Read The Missing Formula Page 12

  CHAPTER XII The Awaited Message

  For the first time in many nights Madge slept at home. Although she wouldnot have admitted it, "Kim" was responsible for her reluctance to returnwith Anne to Stewart Island. She did not retire until after the guestshad gone to their rooms, and then tossed restlessly. Finally she dozedoff, only to be awakened by an unusual sound.

  She sat up in bed. The house was quiet but she was sure she had heardsomeone stumble over a chair in the kitchen. Ordinarily, she would havegone back to sleep. Instead, she thought of the key in the cupboard. Whatif it were stolen?

  Slipping into a dressing gown, she stole quietly downstairs. On thebottom step she paused and listened. She heard someone moving about. Thendistinctly, but very softly, a door closed.

  Now thoroughly alarmed, Madge hurried to the kitchen. Groping about, shefound a lamp and lighted it. To her relief, the key still hung on itshook in the cupboard.

  "My imagination is getting the best of me!" she chuckled. "I'd have swornsomeone was down here. I more than half expected the key to be gone."

  She returned to her bedroom, taking the key with her. Placing itcarefully under her pillow she jumped into bed and soon was fast asleep.

  In the morning her fears seemed ridiculous, so when she made her bed, shereturned the key to its old place in the kitchen.

  Directly after breakfast, Mr. Brady left the lodge, saying that he mustexamine some timber land and would not return until nightfall. Mrs. Bradywas confined to her room with a headache and Mr. Brownell had taken oneof the boats and rowed away toward Stewart Island. That left only Clydewho loitered about the kitchen while Madge fried doughnuts.

  "You're not a bad cook," he complimented, helping himself to a crisp,brown fried cake. "This one tastes a little soggy though."

  "I'd think it would after you've eaten six," Madge observed.

  She was glad when he finally left the kitchen. Dipping the last doughnutin sugar, she too slipped outside and was just in time to sight JackFrench paddling toward the beach in his canoe.

  "Hello, Jack," she greeted, "I haven't seen you in days."

  "Well, the government didn't plant us in the forest for ornaments, youknow," he replied cheerfully. "I just returned from Luxlow where theygave me a message for Anne. Since you two stick together like burrs Ithought I might find her here."

  "I haven't seen her today," Madge returned, an eager note creeping intoher voice. "It isn't a wire from Washington?"

  "I can't say, but it is a telegram. It may be important so I'll bepaddling along."

  "I'm going over to the island before long. If you like, I can take themessage."

  "I know you want to find out what it's all about," he teased, handingover the yellow envelope. "Oh, well, I'll be glad to be saved the trip.On your way."

  Madge lost no time in going to the island. She marched into the kitchenwhere Anne was working, waving the telegram triumphantly.

  "It's not an answer to our wire?" Anne demanded hopefully.

  "It must be. Open it quick before my nervous system explodes!"

  Anne's hand shook so that it was difficult for her to rip open theenvelope. Her face was a study as she scanned the message. Then shefairly glowed with pleasure.

  "Oh, it is from that Washington man!"

  "What does he say?"

  "Listen to this! He thinks the formula may have been written on the blankpages of the book with just ordinary water."

  Madge stared incredulously. "Water?" she echoed.

  "Yes, I recall now that Father once mentioned the same. Strange itslipped my mind."

  "I never heard of writing with water. It doesn't seem possible."

  "I believe the method was discovered during the late war," Anneexplained. "Anyway, a secret message can be written on certain types ofpaper merely by using a clean pen and water. The water disturbs thefibers of the paper--it isn't visible to the eye, of course."

  "Then how could the writing be brought out?"

  "It's all explained here," Anne said, offering the telegram. "You insertthe paper in a glass case and shoot in a thin iodine vapor which settlesinto all tissues disturbed by the pen. He's sending complete instructionsby mail."

  "It sounds dreadfully complicated."

  "Not to me. I've helped Father with other experiments and I know how togo about this. Let's get the book now and see if we can bring out thesecret writing."

  "Shouldn't we wait for complete instructions?"

  "Oh, I can't wait! So much depends on getting the formula within the nextfew hours. We'll not ruin the book. I'm sure I know just how to go aboutit."

  Madge gave in and they made a quick trip to the Brady lodge which seemedstrangely quiet and deserted.

  "Aunt Maude must be sleeping," Madge observed. "Clyde was here when Ileft but he appears to have taken himself off."

  They let themselves into the kitchen. Madge went directly to the cupboardfor the key to the new cabin. It was not on its usual peg.

  "Don't tell me it's lost," Anne said nervously.

  Madge did not answer immediately. Then her face relaxed.

  "No, it dropped into this cup. Gave me a scare for a minute."

  In relief, they hurried to the newly built cabin. Madge unlocked the doorand they entered. Everything appeared exactly as they had last seen it.

  Madge went confidently to the fireplace and ran her hand up to the hiddenledge. A startled expression passed over her face. She groped about theledge a second time, more carefully than before.

  "What's the matter?" Anne asked, though she read the answer in herfriend's tense face.

  "It's gone!" Madge answered. "Someone has stolen our book!"