Read The Muse Page 29

  She smiled at him adoringly, mouthed a quick ‘I love you,’ and made ready to alight as the carriage pulled to a stop at the steps of Everfell’s entrance.

  They were greeted with the enthusiastic embraces and kisses of welcome from Mina, Elle and Jules. It had been four months since they had last been together. Ushered into a beautiful parlor where tea was being served, they were all afforded a chance to visit a bit before settling into their rooms. They were to meet downstairs for a tour of the house in three hour’s time; the tour being for Imogene’s benefit alone, as she was the only one unfamiliar with the stately halls of Everfell.

  “I think I’ll lie down for a bit before I go back down, that way my stamina for the tour will be restored. I can only imagine it will take a long time to get around the whole house. I am feeling unusually tired,” she said, stifling another yawn.

  Graham felt her brow in concern. “I hope you are not becoming ill, chérie. Let me unlace you, so you can rest comfortably.” He moved to help her out of her dress and to unfasten her stays. His hands roamed a little over her as he divested her of her outer garments.

  “Is it your intention to bed me in your cousin’s house so soon, my darling? We have only just arrived,” she cajoled.

  “Hmmm.” He put a finger to his lips, playing along with her teasing. “It is my intention to bed you well and often in my cousin’s house, but not just now.” He kissed her forehead. “You need a rest, and that is what you must do.” He helped her into bed, leaning over for more kisses. “I’ll send Hester up to you about a half-hour before the time so you can dress, and then I’ll come escort you down. How does that sound to you?”


  “I cannot even comprehend to imagine how magnificent your ballroom will look on Friday in all its splendour and filled with guests. Graham has shared with me his love for Everfell. I must tell you it is wonderful to be here, to finally see it, and to be with all of you, our family.” Imogene offered the sentiment over the elegant dining table.

  Jules replied, “Thank you, for accepting our invitation. We wanted so badly to be at your wedding, and since we were not able, thought this would be the best way to honor your marriage. We are grateful to have you so close in distance and it is high time we celebrated in happiness together as a family. It is a good thing, is it not, Graham?” Jules asked him.

  “It is a true thing, Jules. I find it deeply comforting to be back here. And all the better for it now with our lovely brides gracing its halls and paths,” Graham remarked. “Have you heard from my brother?”

  “Colin wrote to us and expects to arrive the day after tomorrow I believe,” he answered with a knowing look to Graham. “And, Imogene, your sister and Dr. Brancroft have accepted our invitation as well. They are to arrive on Thursday. My uncle and aunt, Sir Thomas and Lady Hargreave, have also accepted,” Jules said with a pointed glance at Mina. “Let’s see, Mr. Gravelle and the Burleighs are coming. My cousin, Colonel Nicholas Hargreave, will be here as well. Those are the ones you would know. Mostly everyone else, you would not know, but are the families that we have known all our lives.”

  “I am so looking forward to seeing everyone again and of course, meeting the people of Warwickshire.”

  Elle spoke up then. “Imogene, I would love to ride with you again. Would you like to go tomorrow?”

  “Very much,” she replied eagerly. “Mina, are you riding yet? I know you are a great walker, but you told me it was your intention to learn to ride. You said at the time you feared it would be the only way to get around to seeing Everfell for all its vast and remote locales.”

  “I did have the very best of intentions it’s true, but alas I have not had more than a few lessons as of yet.” Mina looked to her husband with a smile and a tiny nod of her head.

  Jules beamed at them all. “We have happy news to share. We are expecting. He or she should be gracing us with an appearance sometime in the early autumn.”

  Congratulations were shared, and Graham felt a gladdening inside his heart. For the first time in years really, he was finally able to approach his life with optimism. There had been so much loss for both sets of Everleys, and it was uplifting to know that the tremendous loss and despair was finally succumbing to the joys and comforts of happy family life. Heartened by their glad news, he had pause to wonder if he and Imogene would soon be following them down the same path. He was good with details and had kept track of the weeks. She had been indisposed just the one time. But Imogene had said nothing and he would not bother her with questions, however he did speculate at the possibility she was already with child.

  Mina continued, “We agreed that it would be best to resume the riding lessons after the baby comes just to be safe. No, I won’t be able to join you in your riding tomorrow but do not give it another thought, Imogene. You must ride with Elle. She has been anticipating your visit for such long time now.”

  “But what will you do while we are away, Mina?”

  “I have plenty to busy myself with, I assure you,” Mina replied. Then turning to her husband, she teased, “Are you going to beg an invitation to join them, Julian?”

  “I thought I might,” he said meekly. “Would you mind if I tag along with you ladies?” he asked pointedly to Elle and Imogene.

  “Not at all. Please join us, Brother,” Elle responded, but then turned to her cousin, “Graham, would you like to come along as well? I remember a time not so long ago when you were quite keen to go riding with me.” Eyes sparkling, she reminded everyone of his collusion in arranging time to be with Imogene in their first days of acquaintance.

  “Oh, and I am keen still! I would love to join in your riding party and go with you, dear, sweetest Elle. It will be so relieving to go with you and just enjoy the riding, with no angst about winning the affections of a certain lady,” he joked, flashing a quick wink at Imogene.

  IN the predawn hour, Imogene quietly settled herself back into bed, but not quietly enough because Graham stirred awake and asked sleepily, “Chérie?”

  “Nature called is all, go back to sleep.”

  He pushed against her instead. “But I am awake now and so are you.” He breathed into her ear, nibbling the soft flesh of her neck.

  Arching into him, Imogene felt the involuntary shiver of arousal brush over her. “What are you going to do about it?” she whispered back.

  “By all means, let me show you…”

  After peeling away her nightdress and making her completely bare, he pulled her atop him, splitting her legs wide over his hips and settling her down onto his cock. She descended slowly until he was buried deep and tight. The fullness of his thick shaft filling her made her weak from pleasure. Graham took over gratefully, urging her to move up and down, helping her find a rhythm by gripping her bottom and lifting.

  “I love it this way, seeing you, admiring you from below…so beautiful,” Graham told her breathily as the thrusts of his cock grew faster and stronger.

  Her body moved with his, her breasts swaying from the jolts of his cock and her cunny connecting and separating over and over again. Imogene felt the walls of her sex grow tighter as his cock swelled inside, preparing to spill. She strained toward the feeling of release, so close she couldn’t control the desperate moans that escaped from her throat.

  Graham knew what she needed and he gave it to her. He put two fingers over her slippery clit and pinched. That did it. The climax burned through her and took over her body, stealing her breath, making her incapable of anything else but giving into the frenzy. Graham thrust up hard and deep one final time on a feral growl and held himself in her as he released his seed.

  Their eyes locked together as did their bodies, allowing the pall of peace to chase the rush of exquisite pleasure…

  Finally Imogene dropped down, arranging herself next to him, wrapped tightly to his side. He combed his fingers through her hair while their breathing levelled out. “You just indulged me another of my fantasies, chérie,” he whispered against he
r ear.

  “I did? Tell me.”

  “One of making love with you at Everfell.”

  “When did you fantasize about that?”

  “Oh, you would be quite surprised at how soon after meeting you I thought it.”

  “Really? How soon?”

  “Right away,” he admitted, gripping her a little tighter. “You must know that I had nothing to do but wait between the times I could be with you in those first days. I had to fill the endless hours with something nice or go mad. Imogene, I was adrift in my life, truly. Meeting you taught me to hope that I might find a reason to rejoin the realm of the living. I knew I had to win you, and marry you, and bring you to Warwickshire. That eventually we would come here, to Everfell together, and it would be very special.”

  “It is.” Imogene stroked his cheek lovingly.

  “The reality was far superior to the fantasy, I assure you.”

  She stirred awake in the morning when he got caught looking at her naked perfection. Graham was ready and propped on his elbow, just enjoying the view as she threw off the mantle of sleep.

  “This is a pleasant surprise,” she remarked. “You are always up before me so I rarely get this view of you when I wake.”

  “Well, we are on a kind of holiday I suppose, and there is nothing I would rather be doing right now. And how are you on this fine morning, chérie?”

  “Most excellent. We are to ride this morning with Elle and Jules and cannot lie abed.” She leaned over to greet him with a kiss. We must bathe and dress in our riding clothes before we go down to breakfast.” She moved to rise from the bed but he stopped her by snaking his arm around her and drawing her back.

  “Not so fast, chérie, I need a little cuddling before I am ready to release you from the bed.”

  “Oh, well I suppose I can give you just a little,” she teased, “but only a very little mind you, no more than that.”

  “Why only a little?” He pretended to pout.

  “Because I have caught you at naughtiness again. Peeping at me whilst I sleep bare in the bed. I felt the covers lifting. I know you did it. I daresay you will need a sound punishment.”

  He had the grace to look guilty. “Oh, chérie, peeping at you, that is not naughtiness. It is reassurance, that you are not a dream for all your otherworldly beauty. But please, feel free to indulge yourself in carrying out my punishment. I wait on your deliverance.” He raised his lips to receive her kiss, eyes closed.

  She delivered a clout to his face with a pillow instead, along with the sounds of her most satisfied giggling as she scrambled off the bed. “You said I was to carry it out,” she reminded him. “And so you admitted to your guilt at the same time. Come retrieve me in an hour, my husband, and I might be ready with some new punishments for you,” she called over her shoulder as she quitted the bedroom for the dressing room.

  Graham let her go, wickedly imagining several ‘punishments’ he might enjoy.

  On time, one hour later, he took in the view of her as she exited the dressing room attired for their planned equestrian activity. “That is my favourite one of your riding dresses. The colour is so rich and suits you perfectly. You certainly know how to choose an outfit, chérie,” he said admiringly.

  Imogene had chosen her brown velvet habit this day. It was a deep reddish brown, reminiscent of shimmering bronze, embellished with teal blue enhancements. The top sported a white false shirt underneath the tightly fitted bodice. The matching hat was trimmed with a teal blue veil and her gloves also dyed the same colour.

  “Thank you, my darling, I am glad you fancy it.” She peered at him with bedevilment. “You look quite smart yourself, but then I have always been captivated by your outward charms. Those green eyes, that long hair, those burly muscles, your manly visage—”

  He hushed her with a kiss and some silent laughter. “All right, all right, no need for sauciness or I might have to take you back to bed.”

  “I am sure you would like just such an excuse.” She pushed at him. “But now, we must go out into society and you will have to behave yourself,” she said, wrapping her arm under his, “and so will I.”

  “You are quite right, Lady Rothvale, as always. Shall we sally forth?” Graham’s heart was light as he walked her down to the breakfast room of Everfell.

  “The weather is quite perfect today for your riding. I shall miss being outdoors on such a fine day,” Mina remarked over breakfast.

  “Darling, I feel that we should not all abandon you. I will stay,” Jules told his wife decidedly.

  “Oh no, you will not. I wish you to go. I know you want to ride with your cousin and I will not have it any other way. I am firm in this, Julian. You are going!”

  The others shared looks all around, feeling somewhat discomfited at leaving their hostess behind, when Imogene found sudden inspiration. “Mina, have you ever shot targets, with a bow and arrow?”

  “I confess I have not.”

  “Would you like to? I could teach you if you wish. It is so lovely out today. It would make for excellent sport and is quiet enough not to tax you physically. I thought ahead and have brought my bows. I have been waiting for good weather to start up again. Elle, what about you?”

  Mina beamed, “I would love that, Imogene. It sounds most enjoyable to be outside, and I would be eager to take a lesson in shooting from you. We’ll see how I do.”

  “And, Elle, would you like it?” Imogene asked.

  “I would. I did a little target shooting at school and it was good sport. I’d like to give it another try.”

  “An excellent proposition, Imogene, thank you,” Jules said warmly. “I’ll speak to Falcon before we head out and have him fashion some targets for you. He might even be able to rummage up some equipment from the carriage house. He’ll know if anybody does.”

  “Old Falcon is still with us?” Graham asked. “The Gamekeeper of Everfell…he was old when we were boys,” he reminisced.

  “Oh yes. He’s still with us. Refuses to give up his post. Knows I would give him a free cottage and maintain him in retirement, but will not hear of it. Graham, remember when we used to help him gather the pheasant eggs for setting under the hens? He would always call us out for the hatching of the chicks so we could see what our efforts had wrought.”

  “I do remember, Jules. Falcon was always so proud of us if we could find the eggs and get them in without breaking any.” He looked at Imogene. “We used to compete for who could bring in the most eggs.”

  “Who won?” All three ladies asked at the same time.

  Jules laughed at their eagerness. “That’s an easy question to answer. Graham, for certain. He would find more nests than I, and was far more gentle and patient in transporting the eggs. I always broke a few in my enthusiasm. I can’t recall you ever breaking any,” he remarked wistfully to his cousin.

  Graham shrugged. “I don’t know about that, but I should like to say hello to Falcon while I’m here. He was good to us, tolerating our irritating childish presence. I hold very happy memories of him.” He was thoughtful before looking to Imogene, a smile appearing on his face.

  “I know, when we grow tired of target shooting, we can go into the wood and hunt eggs! It sounds ever so sporting. This is the time they’d be laying, isn’t it? We can see who gets the most!” Imogene suggested excitedly.

  Everybody laughed. Graham remarked to their hosts, “Did you know that my wife is very competitive? She likes to win.”

  “Well you’d better let her then, if you know what’s good for you,” Jules told him.

  Graham did not favour his cousin with a reply. Instead he turned to Imogene and said, “I would love to hunt eggs with you, chérie. It sounds perfect.”

  And yet again, Graham and Imogene achieved the look the others were growing accustomed to. They shared a look between them, just for them, and were, as always, unaware of the bemused glances of the others at the breakfast table that morning.

  MINA was a natural with a bow, taking to it
most enthusiastically. Elle put up a great effort as well. Imogene was a patient instructor and seemed delighted in sharing her knowledge of the sport with her friends once again. Old Falcon fashioned targets for them and even managed to dredge out a few more bows from somewhere. He had them oiled, restrung and ready for use when the riders returned.

  “Thank you for this, Jules,” Graham said as they sat on the lawn and watched the ladies take to their sport. “It feels most satisfying to just be here with Imogene. I’m grateful you insisted on a visit. I did not realize how much I needed to reconnect with my family.” He was quiet for a moment. “For the first time in a great long while, I am happy.”

  “It’s most evident, Graham, and everybody is happy for you. I am glad you are here with us, as well. And even better when Colin arrives for Elle does so adore him.”

  “Is she completely recovered from her trauma at the hands of Odem—ugh—I cannot even say the blackguard’s name, he is so low.”