Read The Most Dangerous Time Page 22

  Chapter 22

  "You have to go back for the cat," the young girl said.

  Rickie was standing beside her in a grove of cool date palms adjacent to a dense coastal jungle of some sort. In the distance, a peaceful, island-studded sea lapped contentedly on a broad sandy shore which stretched away into infinity. It was a world without borders, one where the very sun-warmed breezes carried within their caress a sense of vital purpose and dignity. Apart from the lady in the purple cloud, this young girl, wearing a shining white garment, her face framed by a mop of wild, unruly red hair, was the most beautiful youth Rickie had ever seen. That the girl occupied a high place in this special universe Rickie was certain.

  "I can never consider leaving such a place," Rickie replied.

  "You left Just Plain Dot on the towel next to your hot tub in your upstairs bathroom," the woman replied. "Her claws are caught in the towel. She'll die if you don't go back."

  "It's too late," Rickie said. "I've already drowned myself in the surf."

  "That's reversible."

  "I'm not leaving this place. I've wanted to leave my old life behind ever since the night I lost my baby, Jessica Edwina. Ever since I lost her, inside of me there's been a poison, a hatred eating away at my soul. I can't get over losing the baby. When the baby died, I died with her. Because of the hatred inside of me, I tried to murder my husband. I want to be dead until I've paid for all my sins and then I want to go and live with the beautiful lady in the purple cloud."

  "The sorrow of losing your baby will never leave your heart, but sooner or later, your tears will dry. Until then, you must try to open your heart, to strengthen the things that remain in your life. That's why you need to go back for the kitten."

  "I can't believe it. I finally arrive in Paradise and find out my eternal happiness depends upon the rescue of a crippled kitten."

  "Each living being is born with something to give. Even a crippled kitten. If you go back for the cat, you'll be committing an act of compassion. The act of compassion will balance out the rage you feel in your heart for your husband. You'll find your soul again."

  "Okay," Rickie said. "I'll go back for the cat. Before I go, please tell me who you are."

  The girl looked directly past her. "You know who I am."

  Rickie understood at last.

  "Oh dear God. I do know you. You're Jessica Edwina. The daughter I miscarried."

  "Good-bye, Mother. I'll see you again beneath the altar of Our Lady."

  Rickie opened her mouth to scream, but no sound came out, only a hoarse rattle and a spewing of burning saltwater setting fire to her lungs.

  She was back on the beach.