no fear, Gally; there will be no scandal.’

  Sir Raymond Orton came punctiliously forward to meet Mr Molyneux, and swords were measured. Mr Molyneux said, over the business: – ‘It should be stopped, Orton. Fanshawe’s mad.’

  ‘Stark mad!’ agreed Orton cheerfully. ‘But it’s famous sport, after all, and th
ere’s no stopping them now. My man’s itching to be at it. Are we ready?’

  There was a formal salute, and the blades came together. In a moment there was no sound in the room save the clash and scrape of steel, and the pad-pad of stockinged feet on the wood floor. The seconds stood with drawn swords in their places; little Galliano, still holding his buttoned foil, sat in the window seat and watched with quick eager eyes. Several times he frowned; once he nodded in swift approbation.

  It was hard fighting, for one man had unbearable insults to avenge, and the other’s whole mind and will were bent on disabling his adversary. Very soon it was clear to see which was the better man. Rensley’s thrusts were savage indeed, and his attack full of fire, but his passes went wide, and more than once it seemed to the onlookers that Sir Anthony held him at his mercy. The big man, who was yet so curiously light on his feet, was playing with Rensley, and slowly the men standing by realized that he was making for just one spot, and would be satisfied with no other.

  The end came quickly. Rensley saw an opening, and lunged forward. There was a scurry of blades, a lightning thrust, and Rensley went staggering back, with a hand caught to his right arm.

  The seconds sprang in; Galliano clapped delighted hands; Sir Anthony stood back, and wiped his wet sword. A red stain was spreading over Mr Rensley’s shirt, and his right arm hung useless.

  Galliano skipped into the middle of the room. ‘Bravo, bravo!’ he exclaimed. ‘I taught you zat pass! I, Girolamo Galliano!’

  ‘Curb your enthusiasm, my friend,’ Sir Anthony advised him.

  Galliano tossed up his arms. ‘Ensusiasm! Bah, it was bad, bad – all of it! You English you do not understand ze art! But just once or twice zere was a pass I might myself have make! Do not flatter yourself ! You cannot fence: not even you, Saire Anthony!’


  Sad Falling Out of Friends

  By the afternoon the news was all over town that Fanshawe had wounded Rensley in a duel that had taken place that morning in Galliano’s rooms, of all places in the world. Every sort of tale was told. Fanshawe had taken leave of his senses and struck Rensley across the face with his glove: no, it was Rensley struck Fanshawe; faith, it must have been that way, for everyone knew that it was not like Fanshawe to pick a quarrel. The affair had sprung up out of a clear sky: there had been some raillery which Rensley took exception to, and Fanshawe had carried it too far.

  Mr Belfort heard it from my Lord Kestrel, and was thunderstruck. My lord told it him between chuckles and with many embellishments, and described, with gesture, the thrust that had put Rensley out of action for many weeks to come. Mr Belfort went hurrying off to confer with Mr Devereux, whom he found writing execrable verse to a lady of uncertain morals, and bore him off straight to Arlington Street.

  My lady laughed when the message was brought to Prudence, but Robin looked queerly, and showed a desire to inquire further into the need for a private conference. Prudence said lightly that it was some matter concerning a horse, and escaped before Robin could read the trouble in her face. He had the uncanny knack of it.

  She found Mr Belfort looking portentous, and Mr Devereux melancholy. ‘Why, Charles, what ails you?’ she asked. It seemed to her that there was no one but herself had the right to look solemn.

  ‘My dear fellow, it’s the devil of a business,’ Belfort said severely. ‘A most disgraceful affair, ’pon my soul!’

  Mr Devereux shook his head. ‘Very, very disgraceful,’ he echoed.

  ‘Lud, sir, you horrify me! What’s toward?’

  ‘Rensley,’ said Belfort, ‘has committed a – damme, a cursed breach of etiquette! You can’t meet the man, Peter. Can he, Dev?’

  Mr Devereux was of the opinion that it would be impossible.

  A flush sprang up in Prudence’s cheeks. It was of sudden, overwhelming relief, but Mr Belfort took it to betoken anger. ‘Ay, Peter my boy, I knew you’d take it hard, but positively you can’t meet the man after such a slight.’

  ‘Very shocking business,’ Mr Devereux said mournfully. ‘Can’t understand it at all.’

  Prudence had command of herself again. If she must not fight it seemed safe enough to protest a little, as was proper. ‘But pray let me hear what it is!’ she said. ‘I don’t draw back from an encounter, Charles, be sure.’

  ‘It’s Rensley has drawn back,’ Mr Belfort said, still with awful solemnity.

  ‘Not drawn back, Bel. You couldn’t say he had drawn back,’ protested Mr Devereux.

  ‘It’s the same thing, Dev. He can’t meet Peter tomorrow, and I say it’s a cursed insult. I shall tell Jessup our man won’t fight.’

  ‘Has Rensley fled the country?’ demanded Prudence.

  ‘Worse, my dear boy!’

  ‘Not worse, Bel! Hardly worse! Plaguey unfortunate happening.’

  Mr Belfort laid an impressive finger on Prudence’s shoulder. ‘He’s offered us a damned slight, Peter. It can’t be swallowed. Take my word for it, there can be no meeting.’

  ‘Why, Charles, you mystify me! Let me know what this slight is, I beg of you.’

  ‘He has fought another man this morning,’ said Mr Belfort, and stood back to observe the effect of this terrific pronouncement.

  Prudence was all honest incredulity. ‘You tell me he has met some one else in a duel?’ she cried. It seemed to be a positive dispensation of a kindly Providence, but it would not do to let the gentleman suspect she felt this. She affected anger. ‘He sets me aside, you would tell me! It’s for some later quarrel? You call it a slight! You’re moderate, Charles!’

  ‘Devilish irregular,’ said Mr Devereux. ‘I was monstrous shocked when I heard of it, give you my word. They say there’s a tendon cut in his sword arm that won’t heal this many a day. Quite impossible to meet him.’

  ‘But apart from that, Dev – apart from that, mind you, I would not have our man swallow such a cursed piece of rudeness,’ Mr Belfort reminded him. ‘Our quarrel came first, demm it!’ A frown marred the cherubic look in his face. ‘And what’s more, Dev, Fanshawe knew it!’

  ‘Fanshawe!’ the exclamation broke from Prudence, who stood staring.

  ‘Fanshawe himself,’ nodded Belfort. ‘And I saw him this morning, and somehow or other the thing slipped out, and I told him you were to meet Rensley.’

  ‘But – you say Fanshawe is the man who fought Rensley?’

  ‘You may well ask, Peter. Fanshawe it was. Found our man at Galliano’s, and forced a quarrel on him.’

  ‘Carslake tells me it all began as a jest, Bel,’ pleaded Mr Devereux.

  ‘Jest or no, Dev, the man had no business to meet Fanshawe till our little affair was settled. And so I shall tell Jessup.’

  ‘But why did Sir Anthony – ?’

  ‘Ah, that’s the question,’ nodded Belfort. ‘I don’t know, but they do say he told Rensley he was a poltroon, and struck him in the face with his glove. Kestrel – he was there, y’know – will have it Tony was out for a fight from the first, but Orton thinks it all sprang up out of naught.’

  An idea struck Mr Devereux. ‘’Pon my soul, Merriot, you might call Fanshawe out, so you might!’

  Prudence laughed, and shook her head. ‘Oh, hold me excused! I count Sir Anthony very much my friend, in spite of this day’s work.’

  Mr Belfort pondered it. ‘I don’t see that, Dev. No, I don’t see that he can do that. But as for meeting Rensley after this, it’s not to be thought of. Mind that, Peter! Not to be thought of !’

  Prudence assumed an air of hesitation, and made some demur. It seemed safe. She was sternly over-ruled, but Mr Devereux said it did her credit. He went off with Mr Belfort to wait upon Mr Rensley’s seconds.

  Prudence was left to make what she might of it. On the face of it, it looked as though the large gentleman had once more scared away the wolf. But wh
y? That gave food for serious reflection. What did he suspect, forsooth? Or had he merely a mind to interpose on behalf of a boy for whom he had some kindness? She could not think he had pierced her disguise; faith, it was too good for that, surely! She went upstairs to Robin, and gave him the full sum of it.

  Robin threw her a straight look under his lashes. ‘I’m to understand you had it in mind to meet Rensley with never a word to me?’

  ‘Just, child. Don’t eat me!’

  ‘I’m more likely to beat you. You must be mad indeed!’

  She perceived him to be in something of a rage, and made haste to divert him. ‘I’ve to thank Sir Anthony, for my deliverance. What have you to say to that?’

  ‘You’re of opinion he has your secret? You must have been mighty indiscreet!’

  ‘Not a whit. I’ve given not the smallest reason for him to suspect me, I swear. Unless –’ She broke off, frowning. ‘There was the little matter of staying with him at Wych End. No more.’

  Robin shrugged that aside. ‘I hold to my opinion. But if he suspects – why, it seems he’s a mind to keep his counsel.’

  ‘It’s a comfortable belief, child. Give you joy of it. I dine with him to-morrow. Be sure, I step warily.’

  In another part of the town there was a gentleman quite as shocked as Mr Belfort over the morning’s happenings, and infinitely more enraged. Mr Markham went off to Grosvenor Square, and found his friend Rensley abed, and very sore.

  Mr Markham broke out with a ‘What’s to do now, a’ God’s name?’

  Rensley lay staring at the bedpost, and said only: – ‘Fanshawe forced the quarrel on to me.’

  ‘God’s life, were you not pledged to Merriot?’

  ‘Oh ay, you’re mighty anxious to see him trounced, aren’t you?’

  ‘To hell with that!’ All Mr Markham’s flattering deference towards his friend was fast departing. ‘Here’s Belfort and Devereux mighty haughty – damme, they’ve reason! – and say their man won’t fight. And Jessup and I have to make your excuses for you, and look a pair of fools! You make us ridiculous, Rensley, curse it!’