Read The Motor Girls at Lookout Beach; Or, In Quest of the Runaways Page 5



  "Mother will be so disappointed not to get her berries," remarkedBess, as she and Belle, in their little _Flyaway_, got out on theroad, following Cora.

  "But Cora did wonderfully well, I think," replied the sister, "to getthe better of that horrid woman. She was going to sell two crates, andshe only actually sold the crate which she insisted Andy should payfor. It takes Cora--she is a born leader."

  "It certainly was diplomatic," agreed Bess, "and I suppose we can comeout to-morrow for the others. Mother was not particular about havingthem done up at once. But weren't those girls queer? And howstage-like little Nellie looked with those fierce dogs at her side,and the boys standing around her? I declare I think that would make aplay."

  "Better try your hand at it," suggested Belle. "I always thought youhad some hidden talent. It may now be discovered."

  "And do you think the girls are going to do something desperate?"asked Bess, throwing in more speed, and brushing along at a livelyrate over the broad country road.

  "I am sure they are going to do something very unusual, but whether itmay be desperate, or simply foolish, would be impossible to surmisewith any degree of certainty," replied the judicious Belle. "I fancythey intend to--leave the strawberry patch, at least."

  Cora turned, and called to Bess to look out for the "Thank-you-ma'ams"that were so plentifully scattered over the hill they had just comeupon. Some were deep and long, she said, and with the ever-increasinggrade might stall an overworked engine. Following the advice, Besschanged to low gear, and crawled up and down the hills, after the paceset by Cora.

  One very steep hill confronted them. The engines of both cars werefairly "gasping for breath," and Cora, knowing that the hot radiatorscould cook anything from cabbage to pork and beans, realized that itwas not wise to start up the hill until the engines had been cooledoff. Consequently the cars stopped near a spring house at theroadside, and the girls alighted to get a refreshing drink. The doorwas unlocked, and a clear, clean glass stood on a small shelf, justinside the low building.

  "Did you ever see anything so delightful?" exclaimed Belle, while Coradipped the glass in the square, cement-lined pool, and brought it upfilled with the coolest, and most sparkling water imaginable.

  "And was it just built for--roadsters?" asked Bess, taking theproffered drink.

  "Oh, no indeed," said Cora with a laugh. "These spring houses are thefarm refrigerators. In this, every evening, I suppose many, manyquarts of milk are put to cool for the creamery. I have often seen aspring house just filled with the big milk cans."

  "Oh," answered Bess, intelligently. "That's a good idea. Just thinkhow much money we could save on ice if we had a spring house."

  "Maybe if we had one, you would be able to cool off sometimes,"remarked her sister teasingly. "You look as if you needed a dip thisvery minute."

  The red cheeks of Bess certainly did look overheated, and the way sheplied her handkerchief betrayed her discomfort.

  "An internal dip will do nicely, thank you," answered the girl. "Idon't see that I am any warmer than the rest of you."

  "Here comes a girl from the house," said Cora, as down the path agirl, in generous sunbonnet, and overgenerous apron, was seen toapproach.

  "Do they wear their sunbonnets to bed?" asked Belle. "I am sure thereis no sun now."

  "Father will be down in a minute with the team," called out the girl,much to the surprise of the motor girls.

  "Mercy!" exclaimed Belle, "are we going to be arrested?"

  "I think not," replied Cora; "however, we are trespassing, though Idid think farmer folks very--liberal, especially with their springwater."

  "The girl is smiling like a 'basket of chips,'" said Bess, almost in awhisper. "It is not likely that she is angry with us at all."

  "Did you get a nice drink?" asked the strange girl, with unmistakablefriendliness.

  "Oh, yes, thank you very much," spoke up Cora, "but I am afraid we aretrespassing."

  "Not at all," said the girl. "My name is Hope--Hope Stevens," she said,in the most delightfully simple manner. "I always like to introducemyself--'specially to young girls."

  "We are very glad to know you, Hope," said Cora. "This is Miss BessRobinson, this Miss Belle Robinson, and I am Cora Kimball."

  "Oh, I know who you are now," declared Hope. "They call you the MotorGirls."

  "I am afraid they do," agreed Bess. "But then we are just plain girlsas well--our motors do not make us--we try to make them--go!"

  "That is what father said when he saw you come over yonder hill, whenhe left the field to get the team. Do you know he makes more moneyhauling folks with automobiles up this hill, than he does on the farm?He always stops his work and gets the team ready when he sees an autostuck out here."

  "Oh, that is what he intended to do," said Cora. "Well, it was verygood of him to be so prompt, but we are always able to make our ownhills--I don't really think we will need him."

  "Lots of folks think that way," said Hope. "But, of course, you oughtto know--best. Do you think you can get up the hill?"

  "Yes. You see these are practically new machines," explained Cora,"and we have been taught to run them carefully."

  "Pa says that girls are more careful than men," added Hope, and Bellekept her eyes on the pretty face beneath the bonnet. She thought shehad never seen such dimples, and such splendidly marked brows.

  "There comes pa now," went on the girl. "He will be----"

  "Disappointed, of course. It was too bad for him to leave the fields,"said Cora.

  "Well, the rest won't hurt his poor back," ventured Hope. "Pa worksharder than any of the hired men, and these are very bad hills tofarm."

  "Are you ready, young ladies?" called the man from the road, as hebacked the sturdy team of horses up close to the _Whirlwind_. "I guessthis little machine can hitch behind t'other."

  "Really, we do not think we will need any help," said Cora, ratherconfused. "We always take hills without trouble."

  "Never been up this one though," declared the farmer, with a shake ofhis broad-brimmed hat. "I reckon you'll not be able to fly over thetop."

  "It's awfully good of you," put in Bess. "But suppose we try? You seewe do not want to break our records."

  "Plucky, all right," the man commented. "Well, go ahead, and I'll stopto chat with Hope. If you get stuck just give me five quick toots, andI'll be there."

  The girls thanked him profusely, and after cranking up both the_Flyaway_ and the _Whirlwind_, said good-bye to Hope and her father,and started off, both machines on low gear.

  "It is steep," remarked Belle to Bess. "Perhaps it would have beenwell to have taken his offer."

  "All right?" asked Cora from ahead, as she looked back.

  "Thus far," replied Bess, clutching the wheel with nervous energy, andslightly retarding the spark.

  Suddenly the _Whirlwind_ stopped--but only for an instant, for directlythe big four-cylinder car began to back down the steep grade, whileBess and Belle shouted in terror for Cora to turn into the gutter!

  Not knowing how deep and dangerous this gutter was, Cora directed therunaway machine well into the side, vainly trying to make the brakeshold.

  The next moment there was a crash!

  The _Whirlwind_, with Cora in the car, was ditched--turned over on itsside!

  Bess tooted the horn of the _Flyaway_ frantically!

  Then she was able to bring her car to a standstill, and run to Cora'sassistance.