Read The Motor Boys Over the Ocean; Or, A Marvelous Rescue in Mid-Air Page 37

  _The Great Marvel Series_

  _By Roy Rockwood_

  =12mo. Cloth. Illustrated. Price per volume, 60 cents, postpaid=

  Through the Air to the North Pole _Or, The Wonderful Cruise of the Electric Monarch_

  Since the days of Jules Verne, tales of flying machines and submarineboats have enjoyed increasing popularity. Now that airships andsubmarines are in actual existence, this story seems perfectly natural.Full of adventures in strange places, with strange people and strangeanimals.

  Under the Ocean to the South Pole _Or, The Strange Cruise of the Submarine Wonder_

  The vessel moves from the coast of Maine to the boiling sea of theSouth Pole, and during the trip the voyagers visit the bottom ofthe ocean--the graveyard of many ships--and have numerous stirringencounters with deep-sea monsters.

  Five Thousand Miles Underground _Or, The Mystery of the Centre of the Earth_

  A craft is built which will sail both in the air and under the water,and in this the adventurers descend to the interior of our globe bymeans of a hole found at an island in the ocean.

  Through Space to Mars _Or, The Longest Journey on Record_

  A thrilling tale of a visit to the planet Mars. The adventurers meetwith many happenings out of the ordinary. The volume reads like therecord of a real trip.

  Lost on the Moon _Or, In Quest of the Field of Diamonds_

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  CUPPLES & LEON CO., Publishers, NEW YORK