Read The Mating Page 7

  In actuality, Elise found it a bit intimidating to think that someday she might be called on to fill Helen’s shoes. While she’d helped Sarah, Elise knew she wasn’t an experienced cook nor was she particularly domesticated beyond the basics. Alpha females were in charge of the house as well as organising social gatherings and dealing with minor problems. It also meant providing leadership and advice to others in the pack and really, Elise thought, what words of wisdom did she have to share at her young age? Truth be told, she’d sort of floated through life thus far, never applying herself overly much to anything in particular. It was a bit disconcerting to realise that at almost nineteen years of age, her life had no goal or focus. She’d have to do something about that now, though what she wasn’t sure.

  By time the meal was ready, John and Carrie appeared. John looked tired from his late night and sat down heavily in his chair. Carrie fussed over him, bringing him coffee and putting jam on his toast. Elise watched them while she ate, wondering if she’d ever feel the need to do that for Kane. Was that what was expected of her now? A slight sigh escaped her. She wasn’t even sure if she knew how to be a good mate. All in all, the morning thus far had left her feeling a bit inadequate.

  Breakfast was partially over when the back door opened and a tall blonde woman entered wearing a skintight dress of shocking pink. Elise immediately remembered her from the previous day. She was the woman who’d cut in front of her and blocked the door before hanging all over Kane and trying to monopolize his attention. What was her name again?

  “Marla, this is a surprise.” John’s greeting supplied the answer. His voice was neutral, but Elise had the general impression that the Beta wasn’t overly pleased to see the newcomer. The look in his eyes was icy rather than the usual friendly blue she’d come to expect. Neither of the other two women were overjoyed either, if their suddenly stiff postures were any indication.

  “I just heard about Thomas and rushed right over to see if there was anything I could do.” Marla flipped her long blonde hair over her shoulder, seemingly oblivious to her cool reception.

  “Since he’s in the infirmary, and we all know how you can’t stand to be around anyone who is hurt, I fail to see how you’d be of any help.” Helen rudely addressed the beautiful she-wolf.

  Marla bared her teeth at Helen in what could loosely be taken as a smile, if one wasn’t too fussy. “I meant that with Kane being up all night, he might be tired and need some help in the office. My shift doesn’t start until noon and I have done office work before.”

  “Thanks for the offer Marla, but I’ll be able to handle things until Kane gets back and if it does get busy, Elise can help.”

  “Elise?” Marla raised her perfectly shaped eyebrows and looked puzzled. “Who is…? Oh I’d forgotten. The new little mate.” She acted as if she was searching the room before letting her eyes focus on the newest pack member. “So you’re Kane’s mate. I must say, you are a little thing.” Studying Elise from head to toe, she shook her head and made a little moue. “Hmm, you’re not very strong looking. I hope you can stand up to the strain of the position. I know from personal experience how…demanding…Kane can be.”

  Flushing at the insult and implied meaning of Marla’s statement, Elise wanted to sink into the floor, but knew she had to immediately take action and put the other woman in her place, if she wanted maintain her status. Standing, she circled around the table and advanced on the woman, speaking with a trace of a growl in her voice. “I’m perfectly capable of being Kane’s mate and I don’t appreciate your comments. If you have a problem with me, say it directly to my face rather than making snide innuendos.”

  Marla stepped back in surprise. “Why Elise! I assure you I meant nothing at all. It’s just that Kane and I are old friends…” Her voice trailed off and she looked at the table. The others were studiously eating their eggs. A power struggle between two pack mates didn’t involve them. It was up to the wolves involved to work it out.

  Elise took one more step towards her and for a moment Marla held her ground, but then backed up. “I’m sorry to have interrupted your breakfast. I’ll leave you alone, but if you need anything at all…” No one responded and the woman left, slamming the door behind her.

  Exhaling loudly, Elise turned back towards the table. The others were looking at her. “That was…unpleasant.”

  “Actually, it was quite entertaining.” Carrie started to laugh.

  Helen snorted. “It’s about time someone put her in her place. Good work, Elise.”

  John just sipped his coffee, but Elise was sure he was smiling. She felt a grin breaking out on her own face as well and happily sat back down to finish her breakfast. She’d survived her first encounter with a member of the pack—Carrie, John and Helen didn’t count—and she’d come out on top. It was a good feeling and erased some of her earlier insecurities.


  After breakfast, Carrie and John left for town to pick up some supplies for their soon-to-arrive pup. Helen accepted Elise’s help with the clean up and then shooed her on her way with instructions to go exploring outside. Elise walked into the backyard and looked around with interest.

  The early morning air was cool, but the brightness of the sun promised to bring a warmer day, once the dampness burned off. Small white clouds dotted the otherwise clear blue sky and the air had the fresh, clean scent that always appeared after a rain. Noting the puddles on the ground, Elise vaguely recalled hearing some rain hitting against the windowpane sometime during the night and wondered if it had been before, or after Thomas had been found. She frowned and hoped it was after, not liking the image of the wounded man lying bleeding on the ground, rain soaking his clothes, as he awaited rescue.

  Shaking the grim image from her mind, she concentrated on her surroundings again. Numerous large trees dotted the lawn, their majestic branches stretching outward to create a canopy overhead. Elise imagined that in the summer the yard would be pleasantly shaded by their leaves. In the far corner, a substantial vegetable garden could be seen, and a variety of flower beds were placed strategically around the house and out buildings. Due to it being fall, the gardens weren’t looking their best, but evidence of the summer splendour could still be seen in the few hardy flowers that refused to quit blooming despite the cooler nights.

  Circling to the front of the house, Elise carefully skirted a large puddle and then stood on the edge of the driveway wondering how far she dared travel on her own. Looking down the drive, she could just make out some houses beyond the bend. They were probably the homes of other pack members, she decided. Helen had spoken of an infirmary and she pondered where it might be located and if Kane would still be there. It wasn’t that she really wanted to see him, she told herself. It was just that she didn’t know anyone else or have anything in particular to do.

  If she was with Kane, he’d introduce her to some more people and she’d feel braver about exploring. While the members she’d met briefly upon arriving yesterday had all seemed friendly, her encounter with Marla had her feeling a little apprehensive. Would she have to stand up to each and every member in order to prove herself, or would they just accept her? Had they only seemed friendly yesterday because Kane had been there? How would they react to meeting her without his protection? At dinner last night, she felt more confident when the others spoke of embracing new ways and new members, but now… She chewed on her lip as she pondered the questions rolling about in her mind. Joining a new pack was tricky—she’d just never appreciated the fact before. Now that she had her own personal insight into the situation, she resolved to be a lot more supportive of new members in the future.

  In the distance, Elise could hear a vehicle approaching. Squinting she noted that it was a red sports car and it seemed to be travelling rather quickly for such a narrow, twisty driveway. Clouds of dust swirled up around it, obscuring the view of the driver. Elise frowned. Something about the vehicle was making her uneasy and she stepped back onto the grass as it drew closer. Just
as it was almost even with her, the driver jerked the wheel. The car fishtailed and loose bits of gravel flew up in the air and Elise jerked backwards as small pebbles pelted her. Unfortunately, there was a large puddle right behind her and she slipped, landing on her rear in the muddy water.

  Gasping in outrage and embarrassment, Elise looked towards the driveway but the vehicle was gone. Muttering vile threats under her breath, she wiped her stinging cheek, not surprised when a smear of blood appeared on the back of her hand. At least one of the sharp, stony projectiles had hit its mark. Thoroughly disgruntled, she got to her feet and tried unsuccessfully to wipe the mud off herself before stomping up to the house. She’d have to have a complete change of clothes and a shower.

  Chapter 7

  Thankfully the kitchen was empty. Elise really didn’t want anyone to know what had happened. Someone had just humiliated her on purpose, and advertising the fact was the last thing she wanted. Removing her socks and shoes so as to not leave mud all over, she padded barefoot up to her room and then finished stripping off the muddy garments. Setting them on the floor, she decided to first get cleaned up and then head to the laundry area that Helen had shown her yesterday.

  After turning on the shower, she peered in the mirror while waiting for the water to heat up. The stones had stung as they hit her face and she needed to check the extent of the damages. Sure enough, a smear of dried blood was streaked across her cheek and she probed the cut carefully. It was rather deep and she hoped it wouldn’t leave a scar. Opening the medicine cabinet, she found some antiseptic and dabbed the punctured skin, grimacing as the liquid stung the open wound. A quick perusal found no other injuries, so she put away the container and cotton balls. Checking her appearance once more, Elise decided that a casual observer wouldn’t notice the wound, which in her mind was a good thing. She didn’t want a lot of people questioning what had happened. Once she found out who the driver was, she’d deal with him herself.

  Grabbing a clip, she twisted her pony tail up on top of her head so it wouldn’t get wet and then turned away from the mirror, only to bump into a solid wall of muscle. Strong hands caught hold of her shoulders as she rocked backwards.

  “Oh! You’re back.” Quite taken by surprise, she stated the obvious. Her breath caught in her throat as she realised that Kane was standing before her as naked as herself.

  “Yep, just walked in. I heard you moving about in here and, since I need a shower too, I thought we could share.”

  She skimmed her eyes down his form, taking in his sculpted pecs and abs, then moved lower… His manhood was already at half mast; she stared in fascination before realising what she was doing and looking away, her face flushing in embarrassment.

  Kane chuckled and caught her by the chin, forcing her to look at him. “Don’t be shy. You can look at me. I enjoy it almost as much as I enjoy looking at you.” He accompanied his words with actions, his hand sweeping down her body, caressing her from breast to hip and back again. “You’re a lovely female, Elise, with soft skin and intriguing curves that call out for me to touch them.” Leaning forward, he nibbled at her lips while using his hands to gently knead her breasts.

  The combined sensations created by Kane’s use of his hands and lips made Elise’s body hum with pleasure. Without even meaning to, Elise found herself leaning towards him, trying to capture his mouth for a deeper kiss and pressing her breasts more firmly into his palms. “You like that, don’t you?” he murmured as he guided her under the shower spray with him. Finding the soap, he began to wash her.

  As the water pelted down, the fog that had been descending on her brain cleared. “I can do that.” She reached for the bar, but he brushed her hands aside.

  “Shh… You’re my mate. It’s my job to take care of you.” Slowly he moved his hands over her, sliding across her shoulders and down her back, around to her waist then up to her breasts. He swirled soap over the soft mounds and Elise let her eyes drift shut as the pleasantly fuzzy feeling returned. The rhythmic movement both relaxed and excited her. Soon he abandoned her breasts and knelt before her, washing her stomach, legs, and buttocks. He nuzzled the juncture of her thighs, and her legs trembled as she recalled the amazing sensations Kane had managed to create within her.

  All too soon, Kane stood up, leaving Elise feeling restless and achy. His body brushed sensuously against hers. “Time to trade jobs,” he murmured, pressing the soap into her hands. Gulping, Elise took the bar from him. When she hesitated and he took her hands in his, moving them about on the soap to create a lather, then guiding her palms to his chest. Tentatively, she rubbed soap across his body and a low rumble emanated from his throat. Licking her lips, she continued to wash him, noting how his male nipples pebbled as her hands passed over them. Stealing a glance up at his face, she saw that his eyes were closed and his jaw was clenched. A small smile appeared on her mouth as she realised the power she had over him.

  Soon Elise became absorbed in her task. She’d never explored a male’s body before and found the activity fascinating. His muscles quivered in response to her touch, shifting under her palms. Circling around him, she washed his back, then boldly, she moved lower, smoothing soap over his hips and buttocks, then down the back of his legs. Her heart beat quickened when she moved in front of him again, working her way up his legs, then skirting around his manhood, which was becoming more erect right before her eyes. Finally, feeling incredibly brave, she washed his stomach and slid her hands down the dark arrow of hair. The back of her hand brushed over his shaft and she was surprised at how hot and silky the skin was. Gently, she ran a finger down his length and gave a brief chuckle as the organ jumped in response. A groan sounded above her. Daringly, she slipped her hand around him and explored his length and shape, while marvelling that something of this size could actually fit inside of her. The sacks at its base caught her attention and she cupped them, testing their weight and texture, before returning to his erection.

  Suddenly, Kane tightened his grip on her shoulders, pulling her upwards. He crushed her against his chest and pressed a hot kiss to her mouth. “You’re a little minx, Elise. Do you know what it does to me, when you touch me like that?” She shook her head. Running his lips across her jaw, then raking his teeth down her throat, he murmured against her skin. “It drives me wild. It makes me want to bury myself deep inside you.”

  His words caused an unexpected thrill to run through her and she felt a heavy heat pooling between her legs. Memories of their night together flooded her brain—after the initial discomfort, it had all felt so good; the way he’d slid in and out of her, the pleasure growing and then washing over her; her body moving uncontrollably… Could it happen again? Suddenly she realised that she wanted—no needed—to feel that way one more time. Reaching up, she ran her hands over his shoulders and down his back, pulling him closer to her, rubbing her body suggestively against his.

  Kane growled in response. “Do you want me, mate?”

  She looked up at him and nipped at his chin, then ran open mouthed kisses over his collarbone and chest. “Yes,” she breathed, licking at his nipples and moving against him once more, trying to ease the ache that was growing within.

  “Good.” His voice was smug, self-satisfied, but she was beyond caring, almost crying with relief when he picked her up and stepped out of the shower, setting her down on the vanity. Pulling her legs apart, Kane stepped between her thighs and fingered her intimately, purring when he found her moist and ready. Quickly positioning himself, he pushed into her and Elise cried out, the feeling of being filled by him almost sending her over the edge.

  As he rocked within her, she bit her lip, trying to mute the sounds of pleasure building within her, but it was too much. She found herself panting and moaning out loud as his movements once more transported her to a magical place filled with the most exquisite of sensations.

  Her soft cries seemed to spur Kane on and he gripped her hips even more tightly, increasing the pace of his thrusting. Elise held onto his
biceps to keep herself steady and vaguely noted the hard planes of his face, his eyes closed in intense concentration… The feelings building inside her were driving her crazy and she felt she would never get enough. She dug her fingers into Kane’s arms, her muscles tightened, she was sure she’d explode any minute… Unable to contain herself any longer, she threw back her head. A scream ripped from her throat and then everything blurred.