Read The Master of All Paths Page 5

The Path of Happiness

  “Kli-Ar-Mahsh!!!” came the shout from Hil-Ben as he danced around the city square. “The whole of the Kersh people celebrate the birth of Yem-Jer, son of father-first Vom-Lor!”  Hil-Ben played a tune on his flute and danced around the proud father-first.  His costume twirled around him like a cyclone of color as he spun faster and faster that he became dizzy for a second and almost fell to the ground.  The crowd assumed it was part of the performance and he continued.  “As Yem-Jer brightens Vom-Lor’s family, so too do the twin suns shine so brightly over Geeshna today!”

  Hil-Ben was a prominent entertainer on Geeshna, called a Bla-go, known for bringing joy and comfort to any occasion.  Birth, marriage, and harvest festivals happened almost every day and Hil-Ben kept the joyous mood alive.  More importantly, when the people feel upon hard times, he worked twice as hard to put smiles back on everyone’s faces.

  Since his early days of Qui-lan, Hil-Ben knew he enjoyed making people happy.  He was taught about the sacred paths and realized the need for amusement and happiness was just as important, if not more so, than anything else.  For if one did not know joy, why was the purpose in life?

  Hil-Ben traveled with his six apprentices, forming a merry band that went from city to city, and farm to farm spreading happiness to the Kersh.  All the citizens of Geeshna, young and old alike, loved Hil-Ben.   Several years ago, he was honored to give a performance before the J’esh Nah-Kell who presented him with an award for his service to the Kersh people.

  When the exalted family of Vom-Lor was to celebrate the birth of a son, Hil-Ben was the only Bla-go considered.  Vom-Lor was well known in the Central City as the elders of his family helped colonize Geeshna and helped build most of the cities.  Vom-Lor himself held a high office, controlling trade between the other Kersh worlds and Geeshna.  The streets of the Central City were draped in Vom-Lor’s family colors of green and yellow.  A feast had been placed on the street so that all could partake in the celebration.

  Hil-Ben’s apprentices were playing music and dancing around in the streets.  Some took time to play games with the children, tossing colorful sticks through rings.  One child, Lan-Kay, stood alone on the side and was not partaking in the fun.  Hil-Ben rushed over, brought the child to everyone’s attention, playing with her large yellow hair ribbon, and brought her into his act.  He shouted to the assembled smiling faces:

  “Vom-Lor I'm at my wits end!

  Lan-Kay’s mouth still will not bend!

  Though fun games we play,

  She stays far away,

  But this next one will break this trend.”

  The proud father-first crossed his arms and gave a look of mock-disappointment as Hil-Ben pulled several stuffed animals from his pockets.

  “Perhaps today I should juggle

  But these street cats put up a struggle!

  Oh she still looks so sad

  And I feel very bad

  For Lan-Kay has nary a chuckle.”

  Lan-Kay enjoyed the attention, but tried to contain her smiles so Hil-Ben would continue.

  “For you Milady, a dance

  In my orange and green colored pants.

  Oh no I may slip!

  Did I hear my pants rip?

  And still I get hardly a glance.”

  The little girl held her hand over her mouth as tiny squeaks of laughter erupted between her fingers.  The Bla-go paced around her and engaged the crowd.

  “Lan-Kay you see is quite bright.

  She's just bored all day and all night!

  So as my thumbs twiddle

  I’ll think of a riddle

  And you’ll see that this time I'm right.”

  He quickly turned back to the girl whose wide eyes were beaming with delight,

  “Lan-Kay I've decided to stop

  This nonsense that's been such a flop.

  So here is a puzzle

  On which you can nuzzle

  And here are some hints I can drop.

  Their worth is much greater than gold

  But are free to both young and to old

  They travel with friends

  A mile 'tween ends

  And when seen are a sight to behold.

  Hil-Ben glanced around at the crowd who were laughing, dancing and trying to figure out the riddle.  He waived his arms with wild gesticulations, getting both the girl and the crowd excited for the answer.

  So please yell the answer, I pray!

  Speak as loud as your voice can say!

  Let’s shake all the tiles!

  The answer is --- “SMILES!”

  Kli-Ar-Mahsh! Let’s here it for Lan-Kay!

  The little girl laughed and giggled with glee while the crowd cheered for her.  Vom-Lor came over while a smile and patted Hil-Ben on the back.  “You truly are a wonderful Bla-go, Hil-Ben but,” Vom-Lor drew him further away from the crowd and spoke in hushed tones, “I have disturbing news.  Outsiders have landed on the planet and are in Spen-Val’s farm.  A war party has been dispatched to intercept them.”  Hil-Ben’s smile momentarily left his face.  He did not look like himself without it.  “I do not wish to alarm the others and certainly do not wish the children to be scared by such events.”

  “Of course not, Vom-Lor.  I am certain that the war party will defeat the outsiders.  There is nothing for you or your family to fear.”

  “I am also confident in their victory, but they will need to bring the remains to the Sacred Pulse.  They will come through the Central City and through the center of our festivities.”

  Hil-Ben thoughts raced.  “If you will keep me informed as to when the war party approaches, I will ensure that your guests are not disturbed.”

  “Thank you Hil-Ben.  I do not want some Hao-Le ruining the celebration of the birth of my son.”

  Hil-Ben nodded respectfully and headed back to the crowds with a big smile on his face.  After playing more games and enjoying the feast, the signal came from Vom-Lor that the war party was only minutes away.

  “All right everyone!  A new game we shall play!” Hil-Ben yelled to the crowd.  “I want all the children to go inside Jam-Page’s bakery and hide their faces.  Then all the women will follow them in to make sure no one peeks or sneaks a few bites of Jam-Page’s wares!”  The crowd laughed, and the excitement could be seen on the children’s faces.  “The men will hide 14 objects around the central square:  six full coins, six half coins, Lan-Kay’s yellow hair ribbon and one of our guest of honor’s diapers!”  Lan-Kay and the children around her giggled loudly.  “OK, women and children into the bakery.  Do not peek from the windows or doors and do not come out until I say so!  Go now!”

  The children dragged their mothers and the other women into the bakery.  Hil-Ben had his six apprentices hide the items while playing gay tunes on their instruments.  Vom-Lor and the other men stood in front of the bakery, blocking a view of the streets.  Within 2 minutes, the war party approached.  It was a very odd scene in the Central City.  Five Kersh warriors marched through the street carrying bloody sacks while Vom-Lor and the other men stood at attention showing respect.  The solemn mood was palpable but the spritely music never wavered.  The men watched the war party go out of sight down the street to the Sacred Alcove.  After a moment to regain their composure, Hil-Ben yelled loudly toward the bakery.  “All right children, excellent job waiting and good job to the mothers for keeping a watchful eye!  Come out now and find your treasures!!!  Smile for the birth of Yem-Jer!”

  The party went on for several more hours and everyone enjoyed the celebration.  Hil-Ben was given a yellow hair ribbon as a gift from Lan-Kay while Vom-Lor offered the use of his house and his workers to Hil-Ben and his apprentices so that they might enjoy a night of pampering and relaxation after such a performance.  Hil-Ben thanked Vom-Lor but could not accept his offer.  After such a troubling event as the landing of outsiders, Spen-Val and his family would surely need their services to help put smiles back on their faces.
