Read The Millennium Malevolence: The Time Spanning Revenge Endanderment Page 4

  Chapter Two: Unsuspecting Descendant

  Adama was late for her mentorship. She had a late night correcting all those historical inaccuracies. It was World War III that equipped plasma disruption cannons, not WW2. They just had a machine to create a code her students could decipher on their nail color adjusters in a nano-second.

  Adama Aruna was a historical mentor for her evolution sector. History was very important in the twenty fourth century. It told of all the prior atrocities of the human race, and gave them the vital opportunity to learn from the barbaric stupidity of the power hungry monetarily driven human simpletons of that time.

  The archaic practice of gaining wealth for privilege dwindled when the devastating climate change calamity occurred in 2078. The whole fossil fuel pollution from every industrial factory, and the coal over mining was the catalyst for humans to wake up, but some corporate giants weren’t fully awake yet.

  World War III wasn’t a land region, or megalomaniac dictator going crazy with dominant power. It was the corporations all over the world rebelling over the stringent environmental laws passed for the entire planet.

  All the religious radicals, and racist militias across the planet consolidated with other environmental warriors to fight the corporate giants back. The enemy of your enemy was definitely your friend at that time. Nuclear missiles were destroyed years back so it was more so classic tactical attacking.

  There were no neutral countries like Iceland was in World War 2. This was a legitimate world war that took 50 years to complete. When it was over, currency exchange for privilege was outlawed, and social classes were obliterated. The planet took up the ancient Native American practice of equality and care for everyone.

  Adama just caught the EXO-Tranz to get to her enlightenment campus. It only took a few minutes to get 1,600 kilometers for the transport. It was tailored to her destination through her movement pass implant. Once you became a helpful member to society, they implanted your destination pass in your mind. It was versatile for your other destinations so wherever you wanted to travel to, it acquired your mind wave information, and seamlessly took you there. There were no personal vehicles anymore. Another environmental law.

  She arrived with her tablet in hand ready to take on the day. She ran into her best friend Nanjiri.

  “Hi, Addy. Do you want to go to Scallywags tonight? I’m taking Alex ‘man huntin’, and I thought you’d want to brave the companion pool with us.”

  “Why do you always think I’m looking for a man? When I’m ready to venture, Scallywags will not be my hunting grounds. Those guys are just looking for one thing, and a one night stand isn’t what I want.” Adama declined.

  “You know the girls are talking about you. They say you don’t like men, and when they’re alone with you, they get nervous.”

  “I already know that’s coming from Lindsey, and I would just kiss her on the lips to freak her out.” Adama smiled. “Now, Nan, you know I’m the polar opposite of a lesbian, and that my work takes up all my time. I just don’t need any male distractions right now.”

  “I already know you have a one track mind, but you need to keep your honey pot moist before it dries out, honey. You’re going to be out of practice when you’re in a real relationship. Come out with us, girl. A little harmless fun won’t hurt your work. It might help. Your students might stop calling you BSG Commander.”

  “They got that information from my archaic entertainment class. Otherwise they wouldn’t know of Commander Adama, Colonel Tigh, Starbuck, Apollo, or Boomer. At least they retained the information.”

  Nanjiri just looked at her.

  “You can even rationalize your insults instead of getting offended enough to change their views about you. Your problem is you don’t get bothered enough to change for the better. You’re the strangest friend I have.” Nanjiri smiled back. “But I love my strange friend that really wants to go out with me tonight.”

  “Isn’t random fornication with the opposite sex against your religion?” Adama asked, trying to trip her up.

  “You’re lost in your historical timeline, Addy. Sikhism is worshiping the oneness with God, and self-willed perception. We stopped sacrificing virgins in volcanos a very long time ago. Stop throwing obstacles, and come out with us,” Nanjiri put on her puppy dog face.” “Pleeease!”

  Adama knew she wouldn’t stop. She was a persistent woman when she set her goals for her evening. If Adama said no, it would upset her plans severely.

  “I’ll go, Nan, but I’m not looking for anyone. I’ll just be your dull-drum friend sitting in the corner, reading tomorrow’s lesson plan on her tablet.”

  Nanjiri kissed her on her cheek.

  “Thanks, Addy. You’ll have more fun than you’ll expect because I’m getting you drunk.”

  “Getting drunk is fun for you, but I like to keep my control throughout the night. You don’t mind waking up to a strange man, I do,” Adama said.

  “Strange strapping men are exotic. A strange man could be your stuffiness antidote.”

  “I’m your strange friend, but you are my promiscuous friend. You’re very lucky the alleviated every STD known or you’d worry me.”

  “You never use your get out of jail free card, Addy. Live for once in your life.” Nanjiri kissed her on the cheek again. “Now go, and do some mentoring. I’ll see you tonight at eight.”

  As Nanjiri left to mentor Quantum Anomalies, Addy thought, I should have never taught her about the ancient practice of playing board games. She wouldn’t have known that get out of jail free thing if it wasn’t for me. I hate giving her ammunition to win her arguments over me.


  Adama had a productive day mentoring about the environmental disasters causing WW3. The BP spill, the Keystone pipeline explosion, the Jarvis Chemical ground saturation, The Rejenes mine shaft cave-in, and the trigger of the Volero atmospheric arsenic pollution that poisoned the residents of Tartu Estonia.

  She was happy earthen government never approved the instant information mind downloads invented 57 years earlier because of the random lobotomy side effect of the implantation. If it went through, and was successful, Adama wouldn’t be that productive member to society because an implant would have taken away her importance.

  She took her EXO-Tranz home, had an energetic production dinner, and got dressed in her Krakon Valleri skirt and blouse set to participate in her Scallywags adventure. She didn’t expect anything to happen other than Nanjiri coaxing her all night, but there was something that began a thousand years earlier that would severely augment her typical, Nanjiri declining, night out.

  When it was time to go, Adama brought her tablet, and traveled to Scallywags. When she arrived she saw Nanjiri, Alex, and surprisingly, Lindsey.

  “Hi, Addy. I’m glad you came out.” Nanjiri waved at her.

  Adama immediately went into defense, and looked sternly at Nanjiri.

  “I didn’t think we were going to be the Gloucester Sector Diva Squad tonight.”

  “Oh, Addy. It’s girl’s night out. Every lady wants to go to Lady’s Night at Scallywags.”

  “You have to forgive me. I don’t have Scallywags’ schedule. I thought it would be just us three.”

  Lindsey spoke. “I told you, Nan. Dyke Queen doesn’t want me here.”

  Adama remembered her Jai Merrick defense training, and slowly walked up to Lindsey.

  “Why do you always call me a lesbian? Is it because that has been your wish all along? You aren’t gossiping about me. You secretly want me to touch you in that special spot no man could find. Stop fighting your feelings, and let’s play, Lindsey.”

  She grabbed her by the back of her neck, and forcefully kissed her on the lips! All the men in the crowd began to cheer, and the women were surprised.

  When she released Lindsey, she began to cough, and spit in amazement.

“You are a dyke, Adama! I don’t swing that way! Stay away from me!” She turned to Nanjiri. “I’m sorry, Nan. I’m leaving! My night has definitely been ruined!”

  Lindsey stormed off to her EXO-Tranz, and went home humiliated.

  “Well, you said you were going to do it, but I just thought you were joking. You actually kissed a girl!”

  “And referencing my classic pop music class, and I liked it.” Adama felt better about besting the gossiping Lindsey. “I just killed two birds, Nan. I got Lindsey to leave, and the guys think I’m a dyke so they won’t bother me tonight.”

  “You leave nothing to chance. I was going to get you drunk tonight,” Nanjiri said.

  Adama held up her tablet.

  “I can’t grade filled with an Oxy-slammer in my system. Like I told you this morning, I’m the dull friend tonight.”

  Nanjiri grabbed her arm.

  “And like I told you, I’m getting you drunk tonight.”

  They waited in line to be let in, and Alex spoke.

  “Nan is crazy, Addy. How did the schoolmarm, and the party girl become friends?”

  “I’m not a schoolmarm, Alex, and Nan’s a Quantum Anomaly scholar who plays party girl when the sun goes down. We connect intellectually.”

  Alex looked over to Nanjiri flirting with a guy in line while he was staring at her boobs she displayed with pride in her Max Sprocket top.

  “Yep, Nan’s very intellectual, and who brought her tablet to a club to grade assignments in the middle of a man meat market?”

  “I came out because Nan asked me to. We just have different objectives tonight. I just want to correct assignments, and you two want to get laid. If you don’t judge me, I won’t judge you.”

  “I told you you’re a schoolmarm, Addy. I need physical contact tonight. I just broke up with Saul, and I’m feeling a little frisky right about now.”

  “Is that why you’re wearing your Darin Corella bodysuit, and your ‘Come Get Me’ pumps?”

  Alex smiled at her.

  “I thought we weren’t judging tonight.”

  “You kept calling me schoolmarm, Alex. I can call you ready and willing.”

  The trio gained access to Scallywags, and went inside. The lights were piercing, and the music had a hard drive to it. All the men were looking as if they were on display for the ladies. It was definitely a meat market. Adama just wasn’t in the purchasing mood.

  “Let’s get a table in the back! I want to view tonight’s stock!” Nanjiri yelled over Gage Gator blaring over the speakers.

  They navigated through all the dancers on the floor, and found a booth. Adama sat in between the two, and pulled out her tablet. Nanjiri typed in three Oxy-slammer drinks into the beverage computer, and they materialized in front of her. She gave one to Alex, and just as she was placing one in front of Adama, she spoke up.

  “I’m about to correct my assignments! I can’t have an Oxy-slammer! I’d have a sip, and wake up with a hangover in the morning!” Give me a Synthatail!”

  Nanjiri was disappointed at Adama.

  “I can’t get you drunk with a fake drink!”

  “I told you I’d be boring tonight! I came out because you wouldn’t stop until I did! I’m not getting drunk, and waking up to a strange man in my bed! You do that, I don’t! Synthatail, please!”

  Nanjiri typed in the drink, and it materialized in front of her. She gave it to Adama.

  “Here, enjoy your clarity! After we slam our Oxys, we’re going to hit the dance floor!”

  Nanjiri and Alex finished their drinks, and went to dace. Adama watched all the men hover around them, and thought.

  The mating game hasn’t changed in eons. The males gather around to display their plumage to the females to impress them. If Nan shows a sexy signal to one of them, the others will get stupidly aggressive.

  Adama was observing the ancient ritual, but had no idea she was being targeted by an apex predator.


  Outside of the club the door guard bouncer was doing his job of only letting in the pretty clientele of the crowd when a disheveled taller man began to walk past him. He grabbed the man’s shoulder to stop him.

  “You can’t just barge in here! Get to the back of the line!”

  It was Gavis, and he refused the order of waiting. He grabbed the bouncer’s arm, and twisted it in a roaring cracking pain! The bouncer fell to his knees.

  Gavis said nothing to him, and began to walk into the club accompanied with all the screams of the women in the waiting line.

  Adama heard the commotion, and wondered what was happening up front.

  The security team was swift at incapacitating inebriated clubbers, and quickly scrambled to Gavis.

  “Stand down, NOW!”

  Gavis continued his quest, and didn’t adhere to their request. The team had their incapacitation guns aimed at his stomach, and fired into his body.

  The normally debilitating shots hit his torso, but he wasn’t fazed by them. He had a target, and this newish technology would not hinder his intention of ridding this world of Chorlisr’s blood line. This was his final descendant, and she was targeted for annihilation.

  Nanjiri ran up to Adama.

  “What’s happening, Addy?! The front is glitching out with crazy violence!”

  “I don’t know! Maybe Gage Gator is inciting a riot!”

  “At least we’re back here! Security should contain whatever’s happening!” Nanjiri had a false sense of protection.

  One of the more aggressive guards grabbed Gavis in a takedown move, but Gavis grabbed his chest, and flung him twelve meters towards the rear of the dance floor. He skid to a halt on the floor in an unconscious heap. The club goers parted the jumbled crowd to have him hit the floor, and began to scream while running towards the entrance. Gage Gator had stopped.

  Alex ran to the two.

  “Why did you take me to this crazy Cherax fighting ring club?! That lunatic just threw security! We gotta get outa here NOW!”

  As Nanjiri and Alex were about to run for their lives, Gunter, another absolute arithmetic mentor grabbed Adama’s arm.

  “He’s got your scent! You’re going to die if you don’t fight him! Stand back!”

  Gunter pushed her into the booth, and the other two ran to her. Why was Gunter at the club? This wouldn’t be his relaxation environment.

  Gunter stood with brevity in front of Gavis.

  “You will not destroy the great Chorlisr Remmik’s final descendant, Gavis! The Ktaldeik will not allow it!”

  Gavis stopped in his tracks. He hadn’t heard the name Ktaldeik for a millennia. After all this time, they still hunted him.

  “And what pissant Protector thinks he could stop me? You?!”

  Gunter pulled out a strange, differently colored rifle.

  “Times have changed drastically, Gavis! I don’t need incantations to cripple you!”

  Gunter fired at Gavis, but they weren’t plasma, or bullet ammunition. Instead of laser fire, misty smoke was shot at him. It was a silent fire but a potentially deadly result to a compromised immortal. Sadly, Gavis healed, and was at full strength.

  The mist was a spirit assault. Gavis was knocked back by specters. As he was catapulted back into the dance floor gouging divots out of the neon illuminated plexi-formica floor, Gunter grabbed Adama.

  “I just made him angrier! He’ll be down for a few minutes! Let’s get outa here!”

  After what she witnessed, Adama didn’t argue with him. They all ran out the entrance, and got to the EXO-Tranz.

  “Don’t think about going home! He knows where you live! I got it!”

  They began to go somewhere other than her Rhode Island home. They weren’t even in the state anymore. She had no idea of their destination. She looked at Nanjiri with Alex in a confused, frazzled state, and looked at Gunter holding a rifle she had never see
n in all her historical nentorship.

  Gunter looked at Adama who had the inevitable question on her lips.

  “Who in Verdec’s army are you?!”