Read The Mind Readers Page 20

  “Lewis,” I whispered his name, but he heard all the same. I felt betrayed, hurt in a way I couldn’t stand. That same body that had offered me comfort before, was now a foreign object keeping me imprisoned in this hell.

  “Lewis,” my voice caught, my fingers curling into his sweatshirt. His face was hard, but his eyes…dare I believe that his eyes were softening as he stared down at me? “Don’t do this. Please let me—”

  “What the hell do you think you’re doing, Cameron?” Aaron suddenly appeared behind Lewis. Aaron never lost his cool, but now, as he stared daggers down at me, I was seeing the man for who he truly was, and he was irate. “Not only are you endangering your life, but the life of a child.”

  Lewis stood. I jumped to my feet, stumbling back a few feet. Four guards stood behind Aaron, waiting to do his bidding. Deborah, the gorgeous Indian woman, held Caroline’s hand, doing nothing to calm the little girl who was crying. No hugs, no whispered words to tell her everything was going to be alright. Caroline was terrified and cold and that really pissed me off. It was one thing to scare me, but a little girl?

  “We have alarms on the doors for protection,” Aaron said. He wore dress pants and a button up shirt, as if he’d been awake for some time. Like a father, dressed for work. “Did you really think you could just leave without someone knowing?”

  I had hoped, but decided to keep that to myself. I crossed my arms over my chest, attempting to keep my body from trembling. It was no use. Between the wet clothes, cold air and the fear working its way through my gut, I was an anxious mess.

  “I’m leaving,” I snapped, daring them to disagree.

  Aaron frowned. “There is a front door you could use, you know.”

  Was he being sarcastic? “You’d let me leave?”

  “Of course I would. I’m not a prison keeper.” He started to turn.

  “Could have fooled me,” I grumbled under my breath.

  Aaron jerked his head toward me. I resisted the urge to step back, realizing I might have gone too far. For one long moment he just stood there glaring at me. Not one person said a word, everyone stood still…as if waiting to see what would happen next.

  Finally, he looked at Deborah. “Take Caroline back to the dorm.”

  “Come along,” Deborah snapped like a general giving orders.

  Caroline looked at me, her eyes pleading, as if she expected I could do something to save her. She didn’t realize I was as trapped as she was. I didn’t believe for a moment that Aaron was going to let me leave. Just like that, Caroline was gone, forced back into her prison and I realized I’d failed her.

  “Lewis, escort Ms. Winters to her room.” Aaron started toward the house, having no further use for me.

  “You said I could leave,” I reminded Lewis and the guards.

  Lewis stepped forward. I stepped back.

  “And you will,” he said. “But you’re soaking wet. I won’t let you leave like this. Although you seem to think I am, I’m not a monster. You’ll take the ferry home.”

  I brushed past Lewis and raced after Aaron. “And what about Caroline?”

  Aaron didn’t bother to glance back. “Caroline is a child and I am her guardian. I have the papers. You have no say in how I raise her.”

  “She wants to go home! She misses her family. It’s not right, stealing kids from their parents!”

  He paused near the back door, his gaze cold. “Caroline’s parents were going to put her in a mental institution.”

  I stiffened. It wasn’t true. He was lying, I was sure of it. “I don’t believe you.”

  “You are an immature child who knows nothing about what is truly out there. I’ve done all I can to protect you, yet you still resist. You will not endanger the others here. Tomorrow you will leave and you will be forced to live with the repercussions.”

  He pulled open the very door where I’d made my escape only moments before, and disappeared inside. I couldn’t seem to move, even though the cold air was freezing my wet clothes and my body was trembling, I couldn’t move.

  Doubt crept through me. Why was it that every time I talked to Aaron, I was left feeing unsure? I knew I was right, but I couldn’t help but question my own sanity when he seemed so rational. Was it true? Had he done these children a favor by taking them in? Lewis paused next to me.

  “So, you weren’t going to say goodbye?” His voice was hard, angry.

  “I didn’t think I had a choice,” I whispered, unable to meet his gaze.

  He didn’t respond but pulled open the door and moved inside. I dared to glance back at the small army of guards who were behind me. Yeah, I was outnumbered and out muscled, to say the least.

  I stepped into Aaron’s home and hurried after Lewis. “Lewis, I—”

  He paused at the bottom of the steps, his back to me. His shoulders were tense, his entire body trembling. “I can’t stop you, can I?” He looked back at me, his gaze piercing. “I’ve tried to protect you, but you just don’t get it.” He turned and started up the steps once more, as if done with me altogether.

  “No, you don’t get it.” I rushed up the stairs, knowing this could be my last chance to make him understand. “These children deserve to be with their parents.” We paused on the main floor. “You should know that better than anyone.”

  He latched onto my arm, his grip painful. “No matter how we explain the facts, you twist them and turn them. I have nothing more to say to you, Cameron. Go to bed.” He pulled me up the steps to the second floor, going so fast, I tripped beside him. At my bedroom door, I jerked away from his hold. It was over. Anything we had, any emotions we’d shared, they were over.

  “Don’t try to escape again,” he said. “You can wait until tomorrow to leave. And you sure as hell better not try to take any of the kids with you. You’ll only endanger them as well.”

  Tears stung my eyes. Somehow the tables had been turned. I felt horrible, as if I was the one making mistakes, as if I was the one in the wrong. Maybe I was. “And just like that, huh?” I whispered. “I can leave tomorrow?”

  He took a step back, his gaze pinned to me. “Tomorrow, you can leave,” Lewis said, his voice hard. His gaze no longer held any emotion. “You’ll go home.”

  I lifted my chin defiantly, not willing to let him see how his indifference hurt. “I don’t buy it.”

  He took another step back. “You’re right. Nothing comes without consequence. We must protect the good of the Mind Readers. In the evening, Aaron will come for you. Your memory of this place, of me…all of it…will be gone. You’ll finally get what you want.”

  Chapter 19

  The sun wavered on the edge of the horizon, hovering there for eternity, taunting me as if knowing that once it slipped below, my life would change forever. Afternoon was fading fast into evening. With evening, they would arrive.

  Lewis’ face flashed to mind. Aaron will come for you. Your memory of this place, of me…all of it…will be gone. You’ll finally get what you want.

  But he knew I didn’t want this. Who would want their brain turned into mush? I pressed my fingers to the window, my breath fogging the cold glass. I couldn’t rest. I couldn’t eat. I couldn’t do anything but wait for the thump of Aaron’s footsteps in the hallway outside my bedroom door.

  I glanced over my shoulder at the clock on my bedside table. The minutes flashed; brilliant red numbers that glared at me. For three hours I’d barely moved. For three hours I’d stared at that clock until I thought my retinas would burn. Aaron would come any moment now. I knew that. It was almost as if I could sense him closer…Frustrated tears burned my eyes. I swiped angrily at my wet cheeks. The waiting was unbearable.

  He’d posted a guard at my bedroom door. I glanced outside. The big, burly man who had ripped me from that tunnel stood below my window. Aaron wasn’t leaving anything to chance. Lewis wouldn’t help me. Grandma had no clue where to find me. I was alone in this mess.

  How much of my memory would they take? Everything I knew about Lew
is, every experience we’d ever shared. As much as I resented him, the thought of forgetting Lewis completely killed me. This island, this home…all gone. The children…Caroline…gone. What if Aaron screwed up and erased more? What if I became some vegetable with no thoughts, no life?

  It wasn’t right. He had no right to do this to me. He had no right to do this to anyone.

  The tears came again, hot, stinging tears that slipped down cheeks raw from crying so much. As angry as I was at Aaron I was even more so at my supposed boyfriend. How could Lewis let this happen? Some girls complained because their boyfriends didn’t pay them enough attention, or buy them gifts. But let’s face it, Lewis could pretty much hands down win Worst Boyfriend Of The Year.

  I spun around, anger propelling me forward, pacing back and forth, stuck in this stupid room. Should I even try to fight him? Or were my chances of winning just too pathetic? He had his henchmen to hold me down. I’d never really have a chance. My legs suddenly weak, I sank onto the edge of the bed. Would it hurt as I’d hurt Maddox? Would I bleed? I suppose I deserved it after what I’d done. Maybe this was what they meant by karma.

  A soft murmur of voices interrupted the quiet. I surged from the bed and stumbled back until my shoulder blades hit the wall. My time had come. I patted my jean pocket, searching for the feel of the Swiss Army Knife that had belonged to Dad. It might be a sad weapon and they’d probably find it on me, but for now it was the only protection I had.

  Someone knocked, which made me laugh, a strangled manic laugh. I found their use of manners and privacy ridiculous considering the circumstance. I didn’t bother to respond, but turned toward the windows, offering whoever it was my back. Could I lie? Pretend I’d changed my mind and wanted to be one of them again?

  The door opened. My heart leapt into my throat. I didn’t turn to look; I could see Lewis’s reflection in the windows. He hesitated in the doorway and I wished I could see him better. Why I cared what he was thinking, I wasn’t sure, but I wanted to read his mind. Did he regret doing this to me? Or was his need to see S.P.I. destroyed so great that he’d sacrifice our relationship so easily?

  “We have to go…now,” his voice was strong, sure as if he didn’t care at all what was about to happen.

  My stomach churned and bile raced up my throat. I refused to puke in front of him.

  “We need to hurry,” he said, his voice softer this time. “It will take only a few moments, you’ll rest and then we’ll escort you home tomorrow.”

  “Will it hurt?” I cursed my voice for catching.

  He was quiet for a long, telling moment. “A little.”

  I cringed, despite trying not to. “A little like we only hurt Maddox a little?” I turned, facing him.

  He was wearing jeans and a fitted t-shirt that hugged his broad shoulders. Gorgeous…always gorgeous. But he was pale and there were dark circles under his blue eyes, indicating he hadn’t slept. Well, good. It served him right.

  “It’s the only way,” he whispered. “I thought this was what you wanted.”

  At one time he’d cared about me, cared if I hurt, if I was injured. “I want…” No, I wouldn’t say it. There was no point, but I couldn’t stop the words from tumbling through my head. I wanted things back to the way they were. Just me and Lewis. But I’d die before I’d say the words aloud.

  “Sir,” one of the guards muttered, “we need to hurry.”

  So while Lewis stood there staring at me with those fathomless eyes, I tilted my chin arrogantly high and snapped out, “Let’s get this over with.”

  I wouldn’t look at him. I wouldn’t beg him to help. If he wanted me to forget about him, I would. As I moved by him, he reached out, his fingers warm on my wrist. The moment he touched me, tears burned my eyes. I couldn’t control myself around him.

  “Cameron,” he whispered. He jerked me to him and I didn’t protest. I sank into his body as he hugged me and I hugged him back, afraid to let go. “I’ll miss you.” His words tore at my heart. He cupped the sides of my face and pressed his lips to mine, a hard kiss. And I knew it would be our last.

  Tears slipped down my cheeks. I tried to memorize everything about him…the way he smelled, the way his lips felt against mine. I clung desperately to those memories even as I knew that within moments they could be gone, erased from my mind forever.

  He tore his mouth from mine and backed up, his gaze intense, his breathing harsh.

  “Lewis.” I raised my hand. I wanted to beg him to go with me, beg him not to let this happen.

  He turned away. My hand dropped to my side, my heart crumbling to the pit of my belly. I wouldn’t plead. No, not again. He’d picked this stupid mission over me plenty of times. I would not beg him again.

  “Let’s go,” one of the guards demanded.

  Lewis moved into the hall, not bothering to look back to see if I followed. He knew I had no choice. I barely noticed the length of the hall. The stairs seemed too steep and high for my trembling body. Each step down sent my heart racing faster, so fast I thought I’d faint. Closer to Aaron’s study…closer to the end. I felt like I was headed toward my hanging.

  It would hurt, even Lewis had admitted that much. I wasn’t a coward, but I certainly didn’t like pain. As I made my way toward Aaron’s office door, my body felt numb, the situation unreal. It was as if my mind couldn’t take the truth and my body was shutting down. We paused and I was vaguely aware of Lewis knocking. I tried not think about what would happen, tried not to think about the pain, tried not to think about the fact that no longer would I know there were others like me. Instead, I focused on the fact that tomorrow I’d be in my narrow bed, in my small room at Grandma’s.

  The door opened and Aaron appeared dressed as immaculately as always in black slacks and a blue button up shirt. I was so disgusted by the sight of him that for a moment I didn’t notice the frantic look in his gaze. But as he scowled down at me, I realized there was something more to his gaze, something that looked oddly like worry.

  “It’s too late,” he snapped. “Take her to the dorm, now.”

  “They’re already here?” Lewis demanded. “What happened?”

  No why or Okie Dokie, not even a Yes Sir, but a what’s happened. Which made me realize that taking me to the dorm had not been the original plan. Aaron slid me a suspicious glance, then looked back at Lewis. “They’ve breached the fence.”

  “Shit,” Lewis whispered.

  “They who?” I asked.

  Aaron turned, heading back into his office. “Get her downstairs, we’re under lock down.”

  Lewis grabbed my arm and dragged me down the hall. “Lewis, what the hell’s going on?”

  I could feel his body trembling as I tripped beside him. Was he trembling from fear or anger…I wasn’t sure. “All those S.P.I. agents you’ve been defending have breached our security. They’re coming. Better pray they don’t get into the mansion.”

  My fear turned bitterly cold as panic flooded my body. I was barely aware as we stumbled down the steps to the basement. Having a piece of your memory erased didn’t seem so bad compared to being murdered. Would they kill us? Imprison us?

  So focused on my fear, I was surprised to suddenly find us standing in front of the Children’s Ward. Lewis punched in a code and the door slid open. The children were sitting on their beds, but awake, a sea of round, chubby faces staring at me.

  “You’ll all stay in here, understand?” Lewis asked, pushing me inside. Everything was moving too quickly, my mind couldn’t grasp the situation. But I was well aware that Lewis was leaving me, abandoning me, here.

  He was at the door when I finally found my voice. “Lewis! Where are you going? You can’t leave me here!”

  He didn’t bother to turn around. “It’s the safest place for you.”

  He slammed the door in my face. My stomach dropped. I grasped onto the cold, metal handle and pulled. It didn’t budge. Trapped. I spun around. The children were sitting there, watching me with patient acceptance. I f
ound Caroline almost immediately, a golden beacon of hope. She was two beds down, her face showing no emotion.

  “It’s fine. We’ll be okay,” I said softly to myself, or to the children, I wasn’t sure who.

  No one responded to my pathetic attempt at a pep talk. But then again at least they didn’t look afraid. Why didn’t they look afraid? Maybe this happened often, maybe they didn’t care. “I’m saying we’re safe here.”

  Still no response.

  “We know,” Caroline finally said.

  “Oh, so this has happened before?”

  She nodded. I shook my head, disgusted. What a wonderful way for a child to live. I couldn’t leave them here. I had to find away to take them with me. As soon as the thought entered, I realized how ridiculous it was. Right, it was going to be hard enough to slip out unnoticed, how would I escape with twenty kids?

  Realizing there was nothing I could do for these children at the moment, I focused on doing something proactive…like pacing. I walked up and down the aisle between the beds, my mind spinning. Lewis could be hurt, even killed. And I hated myself for caring about him, and wondered if this was his powers of mental and emotion persuasion at work once more. And what about Maddox? Would he escape? Or would they, seeing him as a threat, get rid of him altogether?

  Footsteps thundered above, making the ceiling vibrate. The children gasped as one, finally reacting like normal human beings. They scampered from their little beds, huddling together against the far wall.

  “It’s okay,” I insisted, although I knew it was far from okay. If those footsteps were from S.P.I., that meant they’d invaded the house. The million dollar question was were S.P.I. good or bad? What if they could help and escort me to my Grandma’s? What if they killed us all? It didn’t matter, I had to try.

  “Does anyone know the code on the door?”

  Caroline parted from the group, her long nightgown brushing against the floor. “Promise you’ll come back for me?”