Read The Motor Boys in Mexico; Or, The Secret of the Buried City Page 16

  "I'll be glad enough to get back to the States," said Jerry. "Mexico isnot the best place in the world."

  "I suppose we'll have more adventures before long," was Ned's comment,and he was right. What those adventures were will be told in the nextvolume of this series, to be called "The Motor Boys Across the Plains;or, The Hermit of Lost Lake." Here we shall meet all of our youngfriends again, and also some of their enemies, and learn much concerninga most peculiar mystery.

  The weather remained fine, and as the auto had been thoroughly repairedin the City of Mexico before leaving, rapid progress was made in thejourney northward. They kept, as far as possible, to the best and mostfrequented roads, having no desire to meet any more brigands.

  "Tell you what," said Bob, one day, "automobiling is great, isn't it?"

  "Immense!" answered Ned.

  "It's the best sport going," added Jerry. "I love this touring car ofours as I would love a brother."

  And then he put on a burst of speed that soon took them around a bend ofthe road and out of sight--and also out of my story.


  The Motor Boys Series

  (_Trade Mark, Reg. U. S. Pat. Of._)

  By Clarence Young

  Cloth. 12mo. Illustrated. Price per volume, 60 cents postpaid.


  The Motor Boys or Chums Through Thick and Thin

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  The Motor Boys Afloat or The Stirring Cruise of the Dartaway

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