Read The Minute Boys of Boston Page 12



  It seemed as if Hiram grew bolder the nearer we advanced to the point ofdanger, for instead of going up Muddy river and from thence making ourway across to Dorchester through Roxbury, as had been much the same asagreed upon the night previous, he put straight for Stony brook, and,hugging the eastern shore of the point, we made our way along untilhaving come to the American outpost, arriving there about nightfall.

  Here we had no difficulty in making ourselves known, owing to thefortunate circumstance that the captain who was in command at that timehad seen us Minute Boys and Hiram more than once at Cambridge, thereforewas he ready to welcome us in as hearty a manner as possible, sparingnot his stores so that we might husband what little food we had broughtfrom the encampment.

  As a matter of course he was curious to know where we were bound, andwhen he asked questions concerning our purpose we lads would have puthim off with evasive replies, believing Hiram desired to keep secretthat which we would do, therefore was our surprise great when Griffinmade a clean breast of the whole scheme, even going into details so faras lay in his power.

  It seemed to me only natural the captain would cry out against such ahair-brained scheme, and so he did, speaking forcefully to the effectthat while it was possible we might succeed, when all the circumstanceswere favorable, in sneaking past the red-coated sentinels, he wasconfident we would be made prisoners within four and twenty hours afterarriving in town.

  I rather encouraged him in his outcry against the venture, believing hisopinion would have no little weight with Hiram; but it was much the sameas pouring water on a duck's back, to argue against what our leader hadalready set his mind upon.

  He listened to all the captain said, making no reply, and when theconversation had come to an end I believe of a verity he was moredetermined in his purpose than before.

  "Are you still bound to find out what a British prison is like?" thecaptain asked just a trifle petulantly when he was come to an end of hisremonstrances.

  "We are not minded that they shall take us prisoners; but at the sametime we are going into Boston, and if in all that town, where yet remainmany who love the Cause, we cannot succeed in hiding ourselves pastreasonable danger of being found, then do we deserve to be shut upwithin stone walls."

  When Hiram had said this the captain looked at him pityingly, as Ithought, and made reply:

  "He who is pig-headed will go his way despite all that others can say tothe contrary, therefore I but waste my breath in striving to point outthe dangers which are known better by me, than by you lads."

  With this he turned on his heels, leaving us to eat our supper, and whenhe was out of earshot Hiram said as if the captain's sharp words hadpleased him not a little:

  "I have known many who didn't have sufficient of pig-headedness in theirnature, and we saw some of them in the battle; but, thank God! they weremighty few!"

  All of which meant, as I interpreted it, that our leader had beenstrengthened in his purpose rather than weakened.

  Well, we remained at the outpost all night, and by break of day set offon the highway for Dorchester, where we came upon more of our troops,and were forced to spend no little time explaining why we desired tocontinue on to Nook's hill.

  Here, as at the Roxbury outpost, we were given much advice which Iconsidered good, for it was to the effect that we go back to Cambridgerather than sacrifice our liberty, perhaps our lives, in what was littleless than an act of folly.

  You can fancy that these words had as little effect on Hiram as had theadvice of the captain in Roxbury, and on we tramped until coming towhere the highway ended in a pasture, when we turned sharply to thewestward. On this last course we were headed for the shore, and, havingarrived there, followed the line of the coast to a small gun-battery,nearby which was a block-house for the shelter of the men who were incharge of that apology for a fortification.

  Here we found no one who could vouch for our loyalty to the Cause, andit was difficult to convince the lieutenant in charge that we were trueAmericans, for he failed utterly of understanding why, if we would servethe Cause, it was our intent to sacrifice ourselves.

  However, before night had come Hiram succeeded in making the officerunderstand that we had told him no more than the truth, for it seemedthat this lieutenant came from Concord, and Griffin was intimatelyacquainted with many of his friends.

  When he found that it was not possible to turn us back, he set aboutdoing all he could to further what he called "the mad plan," and to thatend agreed that when everything was in favor of our making an attempt toenter Boston, meaning on the first cloudy or stormy night, he wouldprovide us with a skiff. He also directed us to an old man who lived atWindmill point, by name of Job Lord, whom he declared would do for usall within his power, and insisted that we might trust him as we wouldour own fathers.

  We remained with these soldiers four days, during which time even Hiramsaw no fair opportunity to cross over into the town, and meanwhile wewere eating our hearts out with impatience. As has already been said,too often, perhaps, I did not favor the plan, but yet before a suitablenight came I was eager to be about the undertaking, for anything wasbetter than remaining there twirling our thumbs, and it seemed certainthat each day we lingered rendered it more difficult for us to come atSilas.

  Then, near about sundown on a certain afternoon, clouds began to gatherin the sky. There was a promise of rain in the southerly wind, andbefore darkness had fully come we saw to it that our skiff was madeready for the short journey; that the oars were muffled, and that suchprovisions as the men at the battery could spare, were bestowed amongour clothing in such a way as would least hamper us in case we wereforced to depend upon our heels for safety.

  The men, whom we had come to know right well during our long stay, badeus "good bye" as if believing we would never meet again, and so solemnwas the leave-taking that much of my eagerness to forward the venturewas dispelled.

  We waited until after nine of the clock, and then pushed cautiously outfrom the shore, heading as nearly as we might for Windmill point, itbeing our purpose to seek out this Job Lord, to whom we had beencommended, before doing anything else. But there was much of danger inthe way ere we could come upon the man, for the lieutenant had assuredus that the vigilance of the Britishers before the battle at Breed'shill, was as nothing compared with what we would find it now.

  Save the weather had favored us as it did on that night when we fledfrom Boston after having rescued Archie, no better time could have beenchosen for the attempt. The rain did not bear out the token which thesoutherly wind gave; but the sky was covered with dense clouds, and hadwe been provided with a sail the journey might have been made in shortorder, unless, peradventure, it was interrupted by a British guard-boat.

  It can well be supposed that we held our peace as we approached thepoint and heard the cries of the sentinels on the shore, and I believedof a verity that we could not put the skiff aground without beinghalted.

  We came up on the eastern side of the point. Hiram steering with theoars after having cautioned that we should do no more than remainmotionless, and when the water shoaled our leader stepped out over theport rail, motioning for us to do the same. When we were standingknee-deep in the water, Griffin gave the light skiff a vigorous thrust,sending her up past the town, for he did not count on her being foundnext morning to give proof that someone had made a landing.

  We had come to the town, as you might say, without having seen ared-coated sentinel, and because I had believed it would not even bepossible for us to approach the shore without being hailed, it seemed tome this was a good omen, therefore did my spirits rise higher than atany time since we set out on the venture.

  About midway between the point and Darby's wharf we scrambled up on theland, Archie leading the way because he was better acquainted with thisportion of the town than any other of the company, and headed acrosslots for South street, counting to gain Cow lane where we were told JobLord li

  As we made our way cautiously, noiselessly as Indians might have done,it was possible to hear loud voices coming from the direction of Hill'swharf, and I had no doubt but that a guard of Britishers was stationedthere, being all the more convinced that such was a fact because of ournot having come across any of the lobster backs when finally we stood atthe corner of Cow lane.

  If I remember rightly, there were then on the right-hand side as youfaced Fort hill, three buildings. The first a small dwelling, next astable, and then a house built partly of logs and partly of sawedtimbers, in which last the lieutenant at the battery had told us MasterLord lived. The officer had also said that instead of going directly tothe door to demand admittance, we must pass around to the easterly sideand knock on the second shutter from the end.

  Now it was Hiram's turn to take the lead, and he ordered us to remainwithin the shadow cast by the stable until having made certain there wasno one on the street, after which he walked swiftly around the house inwhich Master Lord lived, and gave the signal as had been advised.

  We followed closely upon his heels, as you can well imagine, and afterhe had rapped softly on the window I wondered what would be the resultif we had hit upon the wrong building, when a cautious voice was heardfrom the inside.

  "If you have aught of business with me go to the rear door."

  This we did, and, still acting in accordance with the instructions ofthe lieutenant, Hiram said, not waiting for the door to be opened:

  "We are come to learn if you can supply us with fish?"

  "When do you want them?" was the answer, and our leader replied:

  "As soon as possible, for fear some one will come up and interrupt thebargain."

  All this conversation, we had been told, was necessary in order toconvince Master Lord that his visitors were true to the Cause anddesired his aid.

  That we had repeated the words correctly was shown by the opening of thedoor, and although no one could be seen, we four stepped insidehurriedly, after which the door was closed and barred, when the screenwas thrown from a lantern which set on a rude table. Then we saw beforeus the man whom we had been told would be able, above all others, to aidus in our dangerous venture.


  Master Lord was a tall, thin, hatchet-faced person, with shifty eyeswhich gave you the impression that he had something to conceal. In fact,he was the reverse of the man in whom I would put confidence, and yetthe lieutenant at the battery had assured us that again and again JobLord had given evidence of his loyalty to the Cause.

  However, it was not for us to find fault with his personal appearance,for however true or however false he might be, we were dependent uponhim, or would be, after having explained the purpose of our coming.

  Master Lord held up the unscreened lantern that he might scrutinize eachin turn, and this he did in silence, devoting to it no little time,after which he commanded us to follow him as he led the way through atrap-door into the cellar.

  I was considerably surprised at finding this place more comfortablyfurnished than the room above. There were two couches made of saplingsand covered with beds of straw; a table, and a fire-place, behind whichhung all the implements for cooking. Suspended from the beams were twolarge lanterns. One of these Master Lord lighted, carrying back thesmaller lantern to the room above, and, rejoining us, took his seat on astool at the table, asking sharply with much the air of a judge:

  "What brings you lads into Boston at this time?"

  "It is an overly long story," Hiram replied, drawing up to the table astool for himself and sitting down as if to begin the tale; but beforehe could say more Master Lord interrupted him by demanding of Archie:

  "Is not your father that John Hemming who is known as a Son of Liberty?"

  "Aye, sir, that he is."

  "Then you four must have been in the party that set off from Barton'spoint not long since, and were afterward heard of at Hog island?"

  "That we were, sir," Archie replied.

  "And it may be you know somewhat concerning the doings at Breed's hill?"

  "These lads should be well acquainted with what took place there, sincethey acted a manly part," Hiram cried before anyone else could speak."There was no man in the ranks who behaved in better fashion than they."

  "And having kept clear of the Britishers that day, you are come to givethem another chance at you?" Master Lord inquired, still looking atArchie, and again Hiram took it upon himself to make reply:

  "You had best hear the story as to why these lads have come," he said,fearing, as I believed, lest Master Lord insist that we take advantageof the darkness to retrace our steps.

  Then, without waiting for permission, Hiram told all that we had learnedconcerning Silas; explained why we left the encampment, and gave thedetails of our stay at the battery near Nook's hill, adding inconclusion:

  "When the Britishers come to know that Silas Brownrigg was of that sameparty which carried away the provisions from Hog island, and begin tosuspect he might have been concerned in releasing a prisoner, they willmost like treat him with greater severity than may be shown thoseunfortunates who were captured at the close of the battle, having noworse record than love of the colonies."

  Master Lord nodded, as if to say that he quite agreed with Hiram; butremained silent so long that it seemed as if he had forgotten we werethere, and I ventured to ask with no little timidity:

  "Do you know, sir, where the prisoners taken at Breed's hill areconfined?"

  "Some of them are in the Queen-street prison, and a goodly number havebeen taken to the Bridewell. Who could give information to theBritishers that you were concerned in the work at Hog island?" he asked,turning squarely upon me.

  "Seth Jepson," I replied, and then I told him of our having enrolledthat young Tory among the Minute Boys, as well as the reason we had forsuspecting him before he openly played the traitor by bringing thelobster backs to Barton's point.

  Again Master Lord fell silent, and this time none of us ventured toquestion him. We sat there, Hiram drumming with his fingers impatientlyupon the table while we three lads stared at our host, until it seemedto me a full five minutes had passed when Master Lord, his eyes shiftinguneasily from one to the other, began as if simply giving words to histhoughts:

  "This place has served many a time, since General Gage began makingtrouble, as a refuge for those who were in sore need of hiding, and thusfar the Britishers have had no suspicion that I did all within my powerto serve the Cause. To make any attempt at releasing a prisoner now,when the lobster backs are so sore over that victory at Breed's hill,which was nothing more nor less than defeat, promises to reveal thework which has been carried on here."

  He ceased speaking a full minute, and then cried out as if believing wesuspected him of being afraid:

  "Not that I care about myself, for I'll engage to give the Britishersthe slip if I have five minutes warning of their intent to take me intocustody; but I'm questioning whether we might not be doing more harm tothe Cause by making known the secret of this place in order to rescuefrom prison a single lad, than if we left him to his fate, keepingsecure our refuge here for those who may stand in greater need than hedoes of liberty."

  "We were not counting on your taking any hand in this matter," Hiramsaid promptly when the old man ceased speaking. "Our first need is ahiding-place until we get true knowledge of where the lad may be, andpossibly you can send us to some trusty person who, knowing all thecircumstances, would give us shelter."

  "It is certain you can do nothing this night, and I am willing toconfess that you have accomplished a great deal by getting into Boston,for it has not been an easy matter since the battle. Are you in need offood?"

  "We have had for supper all that four persons could desire," I repliedquickly, fearing lest he might think we had it in mind to depend uponhim entirely.

  "Then lie down and take your rest, giving no heed to anything you mayhear in the night. Regardless of what takes plac
e, hold your peace, andI'll answer for it that no one will suspect there are any hiding here.When the day comes I shall strive to learn what I may regarding yourcomrade, and meet you again at the first opportunity."

  Having said this, and without giving us a chance to add a word, he wentup the ladder which led to the kitchen above, leaving us staring at eachother in something very like perplexity and doubt.

  Despite all that had been said in Master Lord's favor by the lieutenantat the battery, I could not put full confidence in this man as being atrue friend to the Cause. His general appearance was against him, so Ithought, and those shifty eyes, which never met yours squarely, werewell calculated to breed distrust.

  Now it is true that a lad like myself had no right to judge adversely ofanother who had proven himself true, and yet as I looked into the facesof my companions after our host had gone into the upper room, I saw, orfancied I did, written there much the same as was in my mind.

  Certain it is that Hiram was not particularly well pleased because wehad given ourselves so unreservedly into the power of Master Lord, andof this he gave proof by saying when we were alone:

  "Having come thus far on the venture we must take things as we findthem; but it will do no harm if we keep a sharp watch over every one wemeet, and it would seem that the four of us should be able to discoveranything smacking of treachery."

  "Meaning that you have doubts concerning--"

  I did not finish the sentence, which was spoken in a whisper, butpointed with my thumb upward so that he might know who I meant,whereupon he said quickly:

  "Meaning no one in particular, and everybody in general."

  "I would that we had come into this town trusting none but ourselves,"Archie said, and Hiram cried much as though the words irritated him:

  "Since we are come, and since we have given our secret to another, thereis no good sense in harking back to what might have been done. We haveset our faces toward Silas, and so long as we remain alive and free theyare not to be turned from the goal. Instead of sitting here conjuring upold women's fancies which can do nothing save make the heart faint,suppose we follow Master Lord's advice and get a night's rest, for noone may say when we shall have another such opportunity?"

  After this long speech Hiram set the example by throwing himself down onone of the beds of straw, and we lads soon followed him, for it wasdisheartening to sit there giving words to our fears and doubts when wewere at the mercy of the man we distrusted.

  How long I slept after my eyes were closed in uneasy slumber, it isimpossible for me to say; but looking back at the matter afterward Ifancied at least three hours had passed since we entered this cellar,when the sound of loud voices in the room above brought the four of usto our feet as if moved by a single spring of steel.

  The floor was of roughly hewn planks, looking, so far as one might seeby the light of the lantern, to be very heavy, and we who were in thecellar could not distinguish words spoken in an ordinary tone; but nowso excited and apparently angry were the speakers, that we could catch aword here and there, although not in sufficient numbers as to give anyinkling to the trend of the conversation.

  It seemed to me, judging from the sounds, as if there were three orfour in the room just over our heads, and that all were on the eve of aquarrel--fight would be the better word--so menacing were some of thetones.

  It was evident Master Lord had been expecting there would be troublebefore morning in this home of his, else why had he warned us againstmaking any outcry or movement if we heard aught that might alarm? Surelyhis angry visitors could hardly be friends of the Cause, for they wouldnot dare raise their voices so high lest the attention of the patrol beattracted, and if they were not of our people, why was this man, sogreatly to be trusted by us "rebels," having any connection with them?

  Before we had been awake three minutes came a clattering as if the tablewas overturned, and I distinguished sounds betokening the splintering ofwood, telling that some article of furniture had been destroyed, whileabove such noises came the trampling of heavy feet, and shouts, andcries.

  When this disturbance was at its height Hiram ran toward the ladder asif it was his intent to ascend, despite the warning which had beengiven; but I clutched his arm, holding him back by main strength as Isaid in a hoarse whisper:

  "If Master Lord is not to be trusted, you would be making a bad matterworse by showing yourself at this time. In case he is true to the Cause,then most like you would do an injury to our people such as could not berepaired."

  "You are right," Hiram said after the briefest hesitation, and he wentback from the ladder to take a seat on the bed.

  The lantern was still burning. None of us had been minded to extinguishthe flame when we laid down to rest, because of the doubts whichassailed us all, and therefore it was we could look into each others'faces during that seemingly desperate struggle which was going on above,mutely asking for some solution to what was a fearsome mystery.

  Once when the uproar was greatest, Archie whispered that he would go tothe top of the ladder, hoping it might be possible there to distinguishsomething of what was said; but he failed in the attempt, coming back toreport that he could see no glimmer of light around the edges of thedoor, therefore believed it must be covered on the upper side, either toprevent those same visitors from seeing the entrance to the cellar, orto shut out from us all sound.

  I think the quarrel, or fight, whichever it may be called, continuedupward of half an hour, and then it seemed much as if those who hadtaken part in it were become friends again, for we heard nothingbetokening anger, while now and then came the tramp of footsteps acrossthe floor, showing that the visitors yet remained in the house.

  After a time slumber lay so heavy on my eyelids that I stretched myselfout on the bed once more, falling asleep almost immediately, and when Inext awakened there was the belief in my mind that another day had come.

  Because of being in the cellar, which was wholly underground, no lightcould come to us from the outside; but the lantern burned dimly as ifthe oil had been nearly consumed, and I fancied it was day.

  My comrades awakened very shortly afterward like lads who have had theirfill of slumber, and we lay on the beds trying for at least thetwentieth time to get some glimmer of an idea regarding the strangedoings of the night before, as well as questioning whether it might notbe possible for us to learn whether Master Lord was at home.

  While we talked Hiram, growing impatient, went boldly up the ladder,setting his shoulder against the trap-door; but failing to move it everso slightly, and at this seeming evidence of our being held prisoners wegrew alarmed.

  So narrow was the ladder that two of us could not stand side by side onthe upper rung in order to come at the barrier, and when each in turnhad spent his strength against the heavy timbers without effect, we cametogether near the table, groping about that we might touch hands, for bythis time the flame of the lantern had died away entirely, leaving us intotal darkness.

  "If Master Lord wanted to make friends with the Britishers, he would beon a fair road to so doing by giving us up to General Gage," Isuggested, striving to speak in a mirthful tone as if in my mind therewas no possibility of such treachery on his part, and Harvey clutched meby the hand nervously, as he whispered:

  "Don't! Don't give words to what seems so very like the truth!"

  "Have done with talk like that!" Hiram cried angrily. "To judge MasterLord an enemy is the same as calling the lieutenant, who treated us insuch friendly fashion, a traitor."

  "But why are we locked in here when it surely must be daylight?"

  "There can be no answer to that question until Master Lord himself comesto make it, and I am bound to hold him a good man and true because ofwhat we have been told, until he proves the contrary."

  I believe Hiram himself was more than a little alarmed, for it seemed tome he struggled overly much to convince us he was apparently easy inmind, and we were yet giving words to our painful doubts when, withoutour having heard a sound pr
eviously, the trap-door was raised, lettinginto the cellar a flood of light as if the day had already grown old.

  It was no more than natural we should step quickly toward the foot ofthe ladder, meeting there Master Lord himself, who looked about as ifsurprised because we were in darkness, and then, ascending quickly, hereturned before we had time to follow, bringing with him the smallerlantern.

  Not until he had set this aflame and placed it on the table did he giveany heed to the questions which we were showering upon him; but then hesaid with the air of one who is vexed with too many words:

  "Yes, it is full noon. I would have come to you before; but was on yourbusiness, and believed you could content yourselves, even in this poorplace, knowing that your work was being forwarded. Are you suffering forfood?"

  "We can bear with hunger many hours and make no complaint, as hasalready been shown at Breed's hill," Hiram replied in a tone ofsharpness. "Because of what we heard last night, and through knowingthat we were locked in here as prisoners, did we come to be somewhatuneasy in mind."

  "Then you tried to get out when there was trouble above, regardless ofmy warning?" the old man cried angrily.

  "We held ourselves as you commanded," and now Hiram's voice rang withtemper. "It was this morning we strove to learn whether we were free tocome and go as we pleased, and found that such was not the case."

  "Neither are you free, so far as leaving this house without my consentis concerned. I have much the same as promised to aid you, and am doingso, even at risk to myself and injury to the Cause, therefore it is youare holden here until I shall give the word that you may depart withoutendangering the secret of this place."

  Master Lord spoke with such an air of authority, as if he understoodfull well we were thoroughly in his power, that I was more alarmed thanat any time since we came into the town, and mayhap there was somewhatof the same feeling in Hiram's heart, for he asked as if he had theright to know:

  "What was going on above us last night?"

  "What did you think might be happening?" Master Lord asked.

  "It sounded as if three or four men were fighting to such purpose thatthe furniture of the room was destroyed."

  "You have such a good idea of the matter that there is no need for me tomake any explanation," Master Lord replied somewhat indifferently."There were three Tories with me last evening, and but for the fact oftheir being well known as favoring the king, I am thinking one or moreof us might have been taken into custody by the patrol."

  "Then you consort with enemies of the Cause?" Hiram asked, and the oldman replied:

  "Aye, that I do, else how might it be possible for me to do our people agood turn here in Boston town?"

  The man could have made no reply which would have disturbed me moresorely than did this, for it was in substance exactly what Seth Jepsonhad said when we taxed him with being traitorously inclined, and if ithad been possible to get out of that cellar without leaving my comradesin the lurch, I would have taken to my heels, fleeing through thestreets of Boston town at risk of being arrested by the patrol, ratherthan remain there at his mercy.

  If Hiram remembered the excuse Seth made for having been seen in thecompany of Tories, and set the words alongside those just spoken byMaster Lord, he failed to give proof of the fact; but asked as ifbelieving everything had been explained:

  "Did you succeed in learning aught concerning Silas Brownrigg?"

  "There is a lad among the prisoners in the Bridewell, and none, so faras I can learn, in the Queen-street prison. I am of the belief yourfriend is the boy I have heard about, because I saw young Jepsonloitering around the building as if expecting to see some one that mightinterest him."

  "How is this Bridewell guarded?" Hiram asked after a moment's pause.

  "Forty men are stationed there, twenty being kept on duty all the time,and unless you can find one of the lobster backs who would lend his aid,there is no possibility of your doing that for which you came."

  Master Lord spoke decidedly, and as if he believed our mission was cometo an end because of the difficulties which lay in the way, whereuponHiram said in a mild tone, which gave one the idea that he had everyconfidence in his host:

  "Then you would advise that we give it up as a bad job, feeling certainwe shall be able to do nothing?"

  To my bewilderment Master Lord acted as if surprised because Hiram waswilling to abandon the enterprise so quickly, and replied hurriedly:

  "If so be you have grown faint-hearted, then turn back now while thereis yet time; but if I had taken the chances of coming into Boston townknowing the Britishers were eager to clap me into prison, I would holdto the work so long as I held to life."

  "And that is exactly what we count on doing, Master Lord," Hiram criedemphatically, as he brought his hand heavily down upon the old man'sshoulder. "We are thanking you for the information given, and now areready to leave this house if there is likelihood we may bring suspicionupon you."

  "Where would you go?"

  "We'll take our chances on the street when night has come."

  "But you are not driven out from here!" Master Lord cried quickly. "I'madvising that you stay where it is possible to remain securely hidden,until such time as the chance you are waiting for presents itself."

  He spoke like an honest man, and yet on the instant there came to mymind the question as to whether he had any traitorous intent in thusadvising us, after having much the same as said we could not hope tosucceed in our purpose.