Read The Motor Girls on a Tour Page 11



  When all the machines had been stopped there was a wild rush to therescue--Bess and Belle with Gertrude hurrying back to where Daisy andMaud had been left, while Cora, Ray and Hazel ran forward to the sideof the strange runabout. The boys divided themselves--some going ineach direction.

  Presently Cora shouted

  "Jack! Jack! Hurry! It's Clip! And she is unconscious!"

  Jack was not far away, and at his sister's call he hurried to her. Rayhad taken Cecilia's head in her lap, while Cora was trying to lift theunconscious girl from her bent-up posture in the narrow, roadside,grass-grown ditch.

  "Oh, the poor dear!" sighed Cora. "To think that our sport shouldhave--"

  Cecilia was opening her eyes.

  "Clip! Clip, dear!" whispered Cora. "Try to--wake up!"

  Cecilia did try--she put her hand to her dazed eyes.

  "Here! Let me lift her," commanded Jack, slipping down on the otherside into the deep grass and without any apparent effort liftingCecilia up. With one long step he reached the road. Then for a momenthe seemed uncertain--should he lay the girl down, or carry her to amachine?

  "Oh, I can stand," she said faintly. "I am much better now.What--happened?"

  "You happened," answered Jack, so dismissing the question. "Just keepstill, and we will have you around directly. This is where you beatthe motor girls." He was now helping her to her feet. "You may rideback with the motor boys."

  "Are you better?" asked Ray anxiously, stroking Cecilia's white hand,which had been divested of its glove. "Wasn't it dreadful?"

  "Very," sighed Cecilia. "And my poor little machine! Jack, how can Iever--"

  "You can never," he insisted with a wink. "I never saw such arambunctious ram. Didn't he ramify, though?"

  "What in the world was it?" asked Cecilia. She was sitting on thegrass and seemed almost prepared to laugh. "I thought I must be seeingthings. Then I--"

  "Felt things," said Jack. "That's the regular course of the disease.Here come the others. Hello, Daisy has the veil tied up, and Maud islimping."

  "What happened to them?" asked Cecilia.

  "Same thing that happened to you," replied Jack. "The ram. That wasthe most happening thing I have seen in some time."

  Maud was limping, and had Ed's arm. Daisy kept her hand to her face,and she clung to Walter. Hazel flashed a meaning look to Cora. Thegirls might not be very badly injured, but they needed help--that sortof help.

  "Well!" exclaimed Cora. "You look as if something did happen."

  "Oh, I'm all scratched," fluttered Daisy. "That is, my face feels likea grater." She took her handkerchief from the abused face. A fewharmless scratches were discernible.

  "Not so bad," said Jack. "Just the correct lines, I believe, for--letme see--intellectuality."

  "Oh, you needn't joke," snapped Daisy. "I suppose Cecelia--is--badlyhurt!"

  She said this with the evident intention of drawing attention to Jack'sattitude toward Cecilia.

  "Now, Daisy," said Jack good-naturedly, "if you want to dump in theditch again, and will only give me the chance, I will be perfectlydelighted to fish you out: I fancy I would get you first shot."

  "Oh, you need not bother," interrupted Walter. "I can take care ofMiss Bennet."

  At this he spread his handkerchief most carefully on the grass, and,with mock concern, assisted Daisy to the low seat.

  Ed followed suit, adding to the handkerchief cushion his cap--to makethe grass softer for Maud.

  "But however did you happen along, Cecilia?" asked Belle, who now addedher dainty self to the line of girls on the roadside.

  "Now, here!" called Jack. "No more happenings! I beg your pardon,Belle, but we have had such a surfeit of this happening business thatwe intend, in the language of the poets, to cut it out."

  Cecilia gave Jack a grateful glance. Cora broke in promptly with a newthought--to divert attention.

  "And you are the girls who wanted 'No Boys!'" exclaimed Walter. "Ishould just like to know what you would have done without us?"

  "There! Didn't I tell you?" said Cora. "They are actually claimingthe glory of the whole thing. I suppose, Walter, you hired the ram todo the proper thing in initiating the motor girls in the art oftouring?"

  "Wouldn't he make a hit, though, at some of our college affairs!"exclaimed Ed. "I wonder if we could buy the beast? Here comes theowner now."

  The girls looked alarmed. Suppose the farmer should blame them for thedisappearance of the ram!

  "I'll do the talking," suggested Walter. "If you say anything, Jack,there might be a row."

  "Humph!" said Jack. "I suppose you know just how to deal with ramowners."

  The farmer was quite up to them now. He was not an ill-natured-lookingman, and as he approached he touched his big straw hat.

  "No one hurt?" he asked, much to the girls' relief.

  "Oh, no, thank you," said Cora, before Walter could open his mouth. "Ihope you have not lost the sheep."

  "Lose him! Couldn't do that if you chucked him in the mill-pond andlet the dam loose on him. Only yesterday the plagued thing went for mywife. Yes, sir, and he 'most knocked her down. When I seed your steamwagons comin' along I knowed there would be trouble. He's that pesky!"

  The man looked at the disabled machine.

  "Busted?" he asked.

  "Some," replied Walter. "But I guess we can manage. Would you like tosell that ram?"

  "Sell him? What for? To kill folks as try to feed him? I bought himfrom a fellow who always wore an overcoat, and, bless me, that ram gotso used to it if I haven't had to put my ulster on the hottest daysthis summer to do down to the pasture where he was chewin'."

  The boys laughed heartily at this. Walter seemed keener than ever nowon making a bargain.

  "Well, you see," he said, "we might use the fellow for stunts--tricks.I think we might train him--"

  A scream from Belle startled them.

  "Oh!" she yelled. "There he comes! What shall we do?"

  Without waiting for instructions, however, Belle, with the other girls,jumped up and started for a little cottage not far from the roadside.The ram was coming over the fields straight for the autos.

  "Now wait," cautioned the farmer, as the boys made ready to confrontthe animal. "Just keep back until he gets near that machine. Thenmaybe we can git him."

  "He's game sport, all right," said Walter. "He evidently hasn't hadenough."

  The brush and low trees along the road made it possible for the youngmen to hide, while the excited animal dashed through the tall grass outinto the road.

  He went straight for the hay wagon. With a bound he was in thedecorated auto, like a beast in a cage, with the rack and hay trimmingssurrounding him.

  "Now we've got him," said the farmer; "that is, if we're careful."

  "How?" whispered Ed.

  "Someone must lasso him." The farmer held out the rope in his hand,making a loop ready to throw over the ram's head.

  The girls had reached the cottage, but were calling to the boys allsorts of warning and cautions.

  "When he gets at the hay," said the farmer, "I guess he'll eat. Thatrun likely whet up his appetite."

  "More fun than a deer hunt," said Jack, laughing. "I wonder what willturn up next on this motor girls' tour."

  "Get busy," said Ed, creeping toward the hay wagon. "Now, Walter-- Oh,Glory be! If he isn't at my four-dollar gloves!"

  Quick, like the well=trained athlete that he was, Ed grabbed the ropefrom the farmer, sprang to the hay rack and made a cast.

  It landed true on the animal's horns.

  "I've got him!" exclaimed the boy. "Now, fellows, quick! Make hislegs fast."

  No need to say "quick," for the boys were up and busy making fast thebeast before the surprised farmer had a chance to exclaim.

  "So you like the real thing in gloves?" asked Ed while pulling at therope. "Well, I fancy you will
make something real--perhaps a robe--forthe best record of this trip. Oh, I say, fellows, let's buy the brute,have him done up properly, and offer his coat to the girl who comeshome with a record."

  Shouts of glee followed this suggestion, and the girls, seeing that theanimal was made safe, were now running back from the cottage to addtheir voices to the excitement.

  Clip insisted upon helping to tie the ram--she declared he had done hisshare toward making it uncomfortable for her--while Daisy, in her timidway, wanted to do something to the "saucy thing" for upsetting her, andJack suggested that she "box his horrid ears."

  Cora glanced at her watch.

  "If it's all the same to the gentlemen," she said, "we will continue onour way. We have lost a full hour already."

  "Lost!" repeated Walter meaningly.

  "She said 'lost,'" faltered Ed with similar intent.

  "Not actually lost," corrected Cora, "but at least dropped out of ouritinerary."

  "We were due ten miles ahead now," sighed Maud in her wistful way.

  "Too bad, too bad," whimpered Jack, who was still pulling at the ram'srope. "But it was not our fault, girls. Now, Daisy, do you think youcan run your machine without taking in any more circuses? We haveexamined your car, and it is intact--not so much as a footprint did thenaughty beast leave."

  Clip was looking over her runabout. It was not damaged, it seemed, andfor this she was most grateful. Clip was not out for pleasure--youhave guessed that--and it would have been highly inconvenient for thatyoung lady to go back to town in the hay.

  Jack left off at the ram's horn, and came to crank up for her.

  "All right, Clip?" he asked with evident concern. "I don't want you togo over that lonely road if you do not feel just like it. I can go withyou."

  "You!" she exclaimed. "Why, Jack Kimball, what are you thinkingabout?" and she laughed airily. "If you want to finish the impressionwe started the other day, just take another ride with me. No, Jack, mydear boy, I am very much all right, and very much obliged. But I musthurry off. Whatever will my little brown Wren think of me?" Shestepped into the car. "Good-by, girls," she called. "I am so sorry Idelayed you, but so glad we met. Take care of the ram, boys, and am Ieligible for the trophy? I am a motor girl, you know."

  "Of course you are," said Jack, before the others could speak. "Allmotor girls are eligible."

  "Ida Giles, too?" asked Bess. The moment she had spoken she could havebitten her tongue. Why could she never hide her feelings about Jackand Clip?

  "And, girls," called Cecilia, who was starting now, "don't forget aboutyour promise. Wren is counting on results."

  "What promise?" asked Ed.

  "Oh, don't you know?" replied Cora. "Well, I am afraid Jack will haveto tell you. We really have not another moment. Are you ready, girls?"

  "Why, our strange promise," put in Maud, who was glad to have a "realremark" to make to Ed. "We promised a little girl we would find an oldtable for her and we have just ransacked the farmer's house, hoping tofind it."

  Cora burst out laughing. Such an explanation!

  "Why, I'll promise a 'little girl' that," said Ed, taking up Cora'slaugh. "Any qualifications? Might it be a time-table?"

  Maud pouted. She stepped into Cora's car, evidently disgusted withboys in general.

  Gertrude had something to say to Walter, and was obliged to stand up onthe hay rack to do so, as the young man would not let go the rope thatheld the ram.

  There was a sudden hum of an auto, and Clip was gone.

  "Thought she had a sick relative," murmured Bess.

  "So she has," said Jack, who overheard the remark. "But she came nearneglecting her this morning. That was a close call."

  "Oh, yes," said Bess with a curled lip. "It seems to me everythingCecilia does is close."

  "Bess Robinson!" exclaimed Jack. "Do you want me to hug you? You havebeen treating me shamefully for weeks past. Now, own up. What have Idone?"

  Jack knew how to restore Bess to good humor, and his success this timewas marked.

  "You ridiculous boy!" exclaimed Bess. "You know perfectly well what Imean."

  And Jack did.