Read The Mystery at the Alamo Page 5

  “We practiced when we got up this morning,” Jessie explained.

  “Did you find out anything interesting from Amy and Claire?” Henry asked.

  “We sure did,” Violet said. “Amy told Claire that if they had any more delays, Claire would lose her job.”

  “We need to find out who is behind all these accidents right away,” Jessie said. “It’s the only way we can help Claire.”

  “Let’s watch carefully today,” Antonio said. “Maybe we can prevent any more delays from happening.”

  “I can help, too, Henry,” Benny said.

  “You sure can,” Henry said. “We’ll need your help.”

  “Jessie and I will watch Janice Fishman,” Violet said.

  “Aren’t you forgetting someone?” Henry said.

  “Who?” Violet asked.

  “Claire LaBelle,” Henry said. “We all hope she doesn’t have anything to do with the problems on the movie set. But we don’t know for sure, do we?”

  “I guess you’re right,” Jessie said. “We’ll have to keep an eye on Bob, too.”

  After Bob and Claire arrived, Amy came over and explained the next scene. Claire and the children would walk up to the entrance of the Alamo, and Claire would say her lines. Roger Martin, dressed as Davy Crockett, would come out of the Alamo, say a few lines, and exit. Then Claire would say that she had something special to show the children.

  “I bet I know what she’s going to show us,” Benny said. “It’s the ring that the real Angelina Dickinson got from her father.”

  “You’re right, Benny,” Amy said. “But can you act surprised when you see it?”

  “Yes,” Benny said. “I’m a good actor.”

  “Where is Roger?” Amy asked. “He knows he is supposed to be on the set at eight o’clock sharp.”

  “I’ll go get him,” Bob said. He hurried off and returned in a few minutes, with Roger behind him.

  “Roger,” Amy demanded. “Where have you been?”

  “I didn’t see the point in getting up at the crack of dawn to say four lines,” Roger said.

  “That’s not the point and you know it,” Amy said angrily. “Please take your place. As soon as Mr. Fambles brings us the ring, we’ll begin.”

  “Here’s Mr. Fambles now,” Violet said.

  “Good morning, everyone,” Mr. Fambles said. “Today is the big day.”

  “Amy told us all about the ring,” Benny said. “I’m going to act surprised when I see it.”

  “I’m sure everyone will do a good job. Here’s the ring,” Mr. Fambles said. He opened the small black box he held in his hand and held up the hammered gold ring with the cat’s-eye stone.

  “That’s a beautiful ring,” Violet said.

  “It sure is,” Claire agreed.

  “Please be careful with it,” Mr. Fambles said as he put the ring back in the box. “It’s very valuable.”

  “I will,” Claire promised as she slipped the box into her skirt pocket.

  “Okay, then,” Amy said. “Places, everyone. Action!”

  Claire’s scene with the children went smoothly. Roger Martin said his lines, and then Claire removed the ring case from her pocket. She showed the ring to the children. Then she placed a velvet ribbon through the ring and tied it around her neck. Grandfather arrived and stood with Mr. Fambles near the edge of the set watching the children. They both smiled when they saw the ring around Claire’s neck.

  “Cut!” Amy said, smiling. “That was excellent!”

  “I acted surprised, didn’t I?” Benny asked.

  “You’re turning into a wonderful actor,” Amy replied.

  Benny smiled happily.

  “Okay, everyone,” Amy said. “Let’s take a five-minute break while we set up the next shot.”

  The other members of the cast and the children went over to the refreshment table to get something to eat and drink. Before Claire could leave, Violet stopped her.

  “Claire,” Violet said. “May I take a picture of you in front of the Alamo? You look lovely in that costume.”

  “Of course,” Claire said, smiling. She stood in front of the doors of the Alamo. The ring glittered in the sunlight as Violet snapped the picture.

  “Thank you,” Violet said.

  “You’re welcome, dear,” Claire said. “I’d love to have a copy of the picture.”

  “That was my last shot,” Violet said. “I’ll see if Grandfather can have them developed right away. Then I’ll give you one.”

  “That would be wonderful,” Claire said. “I need to go over my lines now. I’ll see you back on the set in a few minutes.”

  Violet rewound the roll of film and ran over to where her grandfather was talking with Mr. Fambles.

  “Hello, Grandfather,” Violet said.

  “Hello, movie star,” Grandfather Alden said. “You all did a wonderful job.”

  “Thank you,” Violet said. “Grandfather, I’ve used up all my film. Do you think you could have this developed and buy another roll of film for me? I’d like to give some of the pictures as gifts and take a few more before we leave.”

  “Of course,” Grandfather said as he took the roll of film.

  “There’s a drugstore about a block away that will develop pictures in an hour,” Mr. Fambles said. “I’m sorry I can’t go with you, but I need to stay here. The next shots are going to be done inside the Alamo.”

  “I’ll be just fine,” Grandfather said. “I’ll see you all in a little while.”

  “Thank you very much, Grandfather,” Violet said. “I can’t wait to see how my pictures turned out.”

  “I’m sure they’ll come out just fine, dear,” Grandfather said.

  “I have to go and meet the others now,” Violet said. “I think they’re getting ready to get started.”

  “I’ll be back soon with the pictures and the film,” Grandfather said.

  “Thank you,” Violet said.

  When Violet and Mr. Fambles arrived inside the Alamo, Amy was ready to begin.

  “There you are,” Jessie said. “I was just about to go and look for you.”

  “I gave my film to Grandfather so he could get my pictures developed,” Violet explained.

  “Good,” Jessie said. “I can’t wait to see them.”

  “Claire,” Amy said, “before we get started, I just wanted to tell you that you’re doing a wonderful job.”

  “Yes, she is,” Bob Branson agreed. “I loved the way she explained the history of Angelina Dickinson’s ring. May I see it up close, Claire?”

  “Of course you may,” Claire said. She slipped the ribbon over her head and handed the ring to Bob.

  “It’s a little dark in here,” Bob said. “I just want to hold it under the light.” Bob walked toward the door and looked at the ring in the sunlight.

  “Mr. Fambles, would you mind if we worked an extra hour inside the museum?” Amy asked. “Everything is going so smoothly, and I’d love to wrap up all the Alamo scenes today.”

  “Of course you may,” Mr. Fambles said. “The museum doesn’t open for another two hours anyway.”

  “Great,” Amy said. “I think we may even be able to reshoot the scenes that didn’t work the other day.”

  “Does that mean that you’re not going to use the scene where I filled in for Claire?” Janice asked. She looked angry.

  “Well,” Amy said, “since everything today has been moving ahead of schedule, we’ll have time to redo that scene.”

  “But that was my only real speaking part,” Janice said. “Everything else was just fill-in parts.”

  “Maybe I can use you in another film sometime,” Amy said.

  “I don’t think I want to wait that long,” Janice said angrily. “I’ll be in the trailer if you need me.”

  Janice hurried toward her trailer.

  “What’s that supposed to mean?” Jessie whispered to Violet.

  “I don’t know, but I’ve never seen Janice so upset,” Violet said.

?I hope she doesn’t do anything to slow the filming down,” Henry said. “Claire will lose her job if anything else happens.”

  “Okay, everyone,” Amy yelled. “Let’s get back to work.”

  The crew members began arranging the cameras for the next scene.

  “Children,” Amy said, “do you think your grandfather would mind if you worked after lunch, too?”

  “I don’t think he’d mind at all,” Jessie said.

  “He’ll be back soon,” Violet said. “I’m sure he’d love to watch us filming the movie. He hasn’t had much time to see us at work.”

  “Great,” Amy said. “Maybe we can wrap this film up ahead of schedule, after all.”

  “Here’s the ring, Claire,” Bob said. “Let me help you slip it on.”

  “Thank you, Bob,” Claire said. Bob tied the ribbon that held the ring around her neck.

  “Okay, children,” Amy said. “In this scene, Claire will give you a tour of all the artifacts they have in the Alamo. Does everyone understand?”

  The children nodded their heads. They stood in a circle around Claire.

  “Okay. Action!” Amy said, clapping her hands.

  Claire said her lines perfectly. The children followed her from one exhibit to the next as she explained the history of the Alamo.

  “Cut! That was beautiful!” Amy said. “Everything was perfect!”

  Claire smiled happily.

  “Let’s take a lunch break,” Amy said. “Be back on the set in one hour.”

  “I’ll see you later,” Antonio said. “My father is meeting me at the lemonade stand. He’s going to take me to lunch. But remember, I have a surprise for you when I come back.”

  “What is it?” Benny asked.

  “If I tell you, it won’t be a surprise,” Antonio said.

  “We’ll see you later,” Henry said to his friend.

  “Would you like to go to lunch with me, Bob?” Roger asked.

  “Thanks for the invitation,” Bob said. “But I’m meeting someone at that little cafe down the street.”

  “Well,” Roger said, “maybe some other time, then. See you later.”

  “Be back by one o’clock, please,” Amy said.

  “Of course,” Roger replied. “I wouldn’t dream of missing the opportunity to say the two lines you’ve given me in the next scene.”

  “Oh, Roger.” Amy sighed as she shook her head. “I’ll see what I can do about giving you more lines.”

  “You’re too kind,” Roger said as he left the set.

  “I’ll take the ring now,” Mr. Fambles said to Claire.

  “Of course,” Claire said. She slipped the ribbon over her head and handed the ring to Mr. Fambles.

  Mr. Fambles looked at the ring. His face got red.

  “Oh, no,” Mr. Fambles said.

  “What’s wrong, Mr. Fambles?” Henry asked.

  “This is not Angelina Dickinson’s ring,” Mr. Fambles said. “This ring is a fake!”


  Lost and Found

  What do you mean?” Claire said. “That’s the ring you gave me this morning!”

  “No,” Mr. Fambles said. “This is not the ring I gave you this morning.”

  “Wait a minute,” Amy said. “What’s going on here?”

  “This is not Angelina Dickinson’s ring,” Mr. Fambles said. “Her ring is made of hammered gold and has a cat’s-eye stone. This ring is gold-plated and the stone is not the same color as the real ring.”

  “I don’t believe it!” Claire said.

  “May I take a look at the ring, Mr. Fambles?” Jessie asked.

  “Of course,” Mr. Fambles said.

  Jessie looked at the ring carefully. “This ring looks like one of the ones Mary has in the costume department.”

  “Maybe the rings were accidentally switched,” Henry said. “The real ring may be in the jewelry chest in the costume tent.”

  “I don’t see how that could have happened,” Mr. Fambles said. “I kept the ring with me until it was time for Miss LaBelle to put it on.”

  “Well, I never left the set,” Claire said. “I was here the whole time.”

  “I’m not saying you switched the rings,” Henry said. “Maybe someone else switched them.”

  “Why don’t we check with Mary,” Violet suggested. “Maybe she can check her jewelry box to see if the real ring is in there.”

  “I hope you’re right,” Amy said. “This could ruin everything.”

  The Boxcar Children led the way to the costume tent.

  “Hello, everyone,” Mary said. Seeing the serious looks on their faces, she asked, “What’s wrong?”

  “We’re missing Angelina Dickinson’s ring,” Mr. Fambles said.

  “This is the one I’ve been wearing,” Claire said, showing the ring to Mary. “But Mr. Fambles says it’s a fake.”

  “That’s one of our costume rings,” Mary said. She quickly flipped the pages of her clipboard. “I have here that you signed it out this morning, Claire.”

  Everyone gathered around to look at the signature on the clipboard.

  “She’s right,” Amy said. “Is that your signature, Claire?”

  “Yes,” Claire said slowly. “But I didn’t sign out that ring. I was signing out my costume.”

  “Was anyone else in the costume tent when you were checking out your wardrobe this morning?” Violet asked.

  “I don’t remember seeing anyone,” Claire said.

  “Wait a minute,” Jessie said. “It looks as if someone erased something and wrote in ‘one gold ring’ in its place.”

  “You’re right,” Amy said.

  “I didn’t have anything to do with switching those rings,” Claire said, her eyes filling up with tears. “You have to believe me.”

  “Don’t worry, Claire,” Violet said. “We believe you.”

  “Thank you,” Claire whispered.

  “I’m sorry, Miss LaBelle,” Mr. Fambles said. “But I will have to report this matter to the police.”

  “I understand,” Claire said.

  “Please come with me to my office,” Mr. Fambles said. “I’m sure the police will want to question you.”

  Claire sadly followed Mr. Fambles out of the costume tent.

  “I guess I’ll have to call my boss,” Amy said. “I’m afraid this means that Claire will no longer be working with us.”

  “Amy,” Violet said, “could you give us an hour to try to solve this mystery before you call him?”

  “I think we can help Claire if we have a little time,” Henry said.

  “Okay,” Amy said slowly. “I’ll wait one hour. But if you don’t find that ring by one-thirty, I’m going to have to call my boss. I won’t be able to keep it from him any longer than that.”

  “Thanks, Amy,” Violet said.

  “We’ll see what we can do,” Henry said.

  “Maybe the ring dropped out of the box somewhere,” Violet suggested as they walked along. “Let’s go back to the Alamo and look around for it.”

  A policeman was entering the museum when the children arrived. He went inside Mr. Fambles’s office. The children could see Claire, sitting with her head in her hands, through the partially opened door.

  “Poor Claire,” Jessie said. “I feel so sorry for her.”

  “There’s no time to waste,” Henry said. “Let’s find that ring.”

  The children carefully searched the museum. Angelina Dickinson’s ring was nowhere to be found.

  “Let’s think about this for a minute,” Henry said. “What clues do we have?”

  “Janice left in a hurry this morning,” Jessie said. “She’s never done that before.”

  “That’s true,” Henry said. “And Roger showed up late. He could have been up to something before he came on the set.”

  “You might be right,” Jessie said. “He’s always complaining about Claire having the largest part. Maybe he’s trying to get her fired so that he can take over her lines.”

?But how could anyone have had enough time to switch the rings?” Violet asked. “Mr. Fambles said that he had the ring with him until he gave it to Claire to wear.”

  “Wait a minute,” Jessie said. “Didn’t Bob ask Claire if he could look at the ring this morning?”

  “He did!” Violet said. “He walked over to the door with it. How could we have forgotten?”

  “I remember now,” Henry said. “He said he wanted to look at the ring in the sunlight.”

  “Maybe he hid the ring outside,” Benny said.

  “I don’t think he had it long enough to do that,” Jessie said, “but we can look around out there.”

  The children searched around the front of the museum.

  “It’s not out here,” Henry said.

  “Maybe Bob was holding the fake ring in his hand the whole time,” Violet said. “Then all he had to do was pocket the real ring and give Claire the fake one.”

  “I think you’re right,” Henry said. “He was the only one besides Mr. Fambles and Claire to have the ring.”

  “Didn’t Bob say he was meeting someone at the little cafe down the street?” Jessie asked.

  “Yes,” Violet said.

  “Let’s go see who he’s meeting,” Jessie said. “Maybe that’s the person who has the real ring.”

  The children hurried to the cafe. They went inside and looked around for Bob.

  “There he is,” Henry said, pointing to the corner booth.

  “And he’s with Claire’s agent,” Jessie said. “The man with the red hair.”

  “I don’t think he saw us,” Jessie said. “Maybe we can sneak into the booth behind them and hear what they’re saying.”

  The children slipped into the empty booth.

  “Looks like this little event will wrap everything up, Nolan,” Bob said. “I don’t think Claire will be able to talk her way out of this one.”

  “Good,” Nolan said. “We still have time to close that deal in California. We can make a lot of money if we can get Claire LaBelle for that role.”

  “Do you think she knows what’s going on?” Bob asked.

  “Of course not,” Nolan said. “She would never suspect that I would try to get her fired. Claire would never break a contract. But I don’t mind doing it for her if the price is right.”

  “Great,” Bob said. “What do you want me to do with the ring?”