Read The Millennium Malevolence: The Time Spanning Revenge Endanderment Page 1

Millennium Malevolence

  The Time Spanning Revenge Endangerment

  (Part One The Hard Revelation)

  Kyle Robertson

  Copyright © 2015 by Kyle Robertson. All rights reserved.

  No part of this book may be reproduced, stored in retrieval systems, or transmitted by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recorded or otherwise without written permission from the publisher.

  All characters in this book have no existence outside the imagination of the author and have no relation whatsoever to anyone bearing the same name or names. They are not even distantly inspired by any individual known or unknown

  Published by Play in My Imagination Publishing

  Dedicated to Adama Aruna

  Why I Wrote This Book

  This is another excursion in my storytelling evolution. In high school, when I could draw, I created my own comic books with folded typewriter paper stapled in the middle. Yes, I was called a nerd, but many of those name callers read my stories. Now Marvel and DC have evolved to make blockbuster movies to stories us nerds read thirty years ago, and some much longer than that.

  I figured they got the marketing down pat by mimicking their comic books. They’ve been doing sequels before the first part 2 of a movie was even thought of. Why not follow my idol’s lead by cutting up my story by making it a series?

  Here’s part one. I hope you fall deep enough into the story to wait for the next installment.

  Why You Should Read This Book

  This story will be an exciting romp through time, and you find out styles change, but revenge stays the same.

  If you would like to talk about this book, immortal vengeance, Wicca, or secret ancient orders, join my blog go to the Subscribe Now or Sign UP For Free Book! We can talk about this book or any other books in my library. When you join, you a get a free e-book, updates, sneak peeks, sales of other books, and pre-reads. You will also get an email of the next available eBook in the series.

  Table of Contents

  Table of Contents

  Chapter One: The Ebb of Revenge

  Chapter Two: Unsuspecting Descendant

  Chapter Three: Crash Course in Larrasomec





  Chapter One: The Ebb of Revenge

  As Chorlisr Remmik was fashioning horseshoes in his barn, one of his servants from the Ktaldeik (Tal-DEEK) Protectors exploded through his barn entrance.

  “Gavis, and his woman are in the village! The Apex Zenith is here!”

  Chorlisr had trained for this catalytic day. This was considered by many elders as end times. All knew of the ending of the Bible, except the Ktaldeik Protectors knew who Mephistopheles was. Gavis was an immortal entity. He had no fangs or horns, but he was Beelzebub himself. He was just in his human form. Although far from being human, his looking like a normal peasant portrayed him as such.

  “King Henry is Catholic. He will never approve of Magick,” his servant said.

  “We cannot pray this monster away, Edward. We have tried sabers, spears, lances, mourning stars, arrows, boiled oil, poisons, and fire. Gavis just sats them away like an annoying fly. Magick has been the only effective defense against him. We may not be able to slay him, but a summoning can hinder his intentions severely,” Chorlisr said. “He is not of our world so witchcraft may be our only hope.”

  “He is residing in a cottage on the outskirts of the village. Our hawk spotted the couple. They have caused no turmoil to anyone or created any calamities.”

  “He is just preparing, Edward. “We should strike before the beginning of the end. I can cease it before it ever commences.”

  “But he has done nothing, Chorlisr. He is just there with his companion, and not terrorizing the village.”

  “When have you ever dealt personally with an immortal?! When have you ever seen the aftermath of their destruction?! They can never be destroyed, Edward! I was born into this service, and as of now I can hinder the lot with Magick! The immortals have limitless power to lay waste to whatever land they inhabit, and I will not let Gavis begin to lay waste to mine! I will take him before he manifests!”

  Chorlisr was bred for this deluge. He was educated by the Ktaldeik to be the protector of this region of the world, and knew nothing more. He lived a humble life as a blacksmith, but his destiny carried more gravitas than shoeing horses. This was his calling, and he wouldn’t falter.

  “This is a wood tick in your spine you cannot wait to burn out. Gavis has done nothing, but live with his mate,” Edward said.

  “The atrocity is living, Edward. He has touted eons of existence. Longer than we have recorded time keeping. The Plague will not even affect him or his mate. They live while many die because of the Black Death. His existence is unnatural, and I must use unnatural means to restore balance.” Chorlisr was determined. “Enough explanation. If Gavis is preparing, time is of the essence.”

  Chorlisr took his broadsword just for appearance sake, and misdirection of his real weapon of the summoning of the hornets to alleviate Gavis of execution, left the barn, and Edward followed.


  At the edge of the village, Gavis was sitting with Renae by a fire in the hearth of the cottage in the wood. He just wanted to exist without the constant annoyances of the Ktaldeik Protectors constantly attempting to destroy him. They were like meddlesome mosquitos buzzing in his ear. Being an immortal wasn’t the mythical desire every man wanted.

  Gavis witnessed every atrocity of the development of this world. He knew of erosion, and extinction of species. There were many animals others would never know of because of evolution. And through all of that change, Gavis was there.

  Immortality isn’t a finished existence. Gavis evolved as everyone did. From the single celled organism to today, he had to change to fit the time. Evolution was a painfully slow process. That process is effortless for a terminal existence, but when you were eternal with no finality, evolution was its own curse. Painful, but inevitable.

  Gavis wanted to just not exist anymore. He had been everything he could imagine. He witnessed the world die when he was just a simple organism. He helped the ancient ones with the creation of fire. He felt the evolution of becoming the form he was now. From painting in caves to living in this cottage.

  He observed all the curses of humans, diseases, weather devastations, self-destruction to gain possessions, or otherwise. This world was a harsh environment, and his curse was to witness it all.

  He had compassionately saved villages, and executed the strident destruction of towns. He wasn’t good or evil, he just was.

  His companion, Renae, another eternal put her hands on his shoulders as he was sitting by the fire.

  “I understand your brooding boredom. Do you want anything to eat?”

  “You know eating will not quell my boredom. I tried to attempt that distraction last century. That action just reminded me of my abnormality. I have done everything, my love. If it weren’t for you, I would try to end my existence.”

  Renae kissed him on his troubled brow.

  “We were created for companionship so we wouldn’t abandon rationality within our journey.”

  “A journey has a destination! This is an eternal punishment!” Gavis exploded. “Immortals have been cursed by something or someone to just witness every history, and every future! This is just an evil joke!”

knew his meltdown would occur this century. She had prepared for it.

  “You are an eternal, dear. You were created with this perpetual existence. You have been through everything. The darkness of the beginning, to the human evil of takeover in the name of whatever lord they serve. You have witnessed darkness from the sky, and the hypocrisy of this world’s dominant species. You have observed everything, and did not succumb to the darkness because I was with you for it all. You are my mate, and I will not let you melt in front of me. Your mind is stronger than that.”

  Gavis just looked at her sternness, and acquiesced his explosion. He knew Renae was his anchor in his desperate time, and she would keep his faculties stationary.

  “This perpetual existence is a feckless existence. Our kind can never rule over these mortals. Our law will not permit it. We just observe. We watch atrocities everywhere, but can do nothing on a major scale to correct them. We can control humanity if our laws allow, but cannot stop Krakatoa from erupting. It is uninhabited now, but it will erupt again, and we do not have the power to halt the cycle. I am tired of observing everything without the ability of personal augmentation.

  We observed the rise and fall of Rome, and the extinction of the Mayans. We have witnessed the rise of William Wallace until his defeat at Falkirk, and could do nothing because our fellow immortals deemed it wrong to interfere. Our only ability is to exist with the retaining of all this knowledge, and for what? We do not have any visible superiors to report to, and when the cycle of this world is over what then? Will we still exist when even this world has a termination date?

  I am just mired in a dissolution my imperishable mind will not allow. Your rationale keeps me shielded from this torturous paradox.”

  Renae caressed his cheek, and kissed him on his forehead.

  “Oh. Gavis, we exist to stay accurate for our region. If it wasn’t for our gathering each century you would know nothing of the Mayans, the Persians, Norse lore, Krakatoa, or undiscovered environment barbarian activities. We exist here in England. The others exist in Rome, Japan, China, Africa, and beyond. Our calling is to record this area of this world for someone. It may be for a supreme, but it just may be for the other eternals. No one can speculate our main purpose. We just exist for a reason we do not know yet. Just exist, Gavis.”

  Gavis looked up at her caring eyes, and saw her compassion.

  “I worship you, Renae. You keep me sane amidst all this evolving misfortune. Whenever I become unfettered in this aimless, stormy world, you are my immovable boulder I can cling to when the winds of change begin to claw at my thoughts. You are, truly, my mate.”

  “I will be with you eternally. I am your…” She began to inhale a sooty smelling aroma. “Do you smell smoke?”

  “We are near a fire, my love. You always smell smoke from the blaze.”

  Just as he spoke the words, a flaming bail of oil soaked hay crashed through their front window. It rolled in an alarming fireball directly at them, and Gavis jumped up.


  “It’s Chorlisr. Why has he come to annoy me? I have done nothing.” Gavis was heated at the blatant call out. “LEAVE ME BE, CHORLISR! I HAVE DONE NOTHING TO PROVOKE YOU!”


  Renae grabbed Gavis’ hand.

  “He is the demon, love. He just doesn’t understand he will instigate his own demise. He is just as naïve as Romus from centuries earlier, and will not avoid your acrimony or immortality. If he welcomes death, administer it with swiftness. I want to see his arrogance choke the life from his mortal bones.”

  As the flames began to encompass the cottage, they both walked out with their burned clothing smoldering away from their bodies while a faction of Ktaldeikian protectors stood in a gathering outside of the flaming cottage with Chorlisr heading them with his broadsword in hand.

  “Your time terrorizing innocents is complete, Gavis! You will be no more!” Chorlisr stood at the ready with the fresh flames of the cottage glimmering off his steel.

  “Why do you still try to attempt your ending of me, Chorlisr? I have done nothing to encourage your futile quest.”

  “You destroyed VanKellin you evil monster! That is why I hunt you relentlessly! I was bred to protect the innocent!” Chorlisr yelled with vengeance.

  “And before you were born I aided in your village’s famine. I am the cause of your actual existence, however, you torture your limited continuation which I granted you to try to end me? You are human, Chorlisr, I am eternal. Please stop annoying me. I have become the conqueror, and the Samaritan. Just leave me be.”

  Chorlisr was thrown by Gavis’ statement. He was provoked by his cottage becoming an inferno, but instead of attacking, he just stood with his garments falling away in front of the Ktaldeik protectors in his vulnerable invulnerability requesting no more hunting. Why had he changed? Chorlisr would normally have a broken limb by now, but Gavis didn’t charge from aggravation.

  He knew he had a mystical game changer to defeat Gavis, but Gavis didn’t want to play anymore.

  “You are a destroyer of the innocent, and I must end you!”

  “With what?! That shiny insignificant stick? You are nowhere near formidable enough to pique my interest, boy. Just go away. I am spending the day with my mate, and contrary to my immortality, you are wasting my time.”

  Renae stood by Gavis in all her naked beauty, and put her arm around his shoulder.

  “Leave us, Protectors. We have done nothing, and you can never win. You only gave us another task of rebuilding our cottage.”

  Chorlisr thought, I can never win? Oh, I will, witch, I will!

  He began to chant an incantation, and the leaves on the floor of the wood began to swirl. The sky became darkened, and thunder crashed above them.

  “What is he doing, Renae?” Gavis asked Renae with bewilderment.

  “I do not know, but it feels strangely inadequate for a Ktaldeik.”

  “He knows his broadsword is useless to him so he may have a new weapon for me to defeat,” Gavis said while placing Renae behind him.

  Renae felt the change in the atmosphere, and knew this mystic assault would not be favorable for her mate. As the inferno of their cottage blew out like a candle, she stood in front of Gavis to protect him.


  She ignored Gavis, and shielded him from this new onslaught.

  As the sky cracked, and a monstrous swarm of ominous, vile hornets descended on her, she pushed Gavis away.

  The hornets stung her relentlessly, and enveloped her in a buzzing purgatory. Normally the stings wouldn’t affect her, but being mystical changed her galvanized aura. She began to scream in agony.


  Chorlisr kept chanting those ungodly utterances in an oblivious trance. Renae felt the devilish murk of the stings as they took over her body. She shut her eyes tightly, but the swarm was unrelenting with no respect for her grandeur. They stung her everywhere.

  After the craven contemptible barrage of the pusillanimous attack, the hornets relented. They escaped Renae’s swollen body, and disappeared through the rip in the sky.

  Gavis, devastated, ran to Renae’s side, and kneeled to her damaged figure.

  “Get up my love! You have swam through magma just cool off! Bees cannot harm you!”

  Renae looked at him with her multiply stung reddening eyes.

  “Magma is from this world. I am impervious to anything from this world. Those wasps were not from this world. You have acquired your wish, love. I will not be here for companionship anymore. I am leaving.” Renae suddenly convulsed, writhed, and began to slowly, methodically disintegrate.


  As Renae began to fade into oblivion, Gavis swung his psychosis at the still entranced Chorlisr. “I will not only kill you. I will destroy your entire blood line. Yo
u are the upstart little naïve boy who angered a god.”

  Chorlisr snapped out of the trance, and caught Gavis’ last words. He realized the incantation chose the wrong target, and instead of crippling, it killed an eternal. Renae was crumbling motionless with Gavis kneeling in grief. Chorlisr became very nervous because Gavis spoke in a cold even tone. When your life long mate has been destroyed, not exploding was way worse than losing your rationality. Acrimony was too weak a word to describe Gavis’ bitterness. Chorlisr had to do something so he attempted to call back the hornets.

  Once the sky darkened again, Gavis got up, and walked towards Chorlisr. The Ktaldeik protected him with an array of weapons.

  They slowed Gavis with a barrage of flaming and poison arrows. One protector even braved death by swinging a spiked mace at him, but was knocked back by Gavis. That gave the others on their steeds time to attack with their lances. They drove him back, but were still sluffed by Gavis. His priority was ending Chorlisr.

  As he began to gain more ground, a smaller swarm emerged from the atmospheric rip, and descended on Gavis.

  Gavis knew of their devilish effect, and began to run the other way. The hornets weren’t as effective the second time, and only a few stung him. He escaped into the wood smacking the hornets as they landed on him.

  Chorlisr came out of the trance, and hoped Gavis was ended, but Edward spoke to him.

  “We defended you, but Gavis escaped.”

  “Escaped?! He wanted to destroy me! Why did he run?!”

  A warlock from the Dark Wizard clan interrupted.

  “He was attacked by the swarm that killed the woman. The reason they couldn’t kill him was because killing an immortal is a gargantuan paradox to accomplish, and you called upon them twice in one period.”

  Chorlisr was upset he didn’t get his primary target. Although the woman was an immortal, it wasn’t her time. She never posed a threat to anyone, but being immortal had sealed her fate. Magick doesn’t discern, it completes.

  “He was stung, Reylock. Will that harm him?” Edward asked.

  Just as he asked the question, Renae’s corpse crumbled into a dusty nothingness. It began to blow away in the wind, and Reylock responded.

  He has been affected mystically. His dilapidation will not happen as quickly as the woman, but it will happen, it is inevitable.”

  “So he has his own slowly attacking Plague happening to him,” Chorlisr said with slight satisfaction. “He will still be dangerous until he is no more.”

  “You are not the Ktaldeik Argonaut anymore, Chorlisr. Your quest for balance of absolution is complete. Gavis is dead already. He just doesn’t know it yet,” Edward said with a smile. “Let him wither in his pool of hatred for you. It is done.”

  Chorlisr felt good about completing his quest to protect, but was still weary of not seeing Gavis’ death with his own eyes. Then he looked over to the woman’s crumbling existence, and became a bit more satisfied. Magick was absolute without question.

  “Let us celebrate! The scourge is complete!” Chorlisr mounted his horse, and lead the protectors to a pub to imbibe on flagons of ale.