Read The Motor Boys on a Ranch; or, Ned, Bob and Jerry Among the Cowboys Page 11



  The startling announcement of “cattle thieves outside” galvanized Nedand Bob into action.

  Outside the shuffle of countless hoofs could be plainly heard, andthere was the murmur of men’s voices, though the words were notdistinguishable. In a whisper Jerry told what he had heard, while heand his chums slipped on some of their clothes and got their revolvers.

  “It’s the cattle thieves running off some of the Square Z stock as sureas mustard!” declared Jerry.

  “Think we can catch ’em?” murmured Bob.

  “Well, we’ll make a good try, anyhow. At least we can scare ’em sothey’ll leave the cattle, and maybe we can round up the steers and save’em.”

  “What’s your plan?” asked Ned of his tall chum.

  “Well, I guess it’s best to surprise ’em,” whispered Jerry. “That seemsto be the only way now, for we don’t know how many of ’em there may be.Are you ready?”

  “Ready,” assented the two others.

  “Then out on the jump, fire in the air and give ’em the surprise oftheir lives.”

  But that plan was not destined to be carried out, for just as the threeboys, who had not awakened Professor Snodgrass, were about to leapoutside their shelter there came a sharp hail and the sound of a shot.Jerry, who was at the flaps of the tent, saw a flash and sliver offlame cut the blackness of the night.

  “Throw up your hands, you in there!” came the sharp command.

  “What is it?” asked a second voice in the darkness, as the boys slidout of the tent.

  “I can’t make out what it is, Gimp,” was the answer. “But I’ve got ’emcovered. And I’m a two-gun man,” he added evidently for the informationof the boys. “I can shoot as well with my left hand as with my right,so be governed accordingly. Parson, you and Gimp ride up and see whatthat outfit is. If I ain’t greatly mistook it’s what we’ve been lookin’for, though how in the name of a chuck wagon they make use of thatcontraption is more than I can remonstrate.”

  “All right, Hinkee; but keep your big words for the round-up,” was thelaughing advice from somewhere out of the darkness.

  The boys heard horses galloping toward them. The silence of the nightwas further broken by the uneasy movement of a large bunch of cattlethat could dimly be observed off to the left.

  “Take it easy now, whoever you are,” was the advice given by one of theapproaching horsemen. “We’ve both got guns that go off mighty easy, andHinkee Dee back there’s got two more.”

  “Isn’t this rotten luck!” exclaimed Ned in disgust. “Just as we weregoing to get them they get us!”

  “They haven’t _got_ us yet,” observed Jerry, significantly in a lowvoice.

  “Are you going to fight?” asked Bob.

  “Not with guns, no. But let’s wait and see who they are.”

  “Cattle thieves! Who else?” asked Ned, indignantly.

  The tramping of the horses ceased. The boys saw two mounted figuresconfronting them as they stood outside the tent that was attached tothe rear of their car. Then a match flared and they blinked in theglare.

  “Sufferin’ horned toads!” came the explanation. “They’re nothin’ butboys, and tenderfeet at that! Drop them guns, boys. It ain’t healthyto play with men’s tools that way in this country! Drop ’em!” and thecommand was not one to be lightly disregarded.


  Ned, Bob and Jerry let their revolvers fall into the soft grass attheir feet.

  “That’s better,” said the other man, who seemed to have lighted a smalltorch. It was a patent pipe lighter, as they learned afterward.

  “They’re sure enough young chaps,” was this man’s observation.

  “That’s right, Gimp,” agreed the other, whom the boys guessed to be theone who had been called “Parson.” “It’s all right, Hinkee!” he calledto the unseen third. “We’ve got ’em, such as they are. Ride up if youcan leave the cattle.”

  “All right,” answered a voice from out of the distant gloom. “Are youand Fatty there?”

  “Yes,” was echoed.

  “Well, look after the bunch. Don’t drive ’em any more until I say so.”

  “There’s quite a crowd of ’em,” murmured Jerry.

  “More’n enough to handle you--so be nice,” drawled the Parson. “Ifyou’ve got a light, maybe you’d better show it, and we can get thisbusiness over with quicker. My fusee won’t burn forever.”

  “I’ll light up,” said Jerry, moving to enter the tent again.

  “And don’t light on a gun, whatever you do,” was the warning given inominous tones.

  For an instant Ned and Bob thought Jerry was about to put intoexecution some plan either to escape or to capture their captors. Andthey were disappointed when he came out with a portable electriclantern that gave good light.

  “Now then, boys, give an account of yourselves!” sharply exclaimed thethird man who had ridden up. He seemed to be in command, though hissmall size, in contrast to his companions, and his not very dignifiedappellation of Hinkee Dee, seemed hardly in keeping with his leadership.

  “Why should we account to you?” demanded Jerry, sparring for time.

  “Because I said to!” was the curt response.

  “Huh! This is a free country!” broke in Ned. “Besides, we’re not in thehabit of being ordered about by cattle thieves!”

  The three men on their horses started and looked at one another.

  “Cattle thieves!” ejaculated Hinkee Dee. “Cattle--huh!” and he seemedtoo surprised for further observation.

  “That’s what we’re hunting for,” went on Ned. “And we’d have had you,only you were too quick for us. But----”

  “Say, who do you think you are?” demanded Hinkee Dee in contemptuoustones.

  “I believe they really do take us for cattle thieves!” exclaimedanother of the cowboys.

  There was some laughter, and Hinkee Dee remarked:

  “Well, then it’s an even guess, for that’s what I think they are. Whoare you?” he shot out suddenly.

  It dawned on Ned and his chums that they had, perhaps, made a mistake.

  “Tell ’em who we are, and what we’re after,” suggested Bob, in a lowvoice. “They might shoot without giving us a chance.”

  Thereupon Ned explained, saying that he was the son of one of theowners of the ranch, that they had come out to try to capture thecattle rustlers but had lost their way.

  “You’re not so _very_ much lost,” said Hinkee Dee, drawlingly. “You’reon part of Square Z ranch now and we’re part of the outfit.”

  “Are you, really?” asked Ned. “Not that I mean to doubt your word,” hewent on quickly, as he discerned a startled movement among the cowboys,“but it seems very strange--meeting you at night this way.”

  “Your outfit struck us as queer, too,” said one of the night-riders.“We’ve sorter been on the lookout for rustlers, but we haven’t had anyluck trailing ’em.”

  “And I don’t believe _they’ll_ have any better,” struck in thesarcastic voice of Hinkee Dee. “I s’pose you’ve got something to provewho you are?” he suggested, questioningly.