Read The Motor Girls on a Tour Page 20



  When Cecilia Thayer in her own little runabout, the Turtle, went overthe road to Mrs. Salvey's cottage, after the visit to the Hastings, heralert mind was occupied with many questions.

  She had advised the mother to go to court to account for her own child,a most peculiar proceeding, but one insisted upon by a well-meaningorganization, the special duty of which was to care for children. Whatsort of story Mrs. Salvey's relative may have told to bring such acourse about, neither she nor Cecilia knew. But at any rate a privatehearing was arranged for, and now Cecilia was on her way to fetch thewidow to town.

  Driving leisurely along, for the Turtle could not be trusted to hurry,Cecilia had ample time to plan her own course of action, should thejudge insist upon having Wren shown in court. This Cecilia felt surewould be dangerous to the extremely nervous condition of the child, andit was such a move she most dreaded.

  "I will call Dr. Collins," thought Cecilia, "and have him state thefacts, if necessary. But then I would have to give an account of myown part," came the thought, "and that would mean so much to me justnow."

  The "burr r-rr-r" of an approaching automobile startled her. Sheturned and confronted Rob Roland.

  "Well," he exclaimed, his pleasure too evident, "this is luck. Were yougoing to Aunt Salvey's?"

  Cecilia was annoyed. But she had no other course than to reply thatshe was going to the cottage.

  "So am I," replied the young man, "and very likely our business is ofthe same nature."

  "I am going to fetch her into town to the hearing," spoke up Cecilia,"and I have to hurry along."

  "And I, too, was going to fetch her. She is quite in demand, itseems," and he stretched his thin lips over his particularly fine teethin something like a sneer. "I wish I had known you were coming out; Ishould have invited you to ride with me."

  "Thanks," said Cecilia indifferently. "But I could hardly haveaccepted. I had some calls to, make as I came along."

  "Yes, I saw your machine at Hastings. How's the chap getting on?"

  "Paul is almost better," replied Cecilia, making an effort to get outof talking distance. But he knew exactly why she sent her machineahead, and while too diplomatic to actually bar her way, he, too,opened the throttle to increase the speed of his car.

  It was very aggravating. Cecilia had expected to have an importanttalk alone with Mrs. Salvey.

  Without a doubt this was also the very thing Rob Roland intended to do.If only she could get Mrs. Salvey into her car. But if she shouldprefer to ride with her nephew.

  For some short distance Cecilia rode along without attemptingconversation with the young man who was driving as close to her car asit was possible for him to do. Finally he spoke:

  "Have you ever been in a courtroom?" he asked.

  "No," she replied curtly.

  "Then you are sure to make a hit. Bet your picture will be in thepaper to-morrow."

  "What!" gasped Cecilia. "I understood this was to be a privatehearing."

  "Nothing's private from the newspaper chaps. They make more of chamberhearings than the open affairs. Always sure to be something behind thedoors, you know."

  The thought flashed through the girl's mind that he was trying tofrighten her--to keep her away from the hearing.

  "Well, I hope they have decent cameras," she managed to sayindifferently.

  He glanced at her with a look that meant she would make a picture. Andin this, at least, he was honest, for the girl was certainly attractivein her linen coat, her turn-over collar and her simple Panama hat. Shelooked almost boyish.

  "Better let me call Aunt Salvey," he said as they neared the cottage."But there she is--waiting for us."

  Cecilia urged the Turtle slightly ahead, then stopped suddenly. She wasalmost nervous with suppressed excitement.

  "All ready?" she asked as Mrs. Salvey greeted first her, then the youngman.

  "Yes. I wanted to be on time," replied the woman, stepping down fromthe porch.

  "Well, you cannot ride in two cars," called young Roland, "and thisis--if I must be impolite--the best machine, Aunt Salvey."

  "But you had an appointment with me," pressed Cecilia, pretending tojoke. "I would not trust even Mr. Roland to get you there on time, soI came myself."

  "Of course," replied the widow, puzzled at the situation, "it was goodof you to come, Rob, but I must go with Miss Thayer. I had arranged todo so."

  "Just as you like," he said, tossing his head back defiantly, "but youknow it would look better. Oh, we know perfectly well where Wren is,"he sneered, "and if you go to see her this afternoon I am going, too."

  So this was his scheme--he would follow them to find the child's hidingplace.

  Mrs. Salvey stepped into Cecilia's car. Her face was whiter than thewidow's ruche she wore in her black bonnet. She trembled as Ceciliatook her hand. What if she were making a mistake in trusting so muchto this young girl, and so defying her antagonistic relatives! What ifthey should attempt to prove that she was not properly caring for herchild! And if they should take Wren from her!

  "Perhaps I ought not to anger him," she whispered to the girl. "Do youthink I had best go with him?"

  "After I have had a chance to say a word or two, you may get out if youlike," replied Cecilia hastily. "But I must caution you not to mentionwhere Wren is, no matter how they press you. If they insist uponknowing I shall call Dr. Collins. That is the most important thing.Next, don't tell who were the last persons who signed the promise book.Now, you may get out and make a joke of it. I will trust to luck forthe rest."