Read The Mystery at Lilac Inn Page 2

  Next, Nancy and Helen were escorted upstairs to see Emily’s attractive, old-fashioned two-room suite. “When the inn is ready, there’ll be accommodations for fifty guests—”

  At this instant a piercing shriek came from the garden. The three girls dashed down the stairs and rushed outside.

  “The cry came from near the river,” said Nancy, running in that direction.

  John McBride and two gardeners joined them. They made a thorough search, but found no one.

  Emily turned to Nancy with questioning eyes, “Are you thinking what I am—that the person screamed just to frighten us? And make this place almost seem haunted?”

  “Yes. But why? Is someone trying to balk your expansion program here?” Nancy suggested.

  “Possibly. But I can’t figure out the reason,” Emily replied. “Well, I’ll show you the rest of the house.”

  She took the visitors to the far wing, where the kitchen was located. Its gleaming wall ovens and natural-stone colonial fireplace, complete with spit, fascinated Nancy.

  “Emily, you’ll have no trouble filling every room in this inn,” she said enthusiastically. “It’s absolutely charming!”

  “I hope you’re right,” Emily replied fervently. “If only the mystery haunting this place could be solved! You’ll help, Nancy?”

  “I’ll certainly try, Emily.”

  The three girls went to the parking lot where John awaited them at the wheel of the jeep. “Hold onto your hats!” he called.

  His three hatless passengers grinned as they hopped into the rear seat. The vehicle shot forward and turned into a dirt lane.

  Soon they were driving among groves of apple and peach trees. At Emily’s request, John stopped the jeep near an apple tree. She got out to examine the leafy branches. “We’ll have an abundant crop this season,” she commented. “There are lots of tiny apples forming.”

  John had climbed out also. Suddenly he stooped and examined the ground.

  “What are you looking at?” Nancy called to him.

  “A big fat beetle.” John laughed.

  Nancy chuckled, but she had the feeling that John had been evasive in his reply. As the jeep started off, she looked back. There was a trail of marks leading toward the river.

  “They look like flipper tracks,” she thought. “I wonder if John made them or if he suspects someone else did.”

  Later, when the young people returned to the inn, they found Maud Potter on the patio. Nancy was amazed at the change in the woman’s manner. Now she was smiling broadly as she waved a folded newspaper.

  “Nancy!” she cried effusively. “You’re a skin-diving celebrity!”

  “What do you mean?” Nancy asked, puzzled, as Mrs. Willoughby joined the group.

  Maud opened the paper and pointed to page one of the River Heights Evening News.

  “Why, Nancy Drew!” Helen exclaimed. “Your picture—and a write-up! You never breathed a word!”

  Everyone clustered around to see the picture of Nancy in a bathing suit, diver’s mask, and flippers and the accompanying article. The caption read:

  Daughter of Local Lawyer, Carson Drew, Learns Her A-B Seas in Skin Diving.

  The article went on to tell that Nancy had just completed a course in advanced skin diving in the Muskoka River, and that she had finished first in total points in the twenty-student group.

  “ ‘When asked by our reporter where she hoped to practice the sport,’ ” John read aloud, “ ‘Miss Drew replied she would like to skin-dive in both salt and fresh water. This writer strongly suspects that there will be times when she will use her newly acquired knowledge in solving mysteries at which Miss Drew, we understand, is proficient.’ ”

  With an admiring glance, John said, “Meet a fellow frogman. I practically grew up in flippers.”

  “Really? Oh, I have a wonderful ideal”

  Nancy said she would still like to find out, if possible, what had upset her canoe so suddenly. “Maybe there is some submerged object I didn’t notice. It could be a hazard to other people in boats. John, why don’t you take a look underwater at that same spot?”

  “How about both of us going?” John suggested, smiling.

  Emily spoke up. “Nancy, you and Helen must stay here longer. You can work on the mystery and also go skin diving with John.”

  Both girls accepted eagerly. “We’ll paddle home tomorrow,” said Nancy, “pick up more clothes and my diving equipment, then come back.”

  For the rest of the afternoon, the three girls discussed the subject of gowns to be worn by Emily’s bridal attendants. Nancy and Helen were delighted to learn that the color was to be lilac pink.

  “By the way, Em,” Helen said, “do you know where lilacs came from originally?”

  Their hostess nodded. “A German traveler brought the flower from the Orient to Europe in the sixteenth century. Eventually the lilac was introduced to America.”

  All this time Nancy had noted that Emily was doing her best to seem cheerful, and Maud too continued to act carefree. Emily had arranged a steak cook-out on the patio, and the social director joined in the lively banter. When they finished eating, she brought out a guitar.

  “How about some Western tunes?” she suggested gaily.

  “Fine. Let’s all sing,” Helen answered.

  At eleven o’clock the group said good night and the River Heights girls tumbled into bed.

  The next morning Nancy had just finished dressing when there was a knock on the cottage door. John called out:

  “Phone call for you, Nancy, at the desk in the lobby. The cottage phones aren’t connected yet.”

  “Thank you.” Nancy hurried to the lobby and picked up the receiver. “Hello? ... Why, Hannah! What’s the trouble?”

  Hannah Gruen was the Drews’ housekeeper, and had “mothered” Nancy since the age of three when her own mother had passed away.

  “Oh, Nancy!” Hannah sounded almost hysterical. “Come home right away! Your father isn’t here, and someone broke into the house last night!”


  A Stolen Charge Plate

  NANCY was shocked by Hannah’s news. “Have you called the police about the prowler?” she asked the housekeeper.

  “No. I wanted to tell you first. I didn’t know what had happened until I carried some clean clothes to your room. The second floor seems to be the only place disturbed.”

  Hannah explained that she had tried to reach Mr. Drew at his hotel in Cleveland, where he was working on a case. But the lawyer had been out.

  “I’ll be home as soon as possible,” Nancy promised. “In the meantime, please notify Chief McGinnis.”

  “I will, Nancy. Good-by.”

  Nancy was just about to put down the phone, when she heard a click on the line. Instantly she wondered if someone at Lilac Inn had been purposely listening in on her call.

  Before Nancy could speculate further, Emily joined her. Quickly Nancy gave her friend Hannah’s report. “I must borrow a car and go right home,” she said.

  Emily expressed concern about the apparent burglary. “I hope nothing valuable was taken. But, Nancy, you must have breakfast before you go.” Emily led the way to the dining room.

  Nancy asked her where the other telephones at the inn were located and mentioned the fact that someone might have been eavesdropping on her conversation.

  “Every room has an extension,” Emily said. “But the only ones connected right now, besides the desk phone, are in the kitchen, my bedroom, my aunt’s, and the recreation room.”

  The young sleuth hastily excused herself. “I’d like to make a few inquiries, Em. Meet me at the table, will you?”

  Nancy went into the kitchen. She saw Anna, the waitress, and asked the girl if anyone had used the telephone within the past few minutes. No one had. Then Nancy hurried to the recreation room. It was empty.

  When Nancy reached the dining room, she found Emily at the table alone. “Did you learn anything?” Emily asked.


  Emily whispered, “I just remembered, Nancy. Maud had her phone hooked up yesterday.”

  At that moment Maud came into the dining room. Nancy learned that Maud had just returned from a walk along the river. A few minutes later Mrs. Willoughby, Helen, and John arrived. None had used the phone that morning.

  “Guess that click didn’t mean an eavesdropper at the inn,” Nancy thought.

  The others were sympathetic upon hearing her reason for returning home immediately. John promptly offered to drive Nancy in the jeep. But Mrs. Willoughby laughed and said, “I can give you a more comfortable ride, Nancy.”

  As she started to explain, Anna came to take the orders of those at the table.

  “I have to drive to the River Heights Bank this morning,” Mrs. Willoughby went on, “to get Emily’s diamonds from the safe-deposit box. I’d be delighted to have company.”

  Before Nancy could reply, Maud Potter repeated shrilly, “Emily’s diamonds?”

  Mrs. Willoughby nodded. “As you know, I’ve been Emily’s guardian for five years, since her parents were killed in the plane crash. Her mother’s will states that she’s to receive the jewels when she’s twenty-one.”

  Emily dimpled. “That’s in two weeks. But I coaxed Aunt Hazel into letting me have them earlier. I’m going to sell enough to help Dick and me with expenses at the inn.”

  Nancy smiled. “That must be the plan you told me about yesterday.”

  “That’s right.” Emily’s eyes sparkled.

  Maud had been listening intently. She said to Mrs. Willoughby, “You told me there were twenty unset diamonds. I suppose they are worth quite a bit?”

  Mrs. Willoughby smiled. “Yes. Over fifty thousand dollars.”

  Maud remarked pointedly, “You’d better be careful, Hazel. Some people would love to get their hands on those jewels.”

  As soon as Mrs. Willoughby finished her toast and coffee, she arose from the table. “Nancy,” she said, “I’ll get the car.”

  The three girls excused themselves and went outside. “Perhaps, Helen,” Nancy said, “you’d like to stay at the inn. I’ll be driving back, and can stop at your house to pick up whatever clothes you need.”

  “Thanks, Nancy. I’d like to stay. I’ll phone Mother.”

  Emily asked if Nancy would have a chance to do her a favor in River Heights. “I’d ask Aunt Hazel, but she wants to get back here as soon as possible with my diamonds.”

  “I’ll be glad to. What is it, Em?”

  “Find out if the Empire Employment Agency has any waitresses available.”

  “Did you get Mary Mason through them?” Nancy asked.

  “No. She stopped here. But her references were excellent, so I engaged her.”

  “I’ll be happy to do the errand for you, Emily,” Nancy said.

  Mrs. Willoughby pulled up in her black sedan and Nancy climbed in front. John had come outside too.

  “Don’t forget,” he said to her, “we have a skin-diving date when you get back.”

  At that moment Maud Potter hurried from the inn to the car. “I’ll come along, if you don’t mind,” the social director said blithely.

  She hopped in beside Nancy without waiting for an invitation. Mrs. Willoughby’s lips tightened, but she made no comment. Good-bys were exchanged and the car started off.

  Soon the sedan was speeding along the main highway. “Any ideas about your burglar?” Maud asked Nancy.

  “No,” Nancy admitted. “Except he might have been trying to break into Dad’s safe.”

  Maud cocked her head. “Does your father keep important papers at home?”

  “Sometimes,” Nancy replied noncommittally. She tried to hide her annoyance at the woman’s inquisitiveness.

  Mrs. Willoughby frowned disapprovingly. “Don’t ask so many questions, Maud.”

  The social director shrugged. Once more she turned to Nancy. Arching her eyebrows coyly, she said, “I’d love to meet your dad sometime. I understand he is a widower.”

  “This is the last straw!” Nancy thought. Though annoyed, she had to suppress a smile at the woman’s remark. Maud Potter certainly was not the type of person to interest her father!

  “Dad keeps very busy, and travels a lot on his cases,” Nancy said coolly. “He’s away now.”

  Maud’s coyness vanished. “I see. No time for social life,” she said sarcastically.

  To Nancy’s relief, the woman spoke hardly at all for the balance of the trip. Presently Mrs. Willoughby pulled up into the winding driveway of the Drews’ handsome brick home, surrounded by a velvety green lawn.

  Nancy expressed her thanks for the ride and said good-by. She hurried into the house, for the moment forgetting Lilac Inn completely. Hannah Gruen greeted her with, “Oh, Nancy dear. I’m so glad you’re back. I’ve been frantic!”

  Nancy hugged the pleasant-faced woman, who said that Police Chief McGinnis had stopped at the house to investigate the burglary.

  “No silver or other valuables are missing,” Hannah went on. “But your room is a mess. Whoever was here must have been after something you keep there.” The woman frowned worriedly.

  Nancy dashed up the stairs. What a sight met her eyes as she entered her room! Bureau and chest drawers were open, their contents spilling out. Perfume bottles lay overturned on her dressing table. Clothes had been pulled from the closet and flung onto the bed and floor.

  Mrs. Gruen, who had followed Nancy, explained, “Chief McGinnis wanted me to leave everything like this for you to see.”

  Nancy nodded. “How was the house entered?”

  “Through the back door,” Hannah replied. “The chief said the intruder must be an expert lock picker and burglar. He left no fingerprints.”

  Nancy hurried into her father’s bedroom. Nothing here had been disturbed apparently. She went into the adjoining den and was relieved to see that the thief had not broken into the safe.

  “The only thing missing from here is my picture,” Nancy reported to Hannah.

  “Oh, dear! What does it all mean?” the housekeeper asked worriedly.

  Before Nancy could continue, the phone rang, and she answered it.

  “Miss Nancy Drew?” a woman asked.


  “This is Burk’s Department Store. I’m Mrs. Reilly of the fine jewelry department. I made a terrible mistake when I sold you that watch this morning. The price was one hundred and twenty-five dollars, not fifty as I told you. Do you still want to keep it?”

  Utterly astounded, Nancy said, “Mrs. Reilly, I didn’t buy a watch this morning! I was out of town.”

  “Isn’t your charge account number 10-4875?”

  “Wait, please. I’ll check.”

  Nancy hurried to open the desk drawer where she had put Burk’s charge plate. Its leather case was there, but the metal plate was not inside. “It has been stolen!” Nancy exclaimed.

  With a sense of foreboding, she returned to the phone. “I’ll drive right down to see the manager,” Nancy said. “My charge plate has been stolen, I’m afraid.”

  Nancy paused long enough to tell Hannah of her discovery, and to notify Chief McGinnis. The officer said he would meet her at the store manager’s office.

  Just as she was about to enter Burk’s, Nancy stopped short. To her amazement, she saw Maud Potter entering the Empire Employment Agency office across the street.

  “Now what’s up?” Nancy wondered. “Is Maud trying to engage a waitress for the inn, too?”

  Puzzled, she hurried into the department store and took an elevator to the third-floor office of the manager, Mr. Goldsmith.

  “I’m Nancy Drew,” she greeted him pleasantly. “I want to explain—”

  She got no further. With a stern look, the manager said curtly, “I know all about the watch you claim not to have bought early this morning. But how about those other items you carried away?”

  Dumfounded, Nancy could only echo, “Other items?”

  Grimly the manager continued,
“I don’t know what your game is, Miss Drew. But unless you have a twin, you owe Burk’s Department Store for merchandise worth two thousand dollars!”


  Address Unknown

  NANCY felt she must be dreaming. Not only had the thief charged two thousand dollars to her account, but the store manager seemed to believe that Nancy herself had made the purchases.

  “I must have a double!” she thought. “Doris Drake’s friend Phyl was right in thinking she was talking to me. Someone is impersonating me! It’s possible this person or a friend of hers broke into our house, took the charge plate, and some of my clothes for her to wear!”

  Outwardly, Nancy tried to appear calm. “I couldn’t have bought those things, Mr. Goldsmith,” she insisted. “This is the first time today I’ve been in Burk’s.”

  For answer, the manager pressed a buzzer. Three women entered. He introduced them as Mrs. Reilly, Miss Coogan, and Mrs. Watson,

  “Mrs. Reilly sold you the watch,” said Mr. Goldsmith. “From Miss Coogan you bought an expensive mink stole. Next, you purchased two high-priced dresses in Mrs. Watson’s department. Ladies, do you identify this girl?”

  The saleswomen nodded. Each one identified her as Nancy Drew, the young woman she had waited on, and who had signed sales slips for each purchase.

  “This is preposterous!” Nancy cried, her blue eyes flashing. “Someone is impersonating me. She stole my charge plate. I want to see those sales slips.”

  Just then, to Nancy’s relief, Chief McGinnis entered the office. He and the Drews were old friends, and he greeted Nancy cordially.

  Mr. Goldsmith spoke up. “Glad you’re here, Chief. I was just going to call you.” He explained what had happened.

  The police officer replied calmly, “If Nancy Drew says she didn’t buy anything, she didn’t. Let’s get down to facts, Mr. Goldsmith. I’m here to help Miss Drew, and Burk’s also.”

  The chief quizzed the salesclerks briefly. After hearing their stories, he said gravely, “Nancy, I’m afraid this young woman who resembles you so closely—and forged your signature on the sales slips—may continue to take advantage of it.”