Read The Motor Boys on a Ranch; or, Ned, Bob and Jerry Among the Cowboys Page 3



  “What was that?” asked Bob, and when it is added that he whispered thequestion it may better be understood what a hold the finding of theletter had taken on the boys. Already they seemed to be within themystery at which it hinted.

  Then Jerry realized the futility of Bob’s query.

  “It _sounded_ very much like a knock on the door,” and his tone washumorously sarcastic.

  “Say! are you going to keep me here all day? What’s the matter inthere? Open up! I’ve got news for you!”

  “It’s Jim Blake!” exclaimed Jerry, now recognizing the voice of theperson on the other side of the door.

  “Of course it is!” came the reply. “What’s the matter? Is Bob Bakergiving one of his spreads? If he is, let a fellow in on it, can’t you?Open the door!”

  “Come in; it isn’t locked,” called out Jerry. “But there’s nothingdoing in the eats. What’s up?”

  “I don’t know,” answered Jim Blake, whose ability to control a slow andfast ball had gained for him the honor of ’varsity pitcher. “I don’tknow what it is, but there’s something doing all right.”

  “In what way?” Jerry asked, as Jim slumped down in an ancient chair,the joints of which squeaked in protest, thereby moving Jerry to uttera caution.

  “Oh, I won’t break it,” said Jim. “But say, do you fellows know thatProfessor Snodgrass is on his way to pay you chaps a visit?”

  “We didn’t know it,” said Bob, coming back from a quiet trip to hisown room, meanwhile munching some chocolate, which he generally kepton hand to use in cases of emergency. “No, we didn’t know it, but he’snone the less welcome.”

  “Oh, I know he’s quite friendly with you boys,” went on Jim, “but Ithought maybe he had it in for you this time.”

  “What makes you think so?” asked Ned.

  “And how do you know he’s coming here?” was Jerry’s question.

  “I’ll answer the last first, like working out some of those toughback-handed problems,” laughed Jim.

  “Black-handed, did you say?” came from Bob.

  “Pretty nearly that--yes. But the reason I happen to know the professoris coming here is that I passed him in the laboratory hall a fewminutes ago. He held something tight in his hand, and he was awfullyexcited. His clothes were covered with mud, his hat was dented in, hiscollar torn and his coat was split up the back. He was hurrying along,talking to himself as he often does, and what he said was:

  “‘I must get to Ned, Bob and Jerry at once! This is terrible!’”

  The three motor boys looked at one another, surprise plainly showing ontheir faces.

  “What----” began Jerry.

  “How did he----” Ned commenced.

  “Maybe he’s been----” And that was as far as Bob got, for Jiminterrupted with:

  “I thought maybe you fellows had been up to some game or trick withhim, which would account for his condition. And from what he said Ithought maybe he was on his way here to have his revenge, one way oranother. So I cut on ahead to warn you. Better lock your door and keepquiet. I’ll slip out and----”

  “You’ll do nothing of the sort!” exclaimed Jerry. “And we won’t lockour door against Professor Snodgrass. He’s welcome to come in any timehe likes.”

  “Oh, well, if you’ve made up your minds to take your medicine,why that’s a different proposition,” said Jim with a shrug of hisshoulders. “Only I thought I’d tip you off so you could----”

  “Thanks, it’s kind of you,” murmured Jerry. “But, as a matter of fact,we haven’t been up to any mischief.”

  “But what put the professor in this condition?” Jim demanded. “I knowhe’s always on the lookout for queer bugs and such things, and thathe’ll do almost anything to get a rare specimen. But I never saw himquite so badly off as this before, and he seemed very much in earnestabout getting to you. Still you know your own business, I s’pose. Hark!”

  They all listened. In the corridor outside the sound of rapidlyapproaching footsteps could be heard.

  “There he is!” exclaimed Jerry, as he opened the door.

  In the doorway a queer sight stood revealed. A little bald-headed mangazed unblinkingly through the powerful lenses of his spectacles atthe four boys. His condition was just about as Jim had described, andthe three chums noted the tightly-clenched hand of the “bugologist,”as the delightful scientist was dubbed behind his back, though with nodisrespect attached to it, for the boys were very fond of him.

  “Ah, Ned, Bob and Jerry, I am very glad to find you in,” beganProfessor Snodgrass, with a little jerky bow.

  “It’s a good deal better than being found out, sometimes,” murmuredJim. The professor, not having heard the comment, nodded in friendlyfashion to the pitcher.

  “What has happened?” asked Ned, as he pushed forward a chair for thelittle man. The teacher seemed rather out of breath and considerablyexcited.

  “What’s the matter?” chimed in Bob. “Is everything all right?”

  “Well--yes--I think so--perhaps.” Professor Snodgrass was not quitecertain about the matter, it seemed. “At any rate, I have him,” he wenton.

  “Who?” Jerry gasped. “The person who is responsible for your condition?”

  “Oh, no--er--my condition? Oh, I see,” and for the first time thescientist seemed aware that he was greatly disheveled. “I--er--I _do_seem a bit mussed,” he admitted. That was putting it mildly.

  “But I got him,” went on the professor. “Have you a strong box that youaren’t using?” he asked.

  The latter, guessing what was coming, produced one that met theprofessor’s requirements. Then, sliding back the cover, he held hisclenched hand over the box and dropped into it something that fell witha thud, like that an inert toad or frog might produce.

  “There you are!” exclaimed the scientist, quickly slipping the coverinto place. “The finest specimen of a one-spot lizard I have evercaught! I certainly _am_ in luck!”

  “One would hardly believe it to look at you,” said Jerry with a laugh.He and his chums were on terms of more or less familiarity with theprofessor.

  The scientist had known the boys a number of years and had made severaltrips with them. To some his actions might seem grotesque when hewas anxiously searching for some rare animal or insect, but the boysknew him well enough to think little of what, to others, might beabsurdities. And no one would ever think the professor foolish whenonce they knew of his attainments. He had written many books, whichwere authorities on their special topics, and he had more honorarydegrees from different schools of learning than he could recall,off-hand.

  “You say you caught the lizard, but it looks more as though he hadcaught _you_,” laughed Jerry.

  “He gave you a pretty good tussle, at all events,” remarked Ned.

  “Oh, you are referring to my clothes--and--er--my general condition, Isuppose,” said the professor with a smile. “Well, it is not altogethermy fault this time. I had little or no difficulty in capturing thislizard, but my appearance is due to what happened when the automobilelost a wheel.”

  “Lost a wheel?” chorused the boys. “Were you in an automobile catchinglizards?”

  “No, I had already captured this fine specimen, and I was riding backwith it to the college in the machine, when the wheel came off.”

  “What made the wheel come off?” Bob queried. “Must have been a queerkind of machine. Did the wheel just roll off?”

  “No, I think it was broken off the axle when the auto toppled down thehill,” said the professor calmly, as he opened the top of the box atrifle to take a peep at his specimen.

  “Toppled down the hill! Did an automobile in which you were ridingtopple down a hill?” asked Jerry in astonishment.

  “It did,” the professor answered. “It went over and over. I was madequite dizzy, but I kept tight hold of the lizard. And when we came to astop, after crashing into a tree, I noticed that the wheel was gone.”
br />   “Great Scott!” cried Ned. “When did all this happen--and where? Aren’tyou hurt? Hadn’t you better see a doctor?”

  “Ha! I knew there was something I was to remember! It’s a doctor!”cried Professor Snodgrass in triumph. “Your father wants you to send adoctor to him at once, Ned.”

  “My father--wants a doctor?” faltered Ned. “What for?”

  “Because he was slightly hurt in the same accident when the wheel cameoff the auto,” gently explained the professor. “It isn’t anythingserious, though. He’s at the hotel in town and your father is with him,Bob. That’s what I came to tell you. But there is no need to worry.”

  “Well, of all the----” began Ned.

  “What in the world----” murmured Bob.

  “Don’t stop to talk!” cried Jerry. “Let’s get a machine, hunt up adoctor, and go to the hotel at once. What does it all mean, ProfessorSnodgrass? No! don’t stop to tell me. You can explain later. Lively,fellows! Come on!”

  “Anything I can do?” asked Jim. “Say the word!”

  “You might get a machine for us,” suggested Jerry.

  “I’ll get Charlie Moore’s,” offered Jim. “He isn’t using it.”

  Out he rushed, leaving Ned, Bob and Jerry to get ready, for they hadtaken off coats, ties and collars on reaching their rooms. They dressedhurriedly, Jerry meanwhile asking Professor Snodgrass if the scientisthimself were not in need of medical treatment.

  “Not in the least, I assure you,” was the answer. “Fortunately, I wasin the rear, among a lot of blankets and cushions, and they made asort of buffer for me. Your father, Ned, and Mr. Baker were riding inthe front seat.”

  “But what in the world were they doing in an automobile around here?”Ned questioned. “They were supposed to be in a train making a businesstrip.”

  “They said they had to change their plans, and they were on their wayback to Haredon in the auto and, incidentally, they were going to stopoff to see you,” explained Professor Snodgrass. “They picked me upalong the road. Then the accident happened, and I told them I’d come onand let you boys know. Your father, Ned, said it was very important.”

  “Auto’s waiting!” came the hail of Jim from the ground under the chums’windows, and without waiting for Professor Snodgrass, the boys ran downthe stairs.