Read The Motor Boys Over the Ocean; Or, A Marvelous Rescue in Mid-Air Page 34

  _The College Sports Series_

  _By Lester Chadwick_

  =Cloth. 12mo. Handsomely Illustrated and beautifully bound in decoratedcover, stamped in gold and several colors Price per volume, $1.00,postpaid.=

  The Rival Pitchers _A Story of College Baseball_

  When Tom Parsons went to Randall he was looked upon as a mere countrylad, a "hayseed." But Tom had played baseball at home and was a goodpitcher, and he soon proved his ability, and was put on the scrub nine.He had some bitter rivals, who tried to keep him down, but he got onthe varsity at last. A faithful picture of college life of to-day, withits hazings, its grinds, its pretty girls and all.

  A Quarter-back's Pluck _A Story of College Football_

  Of all college sports, football is undoubtedly king, and in this taleMr. Chadwick has risen to the occasion by giving us something that isbound to grip the reader from start to finish. If you love football youwill enjoy this volume and recommend it to your friends.

  Batting To Win _A Story of College Baseball_

  As before, Tom, Phil and Sid are to the front. Sid, in particular, hasdeveloped into a heavy hitter, and the nine depend upon him to bring inthe needed runs. And then something happens, and poor, misjudged Sid isbarred from playing. Then at the last moment, Sid clears himself andis reinstated; and helps to pound out a victory that will make everyreader feel like cheering.

  The Winning Touchdown _A Story of College Football_

  Football was a serious proposition at Randall that year. There had beenthe loss of several old players, and then, almost at the last moment,another good player had to be dropped. How, in the end, they made thatglorious touchdown that won the big game, is told in a way that mustbe read to be appreciated. Beyond doubt, one of the greatest collegefootball stories ever penned.

  CUPPLES & LEON CO., Publishers, NEW YORK