Read The Minute Boys of Boston Page 4



  Whether it was that those who were the same as holding us prisoners onthe island had an inkling we were somewhere in the vicinity, or if itwas by pure chance that they happened to patrol that particular part ofthe harbor just then, I am unable to say; but certain it was that theyremained continually on the move throughout the entire night, nevergoing so far away that we had half an opportunity of slipping outunobserved, and now and then coming so near that it was possible for usto hear their conversation.

  As the moments passed and it became almost certain we must remain inhiding during the coming day, I fell into a perfect fever of impatience.Now blaming myself most bitterly for having attempted to warn Silas ofwhat we were to do, and again saying that I was showing myself a cowardby thus leaving Archie to his fate, although what I might have done justthen in his behalf I could not have said.

  As a matter of course we had brought with us neither food nor water,thinking the voyage to Cambridge would be accomplished in a few hours atthe most, and therefore it was that Hiram and I faced hunger and thirst,knowing that both must be endured by us before the sun had set again.

  "It's a case of bearing whatever comes, and looking pleasant," mycompanion said when the grey light of a new day appeared in the easternsky. "I allow that the hours will seem precious long before we dare pokeour noses out of this clump of bushes again, but what can't be curedmust be endured, and seein's how we haven't had any sleep, I'm proposingto bottle up as much as I may while those blooming lobster backs hold ushere like rats in a trap."

  Having said this Hiram looked about for a level place in which tostretch out at full length; but failing to find it he curled himself upas if trying to hug the twigs, and almost immediately appeared to fallinto profound slumber.

  I was so uncomfortable in mind that it would not be possible for me tosettle down to sleep however much I might need repose. We were not sowell hidden from view but what in the broad glare of day any who chancedto pass near at hand might see us, and although unarmed and thereforeunable to make any defence, it seemed absolutely necessary one of usshould remain on watch.

  When the day had fully dawned it was possible for me to see theguard-boats which had been on duty all night, pulling here and therelike spiders which have been disappointed in their prey; but until aboutan hour after sunrise there were no small boats 'twixt Noddle island andthe town. However, a dozen or more could be seen going from one toanother of the king's ships, for the _Lively_, the _Somerset_ and the_Falcon_ were anchored off the shore, stretching from the South to theNorth battery.

  At one time I was on the point of awakening Hiram and proposing that heand I make the venture of rowing up the coast of the island tillopposite Morton's point, and from there to the Penny ferry; but I stayedmy hand even while it was outstretched to seize his arm, realizing thatI was not warranted in taking the chance for two very good andsufficient reasons. The first, that it was necessary I obey the summonsto present myself at Cambridge, and again, that I must preserve myliberty if I would do anything toward aiding the dear lad whom I doubtednot was lodged in the prison on Queen street.

  How it might be possible for me to succor him had not come to my mind,yet I believed that with all our company of Minute Boys to aid,something might be done even while he was held by the king's men, whowould rather shoot him down than allow a rebel to escape from theirclutches.

  Then it was I began to cast about for some plan which would promise atleast a shadow of success, and I had ample time before me for sucheffort, unless, perchance, some inquisitive lobster back or marine cameupon our hiding place.

  It was not possible for me to make much headway in laying plans. Iworked out one in my mind only to abandon it; then another to find itwas impossible of execution, and again a third which proved yet wilderthan the others, until the heat of the sun, which beat down upon me infull fervor, and the low murmur of the water on the shingly beach,lulled me to drowsiness. Even while saying to myself that I must remainawake and on guard, I fell asleep, being conscious of nothing moreuntil, without apparent cause, I opened my eyes to find that the sunwas in the western sky and Hiram sitting with his elbows on his kneesand his chin in his hands, regarding me fixedly.

  "What's the matter?" I cried incautiously loud as I rose to a sittingposture.

  "The matter is that we are tied here all these hours instead of being inCambridge where, mayhap, there is plenty for us to do."

  "How long have you been awake?"

  "Nigh about three days, as it seems to me, though I reckon it can't bemore than a couple of hours."

  "Have you seen or heard anything of the Britishers?"

  "As much as you may see now by looking out from among the bushes. No onehas come our way, and if they had I believe I'd eaten them, for sinceyesterday morning no bite of food has passed my lips."

  It would have been better for me if he had refrained from speaking offood, because the mere words made me hungry, and on the instant Irealized, or fancied I did, that my mouth was parched with thirst. Theknowledge that I could minister to neither one desire nor the other,until we were come to Cambridge, only served to make them all the moreintense.

  It would be worse than childish to complain when no good could come fromuttering peevish words, and I strove to put from my mind all that Idesired, by speaking of Archie, idly wondering where he might be.

  "Unless he is snug at home, I'm allowing the Britishers have got himpenned up in such shape that neither you nor I can do much towardaiding him," Hiram said emphatically, and then to my distress of mindhe set about telling of an acquaintance of his who had had the illfortune to displease some of General Gage's following, thereby bringinghimself to a sojourn in Boston prison.

  After that we talked of this thing and of another, it makes littledifference what, I meanwhile watching the sun until my eyes ran water,coming to believe now and then it was standing still in the heavens, soslowly did it move.

  Finally, however, the night came, as all nights will while we remain inthis world, whether they be for our good or for our evil. The shadowshad hardly more than begun to gather when Hiram, shaking himself as doesa dog, said in a business-like tone:

  "I'm allowing, lad, that we can't start any too soon. The guard-boatswill be out as thick as flies around a molasses jug within the next halfhour, and even though there's a chance of being seen, by skirting alongthe shore of this island we have reason to believe it'll be possible tokeep out of sight. According to my way of thinking the risk will be lessnow, than if we waited for the lobster backs to begin their night'swork."

  As Hiram suggested so we did, working rapidly in launching the skiff,and when she was waterborne we pulled as fellows will who believe deathis pursuing them, meanwhile realizing keenly that once chase should bemade we could not hope to escape.

  Fortune favored us this time, however scurvy a trick she had played thenight before, and we gained Morton's point on the Charlestown shorewithout apparently having been seen by friend or foe.

  Night had so nearly shut in now that we were hidden by the gloom, andhad every reason to believe we were come out from amid our enemieswithout other harm than suffering with hunger and thirst.

  If Archie had been with me, I could have cried aloud with joy as weaimed a straight course for the Penny ferry.

  There is no need that I go into details of that tramp from the Medfordriver to Cambridge, nor for me to set down all which was said betweenus. It is enough if I write that we were come in the early morning towhere were gathered those brave hearts who counted on making a greatarmy which was to be raised against the king, and in defence of thecolonies.

  Already had the place begun to look like a military encampment, exceptthat instead of glistening white canvas tents such as the king's menhad, our people were housed as best they might be in shelters of brush,tents formed of blankets, and even many with nothing 'twixt theirilly-clad bodies and God's sky.

  Hiram, who appeared to be thoroughly famil
iar with this poor imitationof an encampment, passed rapidly along until we were come to a buildingin front of which stood a man without a uniform, but with a musket overhis shoulder, who was acting as sentinel.

  There were no military salutes exchanged between my companion and thisman on duty; but they greeted each other as old friends, the sentinelsaying in a querulous tone as if he was well acquainted with the missionon which Hiram had been sent:

  "I had come to think you counted on staying with the bloomingBritishers, instead of coming back here to do your share of playing atsoldiering."

  "I hope I may never run the same risk among the lobster backs again. Itwas too tight a squeeze to suit me," Hiram replied grimly, and added,"Are the gentlemen in?"

  "They were when I came on duty, and I reckon none of 'em have slippedaway since."

  "Then we'll go in," and without further ceremony Hiram entered thebuilding as if it was his own home, I following close at his heels as amatter of course, never dreaming that we were to meet an officer, owingto the lack of military show. I began to believe I had simply beenbrought there to speak with one of the citizens.

  I came speedily to know, however, that we were at the headquarters ofthe Committee of Safety, that body of men which stood at the head ofwhat you might call the "rebellion", and they all unguarded except forthat farmer-sentinel at the door, who was seemingly ready to admit anythat might desire to enter.

  Telling me to await his return in a room which looked not unlike onethat might have been fitted up for a merchant's use, Hiram disappeared,his heavy footsteps betokening that he had ascended to the floor above,and ten minutes later a cry of joy burst from my lips when none otherthan Doctor Warren himself entered the room.

  "So it was you who sent for me, sir?" I asked, and he replied:

  "Remembering what you said about raising a company of Minute Boys, andbelieving you would do so, I fancied it might pleasure you to know thatthere was come so soon an opportunity to aid the Cause. I counted onseeing two, however," he added as if in disappointment.

  In the fewest possible words I told him of our misadventure the nightprevious, and asked if he believed it might be possible for us boys todo aught toward effecting the poor lad's release.

  "I question if an equal number of men could do anything," the doctorreplied, speaking as if he was sorrowful because of not being able tohold out hope. "His father is known as a Son of Liberty, and it willmost like be charged against him that he was attempting to carryinformation to us rebels here in Cambridge, therefore he will be guardedmore closely than if he had been guilty of some grievous crime."

  I strove unsuccessfully to choke back the sob which finally escaped mylips, and then, thinking that if I was to have any opportunity to servethe Cause it ill became me to play the part of a baby, asked with asmuch firmness as I could muster:

  "What work have you for us Minute Boys to do, sir?"

  "The Committee of Safety believes that you lads can be of great servicein bringing to us news from the town, and it was to discuss with you howbest one of your company might make his way to us here, when you hadlearned that which it would advantage us to know."

  "I do not believe it would be possible to lay out any one route by whichwe would be able come at all times." I made bold to reply. "On certainnights we might perchance set off from Fox hill, and come across withoutdifficulty. Again we could, perhaps, make Barton's point our place ofdeparture. In fact it would depend upon where the red-coats had beenstationed, and what they were about."

  "Yes, yes, lad, I understand that full well. What we had in mind was tosettle how you might hide skiffs at these various places in order totake sudden advantage of any favorable opportunity. Your father is incamp; have speech with him, and come back to me here an hour later."

  If Hiram Griffin had been standing near the door listening to ourconversation he could not have entered the room at a better moment, forthe doctor had but just spoken those words which were the same as tokenof my dismissal, when he came in, and I asked if he could tell me wheremy father might be found.

  It seems no more than right I should set down here the fact that HiramGriffin, during all the time I knew him, seemed ever to be in possessionof such information as a curiously inclined person might pick up. Ibelieve of a verity he spent all his spare moments gathering that whichseemed at the time useless knowledge, for, leave him four and twentyhours in town or camp, and he had become acquainted with all the minorpersonages and details of the place.

  In answer to my question he motioned for me to follow, and so I did withsuch good avail that within a quarter-hour I was in my father's arms, hepressing me to his heart as if I had just come out from some terribledanger.

  It goes without saying that I soon made him acquainted with all whichhad taken place from the time Hiram Griffin entered our home, and when Ispoke of the possibility that we Minute Boys might succeed in releasingArchie from his imprisonment, he said emphatically, as if the matteradmitted of no argument:

  "You must not for a moment think of any such desperate venture. Even ifthe lad was not guarded as he surely is, what could any number of youboys do toward releasing him? It would be opposing yourselves to all theking's forces that are at present in Boston, and that is the same as ifI had said you would come to certain death."

  Then, as if to dismiss the matter without question, he began to speakwith me of what the Committee of Safety believed our Minute Boys mightbe able to do in aid of the Cause, and explained where we could lay ourhands on at least three skiffs which he knew had been secreted by thosewho loved the colonies.

  "You will be told, before leaving here, how to get possession of theboats; but as to disposing of them in such places as may best suit yourconveniences and opportunity in leaving the town, I can offer no advice.That is a matter which you lads must settle among yourselves later."

  "Do you believe we will be aiding the Cause?" I asked, still doubtful asto whether these true men here in Cambridge were minded to lean upon usMinute Boys to any great degree.

  "If you are prudent, close-mouthed, and energetic, there is no questionbut that you may serve the army which is to be raised, by bringinginformation of what goes on in Boston, better than could an equal numberof men."

  Then my father gave me much advice regarding the future, urging, whichwas unnecessary, that I should ever hold the good of the Cause abovediscomfort, above suffering, above even my own life. It matteredlittle, he declared, if we who had begun the struggle should go downinto the Valley of Death, so that we left behind, for those who were tocome, a land free from misrule and the oppression of tyrants.

  Now, strange as it may seem, having once arrived in Cambridge I forgothow bitterly hunger and thirst had assailed me during the four andtwenty hours just past, until my father was come to an end of his lovingconverse, when suddenly my desire for food and water returned like aflood, and I cried as if in pain.

  One would have thought the dear man had done me some grievous wrong bynot remembering that I might stand in need of refreshment, so many werethe words of reproach which he addressed to himself while leading me towhere I speedily found all that could be desired.

  In going through this encampment it seemed that already had we of thecolonies gathered a vast army, yet my father told me there were lessthan five thousand men then in Cambridge; but promised that they wouldbe speedily increased in numbers as the days went by.

  "It is but the beginning," he said, "already are those who favor theCause marching toward this place as rapidly as may be, though as yet wehave no real military head. The Provincial Congress has voted to raisean army of thirteen thousand six hundred men. Word has been sent outboth by the Congress and Committee of Safety to other colonies, askingthem to send all the troops they can spare, and Doctor Warren haswritten a stirring appeal, as you shall read, for I have made of it acopy."

  Having said this he took from his pocket a folded paper which he gave tome, and I can set down exactly what was written upon it, for I have thedocument bef
ore me even to this day. It is as follows:

  "In Congress at Watertown, April 30th, 1775.

  "_Gentlemen_,--The barbarous Murders of our innocent Brethren on Wednesday the 19th Instant, has made it absolutely necessary that we immediately raise an army to defend our Wives and our Children from the butchering Hands of an inhuman Soldiery, who, incensed at the obstacles they meet with in their bloody progress, and enraged at being repulsed from the Field of Slaughter, will, without the least doubt take the first Opportunity in their Power to ravage this devoted Country with Fire and Sword. We conjure you, therefore, that you give all Assistance possible in raising an Army. Our all is at Stake. Death and Devastation are the certain Consequences of Delay. Every Moment is infinitely precious; an Hour lost may deluge your Country in Blood, and entail perpetual Slavery upon the few of your Posterity who may survive the Carnage. We beg and entreat you, as you will answer it to your Country, to your own Conscience, and, above all, as you will answer to God himself, that you will hasten and encourage, by all possible Means, the Enlistment of Men to form the Army, and send them forward to Headquarters at Cambridge, with that expedition which the vast Importance and instant Urgency of the affair demands.

  "JOSEPH WARREN, President."


  I would I might set down all I heard and saw during that day inCambridge; but it cannot be if I am to tell the story of what we MinuteBoys succeeded in doing during a certain portion of the year of Grace1775.

  It is enough to say that before nightfall I had received all theinstructions and advice that could be given, and was ready to make anattempt at getting into town once more, mourning meanwhile because ofhaving left the skiff so far away that a long tramp would be necessaryin order to come at her.

  Even amid his duties, and they were many, Doctor Warren had time tothink of me and my well-being, for when, near to sunset, I was standingwith my father in front of the building occupied by the Committee ofSafety, already taking leave of him, the doctor came up smiling as ifseeing in me an old and valued friend, and said:

  "I am not minded, lad, that you should tramp from here to the ferry inorder to regain your skiff. Leave her where she is, and she may serveyou a good turn at another time. Hiram Griffin has made ready a boat onthe river, and you can embark in her, if so be it is prudent to land oneither shore of the town."

  "I will take the chance, sir, at one place or another," I said, feelingwondrously relieved at thus being spared the many miles of travel, andfor a moment thinking it might be the doctor's purpose to send Hiramwith me.

  After I found the boat which had been made ready, I could not repress anexclamation of disappointment at seeing that she was a large craft, fartoo heavy to be handled by a single person.

  "I have the long tramp before me even now," I said in a tone of dismayto my father, who had accompanied me to the river. "With a craft likethat I would have no hope of escape if peradventure the lobster backsgave chase."

  "I reckon the two of us can manage to make a decent show of speed,"Hiram said with a laugh, and then it was I learned that he counted ongoing with me into the town, taking his chances of getting back later,rather than allow me to go alone.

  "You had better join us Minute Boys and have done with it, Hiram," Isaid gleefully, taking my seat in the boat after having bidden my fathergood by. "It seems to me you are like to meet with more of adventure inour company, than loitering behind here at Cambridge where all are muchlike a flock of sheep without a leader."

  "Faith, and I begin to believe that myself," Hiram replied as he took upthe oars, and a moment later we were gliding down the river in thetwilight which would be deepened to darkness before we were come withinsight of Boston.

  No sooner were we well under way than there came to me again the samehope I had had during a portion of the time we lay hidden on Noddleisland, regarding the possibility of being able to free Archie fromprison, and I asked in what I intended should be a careless tone:

  "Hiram, if it so chanced while you were in Boston town that there wasthe shadow of a hope of getting Archie out of prison, would you lend ahand?"

  "Give me half a show to do aught toward thwarting the lobster backs, andI'll stay with you till the crack of doom, if so be I live that long andthe job is not finished before."

  "Then we'll find the way," I said as if believing the words were true,even though at the same moment I deemed it little less than the fancy ofa madman to think anything could be done to aid the dear lad while hewas held so closely by the enemy.

  After we were arrived at the mouth of the river, came the question as towhat part of Boston we would aim to strike. There was much of dangerthat we might be overhauled by the guard-boats if so be we attempted topull around Hudson's point, and yet perchance greater peril in strivingto land anywhere between West and Fox hill.

  "I favor the shortest voyage by water," Hiram said when I had laidbefore him that which was in my mind. "If so be you can hide the boat aswell on this side as at your ship-yard, then let's make the venture, forI'm thinking we'll meet no more lobster backs ashore than afloat."

  And so it was we headed for the nearest point, taking all the chances,and that night's work caused me to believe that he who goes boldly abouta matter, is in no more danger than the timorous one who strives to makecertain the way be clear before he sets out.

  We came straight across from the river, landing well to the south of thePowder House, where were scrub oaks enough to afford a partial hidingplace for the boat, although I doubted not that she would be come uponby the Britishers before another day had passed.

  "It will be better she is taken by the lobster backs empty, than with usin her," Hiram said grimly when we drew her up on land, and it can wellbe fancied that I was of the same opinion.

  Now was come the most hazardous portion of the journey, for if we ranagainst the watch, or a red-coated squad, we were come to grief and liketo join Archie instead of aiding him.

  There was little sense in standing on the shore discussing the danger,therefore we set off at once across the Common as if headed for theBridewell, until we were come to within an hundred yards of it, when weleft the Alms house on our right, going over Beacon hill and thenceacross to the mill pond. It was a roundabout way to gain Salem street,where Silas Brownrigg lived; but it seemed to me the safest, althougheven by such a course we twice narrowly escaped the patrol, savingourselves by taking refuge first in a garden, and then by sneakingbehind Master Mountford's house.

  So that we escaped the danger I did not count fatigue, and felt verywell satisfied with fortune when we finally stood at the door of SilasBrownrigg's home, knocking cautiously lest we arouse other than him whomwe desired to see.

  It was not such a difficult matter to waken the lad, even though it waspast midnight, for in those troublous times the people in Boston whofavored the Cause slept lightly, young or old, never knowing how soon ared-coated squad of men might demand admission in the name of the king,having come through some whim of General Gage's, or of hisunderstrappers.

  Silas was not greatly surprised at seeing us. During the day while Hiramand I lay in hiding on Noddle island, he had gone to my home in searchof me, and there learned from my mother that I had set out forCambridge.

  Before nightfall Seth Jepson gave him information that Archie was lodgedin prison on the charge of attempting to carry news to the "rebels,"and he would have been dull indeed could he not have guessed the wholestory from that on.

  While Hiram and I gave him an account of our doings from the time ofthat unfortunate stumbling upon the watch, he fed us royally, his mothereven dressing herself that she might be certain we had food in plenty,and before we were done with eating and talking we had discussed a dozenimpractical plans for freeing our comrade.

  It was decided that we would call the Minute Boys together at theship-yard, and there lay be
fore them what had been asked of us by ourpeople at Cambridge, after which we might, if possible, find some meansof aiding Archie.

  Not until it was broad day did I venture to go home, for only in thelight might a "rebel" walk the streets of his own town without fear ofbeing molested by the Britishers, and once there it can well be fanciedhow warm was my welcome. My mother had heard from Silas of Archie'simprisonment, and it was only natural she should feel even more anxiousfor me than otherwise would have been the case, knowing that already wasone of our number come to grief through striving to aid the Cause.

  But for the fact that my father was in full accord with all I strove todo as a Minute Boy, and had even mapped out the work for our company, Ibelieve of a verity the good woman would have insisted then and therethat I give over any attempt to play the soldier.

  However, she did no more than urge me to be cautious, never running myhead in danger when there was no real need for it, and seemed to havethe idea that such information as we lads could pick up concerning themovements of the Britishers in Boston, would be of but little value tothose brave men at Cambridge.

  I had left Hiram behind me at Silas's home, for there was no reason whyhe should show himself, a stranger in the town, more than might benecessary; but at about nine of the clock he came to tell me that theMinute Boys were assembling at the rendezvous, and I set off to meet myfuture comrades.