Read The Mating Page 1



  Nicky Charles


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  Nicky Charles on Smashwords

  The Mating

  Copyright © 2010 by Nicky Charles

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  This book is a work of fiction and any resemblance to persons, living or dead, or places, events or locales is purely coincidental. The characters are productions of the author’s imagination and used fictitiously.

  Adult Reading Material


  Many thanks to Jan Gordon and Ermintrude who helped me edit and revise this story. Also, thank you to all of the ‘Gutter Girls’ who have offered their support and have allowed me to practise my writing skills on them.

  This tale began as a one chapter, short story but several people encouraged me to continue it. Since those early days it has grown into the work you see before you and has subsequently won a FPSSA Award for best romance (round 4 ) as well as being nominated for a SKoW Award for best villain.

  I hope you enjoy the story as much as I enjoyed writing it.




  Chapter 1

  She lay beside him, staring blankly at the ceiling. The deed was done. They were mated. It didn’t matter that she had no love for him nor he for her. Political alliances were more important than feelings, or so she had been told. That fact was cold comfort right now as her heart broke within her.

  Beside her, he stirred and she sensed him rolling over, his amber eyes staring at her. She made no move to look at him and instead tried to steady her breathing. It was no use. As she inhaled, her breath quivered betraying her emotional state. Despite blinking rapidly, a stray tear trailed down her cheek.

  The covers rustled beside her and then she felt his finger move across her cheek, catching the tear. “I’m sorry, Elise.” Kane’s voice was deep yet gentle.

  “It doesn’t matter.” She answered quietly, still staring at the ceiling. What he was apologising for, she was unsure. For mating her? For the inevitable pain the first time brought? For the fact that she was now bound to him for the rest of her life, despite her love for another? Perhaps he was sorry for all three, yet they were as beyond his control as they were hers. She swallowed hard. “It couldn’t be helped.”

  “No, it couldn’t,” he agreed, sighing heavily. His arm slipped around her waist and drew her closer. She let her cheek rest against his muscular chest, too spent to protest; the sound of his steady heartbeat faintly comforting. “I wish I could have given you more time to get to know me before we mated, but the Elders are awaiting proof of our union.”

  She felt heat flood her cheeks at the thought of the blood stained sheets being examined as proof of her virginity. It was so old fashioned but it was how things were done to ensure the blood lines between the packs were truly mixed. Heaven forbid she’d come into the relationship tainted with another male’s pup in her belly. Well, there could be no doubt now that Kane was her first and only mate.

  Tradition or not, it still didn’t lessen her embarrassment. All her friends and family would see and know the intimacy that had occurred between her and Kane. Worst of all, Bryan—the one she loved—would know as well.

  Closing her eyes, scenes from the past day flashed through her mind. She’d just returned from a run with Bryan where they’d frolicked and played in the cool shaded woods that surrounded her home. He’d been her best friend since they were pups and recently the friendship had grown into something more. Bryan had hinted that he would ask her father for permission to become her mate and she’d been thrilled at the idea. Many of her friends were already mated and, as her nineteenth birthday approached, she was becoming restless, eager to experience bonding with another.

  Already, she’d gone through two heat cycles but her father had held off choosing her a mate. Elise had naively thought he was waiting for her to find someone who suited her. Ruefully, she now acknowledged that was never the case. While her father loved her, he was first and foremost their Alpha and had to put the well-being of the pack ahead of all else. Her older brother and sister had mated with packs to the north and south. With the sea at their back, it was only to the east that an alliance was needed. When Kane became the new Alpha of that territory, the Elders determined that a mating between the packs was needed to ensure continued stability.

  That day, as she returned laughing at something Bryan had said, Jake, her father’s Beta, had greeted her at the door. “Elise, you are needed in the assembly room.”

  Something in his tone of voice warned her that all was not well. With a slight wave to her friend, she followed Jake, wondering what could possible require her presence. The assembly room was used on occasion for general pack meetings but usually her father and the council of Elders dealt with all important issues.

  As she pushed the door open, a cacophony of emotions hit her. Excitement, worry, curiosity… She was sensitive to moods and puzzled over the strange mixture. Her eyes scanned the room. The Elders seemed excited and pleased and were conversing with another group of older persons who were strangers to her. Her father was frowning and talking to a man of about twenty-five. Elise hadn’t encountered him before and took a moment to study this new arrival.

  The man was taller than her father, at least six foot four, and powerfully built. His shoulders were broad and muscles could be seen rippling beneath his shirt as he moved, gesturing to make some point. Dark, faintly messy hair topped a pleasing face, with sculpted cheeks and a full bottom lip. Possibly sensing her inspection of him, he glanced toward the door and his amber eyes locked on hers. There was a hard edge about him. Slowly he studied her from head to foot, lingering on her breasts and then her hips, before returning to her face. Elise felt herself flush under his scrutiny. As he flashed a brief smile at her, she thought she caught a glimpse of softness in his eyes but it was quickly gone. He looked back at her father and continued speaking with him as if dismissing her presence.

  Her father glanced her way, sighed and ended the conversation. He walked towards her with a scowl on his face. “Elise, you’ve been running again, I see.”

  She glanced at her reflection in a nearby mirror. Her long brown hair was messy and a faint sheen of sweat gave her sun-kissed skin a dewy look. Noting a smudge of dirt on her pert nose, she scrubbed it off. Turning back towards her parent, she gave a sheepish grin aimed at cajoling him out of his mood. “It was too nice a day to stay indoors.”

  “But what did I tell you? It isn’t safe to be out alone in wolf form. It’s hunting season and even though our property is posted, the humans don’t always heed—”

  “I was with Bryan and we didn’t go near the edge of the property. We aren’t fools, you know.”

  “Ah…Bryan…” Her father frowned, and then sighed again. “Elise, I have something to tell you. As you might know, the pack to the east has a new Alpha. His name is Kane.” He nodded towards the man standing across the room and Elise shot him a glance again before smiling with polite interest at her father’s news.

  “He’s come to meet you?” She wondered why she was being summoned. The politics between the packs had never been a concern to her. Her father didn’t involve her in the council meetings, yet clearly she could only assume that the gentlemen in the corner, talking to the Elders of her pack, must be representatives from the eastern group.

  “Yes, Kan
e is here to meet me…and you.”

  “Me?” Elise couldn’t contain her surprise and for some reason, a strange quivering feeling began to develop within in her.

  “Yes, you. It has been decided by the Elders that, with a new Alpha in charge, a fresh alliance should be created. Kane is willing. He will be mated to you and our packs will continue to live in peace.”

  “Mated? To me?” Elise knew her mouth was hanging open on shock. Her eyes darted across the room to see Kane staring at her blandly, his hands behind his back. She looked back at her father. “But…but…Bryan…?”

  “Yes, I’m aware you’ve had your eye on him, but this is for the good of the pack. We need strong alliances so that we can guard against the human threat. As well, allied packs allow access between territories and increase the area in which we have to roam.” He stopped speaking and stared at her, then placed his hand on her shoulder. “I know this is a surprise, but don’t worry. Kane is a good man. He’ll make you a fine mate.”

  Her mouth had suddenly gone dry and she felt her fists clench at her sides. Was this how her sister had felt when she had found out she’d been bonded to a male from the north? At the time, Elise had only been twelve and had been more excited about the festivities than concerned with her sister’s feelings. Now the shoe was on the other foot and she found the fit to be decidedly uncomfortable.

  “But that’s the old way of thinking! Alliances aren’t needed anymore. We’ve gone beyond pack wars and as for the human threat, most don’t even know we exist!” In desperation, she began to toss out facts and opinions to counter the decree that had just been delivered to her.

  “Packs co-exist peacefully because of the long-standing tradition of alliances. Family-ties join us together and ensure respect of territories.” Her father kept his tone even but Elise knew he didn’t enjoy having to explain this to her. He was from the old tradition, as were many in her pack, and expected unquestioning obedience. As the youngest in the family, she’d been treated more leniently than the others; less had been expected of her. Now she could hear the implicit lecture: she should have paid more attention to pack politics—taken an interest in what was going on—if she had, she would already know these things…

  He continued to speak. “And the human threat is still real. Not so much that they know we exist, but that they continually try to encroach on our territories. We need to be united and stand firm against selling our land to developers.”

  Elise opened her mouth to protest again but her father’s stern look had her shutting it, leaving the words unspoken. It was useless to protest. The Elders had decided and the Alpha had concurred with the decision. To go against the edicts of the pack would result in being cast out. Elise had lived her whole life in a pack. The concept of being alone was unthinkable, yet the idea of mating with a total stranger was also abhorrent. “When?” She managed to pronounce one word.

  “Tonight. There is no use in waiting. Kane and his council are here. A dinner is being prepared and the rest of the pack is being notified. We’ll conduct the ceremony as the moon rises.”

  Three hours. Three hours and she would be bonded for life to a man she’d never met. He’d be her mate and… The rest she couldn’t even think about at the moment. She knew what mating involved. Sex wasn’t a secretive topic within the pack yet she’d always thought it would be with someone she knew and cared about.

  Suddenly she realised that someone was speaking to her. Looking up, she saw Kane had moved forward and was standing beside her father. “I’m pleased to meet you, Elise.” His voice was deep and low, his eyes steady on hers.

  Licking her lips, she managed to croak out a hello. Kane appeared even larger up close and she wished she had more inches to her height. At five foot, six inches, she was an average size but next to the new Alpha, she felt positively petite. Her father nudged her with his elbow and she realised that Kane had extended his hand towards her. Tentatively, she reached out and took it. The warmth of his skin immediately enveloped her and shot up her arm. Startled, she craned her neck to look up at his face and noted a faint smile pass over his mouth.

  “I think we will suit each other.” He nodded to her father and then gave her hand a squeeze. “I’ll see you later, at the ceremony.” Kane looked her up and down again before taking his leave and heading over to where the councils were meeting.

  “Elise, I must go. There’s other business to attend to today before the ceremony.” Her father kissed her on the forehead and then gave her a gentle push, effectively dismissing her. “Go and find Sarah. She’s been instructed to help you get ready.” Sarah was Jake’s wife and in some ways like a surrogate mother to her. Hunters had killed Elise’s own mother years ago and her father had never taken another mate.

  She briefly considered running away and going into hiding but knew that wasn’t possible. There was nowhere to hide that she couldn’t be found, short of taking a car and driving off, but then what? She had no money to speak of, nowhere to go…

  The rest of the day passed in a blur. Elise tried to tell Sarah of her reservations but was shushed. It was for the good of the pack. Being mated to an Alpha would give her status. He would take good care of her… The well-meant words swirled around her.

  She wanted to find Bryan, to cry on his shoulder and feel his arms around her, offering comfort one last time, but that too was denied her. It wouldn’t be proper. There was no time… Were these actual reasons or just excuses? Either way, the result was the same. She found herself seated at a table beside a man she didn’t know.

  As she looked around, her heart thudding heavily in her chest, she noted that the hall had been decorated with fall mums and the best china set out. Linen cloths adorned the tables and various dishes of meat and vegetables, rolls and salads appeared. It always amazed Elise how Sarah could pull a meal together for a small army on a moment’s notice. The food was no doubt delicious but she couldn’t bear to eat. Well wishes from her pack members were given followed by speeches from the Elders and then the bonding ceremony began. Kane escorted her to the front of the room and words were spoken which she didn’t even hear, let alone comprehend. Worst of all was the agonised looks exchanged with Bryan across the room as the final words were spoken and her wrist was bound with Kane’s by a ceremonial leather rope.

  Tied together, Kane led her from the hall to one of the guest cabins that were located not far from the main central house where the Alpha resided. He hadn’t spoken directly to her since their initial meeting and she cast sidelong glances up at him as they walked across the moonlit lawn. Should she say something to break the silence? Her thoughts raced for an appropriate comment but none came to mind. Banal talk about the weather seemed ridiculous under the current circumstances and she was too nervous to really come up with anything else.

  It was not in the nature of an Alpha to be unkind to a member of the pack unless they flaunted his authority, but Elise knew that the drive to mate was strong and she hoped Kane would be considerate of her. She knew the first mating could be painful and given his size, she had little hope that he would be only mildly endowed. If it was Bryan who was to mate her, it would be different. She had feelings for him. The thought of being with Bryan excited her, creating a warmth low in her belly while the idea of being with Kane only made her stomach muscles clench.

  The cabin loomed in front of them. It was situated just at the edge of the forest, with trees around it giving the impression of seclusion. Made of logs, it had a weathered look from years of exposure to the elements but was still well maintained with a solid stone chimney, shuttered windows, and a small porch. Kane pushed the door open and gestured for her to enter, following close behind since their wrists were still tied. He shut the door and flicked on the lights, illuminating the room that featured a small kitchenette, eating area and a sofa in front of a fireplace. There was a door to the left that led to a bedroom and a small bath.

  “Well.” Kane spoke causing Elise to jump. “First order of business wo
uld be to remove this, wouldn’t you say?” He held up their joined wrists and she nodded in agreement. Pulling a jackknife from his pocket, he cut the rope, letting it fall to the ground. Immediately, Elise pulled her arm away and rubbed her wrist. It wasn’t really sore—the tie hadn’t been tight—but the leather had still chafed and the enforced proximity had been…uncomfortable.