Read The Mating Page 23

  “I didn’t know you’d had a study done on that.” Marla looked mildly interested.

  “It wasn’t general knowledge. Only those in the Alpha house really knew about it.” Kane ran his hand through his hair distractedly. “I wonder if anyone was in the office today and moved things about. My office is supposed to be off limits if I’m not there but…”

  The microwave signalled their food was ready and Kane, being the closest, stopped mid-sentence and removed the steaming bowl of pasta. While his back was turned, Elise stared at Marla. The blonde woman had been leaving Kane’s office when she’d arrived home that afternoon. Did Marla know where the report was?

  Elise opened her mouth to ask, but saw Marla making a pleading gesture and shaking her head. Elise hesitated, but then sighed. Marla had been trying to be helpful this afternoon, in her own twisted way, so she supposed she could return the favour. Mouthing the words ‘you’d better tell me what’s going on later’ and giving Marla a scowl, Elise schooled her face into a pleasant expression before Kane turned around.

  Marla wandered off, ostensibly to make a phone call, while Kane and Elise ate, but returned before they were finished. She poured herself a cup of coffee and then sat down to visit, idly chatting about her day. Kane was done eating first and started to gather up the dishes, while Elise finished, her meal. He spoke over his shoulder as he placed the items in the sink. “Oh, Marla. I almost forgot. I didn’t make it into town today, but Rose was going in, so I asked her to stop by the Gallery to get that package for you.”

  “Really? That’s interesting… Rose was in town, but you weren’t. Hmm, I wonder…” Marla’s voice trailed off.

  Elise looked up from her plate. “What do you wonder?”

  “Nothing—just wondering if she got the package or not. She didn’t give it to me, so maybe it wasn’t even in, after all. I’ll have to ask her later.” Smiling, Marla glanced at her two companions. “I’ll clean up, if you two want to take a walk or something,”

  Elise raised questioning brows and looked at Kane who nodded in agreement. “All right. I’ll just tell the others we’re going in case anyone wants to tag along.”

  As soon as Kane disappeared from sight, Elise turned to Marla and questioned her sternly. “Why were you in Kane’s office this afternoon if it was off limits? And what did you do with that report?”

  “I didn’t do anything with the report—at least not on purpose. Kane’s computer has the fastest processor in the house so I was using it to do some research on the collector who bought that photograph. I must have scooped the report up with my stuff by accident.”

  “Why didn’t you just tell Kane?”

  “Because I wasn’t supposed to be in his office and I didn’t want to mention that picture again. He’s been in a good mood lately and I didn’t want to spoil it.”

  “Okay… But if you’re not supposed to be in his office, then stay out of his office. I don’t want to have to cover for you again. Find that report and put it back.”

  “It already is. I snuck back in while you were eating and slipped it under some files. He’ll just think he missed it somehow.”

  Elise nodded, but had a funny feeling about the whole incident.


  It turned out that everyone wanted to go for a walk, except Marla and Carrie. Leaving them at the house, the rest headed towards the woods in a loose pack formation, the other couples instinctively walking behind Kane. Elise was just one step back and to the right of him. John came along next, followed by Helen, then Giselle and Franz, while Rose and Daniel brought up the rear. Elise glanced back once or twice, wanting to talk to Rose, but the present formation didn’t allow for it.

  As they entered the tree line, a sound came from the left and in a blur of movement, Kane and John positioned themselves protectively in front of the others, muscles tense and senses alert. It took less than a second for them to identify the source and realize there was no danger. As the two men visibly relaxed their stance, Julia and Thomas emerged from the brush.

  “Hi there!” Julia called out. “Great night to be out, isn’t it?”

  Kane nodded in acknowledgement, but looked inquiringly at Thomas. “Your first night back on patrol?”

  “Yeah, just the immediate area, nothing too far from home yet.” Thomas looked down at Julia who was holding his arm. “And she insisted on coming along.”

  Julia grinned. “After last time, I don’t want you out of my sight.” Thomas rolled his eyes, but none the less, looked pleased at the extra attention he was receiving.

  “Anything to report?” John inquired.

  “Nope. All’s quiet. You folks are heading out for a run?” Thomas surveyed the group.

  Helen piped up. “Some of them are running, but I, for one, am planning a leisurely stroll.”

  “Well, have fun. It was long shift, so we’re heading home.” As they turned to go, Thomas accidentally brushed against Elise, then froze in his tracks, a rumbling emitting from his throat. His sudden stop tugged on Julia’s arm causing her to bounce back against him and in turn he bumped into Elise, who stumbled and half fell to the ground.

  Thomas spun around, growling low and threatening, his eyes narrowed. In a flash, Kane had him by the throat, his hand like a vice-grip, while the other was swung back, preparing to strike. A low growl ripped from his chest and he looked on the verge of changing forms. Julia screamed and Elise scrambled to her feet, her heart pounding as she quickly took in the scene before her. Unthinkingly, she rushed forward, shoving herself between the two men.

  “Kane, no! It was an accident! I’m all right.” Elise grabbed Kane’s arm. The others around them stood frozen, possibly from shock or possibly because Kane was the Alpha. It was his right to discipline the members as he saw fit. John took half a step forward, but then stopped as Kane snarled even louder. Realising she was the only one who might be able to defuse the situation, Elise reached for Kane’s face, trying to force him to look at her. “Kane, listen to me! No harm was done. Let him go!” He blinked twice and as her message sank in, relaxed, slowly releasing Thomas. The other man stepped back and swallowed hard. He still looked tense and was sniffing the air, shifting his eyes nervously over the crowd and peering into the woods behind them.

  Julia hugged Thomas’ arm and looked nervously at Kane. Elise placed her hands firmly on Kane’s shoulders and took a deep breath to calm her pounding heart. Stepping in front of an angry Alpha was not the smartest move to make, but she’d reacted to the situation as instinctively as Kane had done. Slowly, she slid her hands down to his chest, rubbing them soothingly over the muscled surface. “It was an accident. You didn’t mean to knock me down, did you Thomas? And you weren’t growling at any of us, were you?’

  Thomas still looked a bit disoriented, but nodded in agreement. “No. Sorry. It’s just that I…I suddenly scented something and it triggered a memory. For a moment I could have sworn I was back in that clearing where Ryne shot me.” He sniffed the air again, searching for the source, before focussing back on Elise. He took a half step forward and sniffed again, a puzzled expression forming on his tanned face. “That’s strange. It’s coming from you.”

  “Me?” Elise squeaked in surprise. “I don’t smell like Ryne, do I?” She looked to the others for confirmation.

  “No, it’s not Ryne’s scent but…” Thomas seemed to be searching his memory. “It was there at the same time as Ryne. I’m sure I remember both scents.”

  “Hmm…” Kane sniffed at Elise. “You’re wearing that new perfume that Marla gave you. But why would Ryne have been wearing it?”

  Elise thought rapidly. Marla said the perfume disguised scents so that would explain Ryne wearing it, but if she told Kane this, he’d want to know why she was using it. Then she’d have to explain about seeing Bryan… Out of the corner of her eye, she took in the assembled group. Confessing in front of the pack was less than ideal but… She opened her mouth to explain only to realize that no one was expecting an answer f
rom her. They’d all continued to talk while she’d been thinking.

  “Maybe Ryne was trying to hide his scent from us by overpowering it with perfume.” John suggested.

  “Could be,” Kane concurred. “But it didn’t work, since Thomas still knew he was there.” He ran his hands through his hair and huffed in exasperation. “Who knows what Ryne is thinking anymore? None of this makes sense to me.”

  Looking at his watch, Kane brought the impromptu meeting to a close. “If anyone still wants to go for a run, they should head out now, before it gets much later.”

  Murmuring in agreement, the others phased into wolf form. Like shadows they melted into the night, leaving Kane, Elise, Thomas, and Julia standing at the tree line. For a moment, the two couples looked awkwardly at each other. Finally, Kane broke the silence.

  “Thomas, I’m sorry I overreacted a few minutes ago.” Kane gruffly apologised, shoving his hands in his back pockets. “But when I saw Elise on the ground and you growled, well…”

  “No need to apologise. Any mate would have done the same; it’s your right.” Thomas dismissed the incident with a shrug. “I shouldn’t have reacted so strongly, but like I said, that scent had me flashing back. I was sure I could even hear the click of the gun. Although, on some level I knew it wasn’t happening, I couldn’t stop myself. Sorry. It won’t happen again.”

  Kane nodded and Thomas stuck out his hand. With a grin, Kane shook it. There were no hard feelings on either side and the two couples chatted for a while longer before parting amicably.

  “Do you still want to go for a run?” Elise asked.

  “No, not really. There’s a bench over there. Could we just sit and enjoy the moonlight?” Kane indicated a spot a short distance away. With a nod, Elise agreed and Kane took her hand, leading her towards the secluded niche. The bench was surrounded by pine trees on three sides and gave the illusion of being in a private little room.

  Sitting down, Kane tucked Elise to his side and sighed. “Elise, there’s something I have to say.”

  Chapter 23

  Kane put his arm around her shoulders, his thumb gently rubbing over her upper arm. When he spoke, his voice held a tinge of regret and self-reproach. “I can’t believe I reacted that strongly to Thomas knocking you down. I acted without even thinking—I never do that; I’m the Alpha, the one that’s supposed to be in control. But when I heard that growl, I just lost it. My only thought was to protect my mate. I’m sorry if I frightened you.”

  “I wasn’t frightened—not exactly. Surprised, worried, wondering what the hell was going on… But frightened of you? No.”

  “I’d never hurt you.”

  “I know.” He tightened his arm around her and she turned in towards him, leaning her head against his chest. They sat there silently for a while, absorbing the warmth and essence of the other.

  Elise savoured the moment. This was what she wanted. Time when they were just together as a couple. The sex between them was great, but in truth, Kane could get that anywhere. She wanted an actual relationship, where they talked and shared their ideas and feelings. Maybe Kane wanted that, too. The intense emotions of just a few minutes ago seemed to have loosened his tight control over himself. While she was reluctant to ruin the companionable silence between them, she didn’t want to let this opportunity go by. Gathering her courage, she wet her lips, then spoke softly. “Kane this afternoon—“

  Simultaneously, he began to speak as well. “You know—“

  They both stopped and laughed self-consciously. Kane laid a finger on her lips. “Let me, please? I’m not good at sharing stuff and I’ve finally got my nerve up, okay?”

  She nodded. Her news wasn’t that earth shattering really. It could wait. This was Kane’s time.

  “You know, I try to be a leader of the twenty-first century; calm, reasonable, civilized…setting an example for the others to follow. I want my pack to move forward and fit into society, but sometimes, like tonight, my instincts take over and I find that I’m more wolf than man. Don’t get me wrong, being a wolf is an important part of who I am—it’s just not always easy to keep it under control.”

  “I think you do a fine job balancing the man and the wolf.” Elise idly traced the pattern on his shirt.

  “I’m glad you think so. Me—I’m not so sure.” He inhaled deeply then surprised her by seeming to change the subject. “Has anyone told you about my parents?”

  “Well, I’ve heard some stories…” Elise answered hesitantly, not sure if she was or wasn’t supposed to know.

  “My father was a rogue wolf—a throwback to days long gone—who could never settle down or integrate into a pack. He dragged us all over the countryside, spending a month here, a month there. I think my mother was the only who could seem to tolerate him for any length of time.” Kane tipped his head up and stared at the night sky as if a picture of the man was forming in the stars. “He had his good points—he could be spontaneous and fun, always coming up with ideas for a new adventure. Apparently, he was quite a charmer of the ladies and a rather smooth talker too, which was a good thing because it got him out of quite a few scrapes. Unfortunately, even his glib tongue wasn’t always sufficient and his temper was what lingered on in everyone’s memory. We were kicked out of more places than I care to remember, because of him.”

  “That must have been awfully hard on you.”

  “It had its moments. We—Ryne and I—became pretty good at reading the signs and staying away when he was in a mood. Mom was great and did what she could to keep us fed and safe but… It didn’t always work.” Kane paused and seemed lost in his own memories. Elise could just imagine him as a child, undernourished and afraid, his dark hair all tousled, while his amber eyes solemnly assessed the mood in the house, wondering if it was safe or if he should hide… It was so foreign to her own experiences. She wished she’d been there to offer him some comfort.

  Kane came out of his reverie and turned his head so he could look in her eyes. “Sometimes I wonder about how much of my father is in me. I don’t want to be him. I don’t want his anger to be part of me; I fight to keep that side buried. But sometimes, like tonight, it escapes and I worry about what could happen.”

  “Nothing happened.” Elise reassured. “You stopped yourself.”

  “No I didn’t. You stopped me, which by the way, was a very brave but foolish thing to try and do. I could have accidentally hurt you.”

  “I wasn’t brave, I just reacted, and no, you wouldn’t have hurt me. You don’t have it in you. You stopped yourself. If you’d really intended to kill Thomas, I couldn’t have prevented it. You would have ripped his throat out before I even got to my feet.” Kane looked sceptical. “You’re a good man, Kane. You didn’t hurt Thomas tonight. You didn’t kill Ryne in the challenge. You aren’t your father. Yes, you have a temper—every werewolf does, especially the males, but you control it, not the other way around.” She paused, trying to clarify her own thinking. “I think we’re all walking a tightrope, trying to fit in, to control our wolf and not to be discovered. I’m always amazed at what a good job we do and how few people actually know we exist.”

  He studied her for a moment, his eyes gleaming in the moonlight, before leaning forward and pressing a slow kiss to her forehead. “You’re very clever you know.”

  “I always thought so.” She smiled up at him.

  “Thank you.”

  “For what?”

  “For being you. For trying to make ‘us’ work, despite the fact that you were just thrown into this mating.” He took her hand and laced their fingers together. “I know I’m not good at expressing myself, but I hope you know how glad I am that you’re here with me. The pack is my extended family, but I’ve never really had anyone that was just mine, until you came along.” He brought their entwined hands up to his mouth and kissed hers gently. “You’re my mate, Elise.” Kane whispered.