Read The Monk: A Romance Page 3


  ----These are the Villains Whom all the Travellers do fear so much. --------Some of them are Gentlemen Such as the fury of ungoverned Youth Thrust from the company of awful Men. Two Gentlemen of Verona.

  The Marquis and Lorenzo proceeded to the Hotel in silence. The Formeremployed himself in calling every circumstance to his mind, whichrelated might give Lorenzo's the most favourable idea of his connexionwith Agnes. The Latter, justly alarmed for the honour of his family,felt embarrassed by the presence of the Marquis: The adventure which Hehad just witnessed forbad his treating him as a Friend; and Antonia'sinterests being entrusted to his mediation, He saw the impolicy oftreating him as a Foe. He concluded from these reflections, thatprofound silence would be the wisest plan, and waited with impatiencefor Don Raymond's explanation.

  They arrived at the Hotel de las Cisternas. The Marquis immediatelyconducted him to his apartment, and began to express his satisfactionat finding him at Madrid. Lorenzo interrupted him.

  'Excuse me, my Lord,' said He with a distant air, 'if I reply somewhatcoldly to your expressions of regard. A Sister's honour is involved inthis affair: Till that is established, and the purport of yourcorrespondence with Agnes cleared up, I cannot consider you as myFriend. I am anxious to hear the meaning of your conduct, and hopethat you will not delay the promised explanation.'

  'First give me your word, that you will listen with patience andindulgence.'

  'I love my Sister too well to judge her harshly; and till this moment Ipossessed no Friend so dear to me as yourself. I will also confess,that your having it in your power to oblige me in a business which Ihave much at heart, makes me very anxious to find you still deservingmy esteem.'

  'Lorenzo, you transport me! No greater pleasure can be given me, thanan opportunity of serving the Brother of Agnes.'

  'Convince me that I can accept your favours without dishonour, andthere is no Man in the world to whom I am more willing to be obliged.'

  'Probably, you have already heard your Sister mention the name ofAlphonso d'Alvarada?'

  'Never. Though I feel for Agnes an affection truly fraternal,circumstances have prevented us from being much together. While yet aChild She was consigned to the care of her Aunt, who had married aGerman Nobleman. At his Castle She remained till two years since, whenShe returned to Spain, determined upon secluding herself from theworld.'

  'Good God! Lorenzo, you knew of her intention, and yet strove not tomake her change it?'

  'Marquis, you wrong me. The intelligence, which I received at Naples,shocked me extremely, and I hastened my return to Madrid for theexpress purpose of preventing the sacrifice. The moment that Iarrived, I flew to the Convent of St. Clare, in which Agnes had chosento perform her Noviciate. I requested to see my Sister. Conceive mysurprise when She sent me a refusal; She declared positively, thatapprehending my influence over her mind, She would not trust herself inmy society till the day before that on which She was to receive theVeil. I supplicated the Nuns; I insisted upon seeing Agnes, andhesitated not to avow my suspicions that her being kept from me wasagainst her own inclinations. To free herself from the imputation ofviolence, the Prioress brought me a few lines written in my Sister'swell-known hand, repeating the message already delivered. All futureattempts to obtain a moment's conversation with her were as fruitlessas the first. She was inflexible, and I was not permitted to see hertill the day preceding that on which She entered the Cloister never toquit it more. This interview took place in the presence of ourprincipal Relations. It was for the first time since her childhoodthat I saw her, and the scene was most affecting. She threw herselfupon my bosom, kissed me, and wept bitterly. By every possibleargument, by tears, by prayers, by kneeling, I strove to make herabandon her intention. I represented to her all the hardships of areligious life; I painted to her imagination all the pleasures whichShe was going to quit, and besought her to disclose to me, whatoccasioned her disgust to the world. At this last question She turnedpale, and her tears flowed yet faster. She entreated me not to pressher on that subject; That it sufficed me to know that her resolutionwas taken, and that a Convent was the only place where She could nowhope for tranquillity. She persevered in her design, and made herprofession. I visited her frequently at the Grate, and every momentthat I passed with her, made me feel more affliction at her loss. Iwas shortly after obliged to quit Madrid; I returned but yesterdayevening, and since then have not had time to call at St. Clare'sConvent.'

  'Then till I mentioned it, you never heard the name of Alphonsod'Alvarada?'

  'Pardon me: my Aunt wrote me word that an Adventurer so called hadfound means to get introduced into the Castle of Lindenberg; That Hehad insinuated himself into my Sister's good graces, and that She hadeven consented to elope with him. However, before the plan could beexecuted, the Cavalier discovered that the estates which He believedAgnes to possess in Hispaniola, in reality belonged to me. Thisintelligence made him change his intention; He disappeared on the daythat the elopement was to have taken place, and Agnes, in despair athis perfidy and meanness, had resolved upon seclusion in a Convent.She added, that as this adventurer had given himself out to be a Friendof mine, She wished to know whether I had any knowledge of him. Ireplied in the negative. I had then very little idea, that Alphonsod'Alvarada and the Marquis de las Cisternas were one and the sameperson: The description given me of the first by no means tallied withwhat I knew of the latter.'

  'In this I easily recognize Donna Rodolpha's perfidious character.Every word of this account is stamped with marks of her malice, of herfalsehood, of her talents for misrepresenting those whom She wishes toinjure. Forgive me, Medina, for speaking so freely of your Relation.The mischief which She has done me authorises my resentment, and whenyou have heard my story, you will be convinced that my expressions havenot been too severe.'

  He then began his narrative in the following manner.


  Long experience, my dear Lorenzo, has convinced me how generous is yournature: I waited not for your declaration of ignorance respecting yourSister's adventures to suppose that they had been purposely concealedfrom you. Had they reached your knowledge, from what misfortunesshould both Agnes and myself have escaped! Fate had ordained itotherwise! You were on your Travels when I first became acquaintedwith your Sister; and as our Enemies took care to conceal from her yourdirection, it was impossible for her to implore by letter yourprotection and advice.

  On leaving Salamanca, at which University as I have since heard, youremained a year after I quitted it, I immediately set out upon myTravels. My Father supplied me liberally with money; But He insistedupon my concealing my rank, and presenting myself as no more than aprivate Gentleman. This command was issued by the counsels of hisFriend, the Duke of Villa Hermosa, a Nobleman for whose abilities andknowledge of the world I have ever entertained the most profoundveneration.

  'Believe me,' said He, 'my dear Raymond, you will hereafter feel thebenefits of this temporary degradation. 'Tis true, that as the Condede las Cisternas you would have been received with open arms; and youryouthful vanity might have felt gratified by the attentions showeredupon you from all sides. At present, much will depend upon yourself:You have excellent recommendations, but it must be your own business tomake them of use to you. You must lay yourself out to please; You mustlabour to gain the approbation of those, to whom you are presented:They who would have courted the friendship of the Conde de lasCisternas will have no interest in finding out the merits, or bearingpatiently with the faults, of Alphonso d'Alvarada. Consequently, whenyou find yourself really liked, you may safely ascribe it to your goodqualities, not your rank, and the distinction shown you will beinfinitely more flattering. Besides, your exalted birth would notpermit your mixing with the lower classes of society, which will now bein your power, and from which, in my opinion, you will deriveconsiderable benefit. Do not confine yourself to the Illustrious o
fthose Countries through which you pass. Examine the manners andcustoms of the multitude: Enter into the Cottages; and by observing howthe Vassals of Foreigners are treated, learn to diminish the burthensand augment the comforts of your own. According to my ideas, of thoseadvantages which a Youth destined to the possession of power and wealthmay reap from travel, He should not consider as the least essential,the opportunity of mixing with the classes below him, and becoming aneyewitness of the sufferings of the People.'

  Forgive me, Lorenzo, if I seem tedious in my narration. The closeconnexion which now exists between us, makes me anxious that you shouldknow every particular respecting me; and in my fear of omitting theleast circumstance which may induce you to think favourably of yourSister and myself, I may possibly relate many which you may thinkuninteresting.

  I followed the Duke's advice; I was soon convinced of its wisdom.

  I quitted Spain, calling myself by the assumed title of Don Alphonsod'Alvarada, and attended by a single Domestic of approved fidelity.Paris was my first station. For some time I was enchanted with it, asindeed must be every Man who is young, rich, and fond of pleasure. Yetamong all its gaieties, I felt that something was wanting to my heart.I grew sick of dissipation: I discovered, that the People among whom Ilived, and whose exterior was so polished and seducing, were at bottomfrivolous, unfeeling and insincere. I turned from the Inhabitants ofParis with disgust, and quitted that Theatre of Luxury without heavingone sigh of regret.

  I now bent my course towards Germany, intending to visit most of theprincipal courts: Prior to this expedition, I meant to make somelittle stay at Strasbourg. On quitting my Chaise at Luneville to takesome refreshment, I observed a splendid Equipage, attended by fourDomestics in rich liveries, waiting at the door of the Silver Lion.Soon after as I looked out of the window, I saw a Lady of noblepresence, followed by two female Attendants, step into the Carriage,which drove off immediately.

  I enquired of the Host, who the Lady was, that had just departed.

  'A German Baroness, Monsieur, of great rank and fortune. She has beenupon a visit to the Duchess of Longueville, as her Servants informedme; She is going to Strasbourg, where She will find her Husband, andthen both return to their Castle in Germany.'

  I resumed my journey, intending to reach Strasbourg that night. Myhopes, however were frustrated by the breaking down of my Chaise. Theaccident happened in the middle of a thick Forest, and I was not alittle embarrassed as to the means of proceeding.

  It was the depth of winter: The night was already closing round us;and Strasbourg, which was the nearest Town, was still distant from usseveral leagues. It seemed to me that my only alternative to passingthe night in the Forest, was to take my Servant's Horse and ride on toStrasbourg, an undertaking at that season very far from agreeable.However, seeing no other resource, I was obliged to make up my mind toit. Accordingly I communicated my design to the Postillion, tellinghim that I would send People to assist him as soon as I reachedStrasbourg. I had not much confidence in his honesty; But Stephanobeing well-armed, and the Driver to all appearance considerablyadvanced in years, I believed I ran no danger of losing my Baggage.

  Luckily, as I then thought, an opportunity presented itself of passingthe night more agreeably than I expected. On mentioning my design ofproceeding by myself to Strasbourg, the Postillion shook his head indisapprobation.

  'It is a long way,' said He; 'You will find it a difficult matter toarrive there without a Guide. Besides, Monsieur seems unaccustomed tothe season's severity, and 'tis possible that unable to sustain theexcessive cold....'

  'What use is there to present me with all these objections?' said I,impatiently interrupting him; 'I have no other resource: I run stillgreater risque of perishing with cold by passing the night in theForest.'

  'Passing the night in the Forest?' He replied; 'Oh! by St. Denis! Weare not in quite so bad a plight as that comes to yet. If I am notmistaken, we are scarcely five minutes walk from the Cottage of my oldFriend, Baptiste. He is a Wood-cutter, and a very honest Fellow. Idoubt not but He will shelter you for the night with pleasure. In themeantime I can take the saddle-Horse, ride to Strasbourg, and be backwith proper people to mend your Carriage by break of day.'

  'And in the name of God,' said I, 'How could you leave me so long insuspense? Why did you not tell me of this Cottage sooner? Whatexcessive stupidity!'

  'I thought that perhaps Monsieur would not deign to accept....'

  'Absurd! Come, come! Say no more, but conduct us without delay to theWood-man's Cottage.'

  He obeyed, and we moved onwards: The Horses contrived with somedifficulty to drag the shattered vehicle after us. My Servant wasbecome almost speechless, and I began to feel the effects of the coldmyself, before we reached the wished-for Cottage. It was a small butneat Building: As we drew near it, I rejoiced at observing through thewindow the blaze of a comfortable fire. Our Conductor knocked at thedoor: It was some time before any one answered; The People withinseemed in doubt whether we should be admitted.

  'Come! Come, Friend Baptiste!' cried the Driver with impatience; 'Whatare you about? Are you asleep? Or will you refuse a night's lodgingto a Gentleman, whose Chaise has just broken down in the Forest?'

  'Ah! is it you, honest Claude?' replied a Man's voice from within;'Wait a moment, and the door shall be opened.'

  Soon after the bolts were drawn back. The door was unclosed, and a Manpresented himself to us with a Lamp in his hand. He gave the Guide anhearty reception, and then addressed himself to me.

  'Walk in, Monsieur; Walk in, and welcome! Excuse me for not admittingyou at first: But there are so many Rogues about this place, thatsaving your presence, I suspected you to be one.'

  Thus saying, He ushered me into the room, where I had observed thefire: I was immediately placed in an Easy Chair, which stood close tothe Hearth. A Female, whom I supposed to be the Wife of my Host, rosefrom her seat upon my entrance, and received me with a slight anddistant reverence. She made no answer to my compliment, butimmediately re-seating herself, continued the work on which She hadbeen employed. Her Husband's manners were as friendly as hers wereharsh and repulsive.

  'I wish, I could lodge you more conveniently, Monsieur,' said He; 'Butwe cannot boast of much spare room in this hovel. However, a chamberfor yourself, and another for your Servant, I think, we can make shiftto supply. You must content yourself with sorry fare; But to what wehave, believe me, you are heartily welcome.' ----Then turning to hiswife--'Why, how you sit there, Marguerite, with as much tranquillity asif you had nothing better to do! Stir about, Dame! Stir about! Getsome supper; Look out some sheets; Here, here; throw some logs upon thefire, for the Gentleman seems perished with cold.'

  The Wife threw her work hastily upon the Table, and proceeded toexecute his commands with every mark of unwillingness. Her countenancehad displeased me on the first moment of my examining it. Yet upon thewhole her features were handsome unquestionably; But her skin wassallow, and her person thin and meagre; A louring gloom over-spread hercountenance; and it bore such visible marks of rancour and ill-will, ascould not escape being noticed by the most inattentive Observer. Herevery look and action expressed discontent and impatience, and theanswers which She gave Baptiste, when He reproached her good-humouredlyfor her dissatisfied air, were tart, short, and cutting. In tine, Iconceived at first sight equal disgust for her, and prepossession infavour of her Husband, whose appearance was calculated to inspireesteem and confidence. His countenance was open, sincere, andfriendly; his manners had all the Peasant's honesty unaccompanied byhis rudeness; His cheeks were broad, full, and ruddy; and in thesolidity of his person He seemed to offer an ample apology for theleanness of his Wife's. From the wrinkles on his brow I judged him tobe turned of sixty; But He bore his years well, and seemed still heartyand strong: The Wife could not be more than thirty, but in spirits andvivacity She was infinitely older than the Husband.

  However, in spite of her unwillingness, Marguerite began t
o prepare thesupper, while the Wood-man conversed gaily on different subjects. ThePostillion, who had been furnished with a bottle of spirits, was nowready to set out for Strasbourg, and enquired, whether I had anyfurther commands.

  'For Strasbourg?' interrupted Baptiste; 'You are not going thithertonight?'

  'I beg your pardon: If I do not fetch Workmen to mend the Chaise, Howis Monsieur to proceed tomorrow?'

  'That is true, as you say; I had forgotten the Chaise. Well, butClaude; You may at least eat your supper here? That can make you losevery little time, and Monsieur looks too kind-hearted to send you outwith an empty stomach on such a bitter cold night as this is.'

  To this I readily assented, telling the Postillion that my reachingStrasbourg the next day an hour or two later would be perfectlyimmaterial. He thanked me, and then leaving the Cottage with Stephano,put up his Horses in the Wood-man's Stable. Baptiste followed them tothe door, and looked out with anxiety.

  ''Tis a sharp biting wind!' said He; 'I wonder, what detains my Boys solong! Monsieur, I shall show you two of the finest Lads, that everstept in shoe of leather. The eldest is three and twenty, the second ayear younger: Their Equals for sense, courage, and activity, are notto be found within fifty miles of Strasbourg. Would They were backagain! I begin to feel uneasy about them.'

  Marguerite was at this time employed in laying the cloth.

  'And are you equally anxious for the return of your Sons?' said I toher.

  'Not I!' She replied peevishly; 'They are no children of mine.'

  'Come! Come, Marguerite!' said the Husband; 'Do not be out of humourwith the Gentleman for asking a simple question. Had you not looked socross, He would never have thought you old enough to have a Son ofthree and twenty: But you see how many years ill-temper adds toyou!--Excuse my Wife's rudeness, Monsieur. A little thing puts herout, and She is somewhat displeased at your not thinking her to beunder thirty. That is the truth, is it not, Marguerite? You know,Monsieur, that Age is always a ticklish subject with a Woman. Come!come! Marguerite, clear up a little. If you have not Sons as old, youwill some twenty years hence, and I hope, that we shall live to seethem just such Lads as Jacques and Robert.'

  Marguerite clasped her hands together passionately.

  'God forbid!' said She; 'God forbid! If I thought it, I would stranglethem with my own hands!'

  She quitted the room hastily, and went up stairs.

  I could not help expressing to the Wood-man how much I pitied him forbeing chained for life to a Partner of such ill-humour.

  'Ah! Lord! Monsieur, Every one has his share of grievances, andMarguerite has fallen to mine. Besides, after all She is only cross,and not malicious. The worst is, that her affection for two childrenby a former Husband makes her play the Step-mother with my two Sons.She cannot bear the sight of them, and by her good-will they wouldnever set a foot within my door. But on this point I always standfirm, and never will consent to abandon the poor Lads to the world'smercy, as She has often solicited me to do. In every thing else I lether have her own way; and truly She manages a family rarely, that Imust say for her.'

  We were conversing in this manner, when our discourse was interruptedby a loud halloo, which rang through the Forest.

  'My Sons, I hope!' exclaimed the Wood-man, and ran to open the door.

  The halloo was repeated: We now distinguished the trampling of Horses,and soon after a Carriage, attended by several Cavaliers stopped at theCottage door. One of the Horsemen enquired how far they were stillfrom Strasbourg. As He addressed himself to me, I answered in thenumber of miles which Claude had told me; Upon which a volley of curseswas vented against the Drivers for having lost their way. The Personsin the Coach were now informed of the distance of Strasbourg, and alsothat the Horses were so fatigued as to be incapable of proceedingfurther. A Lady, who appeared to be the principal, expressed muchchagrin at this intelligence; But as there was no remedy, one of theAttendants asked the Wood-man, whether He could furnish them withlodging for the night.

  He seemed much embarrassed, and replied in the negative; Adding that aSpanish Gentleman and his Servant were already in possession of theonly spare apartments in his House. On hearing this, the gallantry ofmy nation would not permit me to retain those accommodations, of whicha Female was in want. I instantly signified to the Wood-man, that Itransferred my right to the Lady; He made some objections; But Ioverruled them, and hastening to the Carriage, opened the door, andassisted the Lady to descend. I immediately recognized her for thesame person whom I had seen at the Inn at Luneville. I took anopportunity of asking one of her Attendants, what was her name?

  'The Baroness Lindenberg,' was the answer.

  I could not but remark how different a reception our Host had giventhese newcomers and myself. His reluctance to admit them was visiblyexpressed on his countenance, and He prevailed on himself withdifficulty to tell the Lady that She was welcome. I conducted her intothe House, and placed her in the armed-chair, which I had just quitted.She thanked me very graciously; and made a thousand apologies forputting me to an inconvenience. Suddenly the Wood-man's countenancecleared up.

  'At last I have arranged it!' said He, interrupting her excuses; 'I canlodge you and your suite, Madam, and you will not be under thenecessity of making this Gentleman suffer for his politeness.

  We have two spare chambers, one for the Lady, the other, Monsieur, foryou: My Wife shall give up hers to the two Waiting-women; As for theMen-servants, they must content themselves with passing the night in alarge Barn, which stands at a few yards distance from the House. Therethey shall have a blazing fire, and as good a supper as we can makeshift to give them.'

  After several expressions of gratitude on the Lady's part, andopposition on mine to Marguerite's giving up her bed, this arrangementwas agreed to. As the Room was small, the Baroness immediatelydismissed her Male Domestics: Baptiste was on the point of conductingthem to the Barn which He had mentioned when two young Men appeared atthe door of the Cottage.

  'Hell and Furies!' exclaimed the first starting back; 'Robert, theHouse is filled with Strangers!'

  'Ha! There are my Sons!' cried our Host. 'Why, Jacques! Robert!whither are you running, Boys? There is room enough still for you.'

  Upon this assurance the Youths returned. The Father presented them tothe Baroness and myself: After which He withdrew with our Domestics,while at the request of the two Waiting-women, Marguerite conductedthem to the room designed for their Mistress.

  The two new-comers were tall, stout, well-made young Men,hard-featured, and very much sun-burnt. They paid their compliments tous in few words, and acknowledged Claude, who now entered the room, asan old acquaintance. They then threw aside their cloaks in which theywere wrapped up, took off a leathern belt to which a large Cutlass wassuspended, and each drawing a brace of pistols from his girdle laidthem upon a shelf.

  'You travel well-armed,' said I.

  'True, Monsieur;' replied Robert. 'We left Strasbourg late thisEvening, and 'tis necessary to take precautions at passing through thisForest after dark. It does not bear a good repute, I promise you.'

  'How?' said the Baroness; 'Are there Robbers hereabout?'

  'So it is said, Madame; For my own part, I have travelled through thewood at all hours, and never met with one of them.'

  Here Marguerite returned. Her Stepsons drew her to the other end ofthe room, and whispered her for some minutes. By the looks which theycast towards us at intervals, I conjectured them to be enquiring ourbusiness in the Cottage.

  In the meanwhile the Baroness expressed her apprehensions, that herHusband would be suffering much anxiety upon her account. She hadintended to send on one of her Servants to inform the Baron of herdelay; But the account which the young Men gave of the Forest renderedthis plan impracticable. Claude relieved her from her embarrassment.He informed her that He was under the necessity of reaching Strasbourgthat night, and that would She trust him with a letter, She mightdepend upon its being saf
ely delivered.

  'And how comes it,' said I, 'that you are under no apprehension ofmeeting these Robbers?'

  'Alas! Monsieur, a poor Man with a large family must not lose certainprofit because 'tis attended with a little danger, and perhaps my Lordthe Baron may give me a trifle for my pains. Besides, I have nothing tolose except my life, and that will not be worth the Robbers taking.'

  I thought his arguments bad, and advised his waiting till the Morning;But as the Baroness did not second me, I was obliged to give up thepoint. The Baroness Lindenberg, as I found afterwards, had long beenaccustomed to sacrifice the interests of others to her own, and herwish to send Claude to Strasbourg blinded her to the danger of theundertaking. Accordingly, it was resolved that He should set outwithout delay. The Baroness wrote her letter to her Husband, and Isent a few lines to my Banker, apprising him that I should not be atStrasbourg till the next day. Claude took our letters, and left theCottage.

  The Lady declared herself much fatigued by her journey: Besides havingcome from some distance, the Drivers had contrived to lose their way inthe Forest. She now addressed herself to Marguerite, desiring to beshown to her chamber, and permitted to take half an hour's repose. Oneof the Waiting-women was immediately summoned; She appeared with alight, and the Baroness followed her up stairs. The cloth wasspreading in the chamber where I was, and Marguerite soon gave me tounderstand that I was in her way. Her hints were too broad to beeasily mistaken; I therefore desired one of the young Men to conduct meto the chamber where I was to sleep, and where I could remain tillsupper was ready.

  'Which chamber is it, Mother?' said Robert.

  'The One with green hangings,' She replied; 'I have just been at thetrouble of getting it ready, and have put fresh sheets upon the Bed; Ifthe Gentleman chooses to lollop and lounge upon it, He may make itagain himself for me.'

  'You are out of humour, Mother, but that is no novelty. Have thegoodness to follow me, Monsieur.'

  He opened the door, and advanced towards a narrow staircase.

  'You have got no light!' said Marguerite; 'Is it your own neck or theGentleman's that you have a mind to break?'

  She crossed by me, and put a candle into Robert's hand, having receivedwhich, He began to ascend the staircase. Jacques was employed inlaying the cloth, and his back was turned towards me.

  Marguerite seized the moment, when we were unobserved. She caught myhand, and pressed it strongly.

  'Look at the Sheets!' said She as She passed me, and immediatelyresumed her former occupation.

  Startled by the abruptness of her action, I remained as if petrified.Robert's voice, desiring me to follow him, recalled me to myself. Iascended the staircase. My conductor ushered me into a chamber, wherean excellent wood-fire was blazing upon the hearth. He placed thelight upon the Table, enquired whether I had any further commands, andon my replying in the negative, He left me to myself. You may becertain that the moment when I found myself alone was that on which Icomplied with Marguerite's injunction. I took the candle, hastilyapproached the Bed, and turned down the Coverture. What was myastonishment, my horror, at finding the sheets crimsoned with blood!

  At that moment a thousand confused ideas passed before my imagination.The Robbers who infested the Wood, Marguerite's exclamation respectingher Children, the arms and appearance of the two young Men, and thevarious Anecdotes which I had heard related, respecting the secretcorrespondence which frequently exists between Banditti andPostillions, all these circumstances flashed upon my mind, and inspiredme with doubt and apprehension. I ruminated on the most probable meansof ascertaining the truth of my conjectures. Suddenly I was aware ofSomeone below pacing hastily backwards and forwards. Every thing nowappeared to me an object of suspicion. With precaution I drew near thewindow, which, as the room had been long shut up, was left open inspite of the cold. I ventured to look out. The beams of the Moonpermitted me to distinguish a Man, whom I had no difficulty torecognize for my Host. I watched his movements.

  He walked swiftly, then stopped, and seemed to listen: He stamped uponthe ground, and beat his stomach with his arms as if to guard himselffrom the inclemency of the season. At the least noise, if a voice washeard in the lower part of the House, if a Bat flitted past him, or thewind rattled amidst the leafless boughs, He started, and looked roundwith anxiety.

  'Plague take him!' said He at length with impatience; 'What can He beabout!'

  He spoke in a low voice; but as He was just below my window, I had nodifficulty to distinguish his words.

  I now heard the steps of one approaching. Baptiste went towards thesound; He joined a man, whom his low stature and the Horn suspendedfrom his neck, declared to be no other than my faithful Claude, whom Ihad supposed to be already on his way to Strasbourg. Expecting theirdiscourse to throw some light upon my situation, I hastened to putmyself in a condition to hear it with safety. For this purpose Iextinguished the candle, which stood upon a table near the Bed: Theflame of the fire was not strong enough to betray me, and I immediatelyresumed my place at the window.

  The objects of my curiosity had stationed themselves directly under it.I suppose that during my momentary absence the Wood-man had beenblaming Claude for tardiness, since when I returned to the window, thelatter was endeavouring to excuse his fault.

  'However,' added He, 'my diligence at present shall make up for my pastdelay.'

  'On that condition,' answered Baptiste, 'I shall readily forgive you.But in truth as you share equally with us in our prizes, your owninterest will make you use all possible diligence. 'Twould be a shameto let such a noble booty escape us! You say, that this Spaniard isrich?'

  'His Servant boasted at the Inn, that the effects in his Chaise wereworth above two thousand Pistoles.'

  Oh! how I cursed Stephano's imprudent vanity!

  'And I have been told,' continued the Postillion, 'that this Baronesscarries about her a casket of jewels of immense value.'

  'May be so, but I had rather She had stayed away. The Spaniard was asecure prey. The Boys and myself could easily have mastered him andhis Servant, and then the two thousand Pistoles would have been sharedbetween us four. Now we must let in the Band for a share, and perhapsthe whole Covey may escape us. Should our Friends have betakenthemselves to their different posts before you reach the Cavern, allwill be lost. The Lady's Attendants are too numerous for us tooverpower them: Unless our Associates arrive in time, we must needslet these Travellers set out tomorrow without damage or hurt.'

  ''Tis plaguy unlucky that my Comrades who drove the Coach should bethose unacquainted with our Confederacy! But never fear, FriendBaptiste. An hour will bring me to the Cavern; It is now but teno'clock, and by twelve you may expect the arrival of the Band. By thebye, take care of your Wife: You know how strong is her repugnance toour mode of life, and She may find means to give information to theLady's Servants of our design.'

  'Oh! I am secure of her silence; She is too much afraid of me, and fondof her children, to dare to betray my secret. Besides, Jacques andRobert keep a strict eye over her, and She is not permitted to set afoot out of the Cottage. The Servants are safely lodged in the Barn; Ishall endeavour to keep all quiet till the arrival of our Friends.Were I assured of your finding them, the Strangers should be dispatchedthis instant; But as it is possible for you to miss the Banditti, I amfearful of being summoned to produce them by their Domestics in theMorning.'

  'And suppose either of the Travellers should discover your design?'

  'Then we must poignard those in our power, and take our chance aboutmastering the rest. However, to avoid running such a risque, hasten tothe Cavern: The Banditti never leave it before eleven, and if you usediligence, you may reach it in time to stop them.'

  'Tell Robert that I have taken his Horse: My own has broken hisbridle, and escaped into the Wood. What is the watch-word?'

  'The reward of Courage.'

  ''Tis sufficient. I hasten to the Cavern.'

  'And I to rejoin my G
uests, lest my absence should create suspicion.Farewell, and be diligent.'

  These worthy Associates now separated: The One bent his course towardsthe Stable, while the Other returned to the House.

  You may judge, what must have been my feelings during thisconversation, of which I lost not a single syllable. I dared not trustmyself to my reflections, nor did any means present itself to escapethe dangers which threatened me. Resistance, I knew to be vain; I wasunarmed, and a single Man against Three: However, I resolved at leastto sell my life as dearly as I could. Dreading lest Baptiste shouldperceive my absence, and suspect me to have overheard the message withwhich Claude was dispatched, I hastily relighted my candle and quittedthe chamber. On descending, I found the Table spread for six Persons.The Baroness sat by the fireside: Marguerite was employed in dressing asallad, and her Step-sons were whispering together at the further endof the room. Baptiste having the round of the Garden to make, ere Hecould reach the Cottage door, was not yet arrived. I seated myselfquietly opposite to the Baroness.

  A glance upon Marguerite told her that her hint had not been thrownaway upon me. How different did She now appear to me! What beforeseemed gloom and sullenness, I now found to be disgust at herAssociates, and compassion for my danger. I looked up to her as to myonly resource; Yet knowing her to be watched by her Husband with asuspicious eye, I could place but little reliance on the exertions ofher good-will.

  In spite of all my endeavours to conceal it, my agitation was but toovisibly expressed upon my countenance. I was pale, and both my wordsand actions were disordered and embarrassed. The young Men observedthis, and enquired the cause. I attributed it to excess of fatigue,and the violent effect produced on me by the severity of the season.Whether they believed me or not, I will not pretend to say: They atleast ceased to embarrass me with their questions. I strove to divertmy attention from the perils which surrounded me, by conversing ondifferent subjects with the Baroness. I talked of Germany, declaringmy intention of visiting it immediately: God knows, that I littlethought at that moment of ever seeing it! She replied to me with greatease and politeness, professed that the pleasure of making myacquaintance amply compensated for the delay in her journey, and gaveme a pressing invitation to make some stay at the Castle of Lindenberg.As She spoke thus, the Youths exchanged a malicious smile, whichdeclared that She would be fortunate if She ever reached that Castleherself. This action did not escape me; But I concealed the emotionwhich it excited in my breast. I continued to converse with the Lady;But my discourse was so frequently incoherent, that as She has sinceinformed me, She began to doubt whether I was in my right senses. Thefact was, that while my conversation turned upon one subject, mythoughts were entirely occupied by another. I meditated upon the meansof quitting the Cottage, finding my way to the Barn, and giving theDomestics information of our Host's designs. I was soon convinced, howimpracticable was the attempt. Jacques and Robert watched my everymovement with an attentive eye, and I was obliged to abandon the idea.All my hopes now rested upon Claude's not finding the Banditti: Inthat case, according to what I had overheard, we should be permitted todepart unhurt.

  I shuddered involuntarily as Baptiste entered the room. He made manyapologies for his long absence, but 'He had been detained by affairsimpossible to be delayed.' He then entreated permission for his familyto sup at the same table with us, without which, respect would notauthorize his taking such a liberty. Oh! how in my heart I cursed theHypocrite! How I loathed his presence, who was on the point ofdepriving me of an existence, at that time infinitely dear! I hadevery reason to be satisfied with life; I had youth, wealth, rank, andeducation; and the fairest prospects presented themselves before me. Isaw those prospects on the point of closing in the most horriblemanner: Yet was I obliged to dissimulate, and to receive with asemblance of gratitude the false civilities of him who held the daggerto my bosom.

  The permission which our Host demanded, was easily obtained. We seatedourselves at the Table. The Baroness and myself occupied one side:The Sons were opposite to us with their backs to the door. Baptistetook his seat by the Baroness at the upper end, and the place next tohim was left for his Wife. She soon entered the room, and placedbefore us a plain but comfortable Peasant's repast. Our Host thoughtit necessary to apologize for the poorness of the supper: 'He had notbeen apprized of our coming; He could only offer us such fare as hadbeen intended for his own family:'

  'But,' added He, 'should any accident detain my noble Guests longerthan they at present intend, I hope to give them a better treatment.'

  The Villain! I well knew the accident to which He alluded; I shudderedat the treatment which He taught us to expect!

  My Companion in danger seemed entirely to have got rid of her chagrinat being delayed. She laughed, and conversed with the family withinfinite gaiety. I strove but in vain to follow her example. Myspirits were evidently forced, and the constraint which I put uponmyself escaped not Baptiste's observation.

  'Come, come, Monsieur, cheer up!' said He; 'You seem not quiterecovered from your fatigue. To raise your spirits, what say you to aglass of excellent old wine which was left me by my Father? God resthis soul, He is in a better world! I seldom produce this wine; But asI am not honoured with such Guests every day, this is an occasion whichdeserves a Bottle.'

  He then gave his Wife a Key, and instructed her where to find the wineof which He spoke. She seemed by no means pleased with the commission;She took the Key with an embarrassed air, and hesitated to quit theTable.

  'Did you hear me?' said Baptiste in an angry tone.

  Marguerite darted upon him a look of mingled anger and fear, and leftthe chamber. His eyes followed her suspiciously, till She had closedthe door.

  She soon returned with a bottle sealed with yellow wax. She placed itupon the table, and gave the Key back to her Husband. I suspected thatthis liquor was not presented to us without design, and I watchedMarguerite's movements with inquietude. She was employed in rinsingsome small horn Goblets. As She placed them before Baptiste, She sawthat my eye was fixed upon her; and at the moment when She thoughtherself unobserved by the Banditti, She motioned to me with her headnot to taste the liquor, She then resumed her place.

  In the mean while our Host had drawn the Cork, and filling two of theGoblets, offered them to the Lady and myself. She at first made someobjections, but the instances of Baptiste were so urgent, that She wasobliged to comply. Fearing to excite suspicion, I hesitated not totake the Goblet presented to me. By its smell and colour I guessed itto be Champagne; But some grains of powder floating upon the topconvinced me that it was not unadulterated. However, I dared not toexpress my repugnance to drinking it; I lifted it to my lips, andseemed to be swallowing it: Suddenly starting from my chair, I madethe best of my way towards a Vase of water at some distance, in whichMarguerite had been rinsing the Goblets. I pretended to spit out thewine with disgust, and took an opportunity unperceived of emptying theliquor into the Vase.

  The Banditti seemed alarmed at my action. Jacques half rose from hischair, put his hand into his bosom, and I discovered the haft of adagger. I returned to my seat with tranquillity, and affected not tohave observed their confusion.

  'You have not suited my taste, honest Friend,' said I, addressingmyself to Baptiste. 'I never can drink Champagne without its producinga violent illness. I swallowed a few mouthfuls ere I was aware of itsquality, and fear that I shall suffer for my imprudence.'

  Baptiste and Jacques exchanged looks of distrust.

  'Perhaps,' said Robert, 'the smell may be disagreeable to you.'

  He quitted his chair, and removed the Goblet. I observed, that Heexamined, whether it was nearly empty.

  'He must have drank sufficient,' said He to his Brother in a low voice,while He reseated himself.

  Marguerite looked apprehensive, that I had tasted the liquor: A glancefrom my eye reassured her.

  I waited with anxiety for the effects which the Beverage would produceupon the
Lady. I doubted not but the grains which I had observed werepoisonous, and lamented that it had been impossible for me to warn herof the danger. But a few minutes had elapsed before I perceived hereyes grow heavy; Her head sank upon her shoulder, and She fell into adeep sleep. I affected not to attend to this circumstance, andcontinued my conversation with Baptiste, with all the outward gaiety inmy power to assume. But He no longer answered me without constraint.He eyed me with distrust and astonishment, and I saw that the Bandittiwere frequently whispering among themselves. My situation became everymoment more painful; I sustained the character of confidence with aworse grace than ever. Equally afraid of the arrival of theirAccomplices and of their suspecting my knowledge of their designs, Iknew not how to dissipate the distrust which the Banditti evidentlyentertained for me. In this new dilemma the friendly Marguerite againassisted me. She passed behind the Chairs of her Stepsons, stopped fora moment opposite to me, closed her eyes, and reclined her head uponher shoulder. This hint immediately dispelled my incertitude. It toldme, that I ought to imitate the Baroness, and pretend that the liquorhad taken its full effect upon me. I did so, and in a few minutesseemed perfectly overcome with slumber.

  'So!' cried Baptiste, as I fell back in my chair; 'At last He sleeps!I began to think that He had scented our design, and that we shouldhave been forced to dispatch him at all events.'

  'And why not dispatch him at all events?' enquired the ferociousJacques. 'Why leave him the possibility of betraying our secret?Marguerite, give me one of my Pistols: A single touch of the triggerwill finish him at once.'

  'And supposing,' rejoined the Father, 'Supposing that our Friendsshould not arrive tonight, a pretty figure we should make when theServants enquire for him in the Morning! No, no, Jacques; We must waitfor our Associates. If they join us, we are strong enough to dispatchthe Domestics as well as their Masters, and the booty is our own; IfClaude does not find the Troop, we must take patience, and suffer theprey to slip through our fingers. Ah! Boys, Boys, had you arrived butfive minutes sooner, the Spaniard would have been done for, and twothousand Pistoles our own. But you are always out of the way when youare most wanted.

  You are the most unlucky Rogues!'

  'Well, well, Father!' answered Jacques; 'Had you been of my mind, allwould have been over by this time. You, Robert, Claude, and myself, whythe Strangers were but double the number, and I warrant you we mighthave mastered them. However, Claude is gone; 'Tis too late to think ofit now. We must wait patiently for the arrival of the Gang; and if theTravellers escape us tonight, we must take care to waylay themtomorrow.'

  'True! True!' said Baptiste; 'Marguerite, have you given thesleeping-draught to the Waiting-women?'

  She replied in the affirmative.

  'All then is safe. Come, come, Boys; Whatever falls out, we have noreason to complain of this adventure. We run no danger, may gain much,and can lose nothing.'

  At this moment I heard a trampling of Horses. Oh! how dreadful was thesound to my ears. A cold sweat flowed down my forehead, and I felt allthe terrors of impending death. I was by no means reassured by hearingthe compassionate Marguerite exclaim in the accents of despair,

  'Almighty God! They are lost!'

  Luckily the Wood-man and his Sons were too much occupied by the arrivalof their Associates to attend to me, or the violence of my agitationwould have convinced them that my sleep was feigned.

  'Open! Open!' exclaimed several voices on the outside of the Cottage.

  'Yes! Yes!' cried Baptiste joyfully; 'They are our Friends sureenough! Now then our booty is certain. Away! Lads, Away! Lead themto the Barn; You know what is to be done there.'

  Robert hastened to open the door of the Cottage.

  'But first,' said Jacques, taking up his arms; 'first let me dispatchthese Sleepers.'

  'No, no, no!' replied his Father; 'Go you to the Barn, where yourpresence is wanted. Leave me to take care of these and the Womenabove.'

  Jacques obeyed, and followed his Brother. They seemed to converse withthe New-Comers for a few minutes: After which I heard the Robbersdismount, and as I conjectured, bend their course towards the Barn.

  'So! That is wisely done!' muttered Baptiste; 'They have quitted theirHorses, that They may fall upon the Strangers by surprise. Good! Good!and now to business.'

  I heard him approach a small Cupboard which was fixed up in a distantpart of the room, and unlock it. At this moment I felt myself shakengently.

  'Now! Now!' whispered Marguerite.

  I opened my eyes. Baptiste stood with his back towards me. No oneelse was in the room save Marguerite and the sleeping Lady. The Villainhad taken a dagger from the Cupboard and seemed examining whether itwas sufficiently sharp. I had neglected to furnish myself with arms;But I perceived this to be my only chance of escaping, and resolved notto lose the opportunity. I sprang from my seat, darted suddenly uponBaptiste, and clasping my hands round his throat, pressed it soforcibly as to prevent his uttering a single cry. You may rememberthat I was remarkable at Salamanca for the power of my arm: It nowrendered me an essential service. Surprised, terrified, andbreathless, the Villain was by no means an equal Antagonist. I threwhim upon the ground; I grasped him still tighter; and while I fixed himwithout motion upon the floor, Marguerite, wresting the dagger from hishand, plunged it repeatedly in his heart till He expired.

  No sooner was this horrible but necessary act perpetrated thanMarguerite called on me to follow her.

  'Flight is our only refuge!' said She; 'Quick! Quick! Away!'

  I hesitated not to obey her: but unwilling to leave the Baroness avictim to the vengeance of the Robbers, I raised her in my arms stillsleeping, and hastened after Marguerite. The Horses of the Bandittiwere fastened near the door: My Conductress sprang upon one of them.I followed her example, placed the Baroness before me, and spurred onmy Horse. Our only hope was to reach Strasbourg, which was much nearerthan the perfidious Claude had assured me. Marguerite was wellacquainted with the road, and galloped on before me. We were obligedto pass by the Barn, where the Robbers were slaughtering our Domestics.The door was open: We distinguished the shrieks of the dying andimprecations of the Murderers! What I felt at that moment language isunable to describe!

  Jacques heard the trampling of our Horses as we rushed by the Barn. Heflew to the Door with a burning Torch in his hand, and easilyrecognised the Fugitives.

  'Betrayed! Betrayed!' He shouted to his Companions.

  Instantly they left their bloody work, and hastened to regain theirHorses. We heard no more. I buried my spurs in the sides of myCourser, and Marguerite goaded on hers with the poignard, which hadalready rendered us such good service. We flew like lightning, andgained the open plains. Already was Strasbourg's Steeple in sight,when we heard the Robbers pursuing us. Marguerite looked back, anddistinguished our followers descending a small Hill at no greatdistance. It was in vain that we urged on our Horses; The noiseapproached nearer with every moment.

  'We are lost!' She exclaimed; 'The Villains gain upon us!'

  'On! On!' replied I; 'I hear the trampling of Horses coming from theTown.'

  We redoubled our exertions, and were soon aware of a numerous band ofCavaliers, who came towards us at full speed. They were on the pointof passing us.

  'Stay! Stay!' shrieked Marguerite; 'Save us! For God's sake, save us!'

  The Foremost, who seemed to act as Guide, immediately reined in hisSteed.

  ''Tis She! 'Tis She!' exclaimed He, springing upon the ground; 'Stop,my Lord, stop! They are safe! 'Tis my Mother!'

  At the same moment Marguerite threw herself from her Horse, clasped himin her arms, and covered him with Kisses. The other Cavaliers stoppedat the exclamation.

  'The Baroness Lindenberg?' cried another of the Strangers eagerly;'Where is She? Is She not with you?'

  He stopped on beholding her lying senseless in my arms. Hastily Hecaught her from me. The profound sleep in which She was plunged madehim at first tremble for
her life; but the beating of her heart soonreassured him.

  'God be thanked!' said He; 'She has escaped unhurt.'

  I interrupted his joy by pointing out the Brigands, who continued toapproach. No sooner had I mentioned them than the greatest part of theCompany, which appeared to be chiefly composed of soldiers, hastenedforward to meet them. The Villains stayed not to receive their attack:Perceiving their danger they turned the heads of their Horses, and fledinto the wood, whither they were followed by our Preservers. In themean while the Stranger, whom I guessed to be the Baron Lindenberg,after thanking me for my care of his Lady, proposed our returning withall speed to the Town. The Baroness, on whom the effects of the opiatehad not ceased to operate, was placed before him; Marguerite and herSon remounted their Horses; the Baron's Domestics followed, and we soonarrived at the Inn, where He had taken his apartments.

  This was at the Austrian Eagle, where my Banker, whom before myquitting Paris I had apprised of my intention to visit Strasbourg, hadprepared Lodgings for me. I rejoiced at this circumstance. It gave mean opportunity of cultivating the Baron's acquaintance, which I foresawwould be of use to me in Germany. Immediately upon our arrival theLady was conveyed to bed; A Physician was sent for, who prescribed amedicine likely to counteract the effects of the sleepy potion, andafter it had been poured down her throat, She was committed to the careof the Hostess. The Baron then addressed himself to me, and entreatedme to recount the particulars of this adventure. I complied with hisrequest instantaneously; for in pain respecting Stephano's fate, whom Ihad been compelled to abandon to the cruelty of the Banditti, I foundit impossible for me to repose, till I had some news of him. Ireceived but too soon the intelligence, that my trusty Servant hadperished. The Soldiers who had pursued the Brigands returned while Iwas employed in relating my adventure to the Baron. By their account Ifound that the Robbers had been overtaken: Guilt and true courage areincompatible; They had thrown themselves at the feet of their Pursuers,had surrendered themselves without striking a blow, had discoveredtheir secret retreat, made known their signals by which the rest of theGang might be seized, and in short had betrayed ever mark of cowardiceand baseness. By this means the whole of the Band, consisting of nearsixty persons, had been made Prisoners, bound, and conducted toStrasbourg. Some of the Soldiers hastened to the Cottage, One of theBanditti serving them as Guide. Their first visit was to the fatalBarn, where they were fortunate enough to find two of the Baron'sServants still alive, though desperately wounded. The rest had expiredbeneath the swords of the Robbers, and of these my unhappy Stephano wasone.

  Alarmed at our escape, the Robbers in their haste to overtake us, hadneglected to visit the Cottage. In consequence, the Soldiers found thetwo Waiting-women unhurt, and buried in the same death-like slumberwhich had overpowered their Mistress. There was nobody else found inthe Cottage, except a child not above four years old, which theSoldiers brought away with them. We were busying ourselves withconjectures respecting the birth of this little unfortunate, whenMarguerite rushed into the room with the Baby in her arms. She fell atthe feet of the Officer who was making us this report, and blessed hima thousand times for the preservation of her Child.

  When the first burst of maternal tenderness was over, I besought her todeclare, by what means She had been united to a Man whose principlesseemed so totally discordant with her own. She bent her eyesdownwards, and wiped a few tears from her cheek.

  'Gentlemen,' said She after a silence of some minutes, 'I would requesta favour of you: You have a right to know on whom you confer anobligation. I will not therefore stifle a confession which covers mewith shame; But permit me to comprise it in as few words as possible.

  'I was born in Strasbourg of respectable Parents; Their names I must atpresent conceal: My Father still lives, and deserves not to beinvolved in my infamy; If you grant my request, you shall be informedof my family name. A Villain made himself Master of my affections, andto follow him I quitted my Father's House. Yet though my passionsoverpowered my virtue, I sank not into that degeneracy of vice, but toocommonly the lot of Women who make the first false step. I loved mySeducer; dearly loved him! I was true to his Bed; this Baby, and theYouth who warned you, my Lord Baron, of your Lady's danger, are thepledges of our affection. Even at this moment I lament his loss,though 'tis to him that I owe all the miseries of my existence.

  'He was of noble birth, but He had squandered away his paternalinheritance. His Relations considered him as a disgrace to their name,and utterly discarded him. His excesses drew upon him the indignationof the Police. He was obliged to fly from Strasbourg, and saw no otherresource from beggary than an union with the Banditti who infested theneighbouring Forest, and whose Troop was chiefly composed of Young Menof family in the same predicament with himself. I was determined notto forsake him. I followed him to the Cavern of the Brigands, andshared with him the misery inseparable from a life of pillage. Butthough I was aware that our existence was supported by plunder, I knewnot all the horrible circumstances attached to my Lover's profession.These He concealed from me with the utmost care; He was conscious thatmy sentiments were not sufficiently depraved to look without horrorupon assassination: He supposed, and with justice, that I should flywith detestation from the embraces of a Murderer. Eight years ofpossession had not abated his love for me; and He cautiously removedfrom my knowledge every circumstance, which might lead me to suspectthe crimes in which He but too often participated. He succeededperfectly: It was not till after my Seducer's death, that I discoveredhis hands to have been stained with the blood of innocence.

  'One fatal night He was brought back to the Cavern covered with wounds:He received them in attacking an English Traveller, whom his Companionsimmediately sacrificed to their resentment. He had only time toentreat my pardon for all the sorrows which He had caused me: Hepressed my hand to his lips, and expired. My grief was inexpressible.As soon as its violence abated, I resolved to return to Strasbourg, tothrow myself with my two Children at my Father's feet, and implore hisforgiveness, though I little hoped to obtain it. What was myconsternation when informed that no one entrusted with the secret oftheir retreat was ever permitted to quit the troop of the Banditti;That I must give up all hopes of ever rejoining society, and consentinstantly to accepting one of their Band for my Husband! My prayersand remonstrances were vain. They cast lots to decide to whosepossession I should fall; I became the property of the infamousBaptiste. A Robber, who had once been a Monk, pronounced over us aburlesque rather than a religious Ceremony: I and my Children weredelivered into the hands of my new Husband, and He conveyed usimmediately to his home.

  'He assured me that He had long entertained for me the most ardentregard; But that Friendship for my deceased Lover had obliged him tostifle his desires. He endeavoured to reconcile me to my fate, and forsome time treated me with respect and gentleness: At length findingthat my aversion rather increased than diminished, He obtained thosefavours by violence, which I persisted to refuse him. No resourceremained for me but to bear my sorrows with patience; I was consciousthat I deserved them but too well. Flight was forbidden: My Childrenwere in the power of Baptiste, and He had sworn that if I attempted toescape, their lives should pay for it. I had had too manyopportunities of witnessing the barbarity of his nature to doubt hisfulfilling his oath to the very letter. Sad experience had convincedme of the horrors of my situation: My first Lover had carefullyconcealed them from me; Baptiste rather rejoiced in opening my eyes tothe cruelties of his profession, and strove to familiarise me withblood and slaughter.

  'My nature was licentious and warm, but not cruel: My conduct had beenimprudent, but my heart was not unprincipled. Judge then what I musthave felt at being a continual witness of crimes the most horrible andrevolting! Judge how I must have grieved at being united to a Man whoreceived the unsuspecting Guest with an air of openness andhospitality, at the very moment that He meditated his destruction.Chagrin and discontent preyed upon my constitution: The few ch
armsbestowed on me by nature withered away, and the dejection of mycountenance denoted the sufferings of my heart. I was tempted athousand times to put an end to my existence; But the remembrance of myChildren held my hand. I trembled to leave my dear Boys in my Tyrant'spower, and trembled yet more for their virtue than their lives. TheSecond was still too young to benefit by my instructions; But in theheart of my Eldest I laboured unceasingly to plant those principles,which might enable him to avoid the crimes of his Parents. He listenedto me with docility, or rather with eagerness. Even at his early age,He showed that He was not calculated for the society of Villains; andthe only comfort which I enjoyed among my sorrows, was to witness thedawning virtues of my Theodore.

  'Such was my situation, when the perfidy of Don Alphonso's postillionconducted him to the Cottage. His youth, air, and manners interestedme most forcibly in his behalf. The absence of my Husband's Sons gaveme an opportunity which I had long wished to find, and I resolved torisque every thing to preserve the Stranger. The vigilance of Baptisteprevented me from warning Don Alphonso of his danger: I knew that mybetraying the secret would be immediately punished with death; andhowever embittered was my life by calamities, I wanted courage tosacrifice it for the sake of preserving that of another Person. My onlyhope rested upon procuring succour from Strasbourg: At this I resolvedto try; and should an opportunity offer of warning Don Alphonso of hisdanger unobserved, I was determined to seize it with avidity. ByBaptiste's orders I went upstairs to make the Stranger's Bed: I spreadupon it Sheets in which a Traveller had been murdered but a few nightsbefore, and which still were stained with blood. I hoped that thesemarks would not escape the vigilance of our Guest, and that He wouldcollect from them the designs of my perfidious Husband. Neither wasthis the only step which I took to preserve the Stranger. Theodore wasconfined to his bed by illness. I stole into his room unobserved by myTyrant, communicated to him my project, and He entered into it witheagerness. He rose in spite of his malady, and dressed himself withall speed. I fastened one of the Sheets round his arms, and loweredhim from the Window. He flew to the Stable, took Claude's Horse, andhastened to Strasbourg. Had He been accosted by the Banditti, He wasto have declared himself sent upon a message by Baptiste, butfortunately He reached the Town without meeting any obstacle.Immediately upon his arrival at Strasbourg, He entreated assistancefrom the Magistrature: His Story passed from mouth to mouth, and atlength came to the knowledge of my Lord the Baron. Anxious for thesafety of his Lady, whom He knew would be upon the road that Evening,it struck him that She might have fallen into the power of the Robbers.He accompanied Theodore who guided the Soldiers towards the Cottage,and arrived just in time to save us from falling once more into thehands of our Enemies.'

  Here I interrupted Marguerite to enquire why the sleepy potion had beenpresented to me. She said that Baptiste supposed me to have arms aboutme, and wished to incapacitate me from making resistance: It was aprecaution which He always took, since as the Travellers had no hopesof escaping, Despair would have incited them to sell their lives dearly.

  The Baron then desired Marguerite to inform him, what were her presentplans. I joined him in declaring my readiness to show my gratitude toher for the preservation of my life.

  'Disgusted with a world,' She replied, 'in which I have met withnothing but misfortunes, my only wish is to retire into a Convent. Butfirst I must provide for my Children. I find that my Mother is nomore, probably driven to an untimely grave by my desertion! My Fatheris still living; He is not an hard Man; Perhaps, Gentlemen, in spite ofmy ingratitude and imprudence, your intercessions may induce him toforgive me, and to take charge of his unfortunate Grand-sons. If youobtain this boon for me, you will repay my services a thousand-fold!'

  Both the Baron and myself assured Marguerite, that we would spare nopains to obtain her pardon: and that even should her Father beinflexible, She need be under no apprehensions respecting the fate ofher Children. I engaged myself to provide for Theodore, and the Baronpromised to take the youngest under his protection.

  The grateful Mother thanked us with tears for what She calledgenerosity, but which in fact was no more than a proper sense of ourobligations to her. She then left the room to put her little Boy tobed, whom fatigue and sleep had compleatly overpowered.

  The Baroness, on recovering and being informed from what dangers I hadrescued her, set no bounds to the expressions of her gratitude. Shewas joined so warmly by her Husband in pressing me to accompany them totheir Castle in Bavaria, that I found it impossible to resist theirentreaties. During a week which we passed at Strasbourg, the interestsof Marguerite were not forgotten: In our application to her Father wesucceeded as amply as we could wish. The good old Man had lost hisWife: He had no Children but this unfortunate Daughter, of whom He hadreceived no news for almost fourteen years. He was surrounded bydistant Relations, who waited with impatience for his decease in orderto get possession of his money. When therefore Marguerite appearedagain so unexpectedly, He considered her as a gift from heaven: Hereceived her and her Children with open arms, and insisted upon theirestablishing themselves in his House without delay. The disappointedCousins were obliged to give place. The old Man would not hear of hisDaughter's retiring into a Convent: He said that She was too necessaryto his happiness, and She was easily persuaded to relinquish herdesign. But no persuasions could induce Theodore to give up the planwhich I had at first marked out for him. He had attached himself to memost sincerely during my stay at Strasbourg; and when I was on thepoint of leaving it, He besought me with tears to take him into myservice: He set forth all his little talents in the most favourablecolours, and tried to convince me that I should find him of infiniteuse to me upon the road. I was unwilling to charge myself with a Ladbut scarcely turned of thirteen, whom I knew could only be a burthen tome: However, I could not resist the entreaties of this affectionateYouth, who in fact possessed a thousand estimable qualities. With somedifficulty He persuaded his relations to let him follow me, and thatpermission once obtained, He was dubbed with the title of my Page.Having passed a week at Strasbourg, Theodore and myself set out forBavaria in company with the Baron and his Lady. These Latter as wellas myself had forced Marguerite to accept several presents of value,both for herself, and her youngest Son: On leaving her, I promised hisMother faithfully that I would restore Theodore to her within the year.

  I have related this adventure at length, Lorenzo, that you mightunderstand the means by which 'The Adventurer, Alphonso d'Alvarada gotintroduced into the Castle of Lindenberg.' Judge from this specimenhow much faith should be given to your Aunt's assertions!