Read The Master of All Paths Page 1

The Master of All Paths

  By Steve Rimpici

  Copyright 2013 Steve Rimpici

  Table of Contents

  The Seeker of All Paths

  The Path of Honor

  The Path of Discipline

  The Path of Labor

  The Path of Happiness

  The Path of Control

  The Path of Sacrifice

  The Path of Order

  The Path of Humility

  The Master of All Paths

  Note from the Author

  About the Author

  The Seeker of All Paths

  The 74th year of the 10th cycle in the Yesh-Am dynasty for the Kersh people was as prosperous as the previous ones.   The 400 planets the Kersh colonized all thrived and traded with each other as the common blood bond helped them live in peace since the days of the Vix-Nar dynasty.   The Kersh started millennia ago as a nomadic race, reaching out from their home world seeking to find truth beyond their star.  Their spiritual leader, the J’esh Nah-kell, told all to follow their dreams and their hearts; to build worlds that would please their gods, the Grinlach, and assure their ascendancy to eternal bliss in Nishvak.  So it was that the Kersh explored the galaxy, searching for new worlds to build.

   For all their peace and prosperity, the Kersh were little understood by other races.  A xenophobic people, they chose not to trade with the many non-Kersh Planetary Alliances.  While they fiercely protected their settled planets, the Kersh made no claim to planetary systems or to the space in between them.  By Kersh law, outsiders were free to travel anywhere they wished outside of the settled planets.   While most non-Kersh law did not forbid travel to Kersh worlds, the few foolish races that did attempt to conquer were met with ruthless and brutal force.   Ships entering orbit were vaporized and if a landing party managed to touch Kersh soil, they were killed upon sight.  Their bodies were sent via an anti-gravity pulse directly into the atmosphere where they burned away to nothingness.   Ground touched by outsiders would be cleansed in a spiritual ceremony led by the local planetary Nah-kell.

   The stories of brutality spread through the light-years of trade routes and over time, non-Kersh races learned to avoid any contact with the Kersh people, who enjoyed an isolated life of peace and harmony, free from the threat of outsiders.

   Dee-Kam lived on one of those harmonious worlds.  As he was in his 4th year of Qui-lan, the self-learning process, soon he would decide his life-path and begin to focus on those areas which would allow him to reach his full potential, to please the Grinlach and ascend to Nishvak.

   Dee-Kam approached the Holy City of Berecht with questions weighing heavily on his hearts.  He knew most Kersh his age already chose paths and were well on their way to fulfilling their destinies.   As he walked through the quiet, dusty streets of Berecht, he tried to quiet his mind to achieve the proper demeanor needed to enter the temple.  But knowing that the Nah-kell was awaiting answers, Dee-Kam’s questions persisted and his mind would not be calm.  Resigned to that fact, he took a deep breath and entered the Chamber of the Nah-kell.

  Dee-Kam had been in the temple before, of course, but this time, the sparseness of the surroundings seemed to make the room feel larger.  He felt very small as he approached the Nah-Kell, an ancient looking man in red robes seated in the center of the chamber.  Dee-Kam adjusted to the light as he stood before his planet’s spiritual leader.  As per the laws handed down by the Grinlach, the Nah-kell’s long yellow hair was braided on the right side, while that on the left side draped freely down his body and touched the floor.  The Nah-Kell’s eyes glowed a bright purple and his piercing gaze seemed to look through him.  “You seek to learn?” came a surprisingly strong voice from this frail body.

  Dee-Kam bowed and kissed the Nah-kell’s hair that touched the floor.  “I have many questions, Nah-kell.  I seek to learn.”

  “Your mind is full Dee-Kam.  You concern yourself with many things and have many desires.  Your lack of focus has riddled your mind with choices yet you have chosen none.  How will you proceed?”

  Dee-Kam felt a bead of sweat form on his forehead and trickle down the lines of his angled face.  “I seek to be a successful Kersh.  I only wish to learn so I may help my people, please the Grinlach and ascend to Nishvak.”  The words forced themselves out as if by their own accord, and perhaps little too quickly.

  “A very standard answer.  However, yours are not standard questions.  There are many paths open to you.  What do you truly seek?”

  The tone in the Nah-Kell’s voice was soothing.  Instead of an imposing figure, he was his spiritual father working to help him find his words and thoughts and ultimately, his truth.  “I seek efficiency.”  Dee-Kam surprised himself with this answer but felt confident enough to continue.  “When a Kersh man reaches the age of J’eshmach, he is expected to focus on his primary life-path but at the same time, he is to perform many other duties.  My Father-First was a farmer.  But he was also a guardsman, a hunter, a teacher, and a vocalist.  His time and energy were split.  It is not an efficient way to live.  One should master specifics on the path to ascension.  What good am I to society and myself if my thoughts are scattered?  How am I to know what my best really is if I am not committing myself fully to the task?”  Dee-Kam noticed he had raised his voice in front of the Nah-kell.  He quickly held his tongue and bowed again.

  “Dee-Kam, there are two ways that our people view life.”, his tone again was soothing.  “Most choose to see the universe as a whole.  Every Kersh man, woman and child, every plant and animal, and even every drop of rain and grain of soil has that whole contained within itself while at the same time is a member of the whole from within it.  Each beat of their hearts contains all of the glory and knowledge of the Grinlach within it.  With each breath they solidify their relationship with the Grinlach and get closer to ascension.  Their pleasure is derived from the understanding while they know everything in the universe; they may only understand a fraction of that knowing.  They trust that the knowledge they need will be there for them at the time it is needed, and do not concern themselves with other matters.”

  The Nah-Kell rose from his seated position fluidly and effortlessly.  “There are a few others who view things differently.  They see the universe as the sum of its parts and seek to fully understand each part in detail.  They seek to master every aspect of their life-path while consciously choosing to avoid all others.  It is this choice that brings them pleasure.  After mastering their single life-path, that person will ascend to Nishvak.”  He looked directly into Dee-Kam’s eyes.  “You are obviously the latter.”

  Dee-Kam had never heard such things in his studies.  Perhaps this was a test of some sort.  “So is one group more suited to ascend to Nishvak than the other?”

  “They are both means to the same end.  The goal is to ascend.  Neither is more correct.  But only one is correct for you.”

  His head was still spinning.  Why had he never heard this before?  He felt even smaller now than when he first entered the temple.  “Nah-kell, I thank you for the wisdom you have shown me, but I still have many questions.  If I am to master a single life-path and then ascend, I still have not achieved all that I wish.”

  The Nah-Kell rose up even higher.  “The goal is to ascend.  Are you stating that your desires are more important than ascension?”

  Dee-Kam chose his next words very carefully.  “I have many desires and wish to do many things.  Ascension comes after successfully fulfilling the requirements of one’s life-path.  While the thought of mastering a single life-path is intriguing, I do not wish to do so at the expense of all others.  I also do not wish to pursue a life-path that cannot be mastered due to th
e distraction of other paths.”  Dee-Kam straightened his spine and continued, “A more efficient way is necessary for me to achieve my goals.  Please help me understand what I must do.”  Dee-Kam bowed again and did not look up for several moments.

  The Nah-Kell’s gaze never left Dee-Kam as he paced around him.  While Dee-Kam did not look up, he felt as if the Nah-Kell was searching for something inside him.  After a few moments of uncomfortable silence, he spoke.  “Yes Dee-Kam, there is another way but it has not been done since the 32nd year of 7th cycle.  You must isolate the many paths within you and take them all.”  Dee-Kam looked at his spiritual leader with confusion.  “Bifurcation of mind, spirit and body.  You will enter into the sacred Vashteek sleep and from you will be created eight Lam-gol – separate individuals; one for each of the eight sacred paths.  Recite what is learned on each of the sacred paths.”

  Automatically Dee-Kam replied, “We must learn honor, discipline, labor, happiness, control, sacrifice, order, and humility.”

  “Very good Dee-Kam.  Each part of you will have a specific life-path to follow and will only focus on that course.  Upon mastery of a specific path, the knowledge and experiences will be stored here in your 9th body, still in Vashteek sleep.”

  Thoughts raced through his mind as he tried to process what he heard.  “What determines whether a path is mastered?”

  “The Grinlach and the J’esh Nah-kell will be observing you, as they always do for all of us.  They, with you, will determine success.  However, success of some paths can only be determined in retrospect.”

  Dee-Kam thought about this last statement for a moment.  The realization of what was said only confused him further.  “In retrospect?  You mean after death?”  

  “Yes, Dee-Kam.  When we die we appear before the Grinlach and review our lives. Those who understand their life-path while living can ensure that it is followed to a successful end.  But for the few who do not, they can judge and learn in death what could not be done in life.”

  Dee-Kam was still confused, but did not wish to belabor the point.  The Nah-Kell seemed to sense this and continued.  “You, Dee-Kam, will cease to exist until all eight sacred paths are complete.  Each Lam-gol will not know of you or of each other and will live full and separate lives.  At a certain pivotal point in their lives, to be determined by the Grinlach, a link will be made to your 9th body in the Vashteek sleep.  This will prepare the Lam-gol for reabsorption and begin to make your 9th body aware of its progress.  While the Lam-gol will experience a momentary disorientation, it will not be aware of its higher self.”

  Understanding crept into Dee-Kam’s mind.  He focused on simple questions.  “How long will I be in the Vashteek sleep?”

  “The Grinlach will set up the circumstances for the Lam-gols to provide the best tests of your character to see if you are worthy of ascension.  The amount of time needed will be up to you and your Lam-gols.”   He put his hand on Dee-Kam’s shoulder.  “Dee-Kam, the universe can be fully learned in a day or one can spend an eternity and still have learned nothing.  Upon completion of all eight sacred life-paths, you will have mastered the sum of all paths and the Grinlach will be pleased enough to grant ascension.”

  Dee-Kam smiled at the thought, but quickly became unsure of himself.  “What became of the Kersh in the 7th cycle who attempted this?”

  “He failed, as have most who attempt this path.  Those who fail are destined to remain on Kersh soil, never to ascend.  The Grinlach reward success in this path with true greatness, but those who fail are tepid and lukewarm in their eyes.”  Dee-Kam noticed the fire in the Nah-kell’s purple eyes burned brighter.  Was this anger?  “The Grinlach spew forth the lukewarm and hold them without ascension until the Final Day.”  The Nah-kell drew in a deep breath as his ancient form straightened to full height.  “Do you wish to proceed?”

  Dee-Kam did not hesitate.  “Yes, Nah-kell.  I wish to proceed.”

  The Nah-kell led Dee-Kam to another room.  Like so many other things this day, Dee-Kam had never seen this place before, nor had he heard stories of it.  The room felt cold and dark.  A solitary light hung from the ceiling, casting a yellowy glow throughout the room.  In the center of the small room was a table, or perhaps an altar of some sort.  The Nah-kell instructed Dee-Kam to lie down on the table and clear his mind but he was too filled with thoughts to achieve the needed quietness.

  “Dee-Kam.  To do this takes discipline.”  The Nah-kell’s voice boomed and bounced of the walls of the small room.  “You will be deep in the sacred Vashteek sleep and will no longer exist as Dee-Kam to those outside these walls.  By the will of the Grinlach, the parts of your whole will form in the areas and in the manner that are best suited to master their paths.  While they are all individuals, they will be imbued with your traits.  There will be strands within the ether that connect them to you but they will not be consciously aware of them.  Once the separation has taken place there is no way to reverse it until final assimilation takes place when all paths are mastered.  If you truly wish to master all eight sacred paths, you must first master your thoughts and quiet your mind.”

  The Nah-kell did not speak again.  Dee-Kam thought of the person he would be once all the sacred paths were mastered.  The Grinlach would be very pleased.  His ascension would be assured, but questions again plagued his mind.  How long would this process take?  He would need to sever all ties with his families.   What if one part of him failed?  He could feel the Nah-kell waiting so Dee-Kam prayed to the Grinlach to make him strong and quiet his mind.  More than that, he prayed that his decision was the correct one.

  After several moments the Nah-kell spoke.  “Good, Dee-Kam.  You have achieved quietness of mind.”  From under his robes, the Nah-kell brought forth a chalice from which pink and yellow vapors rose, intertwining themselves in a dance of color; finally disappearing a few inches from the cup.  “You must inhale the vapors Dee-Kam and enter the Vashteek sleep.”

  As the chalice was placed under his nose, Dee-Kam inhaled deeply.  A strange sensation filled him.  While the vapors were inhaled through his nose, he could feel them collecting at the base of his spine.  The pressure built quickly to the point of intense pain.  Just as he was about scream out for help, the vapors uncoiled like snakes striking prey, traveling up and down his spine. He could hear the Nah-Kell chanting in the ancient tongue.  “Va broosh na-kah lin kor eenor.  Na vor pra teen la neesh la kin va broor lich-nar.”  The words seem to form around his body as if they had physical weight.  The pressure of the words from without and the movement of the vapors from within caused his body to become stiff.  Dee-Kam could not move.  The chanting of the Nah-Kell continued but it sounded very far away.  He could no longer see.  Finally the world fell silent.  Even the sounds of his hearts beating were gone.