Read The Mating Page 11

  “Rumour was that Ryne was planning on making her his mate.” Phoebe explained. “But when Ryne lost the challenge and left, she was out of the running again for working her way into the big house. Not that any of us think she ever really gave up. With Ryne out of the picture, she simply changed her target.”

  “Oh…” Elise let the information sink in for a moment. “So that means—”

  “Yep.” Zoe pulled open the door to the Grey Goose Tea Room. “She had her sights set on Kane. When we got the call that Kane was coming back with his new mate, Marla looked like she was about to burst a blood vessel.”

  Phoebe giggled. “I wish I’d had a camera handy. I’ve never seen anyone’s face turn that red before.”

  The sisters quieted down as they waited to be shown to a table, and Elise took the opportunity to check out her surroundings. At one point in time, the Grey Goose had been a private home but was now a combination tea room and gift shop. Crafts, jewellery, scarves, and unique wall hangings were tastefully displayed in small side rooms and alcoves, while tables were arranged in the centre part of the building. The plaster and woodwork had been restored to its original splendour, while period furniture was used throughout. Soft music drifted from speakers strategically hidden in the numerous potted plants, providing cover for the various conversations that came from the patrons.

  Immediately impressed with the atmosphere of casual elegance, Elise wondered what the chances were of getting a part time job in such an establishment. The waitresses seemed busy enough, so maybe the owner would consider adding one more to his staff. Tucking the idea into the back of her head, she followed the others as they were led to their table.

  Once seated, Zoe immediately launched into a whispered commentary about someone she knew who was seated across the room. Elise glanced at the person in question, catching a glimpse of Rose out of the corner of her eye. The girl was so quiet, just keeping her head down and studying the menu. Rose and Zoe appeared to be total opposites and it seemed a strange friendship. While Zoe had basically been picking a fight with Marla, Rose had just crawled inside herself and become invisible.

  When Rose left to use the ladies’ room, Elise broached the subject and Zoe happily explained. “Rose is my ‘project.’ I’ve noticed lately that Daniel seems interested in her—Daniel’s my brother-in-law—and so I’ve sort of befriended Rose in the hopes that I can get the two of them together.

  “She likes to think she’s the world’s greatest matchmaker.” Phoebe chimed in.

  “Well, I got you and Alex together.” Zoe pointed out.

  “One success and it goes to your head.” Phoebe rolled her eyes.

  “Well, what about Kane and Marla? I knew they weren’t suited.” Leaning back in her chair, Zoe crossed her arms and looked smug.

  “Knowing they aren’t suited isn’t the same as matchmaking and besides, everyone knew that Marla wasn’t what Kane needed.” Phoebe glanced over at Elise. “He needs someone nice, like Elise.”

  Elise gave a half smile and ducked her head, somewhat embarrassed at how the two women were chattering away about her mate. She was sure they didn’t mean anything by it, but were just the type that loved nothing more than a good gossip. Letting their banter wash over her, she pondered the whole Kane-Marla-Ryne triangle.

  Marla had been paired with Ryne and then, when Ryne left, she’d switched allegiance to Kane. How had Kane felt about that? Had he been interested in Marla even knowing that she’d been with his brother? From what Julia had said earlier, it sounded like others had believed Kane and Marla were a couple. Or did it just seem that way because Marla forced herself into Kane’s company? The woman was certainly pushy but Kane could discourage her, if he wanted to. The question was, did he want to? He had spent quite a bit of time talking to her yesterday…

  A strange feeling quivered through Elise’s stomach. While she wasn’t in love with Kane, it still made her uneasy to think that another woman had her sights set on him. Chewing on her lip, Elise considered the situation. Somehow, she just knew that Marla hadn’t given up on the pack’s Alpha.

  Chapter 10

  Elise and the other ladies arrived back at the house to discover that the men were planning a barbeque. The weather was unseasonably warm for this late in October and a final outdoor meal had been deemed just the thing. Potatoes were already on the grill baking and the steaks marinating. Helen immediately switched into her super-hostess mode and began pulling the fixings for a salad out of the fridge. Phoebe headed home to get some pies for dessert, while Zoe and Rose began gathering plates, cutlery, and napkins.

  Having been sent to count how many were actually there, Elise stood in the doorway and began to number off the people who would be partaking of the meal. There was Kane and herself, Helen, Zoe, Phoebe, their two spouses and four children, Rose, Daniel, John and Carrie, and two other couples whose names she couldn’t recall. In total nineteen people; she hoped there were lots of lawn chairs!

  It turned out that there was no need to worry, the Alpha house was well-stocked with chairs, and Helen was more than capable of dealing with an impromptu meal for nearly twenty. Elise wondered if she’d ever be as organised as the older woman, and sincerely hoped that Helen would stay around for years to come.

  The meal was a success and Kane had inquired politely how her day was. Elise skimmed over the meeting with Marla, instead commenting on how much she’d enjoyed their tea at the Grey Goose. Phoebe had chimed in, telling her mate about the boots and handbag she’d purchased and then Zoe had told about the new coats she and Rose had purchased. “But Elise didn’t buy anything Kane—you won’t have to worry about her overspending.” Zoe had nudged Elise playfully to show the comment was a joke.

  “You didn’t see anything that you liked?” Kane queried while serving himself some more salad.

  “Not really.” Elise took the bowl from him and passed it over to Zoe.

  “Oh come on Elise. You were almost drooling over that green sweater at Carter’s Casuals.” Phoebe chided.

  “I didn’t really need it.” Elise murmured, glancing at Kane out of the corner of her eye. She’d really have to talk to him about getting a job. The Grey Goose had seemed busy enough; maybe she could get a part-time job there.

  Kane looked as if he was about to comment, but just then, Zoe’s youngest knocked over her glass of milk and in the confusion, the topic was dropped.

  After dinner, a small bonfire was lit for roasting marshmallows. Everyone gathered round, couples naturally drifting together, while Helen benevolently watched her grandchildren running about the yard chasing the bubbles she was blowing for them. In the flickering fire light, Elise scanned the assembled group. Carrie was sitting between John’s legs with her back resting against his chest. John’s arms were wrapped around her swollen body, gently caressing her belly. Zoe was snuggled up to her husband and giggling at whatever he was whispering in her ear, while Phoebe just sat beside her mate, contentedly holding his hand.

  Elise had learned that the other two couples were Michael and his mate Susan, and Franz with his fiancée Giselle. The two men had helped look for Thomas the night before. They were sitting nearby, quietly talking about a movie they had seen recently. Near the edge of the circle of light cast by the fire, Elise could just make out Rose and Daniel holding hands, the sight bringing a smile to her face. From what she had seen, they were well suited for each other, and she hoped things turned out well for them.

  When everyone had first sat down, Kane had pulled Elise to his side, wrapping his arm around her waist. Now he was moving his hand across her thigh, tracing lazy patterns on the sensitive skin. She felt little frissons of awareness shooting through her body. It was decidedly unsettling how just his touch could affect her, and she wasn’t sure she liked him having such power over her. Surreptitiously, Elise observed him, noting that he seemed to be mesmerised by the dancing flames and totally unaware of what his hand was doing.

  She traced his features with her eyes,
taking in his straight nose and strong jaw. A strand of dark hair fell across his forehead; she had to clench her fists to keep from reaching up and brushing it back into place. Forcing herself to look away, she stared at the fire. Flames danced in the darkness, causing shadows to flicker across the ground and waves of heat to shimmer in the air. Occasionally a log would shift, sending sparks into the night sky.

  The other couples could barely be seen as darkness descended. Encased in their own little pool of light, it was as if she and Kane were alone in the night. His scent drifted around her, invading her senses and clouding her mind. She felt herself leaning towards him. With a start, she pulled herself back and sought a means of distraction.

  Reaching for a marshmallow and stabbing it onto a stick, she nonchalantly worked herself away from him. The slight distance made her feel better, more in control, and she breathed a sigh of relief. Concentrating on toasting her marshmallow to perfection, she withdrew it at just the right moment—the skin a warm toasted brown with the promise of a sweet, melted interior. She felt her mouth watering in anticipation and sat back, blowing gently to cool the treat in preparation for consuming it. Just when it was ready, a large hand reached around and pulled the stick from her grasp.

  Indignantly, she turned around in time to see her marshmallow disappearing into Kane’s mouth.

  “Hey! I toasted that!”

  Kane grinned at her. “I know, and I thank you for preparing it just the way I like it.”

  Elise opened her mouth to protest, but Kane swooped forward and covered her mouth with his. She could taste traces of the sweet confection on his lips and hummed in appreciation. Slowly, they withdrew and Elise found herself staring into Kane’s face, his amber eyes seeming to search hers for the answer to some unspoken question. Something tugged within her, as if she was being pulled into him and she struggled to read his enigmatic expression, wondering if he too felt that sense of connectedness.

  Whatever Kane was looking for, he must have found it, for he smiled and lifted her up so she was cradled between his knees, her rear end firmly in contact with him. He pulled her back so that she was leaning against his chest, similar to Carrie and John. Reaching around her, he put another marshmallow on a stick and prepared it, while his chin rested on her head. At first, Elise felt a bit self-conscious, but soon realised that no one was paying them any attention. Slowly, she relaxed within the warm circle of his arms and Kane, obviously sensing the change in her, growled his approval.

  Over the next half hour, they fed each other marshmallows, each one accompanied by a kiss, to clean the sticky sweet off their lips. Elise felt her breathing growing increasingly ragged, and Kane wrapped an arm around her waist, gently rocked his hips against her. A heavy, aching warmth was growing within her and she pushed back against Kane in response. He muttered something indecipherable, and then threw the marshmallow sticks into the fire.

  In one swift motion, he scooped her up into his arms and stood. “We’re turning in now.” He announced to the others, striding towards the house.

  Elise hid her face in his shoulder, embarrassed. “Kane! What will they think?” She whispered against his neck.

  “That we’re newly bonded and I can’t keep my hands off of my lovely mate.” And sure enough, the good natured calls that accompanied them across the yard, left her in no doubt that the others were thinking exactly that.


  Upstairs, Kane placed her gently on the bed and stood over her, slowly removing his shirt. He hadn’t turned on the lights, but the illumination from the moon was streaming in, playing over the skin that he was revealing to her. If she hadn’t already been aroused from their kisses by the fire, the sight of her mate’s body would certainly have done the trick. Elise drank in the sight of his powerful arms and chest, his taut stomach, the scar running down his side… She couldn’t imagine how much such a wound would have hurt and was filled with the need to comfort him, even though the pain was long gone.

  Rising to her knees, she reached out and traced the faint pink line with her fingertips. At her touch, Kane’s hands stilled on the waistband of his pants and she looked up at him. His eyes were hooded and burning with desire. Daringly, she brushed his hands away and undid his button and zipper so that his pants hung loosely on his hips. Then she leaned forwards and ran her lips along the length of the scar from his ribs to where it disappeared underneath his clothing. Nudging the material aside, she worked her way down to the end of the scar, which was just below his hipbone, then slid around to his stomach, teasing his navel with her tongue. Kane shuddered and grabbed her shoulders, pulling her up and kissing her hot and hard. With one hand on the back of her head, he slid the other one up her shirt, caressing her skin, and unclasping her bra.

  Elise pulled away, gasping for breath and Kane took the opportunity to shuck his pants and briefs before reaching for the edge of her T-shirt and tugging it over her head. Pushing her back on the bed, he made quick work of removing her pants and underwear, then crawled on top of her and resumed their kiss. His tongue battled with hers, while he used his hands to tweak her nipples and stroke her belly. Gently raking her nails over his scalp, Elise moaned in approval when he moved lower and suckled at her breast. Each tug of his mouth was met with a corresponding one inside of her and she guided his head from one breast to the other, closing her eyes to concentrate on sensation alone.

  A whimper escaped her lips when he left off his ministrations to move lower, but was soon replaced by sighs of delight as he invaded her core with his mouth and fingers. Knowing the exquisite feelings he could create, she willingly spread her legs allowing him access to her most intimate parts. Kane nuzzled the juncture of her thigh, inhaling her scent. A rumble of approval rose from deep in his chest as he sensed her growing arousal. She knew she was being unbelievably wanton, but despite the fact, she watched him pleasure her and found that it was one of the most erotic things she had ever seen. In no time at all, her body reached its peak and she shuddered as the orgasm washed over her, leaving her breathless.

  “That,” she panted, “was great.”

  “Worth leaving the marshmallows and the bonfire for?” He teased as he slid up to lay beside her. Gently, he brushed her hair from her forehead, and then ran calming hands over her body.

  “Oh, yeah.” Her heart was still pounding and she was having difficulty getting her words out between her rapid breaths. “But you didn’t…?”

  “Not yet.” He moved his hips slightly and Elise felt his hot erection pressing against her hip. “But never fear, that was only round one.”

  She rolled her head to the side and stared at him in surprise. “You mean I get to do that again?”

  “Uh-huh, that’s my plan.” He nuzzled her ear and then sucked her lobe into his mouth. A shiver ran through her. “Unless, of course, you didn’t enjoy yourself…” Kane’s voice trailed off and he looked at her quizzically.

  “Oh, I think I can force myself to suffer through it one more time, just for you. It wouldn’t be fair to leave you in such an uncomfortable state” She teased him back and he smiled at her in delighted surprise. Leaning over her, he began the task of arousing her once again.


  At some time during the night, Elise awoke to the sound of faint ringing. Beside her, Kane grumbled and kissed her cheek apologetically before rolling out of bed. Fumbling around on the floor, he searched of his pants and the cell phone that he’d left in his pocket. Through her bleary eyes, she watched him check the number, then pad into the sitting room and partially close the door.

  Elise wondered who would be calling in the middle of the night and hoped it wasn’t another pack emergency like last night. Straining her ears, she listened to Kane’s deep voice as he answered the phone.

  “Marla? No, no, of course you’re not interrupting anything … Shh … Don’t cry. What’s wrong? … No, don’t hang up! … You could never be a bother. You know you can call me anytime …” The door to the sitting room clicked shut,
effectively blocking out the rest of the conversation.

  Chewing on her lip, Elise wondered what could be so important, that Marla had to call in the middle of the night. And Kane hadn’t sounded at all put out. Hmm… What exactly was Kane’s relationship with the woman? Zoe and Phoebe had said that Marla had been chasing after Kane. Was she still trying to catch him, even though he was now bonded to another? And did Kane have any interest in her? He certainly didn’t sound upset by the fact that she was bothering him right in the middle of— Well, no. That wasn’t true. They weren’t in the middle of anything right now. Just sleeping. But it had been a companionable sleep with Kane’s arms holding her tight, her head cushioned on his chest…