Read The Master of All Paths Page 7

The Path of Sacrifice

  “You have done well, Ti-Klan.”  Va-Dol spoke loudly and with pride to his son.  “You have reached the age of J’eshmach and have honored the family by your chosen life-path.  I am proud to be your Father-First.”  Ti-Klan beamed at the comments.  Since boyhood, Ti-Klan worked tirelessly to make his Father-First proud, sacrificing school-age celebrations in order to study famous battles both historical and contemporary.  He memorized Rena-Kam’s battle plans and worked to make both his body and mind worthy of fighting alongside the great one and his Father-First.

  “Rena-Kam has agreed to let you join the war party.”  Ti-Klan snapped to attention at the sound of Rena-Kam’s name but could hardly believe what was said.  “I too feel you are ready to join us.  Should you continue to honor yourself and me, you will have the honor of the first kill.”

  “Thank you Father-First.  I will not dishonor the family nor myself.  I will continue to earn your respect.”

  Va-Dol gave his son a big hug and then grabbed him by his shoulders whereupon his look turned stern and serious.  Ti-Klan’s smile ran from his face as he listened attentively.  “We are now in orbit over Geeshna.  A ship of Hao-Le has been vaporized but four Kus-Umak made it to the surface.  Say a prayer of thanks to the Grinlach, for now is your chance to shine in battle.”

  Ti-Klan straightened up and tried to contain his excitement. “Yes sir!  I’m ready to do battle for my people!”

  As soon as the door closed behind his father, Ti-Klan let out a quick, loud burst of happiness.  The air left his lungs so forcefully that he became lightheaded for a moment.  Brave warrior indeed! He laughed at himself for that.  Ti-Klan gathered his kit bag, his weapons, his strength and his courage, and headed to the matter transference room.

  The war party included his Father-First, Le-Tor, Ric-Lam, their dogs, and was led by Rena-Kam.

  “Welcome to the party, Ti-Klan.” Rena-Kam stated officially.  “I am sure you will do your Father-First proud.”  He smiled at Va-Dol and said, “He may even replace you, old man!”  The warriors laughed heartily while Ti-Klan smiled meekly, feeling a bit awkward in the presence of these legends.  He hoped he would not disappoint them.

  Rena-Kam’s tone changed and the men instantly snapped to attention.  “There are four Kus-Umak on Geeshna.  They dare to tread upon our soil and foul the land with their presence.  We will find these Hao-Le and show them the error of their ways.”

  The war party initiated the transference beam and within seconds was on the planet’s surface.  Two suns shone brightly over Geeshna and Ti-Klan found himself sweating profusely, which he blamed entirely on the heat.

  Rena-Kam spoke first.  “Le-Tor, Ric-Lam, Va-Dol and Ti-Klan, sweep out through the crops and surround these outsiders.  They have already stained the land with their tracks.  I will follow them directly.  We will beat them out of the fields like vermin from our homes!  To victory!”

  Ti-Klan followed his Father-First through the crops, tracking the trail of the outsiders.  “When we find this one,” Va-Dol whispered to Ti-Klan, “you will attack first and go for the kill immediately.  I want your first kill to be very clean and without unnecessary embellishment.”

  “Yes, sir!” was all Ti-Klan needed to reply.  A strong smell of perfumed berries came in on a breeze from the north.  Ti-Klan ran quickly but quietly in that direction following crops that had been broken by the outsiders.

  His years of training and desire to fight at his Father-First’s side led him here.  The sacrifices of his youth were being rewarded with each step as courage and warrior pride swelled within him.  He was a protector of his family and Kersh worlds.  He would savor the feeling of warm blood running down his hands as he dispatched his enemies.  The Grinlach themselves would smile upon him and he would eventually ascend to Nishvak.  If someday he should die in battle, he would die with honor knowing his death was in pursuit of protecting others.

  The heavy breathing of the outsiders brought Ti-Klan out of his thoughts and back to the present.  Focusing, Ti-Klan’s senses were more acute than ever as he heard the dogs panting and grunting in the distance.  He took a brief glance behind him and saw his Father-First about a meter away in a similar state.  He had a look of intense concentration but Ti-Klan could not remember when he looked so content.  Love and pride filled his hearts.

  Ti-Klan noticed a rustling of crops behind Va-Dol.  A small field rodent hopped out and Va-Dol took no notice. More than likely his Father-First not only saw the rodent, but classified it, analyzed it and knew it was not a threat but Ti-Klan thought the movement he witnessed could not have been created by the animal. His Father-First noticed the change in Ti-Klan’s look and moved towards him.  As Va-Dol moved, Ti-Klan saw an object glint in the light of the twin suns.  He yelled out and pushed his Father-First to the ground.

  Ti-Klan saw neither the flash of the pulse weapon nor the outsider who wielded it.  The pain in his back was excruciating as fire shot through his veins.  He could smell the cinders of his uniform and the crops around him.  The stench of his own burnt flesh assaulted his nostrils and he felt himself retch slightly.  He could hear Melsh growling and chasing the outsider.

  Va-Dol cradled his son in his arms.  “Ti-Klan, you should have not saved me!  I am an old man who has lived a full life.  You would have grown to surpass even Rena-Kam!”  The stinging of Va-Dol’s tears on Ti-Klan’s face gave him the strength to speak.  “Father-First, do not grieve for me.”  His voice was barely above a whisper.  “I have achieved my dream to do battle at your side.  It is a great credit for a warrior to die in battle protecting his people but it is the highest honor I can earn to give my life for yours.”

  “I will avenge you, my son.  I will make the Kus-Umak who did this pay for his actions.”  He gripped his son tightly, “Your sacrifice has honored the Kersh people and our family.”  His voice was filled with love for his son as he spoke.  “Go now to Nishvak.  The Grinlach await you with open arms.”

  The last thing Ti-Klan saw was the loving face of his Father-First.  He was content with the knowledge that he had lived, and died, well.