Read The Motor Boys on a Ranch; or, Ned, Bob and Jerry Among the Cowboys Page 32



  _12mo. Cloth. Illustrated. Jacket in full color_

  _=Price per volume, 65 cents, postpaid=_

  _True-to-life stories of the camp and field in the great war._

  1. THE KHAKI BOYS AT CAMP STERLING _or Training for the Big Fight in France_

  Two zealous young patriots volunteer and begin their military training.Together they get into a baffling camp mystery.

  2. THE KHAKI BOYS ON THE WAY _or Doing Their Bit on Sea and Land_

  Our soldier boys having completed their training at Camp Sterling aretransferred to a Southern cantonment from which they are finally sentaboard a troopship for France.

  3. THE KHAKI BOYS AT THE FRONT _or Shoulder to Shoulder in the Trenches_

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  5. THE KHAKI BOYS FIGHTING TO WIN _or Smashing the German Lines_

  Another great war story, showing how the Khaki Boys did their duty asfighters for Uncle Sam under tremendous difficulties.

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  Telling of the march to the Rhine, crossing into Germany and of varioustroubles the doughboys had with the Boches.

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  CUPPLES & LEON COMPANY, Publishers New York