Read The Mysterious Women Series:Blackmail Page 24

  Chapter 23

  "Why did you bring all these paintings"? The boss asked Robert who was merrily enjoying a glass of Guigal now, the boss surely has got great taste. "You told me to bring the paintings", "So you did, you know Robert sometimes I feel that brains must have been replaced by cow dung ", the boss yelled at him. Now this was something new. The boss had a calm demeanor, there were also rumors of him being sadistic when someone dared to cross the limits of his patience and just now Robert had done that but didn’t know how to undo that. Finally deciding on walking the straight path he said "I couldn't understand which of these paintings held the key towards the legacy, so thought of bringing all of them". Neil knew that Robert had been hiding something from him for a long time but what was that he would find out later, right now he had more pressing issues to take care of.

  Meanwhile, Agent Von and his team had found out Neil's apartment with the help of Laney's hands man who was later found out to be one of Neil's men. Now it was only a matter of patience that they had to maintain while Michelle informed them of their next move. His phone vibrated after sometime and Michelle ordered them to stay put until Neil and his men leave the place. Thereafter they had raid the apartment and find out as many evidences as possible against him.

  Neil had been inspecting the paintings when his phone rang, he glanced at his cell phone screen to know the name of the caller but it seemed that his caller was an unknown person. How is it possible? He thought before taking the call "Hello its ", before could think of any lies he snapped back by the person talking from the other side "Hey Neil I know it's you, I have your brother with me and I'm ready empty my bullets on his head any moment"."You'll not do any such thing", "Oh yes I will and if you want to stop me then you need to reach your old ranch house before I get tired of hitting him", she laughed out loud. "Ask Kroeber to bring out the cars immediately", he ordered. "Cars, why Sir"? Robert asked out of curiosity, just after the call ended the boss had turned frantic. "I don’t have time to explain anything Robert just do as I say", he barked. "Sir where do we go from here"? The old driver was in panic as soon as he came to know that the young master was in the hands of a devil lady. As soon as he saw Kroeber shivering out of fear he knew that he would have to drive, since Kroeber would only slow them down and no one else knew the way towards the ranch. In all these commotion none of them noticed the SUV which was parked near the alley.

  After they left the place Von and his team members barges inside the apartment shooting down the rest of Neil's men who were left behind to guard the illegal commodities. "Do you think this is a big catch "? Agent Hudson nudged Agent Von "A catch too big to last my entire life", Von grinned".

  "Why are you tying me this way"? Zack asked his friends almost gasping for air who were busy tying his huge body to the tree where Willy's tree house had been built a few days ago. "So that when I shoot you, you fall upside down into this pit and break your cervical, which will finally lead to your death", Sara said while checking knots which had been put in the rope to secure it on the right place. "One more knot here and we can mark him safe", Sara tied a knot connecting his chest and the nearest branch. While she was climbing down the tree she heard a beep sound coming from her cell phone, she dug it out of her jeans' pocket and read the message which said the mobsters had reached the place. "Guys be ready they're here", she shouted for everyone to hear. Mark stood near the gate so as soon as the SUV pulled in he informed Sara and she called Neil "So you are trying to best me huh"? Well do you remember the tree where the Senior Robenstein had built a tree house for both of you", she told him. He hadn’t been here for a while but that couldn’t stop him from the reaching the tree as fast as humanly possible, he ran towards and his men followed him like a herd of sheep, except one.

  "Well see whose here Zack"? She smiled deviously. Though the cold stare of the villains were creeping her out yet she stood still holding the gun pointed towards the rope which held Zack. Just as Neil's eyes went to the direction of Zack his eyes widened in surprise, he could never think that Sara being such a sweet girl could do anything like that. Without wasting any more time he asked her" What to do you want"? She didn’t answer instead rotated the gun through the barrel. "I want you to confess how you killed my sister and why"? This hit him like a stone. He couldn’t take it anymore, why did everyone blame him for her death "I didn’t kill her instead she killed herself". She let out a low rumble "I don’t think this is the perfect time to lie, it wouldn’t take me a second to pull the trigger". Neil had to do something to stop this woman; he had to make her listen to him "Listen to me once", he pleaded " Your sister was under depression for more than a year after you left Ohio she got a new job in the Senator's office because her job in the law suit wasn’t paying much as the new job. She had been working there for three months then all of a sudden one day while checking my belongings she came to know my real persona and it burst her head like a rocket. She wanted to leave me, taking Em with her but I convinced her that I would leave my illegal business. We had been doing well for a while; I got a job in the state winery, I was in my office when the incident happened Em called me and said she was no more. I turned hysterical and drove home as soon as possible but she was dead by then she had taken a huge dosage of her medicine. I know someone had forced her to do that".

  Robert went back to the SUV and was about to drive back when one of the tire pumped out, after a few minutes he realized all the tires had leaked. He jumped out of the SUV, but soon faced a punch followed by a roundhouse. In the dark it wasn't easy for him to defend, yet he was successful in placing a sidekick making his rival to stumble back a few steps. The person let out a growling sound which seemed feminine and the woman launched a butterfly twist which made him fall a few feet from her. She ran towards him and hit on his chest with her elbow. This had left him unconscious.

  Coming back to his senses he found himself seated in a chair, his hands had been handcuffed. After scanning the room properly he could catch a few familiar faces -Michelle was pacing the room yelling at someone over her cell phone. The room was filled with four other FBI agents and two civilians. So this is what they call the investigatory room. Sitting in a chair next to him was Neil; he was talking to Zack something about Razzles. How can someone think about Razzles in a situation like this? He must have gone crazy out of shock. After a few minutes two of the older agents left the room. Robert was now surrounded by three agents and two civilians namely -Sara and Zack. "So what do you have to confess Mr. Pablo"? Michelle sat on a chair close to him. Five pairs of eyes warming his skin through their gazes "What do you want to know"? "Surely not about your favorite food, start spilling out about the stolen paintings". "I had helped Neil in stealing the paintings and I was also involved in trafficking the models". When he stopped speaking Sara held his and making him face her she asked" Where have you kept the money"? "I don’t have any left the money that was supplied by Mr. Robenstein has been used up to buy apartment in Manhattan", she quirked a brow, so he cleared the mess" the one that was raided by your team", Saran and Michelle glanced at each other both them smiling at each other " But why did you blackmail him "? All hell broke loose after the question was asked " I lived in an petty complex, knowing that my father was burglar and had left my mom when I was pretty young but one day I while searching through her belongings I find an old letter written by some Robenstein mentioning that he couldn't come back to her and I was their mistake", the situation cringed Sara she could never imagine herself being called this way."Until then I wanted to become a good Christian man unlike my father but from that day my only aim was to assassinate the man who claimed me to be a mistake and become even more successful than his son", he grinned "and what best way to get become a millionaire other than robbing the money of a millionaire". Like he had any other option Zack thought. Michelle then produced a photo in front of him and asked him if he knew the lady. He knew lying there quiet was not an option anymore "The lady knew too much about the senator, she had to be r
emoved off his way and since Neil had parted ways long ago from the profession, so I was given the contract". "How could you do that to her"? Neil yelled and cursed at him trying to break free from his bondage so that he could get a hold on Robert, the situation made Sara nearly jumped from her chair, making it bump and the jerk had the guts to reply back "It added money to my account", receiving a cheek reddening slap from Sara .Robert was taken into custody after the paper works had been done and from here he would face the court trials, Neil would soon follow the same fate. "I have one last thing to ask you", Sara stopped him before he could leave the room. She now stood there holding Zack's hand firmly to maintain support "why did you abandon Em"? He took in a long breath before answering "I couldn’t take her to hell with me"; his eyes had turned moist now."Take care of my angel", with this being said he left her standing there and slowly the silhouette turned darker as he walked away.