Read The Missing Pages: The Lost Soul Page 2

  I quickly saw that there was a path leading away from this place. I walked down it. I had no light source, so it was slightly hard to see. I kept walking for a while. My legs were starting to get sore. All of a sudden, as i looked left and right, there were no trees. There were walls. I looked back. I could see out to the forest. I looked up. There was a curved  ceiling  above me. Was I in a tunnel? Sort of an awkward place for a tunnel... I walked down the tunnel. It was straight. I wondered if there would be a note. i kept watching both sides of the tunnel in high hopes. The walls were blank. they felt as if they were staring at me from all directions. Coldly. I shivered. 

  I walked out of the tunnel and look around. The path split two ways. I had enough of taking the left path. I took the right. That was a bad choice. I walked round some trees and i see him. Again. he just stood there. His tentacles were reaching for me. This time i knew i had to get away fast. I quickly turned and ran. My heart was pounding. He knew this forest. He could find his way around  easily. Too  easily. I had to be quick. I had to find where i was. Fast. I took the turn that i had passed, just before the tunnel. I was running out of breath when i saw it. The building in which had seen the hand. I was not going back there. I knew where i was. I knew which way to go. The barrels were now to the left of me, opposite the building. I was not going to have a look. I took a quick break for about 30 seconds at the trees between the barrels and the building. I could tell that was a bad idea. Instead of looking around to see where the Slenderman was, i took off, straight to where my sanctuary was. Where it should have been.

  Chapter 7: Trapped

  I stumbled towards where my sanctuary should have been. I looked around. I panicked. There was no doorway to my room. No window. I quickly spotted something on the ground, sitting next to a rock. Pages. The two pages I had already collected. A few blank pages. A pen. I took the page I had found on the silo out of my pocket, then smoothed it out. The words 'NO' seemed to stare out at me. The real slenderman was much more horrifying than the one drawn on this page. I picked up the pages and pen, folded the pages, then put them into my pocket. What could I do? I had nowhere to go. I walked to where my sanctuary was. I literally walked through where it was, and didn't feel a thing. One the door was closed, it was gone. 

  I notice a fence in front of me.  Could I climb over and escape?  I walked up to it, not sure if to touch it to see if I could get over. It wasn't barbed, as far as I could see. I went ahead and touched it. It felt as if I was being tasered by an angry police man. I pulled back and fell over in shock. It was coursing with electricity. I looked around for a way over, or around. The fence stretched as far as I could see. I looked at the trees nearby. They were too smooth to get enough grip, and I was horrible at climbing anyway. If I somehow could make it up, the trees were spaced far enough away from the fence to prevent me from trying to jump over. Now I really was trapped. The slenderman wanted me to find the pages.  Did he?  I guessed I had to find more. I was scared and confused. I turned towards the usual paths. I had only been left once. I always had good luck with going left. I took the path back to the tree. 


  I was surprised that I didn't see the Slenderman on the way to the tree. Slightly strange. Was he waiting in ambush? I didn't want to think about it. I looked up at the tree. Just as creepy as before. I walked past it and continued on the path. The next thing I saw was quite obvious, and was quite close. A small, red pickup truck, and a small building covered with graffiti. My mind instantly went to the thought,  is there a note here?  I ran up to the truck and looked inside it. The window was smashed, but I couldn't see anything that could look remotely like a page inside. I walked around to the back, and looked into the back, but no note neither. There was no note on either side of the truck either. If it were to be anywhere, it would be near the building. 

  I checked the door to see if I could get in. No such luck. The door had a padlock, and I had no key. I walked around the side, and straight away I found what I was looking for. The next page. I ripped it off the building to read it. I was scared by what I read. 'CAN'T RUN.'  Does that mean that he keeps following you?  I already knew that.  Or I literally couldn't run?  That couldn't be it. 

  Suddenly my vision got foggy. I look down the side of the building. Guess what. There he was. Again. Surprised, I almost drop the page as I tumbled backwards. I got to my feet as his tentacles stretch. It was a trap. He was waiting for me. I took off before he could grab me with his tentacles. I watched him stand there, tentacles still stretching towards me. I ran down the path, back towards the tree. I stopped when I reached it, and turned around. He wasn't there. I sighed with exhaustion. 

  It was the wrong moment to relax. When I turned around to continue, There he was again. Now I have to admit, I thought he was teleporting. Nobody could move that fast. This time I almost lost it. I almost walked straight at him. The idea was imprinted into my mind. But I knew better. He was trying to control what I did. I turned and sprinted. Back down the same path. Back to the truck. If he didn't stop me.

  Chapter 8: Knows

  I had made it back to the pickup truck, being wary that the slenderman could be in front of me, and not behind. I felt like he knew exactly where i was going to be, and exactly when i was going to be there. I didn't know myself. I took a quick look around to see if he was there. He had disappeared again. Not a good sign.  Was he trying to play a game?  I had to get the next page. I quickly folded up the one i was holding and put it in my pocket. I jogged ahead, past the small building to see that the path split again. I still felt lucky taking the left path. Maybe that was how he knew where i was going to be?   That was a tough decision. I always confused myself with that type of thing. If i were to go left as i always did, he would know and be waiting for me. But if i went right, i might confuse him, or would he be expecting me to? My brain hurt while thinking about it. Me was trying to confuse me. I went left. I hoped he  wouldn't  be there...

  It was a long walk to the next clearing. I was surprised that i didn't encounter the slenderman on the way. Was he waiting along the right path? I felt like i went the right way. I was relieved when i saw it. A oil tanker. A possible place for a page. I ran up to it and looked in. It seemed brand new. Did someone drive in here somehow, then got taken by the slenderman? Once again, not a thing i wanted to think about. Nothing inside looked like a page in the slightest, so i moved away from the window. The page  couldn't  be in the tank itself, could it? How was i meant to get in there? I walked around the side of the truck towards the back. There it was. Another page. I took it off the tanker. Before i looked at it, i quickly wondered how each page was stuck to its object. But no time to think it over. Slender man could've been right behind me. The page read:  'LEAVE ME ALONE.'  Was I really the one that drew these pages?  It would seem that these pages were written after i first encountered him... 

  I turned around. I expected him to be there. He wasn't, which was strange. I walked around to the front of the tanker, and looked out to the forest. I didn't see him. I wanted to know where he was so i didn't run into him accidentally. I looked towards the truck. He was there, sitting in it. It did seem slightly  humorous  at the time, but that feeling faded quickly. His tentacles were reaching for me again. Slipped through the narrow gap in the window.  Stretching  towards me.

  Chapter 9: Don't Look

  How did he get in there? How does he fit in there?  I was  procrastinating. As soon as I  realized  this I turned and ran. I could swear that the tentacles had just missed me. I ran back to the pickup truck, looking where to go. Left, as always. I hadn't been that way. As I sprinted to the left I looked behind me. He stood right behind me, just two meters away. I tried to run faster. I looked behind me again. I was gaining some distance now, he was about 10 meters away now. Just as i had looked back, I ran into something hard. I had hit the building.

  How did I get here again?  I was at the other side from which i had entered the first time, and could
see a straight corridor out to the other side. The impact with the wall game me a few  bruises  but that would be nothing compared to if the slenderman got me. I stood up, and sprinted straight through the corridor. Once on the other side, I knew exactly where I was. I looked around.  Where is he?  I couldn't see the slenderman. Not even when I looked back down the corridor.  Great.  If I didn't know where he was, I wouldn't be able to avoid him... I saw the rusty water tanks in-front of me, and made a move towards them. This time I walked, to save energy, and so I could make sure I didn't bump into him.

  As I made it to the tanks I walked through a sort-of corridor they were making, before turning left. I kept an eye out for a page, but for the time being I didn't see one. I took a right between two long barrels. Still no page. I came out on the other side of the barrels, when I saw it. Another page. I dashed up to it and rip it off the tank. 'Don't look... Or It Takes You.' 

  I turned around, expecting to see the slenderman. He wasn't there.  Where did he go? Did he leave?  He didn't. As soon as i had turned back around he was standing on the barrel that I had taken the note from. He seemed to be bending over. His tentacles grew again, looming ever so close. But i was paralyzed. I couldn't move whatsoever. Then one of his tentacles touched me. It felt like stone. Pure, Cold stone. The coldness brought me to my  senses. I turned away, ran around the water tanks as fast as i could, then back to where my sanctuary was once. I still felt safe there for some reason. He had touched me. That wasn't a good sensation. It was horrible.

  Chapter 10: End

  I arrived at my former sanctuary grounds. I was too tired to do anything.  I may as well let him take me...  So I sat there. Waiting. Waiting for something to happen. I didn't see him. He didn't come. But I saw something else. The orb. The thing that had brought me here in the first place. It was all because of it. It wasn't the slenderman. It just did its bidding. I tried to stand up. It was difficult. I had sprained my leg badly during the run back, and the bruises from running into the building didn't help. I limped over to the orb. Then I stamped on it. I wanted to get it out of existence. Stamp it to bits. But I couldn't. All that I had done was dig it into the ground. I fell over backwards in exhaustion. 

  I remembered the pages in my pocket, and took them out, along with a pen. Six pages that I collected in the forest. Multiple blank ones. I spread them out in-front of me.  'NO NO NO NO' 'LEAVE ME ALONE' 'FOLLOWS' ' DON'T LOOK... OR IT TAKES YOU' 'ALWAYS WATCHES. NO EYES' 'CANT RUN'.  These were the pages I had collected. I never found the other two.

  I felt as if somebody had to know about this. About what happened. What happened to me. I spread the blank pages in front of me, then took out the pen and wrote. I wrote everything. How the orb brought me here. My first page, and the dream. The hand in the building. The silo and my first sighting. All the way up to now.

  So... Here I am. The slenderman still hasn't come. The orb had disappeared out of the ground, to somewhere I can't see it. And I'm still here writing. I'm not going to let the slenderman get me. He will come eventually. I'm going to end this madness myself. I am going to re-enact my dream. I'm going to jump off the tree. He wont be able to get me if I'm dead. This is it. My last words, before my story ends, and I leave this world. Don't let the orb get you. Don't wonder into the woods at night. 

  Don't get caught.

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