Read The Missing Tin Box; Or, The Stolen Railroad Bonds Page 3



  "What do you want?" asked Hardwick abruptly.

  "Is Mr. Sumner in?" returned Hal.


  "Then I'll wait till he comes."

  Hardwick stared at Hal.

  "Won't I do?" he asked sharply.

  "I'm afraid not, sir."

  "What do you want to see him about?"

  "He asked me to call," replied the youth. He was not particularlypleased with Hardwick's manner.

  "I am the book-keeper here, and I generally transact business during Mr.Sumner's absence."

  "Mr. Sumner asked me to meet him here at ten o'clock."

  "Oh! You know him, then?"

  "Not very well."

  "I thought not." Hardwick glanced at Hal's shabby clothes. "Well, youhad better wait outside until he comes. We don't allow loungers aboutthe office."

  "I will," said Hal, and he turned to leave.

  It was bitter cold outside, but he would have preferred being on thesidewalk than being in the way, especially when such a man as FelixHardwick was around.

  But, as he turned to leave, a coach drove up to the door, and Mr. Sumneralighted. His face lit up with a smile when he caught sight of Hal.

  "Well, my young friend, I see you are on time," he said, catching Hal bythe shoulder, and turning him back into the office.

  "Yes, sir."

  "That's right." Mr. Sumner turned to Hardwick. "Where is Dick?" heasked.

  "I don't know, sir," returned the book-keeper.

  "Hasn't he been here this morning?"

  "I think not."

  "The sidewalk ought to be cleaned. That boy evidently doesn't wantwork."

  "I will clean the walk, if you wish me to," put in Hal.

  "I have an office boy who is expected to do such things," replied Mr.Sumner. "That is, when the janitor of the building doesn't get at it intime. But he is getting more negligent every day. Yes, you might as welldo the job, and then come into the back office and have a talk with me."

  "Yes, sir."

  "Mr. Hardwick, just show Carson where the shovel and broom are."

  The book-keeper scowled.

  "This way," he said, and led the boy to a small closet under a stairs.

  Just as Hal was about to leave the office with the broom and the shovel,a tall, well dressed boy entered.

  He was whistling at a lively rate, but stopped short on seeing Mr.Sumner.

  "Well, Ferris, this is a pretty time to come around," said the broker,sharply.

  "I couldn't help it," returned the boy, who was considerably older thanHal, and had coarse features and fiery red hair.

  "Why not?"

  "My aunt forgot to call me."

  "That is a poor excuse."

  Dick Ferris began to drum on the railing with his flat hands.

  "Didn't I tell you to be here every morning at nine o'clock?" went onthe broker. "I am sure that is not very early for any one."

  "'Tain't my fault when it snows like this," returned the boy. "My auntought to call me."

  "Did you arrange that file of papers yesterday afternoon after I left?"continued Mr. Sumner.

  "I was going to do that this morning."

  "I told you to do it yesterday. You had plenty of time."

  "I ain't got nothing to do this morning."

  "There are a great number of things to do, Ferris, but evidently you arenot the boy who cares to do them. I warned you only a week ago that youmust mend your ways. I think hereafter we will dispense with yourservice. Mr. Hardwick, please pay him his wages in full for the week. Wewill get some one else to fill his position."

  Mr. Sumner turned to the rear office.

  "I don't care," muttered Ferris. "Hand over the stuff," he said toHardwick.

  Having received his money, he calmly lit a cigarette, puffed away uponit for a minute, and then went out slamming the door as hard as possibleafter him.

  Hal was already at work, clearing away the snow at a lively rate. Ferrisapproached him.

  "Say, are you the fellow that did me out of my job?" he asked, savagely.

  "I haven't done any one out of a job," returned Hal. "Do you work here?"

  "I did, but I don't any more."

  "Why not?"

  "Because old Sumner expects the earth from me and he can't get it; see?"Ferris winked one eye. "I'm too smart to allow myself to be steppedonto, I am. You had better quit working; he won't pay you much for yourtrouble."

  "I'll risk it," replied Hal.

  "If I find you played me foul, I'll break you all up," went on Ferris.And with this threat he hurried off.

  Hal looked after the boy for an instant and then continued his work. Thesidewalk was soon cleaned, and he returned to the office.

  Hardwick let him in behind the railing, giving him a sharp look as hepassed.

  "I've seen him somewhere before," he muttered to himself, as hecontinued at his books. "But where I can't remember."

  "What! done already?" exclaimed Mr. Sumner to Hal.

  "Yes, sir."

  "It didn't take long."

  "It wasn't much of a job, sir."

  "Ferris would have taken all of the morning."

  "Was that the boy who just left?"


  "He said he would whip me if I played him foul."

  "Humph! He is a bad boy. You must be careful, and not get into anytrouble."

  "I will, sir. But I am not afraid of him."

  "No; you look as if you could take care of yourself." Mr. Sumner rubbedhis chin. "So you say you have no prospects ahead?"

  "No, sir, but I am not afraid----"

  "Let me see your handwriting."

  The broker shoved a pad toward Hal, and handed him a pen filled withink.

  Hal put down a sentence or two, and added his own name.

  "That will do very well. You say you can figure fairly?"

  "I have been through the common school arithmetic."

  "What would my commission be on six thousand dollars' worth of bonds,sold at one hundred and fifteen, commission one-quarter of one percent?"

  Hal figured for a moment.

  "Seventeen dollars and twenty-five cents," he said.

  Mr. Sumner gave him several other sums. The youth answered all of themquickly and correctly.

  "That will do first-class," said the broker. "Now to come to business.Would you mind telling me why you left Fairham?"

  "Not at all, Mr. Sumner," replied Hal.

  And, sitting down, he told how the trustees had intended to use him, andof his determination to do for himself.

  "And I will not go back, no matter what happens," he concluded,decidedly.

  "Well, I cannot say as I blame you," was the slow reply. "Of course, youowe them something, but perhaps you can pay them back quicker in the wayyou have undertaken. Have you any idea in regard to salary?"

  "I intended to take what I could get, and then look around for somethingbetter."

  "How would you like to work for me?"

  "First-rate, sir."

  "I need an office boy to take Ferris' place, and also somebody to helpcopy contracts and make out bills and statements. If you could combinethe two I would give you seven dollars a week at the start, and increasethe amount as you become more valuable."

  Hal's heart beat fast. Seven dollars a week! It was more than twice whathe could have earned at Lawyer Gibson's office in Fairham.

  "Oh, thank you!" he cried. "I did not expect so much."

  "I expect you to earn the money," replied the broker. He made thisremark, but, nevertheless, he had not forgotten that Hal had saved hislife. "Have you any money with you?"

  "Fifty cents, sir."

  "Then let me advance you a month's salary. Half of it I would advise youto invest in an overcoat and a stout pair of shoes. The remainder youwill probably have to pay out for your board. Mr. Hardwick."

  The book-keeper came forward.

  "Just give Carson twenty-eight doll
ars for four weeks' salary inadvance. He will take Ferris' place, and also help you on the copying."

  "Yes, sir."

  Hardwick gave Hal a contemptuous look, and then going to a large safe inthe forward part of the main office, brought out the cash and handed itover.

  "You may go to work at once," said Mr. Sumner. "I would advise you tohunt up a boarding-house after business hours, three o'clock."

  "Yes, sir."

  And so Hal was installed at Sumner, Allen & Co.'s place of business. Hecleaned up the place, and then started in on the copying Hardwickbrought him.

  Mr. Sumner was well pleased with the boy's work for the day, and soexpressed himself.

  After business hours Hal bought the overcoat and the pair of shoes. Thenhe started out for a boarding-house, and at last found one on TenthStreet, kept by Mrs. Amanda Ricket, where he obtained a room on the topfloor, with breakfast and supper, for five dollars a week.

  On the second day at the office Hal was astonished to learn that the Mr.Allen of the firm was the man he had seen in company with Mr. Hardwickon the Pennsylvania ferry-boat. Mr. Allen did not recognize him, and theyouth thought it just as well not to mention the meeting. During theafternoon Mr. Sumner and Mr. Allen went out together. They were hardlygone when Hardwick put on his hat and coat and followed, leaving theyouth in sole charge.

  Five minutes later a stranger entered and asked for Mr. Allen. Findingthe broker out, he said he would wait, and sat down inside the railing,near the stove.

  He had hardly seated himself, when a snow-ball crashed against theplate-glass window. Fearful that the glass might be broken, Hal hurriedout. Two boys had been snow-balling each other, and both ran away asfast as they could.

  Hardly had Hal returned to the office than Hardwick came in. He had beenpaying a visit to a near-by wine-room, and his face was slightlyflushed. He nodded to the man who was waiting.

  "Anything I can do for you?" he asked.

  "I want to see Mr. Allen."

  "Gone away for the day, sir."

  The stranger at once arose and left. Hardwick saw him to the door, andthen sat down near a desk in the rear.

  Hal bent over the writing he was doing. He proceeded with great care, asit was new work to him and he did not wish to make any errors.

  Just before three o'clock Mr. Sumner returned. He walked to the rearoffice, gave a turn to the knob of the door of his private safe, andthen addressed Hardwick:

  "Anything new?"

  "No, sir."

  "Then we might as well close up."

  Five minutes later the main safe was locked up, the rolled-top desksclosed, and work was over for the day.

  Hal spent the evening at his room in the boarding-house, writing toLawyer Gibson, his only friend in Fairham. The letter finished, hewalked to the corner and posted it, and then returned and went to bed.

  The next morning he was the first at the office. He was engaged incleaning up when Hardwick entered. The book-keeper had been out thegreater part of the night, and his face plainly showed the effects ofhis dissipation.

  "Come, get at the books!" he growled. "The place is clean enough."

  "I will just as soon as I have dusted the rear office," replied Hal.

  "Do as I told you!" stormed Hardwick.

  At that moment Mr. Sumner entered, and with a hasty good-morning passedto the back. Hal heard him at his safe, and then came a sharp cry.

  "The safe has been robbed!"

  "What's that?" asked Hardwick, walking to the rear, while Hal followed.

  "The safe has been robbed!" gasped Mr. Sumner. "There are seventy-ninethousand dollars' worth of bonds missing."

  "You are sure?" asked the book-keeper, while Hal's heart seemed tofairly stop beating.

  "Yes, they are gone."

  "When did you leave them?"

  "Yesterday before I went out with Mr. Allen." Mr. Sumner gave a groan."This will ruin me! Who could have robbed the safe?"

  "Was it broken open?"

  "No. Look for yourself."

  Hardwick glanced toward the iron box. Then he turned and faced Hal.

  "You were here alone yesterday afternoon," he said, sternly.

  "Did you leave him here alone?" cried Mr. Sumner.

  "I am sorry to say I did, but it was only for a few minutes," repliedthe book-keeper. "I called around to Mack & Heath's for that Rock Islandcircular."

  Hal grew red in the face.

  "Mr. Sumner," he began, "I hope you do not think----"

  "I think that boy robbed the safe," interrupted Hardwick, pointing toHal. "I thought it was a mistake to take such a stranger into theplace."

  At these words Hal's eyes flashed fire.

  "That is a falsehood!" he cried, indignantly. "I never went near thesafe, excepting to dust the outside."

  Mr. Sumner clasped and unclasped his hands nervously. The ring in theyouth's voice made him hesitate as to how to proceed.

  "You robbed the safe," went on Hardwick. "You know you are guilty."

  "I know no such thing," returned Hal, in a peculiar, strained tone ofvoice. "But there is one thing I do know."

  "And what is that?" asked Mr. Sumner, eagerly.

  "I know Mr. Hardwick contemplated robbing that safe, and I feel certainin my mind that he is the one who did it."

  Hal had hardly spoken before the book-keeper sprang upon him, forcinghim over backward against the safe door.

  "I'm the thief, am I?" he cried in Hal's ear. "Take that back, or I'llmake you!"