Read The Motor Boys on the Border; Or, Sixty Nuggets of Gold Page 32

  A New Line By the Author of the Ever-Popular

  “Motor Boys Series”

  The Racer Boys Series


  Author of “The Motor Boys Series”, “Jack Ranger Series”, etc. etc.

  Fine cloth binding. Illustrated. Price per vol. 60 cts. postpaid.

  The announcement of a new series of stories by Mr. Clarence Young isalways hailed with delight by boys and girls throughout the country,and we predict an even greater success for these new books, than thatnow enjoyed by the “Motor Boys Series.”

  The Racer Boys or The Mystery of the Wreck

  This, the first volume of the new series, tells who the Racer Boyswere and how they chanced to be out on the ocean in a great storm.Adventures follow each other in rapid succession in a manner that onlyour author, Mr. Young, can describe.

  The Racer Boys At Boarding School or Striving for the Championship

  When the Racer Boys arrived at the school they found everything ata stand-still. The school was going down rapidly and the studentslacked ambition and leadership. The Racers took hold with a will, andgot their father to aid the head of the school financially, and thenreorganized the football team.

  The Racer Boys To The Rescue or Stirring Days in a Winter Camp

  Here is a story filled with the spirit of good times inwinter--skating, ice-boating and hunting.

  The Racer Boys On The Prairies or The Treasure of Golden Peak

  From their boarding school the Racer Boys accept an invitation to visita ranch in the West.

  The Racer Boys on Guard or The Rebellion of Riverview Hall

  Once more the boys are back at boarding school, where they have manyfrolics, and enter more than one athletic contest.


  _The Jack Ranger Series_

  _By Clarence Young_

  Author of the Motor Boys Series

  Cloth. 12mo. Illustrated. Price per volume, $1.00, postpaid

  Jack Ranger’s Schooldays _Or, The Rivals of Washington Hall_

  You will love Jack Ranger--you simply can’t help it. He is so brightand cheery, and so real and lifelike. A typical boarding school tale,without a dull line in it.

  Jack Ranger’s School Victories _Or, Track, Gridiron and Diamond_

  In this tale Jack gets back to Washington Hall and goes in for allsorts of school games. The rivalry is bitter at times, and enemies tryto put Jack “in a hole” more than once.

  Jack Ranger’s Western Trip _Or, From Boarding School to Ranch and Range_

  This volume takes the hero and several of his chums to the great West.At the ranch and on the range adventures of the strenuous sort befallhim.

  Jack Ranger’s Ocean Cruise _Or, The Wreck of the Polly Ann_

  Here is a tale of the bounding sea, with many stirring adventures. Howthe ship was wrecked, and Jack was cast away, is told in a style allboys and girls will find exceedingly interesting.

  Jack Ranger’s Gun Club _Or, From Schoolroom to Camp and Trail_

  Jack, with his chums, goes in quest of big game. The boys fall in witha mysterious body of men, and have a terrific slide down a mountainside.

  Jack Ranger’s Treasure Box _Or, The Outing of the School Boy Yachtsmen_

  This story opens at school, but the scene is quickly shifted to theocean. The schoolboy yachtsmen visit Porto Rico and other places, andhave a long series of adventures, including some on a lonely island ofthe West Indies. A yachting story all lovers of the sea will wish toperuse.

  CUPPLES & LEON CO., Publishers, NEW YORK

  The Saddle Boys Series

  By Captain James Carson

  12mo. Cloth. Illustrated. Price per volume, 40 cents, postpaid.

  All lads who love life in the open air and a good steed, will want toperuse these books. Captain Carson knows his subject thoroughly, andhis stories are as pleasing as they are healthful and instructive.

  The Saddle Boys of the Rockies or Lost on Thunder Mountain

  Telling how the lads started out to solve the mystery of a great noisein the mountains--how they got lost--and of the things they discovered.

  The Saddle Boys in the Grand Canyon or The Hermit of the Cave

  A weird and wonderful story of the Grand Canyon of the Colorado, toldin a most absorbing manner. The Saddle Boys are to the front in amanner to please all young readers.

  The Saddle Boys on the Plains or After a Treasure of Gold

  In this story the scene is shifted to the great plains of the southwestand then to the Mexican border. There is a stirring struggle for gold,told as only Captain Carson can tell it.

  The Saddle Boys at Circle Ranch or In at the Grand Round-up

  Here we have lively times at the ranch, and likewise the particulars ofa grand round-up of cattle and encounters with wild animals and alsocattle thieves. A story that breathes the very air of the plains.


  Up-to-Date Baseball Stories

  Baseball Joe Series

  By Lester Chadwick

  Author of “The College Sports Series”

  Cloth. 12mo. Illustrated. Price per volume, 60 cents, postpaid.

  Ever since the success of Mr. Chadwick’s “College Sports Series” wehave been urged to get him to write a series dealing exclusively withbaseball, a subject in which he is unexcelled by any living Americanauthor or coach.

  Baseball Joe of the Silver Stars or The Rivals of Riverside

  In this volume, the first of the series, Joe is introduced as aneveryday country boy who loves to play baseball and is particularlyanxious to make his mark as a pitcher. He finds it almost impossibleto get on the local nine, but, after a struggle, he succeeds, althoughmuch frowned upon by the star pitcher of the club. A splendid pictureof the great national game in the smaller towns of our country.

  Baseball Joe on the School Nine or Pitching for the Blue Banner

  Joe’s great ambition was to go to boarding school and play on theschool team. He got to boarding school but found it harder making theteam there than it was getting on the nine at home. He fought his wayalong, however, and at last saw his chance and took it, and made good.

  Baseball Joe at Yale or Pitching for the College Championship

  From a preparatory school Baseball Joe goes to Yale University He makesthe freshman nine and in his second year becomes a varsity pitcher andpitches in several big games.


  Transcriber’s Notes:

  --Text in italics is enclosed by underscores (_italics_); text in bold by “equal” signs (=bold=).

  --Punctuation and spelling inaccuracies were silently corrected.

  --Archaic and variable spelling is preserved.

  --Variations in hyphenation and compound words have been preserved.

  --Inconsistencies in formatting and punctuation of individual advertisements have been retained.

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